

The subject of flying brings a new twinkle to Hunter's eye. Whether this was the real him, or the guy back in Nevada was the real him, he did love to fly. And he was happy that Katie liked it too.

Giving Katie a returned squeeze, he starts walking with her again, his arm still over her shoulders... and liking it there. There really was something special about her. She was so different than anybody else he knew. She had her problems... she was going through a tough time... and yet... she had a big enough heart to care about him at the same time. And that was something to be appreciated and respected. 

The rest of the walk back into the ranchyard was quiet, but Hunter was okay with that. He was just as glad that nothing more was said about his character, although the only bad part was that his mind had way too much time to wander now. He tried not to let it though. He was here to clear his head, not clutter it with unwanted thoughts. 

Nearing the buildings, Hunter pauses their steps to finally let Katie go. "I better get myself cleaned up a bit before supper... I'll find you shortly, okay?" Brushing her cheek with a finger, he winks before backing away and finally turning to head to his bunkhouse. 

"Oh, Katie, there you are." Eric wanders out of the barn while coiling up a leadrope. "Every time I see you I forget.... Jason called earlier today. Said he got your text and he was glad to hear your dad was gonna be okay."

How come Misty could read him so well? It didn't seem fair, and Alec felt just a little lower for trying to lie about his hunger. He just hadn't wanted to bother her anymore was all. It was getting late and he didn't want to keep her from bed or anything.

Following her silent order to follow her, Alec obeys tucking his throbbing hand close to his side. Watching her warm up the pizza and wings, his stomach finally growls, as if giving him its own reminder not to neglect it.

Leaning on the kitchen counter and listening, he tries to figure out where she's going with her train of thought. When she gets there though, he can't help the look of surprise that crosses his face. Barely noticing the food that's set in front of him, he just stares at Misty for the longest time, truly shocked she would offer something like that.

"I... I don't know what to say," he admits. Swallowing, he finds a lump has risen in his throat. Behind his eyes burned the heat of unexplainable tears that for some reason wanted to fall - it was a confusing and disliked feeling.

He'd only been there a few days. How could Misty trust him this much? How could she offer him this much? How could she go out on a limb for him like this? It just didn't make any sense at all. He was worthless. A troublemaker. Yet she was trying to help him out even more? Why?

Still staring at her, he shakes his head slowly. "I just don't understand why you're doing this," he responds quietly. "I know you said I'm family but..." He shrugs lamely. "I don't deserve to be here at all, let alone be able to... to stay."

Lack of a Connection

Misty rolls her eyes and stands throwing the rest of the bloody items in the garbage. If Alec's hadn't hurt his hand she would of wackes him over the head.

   "First rule about living here....don't lie. Nothing ever good comes out of it. No matter what its about, how mad someone will get, or how it might them lieing will only make it worse. Got it?"

Washing her hands at the sink Misty drys them before heading out of the kitchen and motioning for Alec to follow. Reaching into the fridge Misty pulls out the pizza box along with some of the wings. She was happy Alec was here of these left overs would just go to wast. There was no way she could eat it on her own.

   "So I was thinking, if we can get that old shed out back cleaned up, some of the fixtures fixed we would turn it into a little apartment. There is a little bathroom in it already, and a kitchen. When we moved in I think at one point it had been used as a shop of some sort. Anyways its not being used now and its a shame to let it go to wast."

Placing the pizza onto a plate and popping it into the microwave. Turning and leaning on the counter she looks at Alec. Today she had, had a great day and she had done a lot of thinking before going out. She just couldn't help her good mood seemed to flow over.

   "I figure since I can't give you the extra bedroom because I'll need it for the baby, not to mention you might want you own place. We could fix it up for you. For now you can continue to work around here for me, and fix that up for yourself as well as payment and than once you get on your feet and find a job we can talk about rent. Sound like a good idea?"

Taking the plate from the microwave Misty sets the steaming plate down in front of Alec with a smile. She liked having him around and was not in a hurry to get rid of him. She wanted him to know he could stay as long as he wanted to because it didn't bother her one bit. It was rather nice knowing there was a man close by in case anything was to happen.

Giving another smile to Hunter Katie just lets the conversation move on. She new it was probley a hard think to swallow what she said and some times she opened her mouth when she shouldn't but what she said was meant to be more of a complement than anything else.

   "Well now we can't have that can we...than we wont be able to fly anymore."

Tightening her arm around Hunter a little more in a hug Katie starts to walk again. There was something, maybe it was the only thing about Hunter she couldn't put her finger on but there was something that made her like him, but much different than she had with Jason. Maybe it was the lack of a connection with Hunter so for the first time she got to feel what a normal person would feel.

