

Standing up Thirteen places a soft kiss on Ryder's lips not continuing with the conversation. Though she could argue more about this she had said what she wanted so now it would just lay at that.

"Get some rest sweety, I'll be here when you wake up."

Still holding his hand Thirteen slips to the chair that sat next to the bed. Taking the small book from her purse Thirteen opens it and starts to read. Slowly but reading it non the less. Now was a good time while Ryder was asleep.

Rayne can't help the laugh that escaped her lips at Phil's comment of drooling. Not saying anything for a moment she looks out the window just taking note to where they were trying her best to remember so she new her way around a little more.

Finally turning and looking to Phil again she gives a nod Sunday sounded great to her but she had another question on her mind too..and hoped it wasn't to bold.

"Maybe...I could go to church with you and than afterward we can just stop by my house to get the food and than come to the lake."

Rayne's voice heald much enthusiasm like she really did want to go to church with him. She was trying to look for one she liked and knowing someone there made it a little easier.

Not the time

Ryder listens, seeing now just how much she did worry about him. He wished she didn't. He didn't like it that she had any worries at all. But he didn't want to quit his job... he liked it and he didn't fit anywhere else.

"Animals aren't as dangerous as people like to make them out to be," he defends quietly. "But I'll be careful - I always am." Now was obviously not the time to bring up the offer he'd received a couple days ago. Breaking that to her would be interesting to say the least.

He gives her hand a little squeeze and closes his eyes again. He really did want to know what had happened with Sheba, but it looked like he'd have to call after Thirteen was gone, lest she get upset again. "Stop worrying... I'm not going anywhere, okay?"

Tugging on her hand, he looks back up at her. "Now give us a kiss before I fall asleep." He could feel himself growing drowsier and drowsier. He didn't want to sleep, but it would make time go faster.

"You're making my mouth water just thinking about it," Phil confesses with a grin. He wasn't just enthused about the food though - he was pleased Rayne wanted to do anything with him at all, let alone so readily.

"How about Sunday then? I got church but... maybe if I pick you up afterward and we can have a late lunch at the lake?"

Seeing Destiny drift off to sleep, Chance stands quietly and heads out of the infirmary. He would be gone several hours before returning to sit in the chair again and wait until the next time she woke.

Not for me

Coming closer to Ryder Thirteen sits down on the side of the bed, a few tears still rolling down her cheek. She'd lost so many things while living with the Agency, life, and now she new what she had missed and how it felt. Thinking about losing Ryder brought those feelings back and she hated them.

"I'm not going to take anything away from you, its not for me to do that. I've spend all my life having people rob me of life, joy, happiness I know how it feels and I would never do that to someone else. You helped me feel all those things again, and I know what I missed out on. You put the smile on my face and the joy in my heart. I just...wish you would take care of yourself. I might trust you will be ok but..."

Thirteen points to his leg and lets out another sigh.

"...even if this doesn't always happen it still happened. Your not invincible...those animles are dangerous...just...just be more careful next time."

Thirteen hated Ryder worked where he did with those animals and how everyone though he was so great with them though she'd never say it. Accident's happened, this episode with his leg proved it. So when would an accident happen that took him away from her?

"Well I have Wednesday, ans Sundays off. It's always the same unless I request other days off. So one of those days would be great, and I agree too going with someone would be better."

Looking to Phil again and giving a smile the wheels in Rayne's head turned. Maybe God had, had this hole thing planned. The bumps, the bruises...it was his will for her to find Phil. He was so nice, and seemed to love God just as much as she did.

"I could pack a picnic luck for us too if its around lunch and dinner as well. I make some real good peach pie and home made subs."

Destiny gives a little nod as her head sinks back into the pillow. She felt so tired from the meds Rick had given her. Really she'd like to just go home today but she wouldn't fight it she new at least on day here to have a eye kept on her would be good.

"Yeah, just a...little sleep. Hurry back."

