
If I could have

Maybe Leo really did want to yell at Ryan, but he knew he never would. He had been angry... hurt... maybe he still was. But perhaps he was now more upset with himself than Ryan. Maybe it was a mirror he needed to yell at, not her.

Ryan's final words strike down deep, and Leo stares at her through the rain, seeing that she was now getting soaked too. He hadn't meant to have this conversation... he hadn't meant to drag her out here in the rain, or upset her too.

"But if I could have changed who I was... I might not have lost you." His words were almost too quiet to hear through the rain. Holding up his arms, he lets them drop to his sides in defeat. He would never be the man Ryan wanted. They were just too different.

Turning around, Leo goes back into the garage, ignoring the strange looks from the other guys. Going to the car he'd been working on, he shuts the hood, done for the day. It wasn't scheduled to be done until tomorrow anyway.

Axel eyes the scene from his corner as he cleans a tool with his rag. He looks to Leo, then over to Ryan, wondering about the short confrontation. Nobody liked the tension that had been around the garage ever since those two had broken up, but Axel wished for their sake, more than for the others, that this issue would be resolved. Otherwise, he feared one of these days, Leo wouldn't be back to work here.

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