The thought in a way was sad but at the same time it wasn't because it made her feel that much different about Hunter and where they were headed. All she new she enjoyed his company, liked how he made her feel and felt safe.

Churned Up

Just an accident? Was that all it was? How come he made so many of them though? He didn't mean to feel guilt about everything, he just... did. He felt as though he didn't have an ounce of pride left, and in some ways, he didn't care either. Without the one person who had made him feel alive... what was the point? Maybe it was he that was an accident. Maybe he never should have been born in the first place and he was just destined to live like this, feeling as though nothing was really worth it anymore. 

Swallowing hard, he just remains quiet, taking in Misty's little lesson about making his own choices. The only problem was that he was always making the wrong ones, even when he thought they were right. He'd thought he'd been right when he'd tried to protect Ryan - and now he saw it was the worst decision he'd ever made. So how was he ever supposed to know? Again, he doesn't respond, but sits quietly as she finishes with his hand. He nods numbly at her instructions, knowing he'd do his best to do what she said - he didn't want to ever feel like he had when he'd had that infection before.

Misty's question about supper automatically sends a hunger pain through his stomach and he looks at the floor. "No... I guess I was too tired," he answers lamely. Why he felt so down tonight, he really wasn't sure. It was as if the pain in his hand had gone straight to his heart for some reason, and the depression had returned like a tidal wave. "I'm not really hungry." 

Stopping with Katie, Hunter isn't sure why she'd halted, but her smile keeps him there as his arm still rests over one of her shoulders. He wasn't sure what he'd though she might say, but her words are not what he expected. They were... deep. Cutting almost. And in a way... it was sobering. 

Hunter doesn't withdraw, but his eyes flicker as his emotions try to build walls that he didn't want to have between himself and Katie. She was exposing the bare truth - a truth which he  rarely admitted even to himself. It was almost frightening. Katie was a woman who had figured him out... who had weighed him and come to a conclusion that perhaps he hadn't yet... or hadn't wanted to. She liked him as he was now... not the rowdy trouble-maker he'd left in Nevada. But he'd accepted that other side of himself as part of who he was... as who he wanted to be. Yet Katie was not just informing him of his mask - she was taking the liberty of pulling it off herself and exposing him, whether he wanted to be or not. And he felt... as though he wanted to hide. It was confusing though, as part of him wanted desperately to embrace what he knew to be the truth that she spoke.

Taken off guard by Katie's gentle kiss, Hunter blinks, finally a little smile returning. She was... soft... timid almost but confident enough to have made that move. And it took the edge off the confusing emotions she'd just churned up. There was a bit of him that would like to pull her closer right about now and return the favor of a kiss. But he didn't want to ruin this moment either, so he refrains. "You're pretty amazing, you know that?" 

He cocks his head. "I'm rather honored to call you my friend, too." It was just as well that he could move on from the topic of himself and who he really was. Keeping the focus on Katie was more comfortable for him. 

Smiling, his hand tugs the back of her hair. "Your only problem is that you pay me way too many compliments. My head won't fit in my helmet anymore if you keep it up."

Baby you

Continuing to work Misty stops once looking up at Alec as he apologizes and says he was sorry. He looked like a little kid about the age of five maybe a little older or younger. In a way it was pathetic though she would never say that.  She only hoped sooner or later Alec would bounce back.

   "You can stop being guilty about everything you do Alec. It was an accident and it happens, there is nothing to get down and out about like you are."

Looking down again and finishing up the last stitch Misty ties it off before throwing the needle in the garbage along with the extra string covered in blood. Hearing Alec make the comment about the liqueur Misty gives a small chuckle.

   "I'm not going to baby you. If you make a bad choose than thats on you Alec. You need to learn to make you own decisions and think about what goes along with it. However, that tiny bit is the last I have. Only other liqueur I have in the house is beer and thats for when guest come over because I sure can't drink it at the moment."

Turning back to the first aid kit Misty pulls out some more gaze pads and some tape. Wrapping his hand on might think he had more than just a cut on his palm but she wanted to make sure no dirt or anything else got into the cut. The last thing she wanted was him to get a bad infection like he had once more. 

   "There you go. Just make sure you keep it clean and you should be ok. In a few days we will see how its healing and take the stitches out. Did you eat anything yet? I think there is left over pizza still."

Giving a laugh Katie shakes her head a little bit as she gives Hunter's back a pat before returning her arm around him. At this point she didn't want to let him go and she was happy she wouldn't have to force him to stay. Though in her mind she new he'd like it here there was still that fear that maybe, just maybe this would of been to country for him.

   "Ha, regret is for the things to do not like, or enjoy. You sir are suck with me having no regrets and the pleasure of me not having to tie you to a tree to keep you here."