Leaning her head against his a little to place a returned kiss on his cheek Destiny leans her head down again and lets it sink into the pillow letting her eyes fall close. In no time Destiny was sound asleep again her mind off in dream world.

Don't take this away

Chance forces another smile to the surface, though there was much more that laid behind his eyes. "I shouldn't have let you get hurt at all," he reasons. "You shouldn't have to go through this too."

Sighing, he runs his thumb over Destiny's hand. "You just get some more rest, okay? We can go back to the house tomorrow and start getting your life put back together again."

Reaching up, he brushes aside a lock of hair from her face before leaning in to kiss her cheek. "I'm gonna leave you for just a little bit, then I'll be back."

Phil laughs. "It's not hard to get to the lake - I could give you directions, but going together might be more fun anyway."

Turning down another street, he continues the drive to where the car was for sale that he'd seen. "Got any days off this week? Weather's supposed to stay nice for a while..."

He lets the invitation hang in the air, not sure if Rayne felt comfortable doing something so soon or not. She seemed to be relaxed, but he didn't want to impose on her or make her think he was after more than just finding a new friend.

Ryder grits his teeth, fighting the urge to lash out at Thirteen. He knew in his head she didn't deserve that, but he was in pain, tired and whatever medication they were giving him was putting him even more on edge.

He hated seeing tears in her eyes - it made him feel awful. But he didn't want to feel awful. He loved his job. He loved what he did - it was a piece of home to him. Thirteen never had understood that and maybe she never would.

Lying back into his pillows, he closes his eyes, trying to stay calm. Taking a deep breath, he finally looks back to Thirteen and stretches out his hand. "Come here," he prompts softly.

Pulling her closer to the bed, he kisses her hand and looks up at her with an apology. "I'm sorry I scared you. This was a rare occurrence. Someone told me the tank was empty and I should have checked it myself anyway. It was my fault and I won't let it happen again."

His eyes plead with her. "Don't take this away from me... please. I know you worry but... you're just gonna have to learn to trust that I'll be fine."


Thirteen couldn't help the small annoyed feeling that grew inside of her as JT and Ryder go back and forth. She wish Ryder would just slow down and take care of himself, and be thankful he was alive at all.

As JT turns to her and makes his comment about Ryder's accent Thirteen grins and gives a nod. Her voice a little softer not really knowing who JT was.

"Uh huh...and its hot too!"

Turning back a to Ryder Thirteen backs up a few steps at JT gets right in his face. In a way she was kind of happy JT was making him stay. Knowing Ryder if he didn't he'd over dew it and be back again anyways. One the same hand though she hopped she could stay too. She'd never been in the house before without him.

Once JT was gone and Thirteen turns back to Ryder. About to say something she is cut off by his worry of the croc. Feeling her frustration grow again Thirteen can't help the tears that pool in her eyes.

"Can't you just worry about yourself and not that animal for a second. Your whole leg could of been take off or worse she could of bit you somewhere else and killed you. Than what would I do huh?"

Thirteen swipes her eyes with her hands to take the tears from her face. Just the thought of Ryder getting injured more than he had was a nightmare. He's been her safty since day one, and though she didn't NEED him to live, she wanted him there and if she needed to fall into someone she had him. She'd always felt so close to only him.

Thinking for a moment Rayne looks back to Phil and gives a small nod. Hvaing someone to hang out with would be nice. Cure the loneliness for sure, and Phil seemed really nice as well.

"I think that would be really nice. Than I wont get lost in who knows where."

Letting out a sigh and thinking for a long moment Rayne gives a nod as the smile on her face remand. Maybe this was the start to the friendship she had been looking for.

Locking her fingers with Chance Destiny gives a little smile her eyes feeling heavy again but not wanting to close them just yet.

"Thank you...for being here when I woke up, and for not letting anything worse happen to me."