Drawing silent Katie thinks about Hunter's previous statement. Did she really make him feel special? Just being herself, normal it was enough for someone to enjoy. Hearing that made her feel pretty good.

Stopping but still keeping her arm around Hunter Katie looks up at him and gives a soft smile. He really made her feel good too. Like she had worth, that there was something special about her and she was thankful for that.

   "Hunter, you are special to me, so you should feel that way. When I first met you, you were just a trouble making who liked to flirt...but since I got to spend more and more time with you there is something deeper. The trouble maker I met wasn't you, it was a mask, a front to hide the pain. I know because thats what I got too. This though, you being here, you caring, smiling, laughing, and just being you...thats the real Hunter and it is so special."

Leaning up Katie comes in a little closer to Hunter and gives him a soft kiss on the lips. Pulling away her smile remained and her eyes twinkled. Maybe this was her way of say thank you that words just could not convey.

   "I am proud, and honored to call you my friend."


Though Alec hears Misty come home, he wanted to try and clean up before she saw him, but it doesn't quite work that way. He was still bleeding too much to move, and by the time he decides he better say something so Misty knows he's here and alive, she's already found him.

Opening his mouth to respond, he doesn't even have time to before Misty had kicked into doctor mode and is telling him what to do. Clamping shut again, he just does as told, holding the gauze pads to his palm. Under the sink - why hadn't he looked there? Now he felt even more stupid.

When Misty returns with the bottle of liquor, Alec's eyebrows arch. He didn't think there was anything like that in the house, being pretty sure Misty didn't drink, and having thought Carson wasn't the drinker he used to be. He wasn't going to complain though. Taking a good swig, he cringes as it burns on the way down... but it felt good.

Gritting his teeth as Misty continues to work, he focuses on the wall, shutting out the pain. "I cut it on something when I was cleaning the shed. It was okay 'til I tried to clean it and I must've tore it open more or something, I don't know."

Handed back the bottle, he takes another swig. "I was trying to take care of it so you wouldn't be bothered..."

Finally daring a glance at Misty's work, he winces but doesn't flinch. She sure know what she was doing, her fingers moving with precision, working around the blood to sew up the small but deep wound.

"Sorry." His apology is quiet. "I'll try to be more careful."

Fingering the bottle, he really wanted another sip, but he sets it aside on the bathtub instead. "You better not tell me where you keep that," he mentions softly as his eyes drift to the floor.

Hunter gains a new smile as Katie pulls him a little closer. Her words bring a little color to his cheeks and he gives her a little nudge with his shoulder. "Hey now," he chides with the hint of a low growl. "Careful or you're gonna make me feel special here."

Chuckling and letting go of Katie's hand to put his arm around her shoulders instead, he keeps walking while leaning over to kiss the top of her head. "You're gonna have a hard time getting rid of me now, ya know," he teases. "You may come to regret asking me here."

Pain Killers

Heading home Misty does her best to keep her mind on the road but its hard not to think about the night, and Jason. They had something special going on here, and even if it only lasted a day Misty was glad. Something in the back of her mind though told her this was not the only day and the end. This...this was just the start.

Getting home and seeing some of the lights on Misty new that must mean Alec was still awake. Entering the house Misty sets her keys and purse on the table in the hall.

   "Alec, I'm back."

Heading down the hall and to the kitchen Misty pokes her head in. Not seeing anyone she goes to the living room but it was still empty. Seeing the bathroom light shining through the open door Misty heads down the hall again. Giving a little knock she enters.

   "Alec...are you in here? Is everything ok?"

Seeing some of the bloody towels on the counter Misty's heart starts to race a little as she steps in farther to the bathroom. Seeing Alec sitting on the tub and a small pool of blood below him Misty doesn't even skin a beat coming over to him.

Taking his hand in her own she removes the paper tows to look at the deep wound. Seeing how deep it was and knowing he had, had a previous injury to that hand Misty is quick to take action. Turning around to under the kitchen sink she pulls out a first aid kit. There was a few things inside she would need but not everything. Taking out some gauze pads she rips them open and than press them hard to his hand before standing.

   "I need you to hold that there very tightly even if it hurts ok. I'll be right back."

Leaving the bathroom and going to the kitchen quickly Misty opens the cubord pulling out a bottle of liqueur. Moving to another drawr she pulls out a package needle and some thick thread. Returning to the bathroom she sets the items down before handing the bottle to Alec for him to take a drink.

   "For the pain. I am going to have to stitch it up so it stops bleeding and so it doesn't get infected. I don't keep pain killers in the house though so thats gonna have to work. How did you get this?"

Continuing to work and prepare things Misty takes the bottle back from Alec pouring a little of the liquid over the needle to make sure it was extra clean, and than pouring it over the cut as well. She new it would hurt like no tomorrow but it had to be cleaned before she could stitch it up.

Handing the bottle back to Alec Misty sets to work keeping his hand still on her knee with part of her arm and using her free hands to start stitching it up.

Hearing the slight hesitation in Hunter voice Katie looks to him studying his face for a long moment as they walked. She couldn't help but this that maybe there was more than what he was saying. He had everything he wanted, but no one had everything they wanted and it was just look longing look in his eyes that proved that there was some dreams even if he didn't want to talk about it.

Letting it go for now Katie new maybe it was a sensitive subject thinking about to when she first met Hunter. From what she new he and Kyle had been pretty good friends but that night there were not two friends standing there. They were so far away from that it was such a cold look in there eyes.

   "Nobody has everything they want. There are always desires in our hearts, just sometimes...we don't like thinking about it."

Continuing to walk and hearing Hunter's comment about her being a true friend Katie can't help but smile even more. Pulling Hunter a little closer to her he really did make her feel good and it was nice to know that someone really though she was worth something.

   "It makes me feel good to hear you say that. You've been a pretty great friend since we met, you mean a lot to me...so thanks for showing me there are people who still care."

So Much More

Misty's kiss was lighter than expected, but Jason rather liked it. Maybe she really was okay with a bit of softness and not all rough and tumble. Maybe she really was okay with the way he was.

Returning the kiss just as lightly, he smiles as she pulls away. "Yeah... you'll see me." Would they make plans together for lunch or supper again? Probably. But he'd wait until tomorrow.

"Goodnight, Misty." Waiting until she was in her own car and driving away, Jason follows her out of the lot before turning the opposite direction to go home. This had been one... good evening. It had been a long time since he'd felt like this, and it was extremely encouraging as far as his emotions went. He really was feeling a lot more now - or feeling the same but recognizing so much more. Had it taken someone new to help him recover, or would he have been able to get this far with Katie? Now he wondered... and he'd never know.

Arriving home, Jason is greeted with enthusiasm by Trooper and spends a little time with him before sacking out on the couch for a while. He was tired, but not yet ready for bed. His mind was still too full.

As the TV drones, he finds himself looking down at his scarred hand. That had been Katie's hand, belonging only to her. But... not anymore. The scar was just a scar and nothing more. No more pain. No more destruction. It had been made soft tonight. Was this just one evening of forgetting loneliness for a little while? Or when he walked into work tomorrow, would he be greeted with that same sparkling smile? Would Misty's hand rest in his again, feeding him the emotions he'd been longing to feel? He wondered. And... he had a feeling that this was only the beginning.

Smiling to himself, he hugs a throw pillow to get comfortable, turning his focus back to the late night show on TV.

There. Alec finally had the folded paper towel taped to his palm. Why it had been so hard this second time, he didn't know, but he felt like somewhat of an idiot. Cleaning up the bathroom sink the best he can, he stuff the bloody paper towels down further in the waste basket, hoping Misty wouldn't notice. He didn't need to burden her anymore with worries about him. That was the last thing he wanted to do. By morning, it should be better anyway, and he'd ask if there were any bandages in the house.

Shuffling to the kitchen in his bare feet, he gets a glass of water to drink then aims back for the living room. Just as he reaches the couch though, he feels something wet and looks down at his hand, only to discover that the paper towel was soaked through.

"No!" Growling in total frustration, he went back to the bathroom sink once more. This was ridiculous! When he'd cut his hand in the first place, tying a rag around his hand had done the trick, and now nothing was working to stop the bleeding. Had he torn it open more when cleaning it? Was that why it wouldn't stop now? He didn't know, but it was making him mad, and the madder he got, the harder it was to know what to do or get his fingers to work well enough to do anything anyway.

Throwing away the makeshift bandage, he sits on the edge of the bathtub and uses his thumb to put pressure on the wound. Maybe if he held it long enough, it would eventually stop or at least slow enough to attempt another bandage.

Hunter smiles as he walks, returning Katie's squeeze to his hand. He did find her answers interesting though - particularly the one about her mother. He knew her mother had died quite a while ago... she must be thinking a lot about the past to have that wish come up like this. And absolution? Another interesting one. She was a deep thinker for sure... she was deep in many ways, as Hunter was discovering.

"Me?" He chuckles and shakes his head. "I dunno." Or... perhaps it was that his true desires hurt too much to say out loud.

"I guess I've got most anything I want." Oh but there was so much more to it than that. There were so many pains he wanted healed. So many hurts he didn't want to feel anymore. So many questions he wanted answered. So many dreams he dared not voice.

Realizing his eyes had been glued to the ground, he glances to his side and gives Katie a new grin. "Not that long ago, I mighta said I wanted a true friend... but I think I've found that one already."