Just squeezing his hand Destiny closes her eyes for a moment before pooping them open again. Some people would of been upset that Chance had left her, but he had went after the bad guys to chasce them away so at least he was still keeping her safe.

More worried about a croc

After fending off paramedics on the way to the hospital, arguing with doctors and nurses, fighting with doctors in the ER and finally being sewn up and put in a room, Ryder's spirits were less than joyful. His leg hurt more than he'd admit - and no wonder. He'd almost lost some of his leg from the deep bite - if the crocodile had torn instead of letting go, he'd be in much worse shape. As it was, the doctor was able to to repair what he could and put the stitches in place. Nerves and muscle had been damaged though, foretelling of a not-so-pleasant recovery.

Fighting to stay awake, despite the drugs, Ryder lifts an eyebrow as he sees Thirteen. Someone had called her. He's about to say something, when he received the whack to the back of his head, and he shoots her an annoyed look. "Ow! What was that for?"

Hearing her words of worry, he sighs, though still isn't happy. He can't help but give her hand a returning squeeze though. "Yeah, I'll be fine," he replies, a little disgusted. "They're making a big deal out of nothing. I've gotten bit before, and she wasn't trying to attack me - I just startled her. Hardy will be cheesed off when he hears about it and I'll get an earbashing but that's about the worst of it." He sighs again, ignoring the dull throb that went through his whole right leg.

"Well, Mr. Billings. Glad to see you're in your same chipper spirits."

Ryder turns to see Dr. Timble and his eyes narrow. "Tell me I'm going home today."

"Sorry." JT shakes his head and goes to poke a little around Ryder's leg to check the bandaging. "I put a lot of work into you today - I don't want to let it out of my sight yet."

"Aw, cods wallup. I've had worse."

JT smirks and looks to Thirteen, giving her a smile. "You have quite the personable fellow here."

Ryder growls in disgust. "I want to go home."

"Nope. Sorry." JT stands his ground. "You'll be lucky if I let you out on crutches in three days."

"That's a bunch of waffle," Ryder hisses. "I can leave whenever I want."

JT ignores him and continues to grin at Thirteen. "His accent gets stronger when he gets mad, doesn't it?"

Ryder takes a pillow and throws it at the doctor. "I want out!"

JT turns around, now finally annoyed. Nearing the bed, he leans down, his forearm pinning Ryder on the chest. He gets right down in his face, unafraid. "You want the zoo to cover this? Hmm? I could let you go and wait for you to come back in a week with an infection that will cause me to take your leg off from the knee down and send you the bills directly or - you can do it my way, get pampered for a while and not have to pay for it the rest of your life."

Ryder glares at him, but has no more to say. He knew he needed to follow the rules, lest he end up getting slapped with the bill because of some legal loophole. "Fine. One day."

"I'll check on it again tomorrow." JT straightens. "In the meantime, stay in bed and calm yourself before I give you a sedative." Turning to leave, he winks at Thirteen before heading out the door.

Ryder looks down at the blankets, misery written all over his face. "I need to call Dean," he mutters. "Find out how Sheba is. I don't know where I got her with the knife but I don't want them putting her down."

"Oh yeah, the lake's great." Phil nods. "I mean, it's not like one of the Great Lakes or anything... you can see the other side and all, but it's the biggest we got around here. Got a little man-made sandy beach on one side and a bunch of rocks that are nice to explore or just sit on. There's a lot of nooks and crannies around the water and there's a little ice cream place right by the parking lot too."

He grins and gives Rayne a sidelong glance. "We could go sometime. I could... show you around?"

"Hey... welcome back." Chance perks up a little and grins at Destiny, scooting his chair a little closer. "No bus... just a speeding bullet. You're gonna be okay though."

He takes her hand and gives it a squeeze of reassurance. "Rick did a good job... you'll be back to normal in no time."


Giving a nod of thank Thirteen was happy that Carson would let her go for the day. Going into the backroom Thirteen takes her apron and puts it into her locker. Taking out her jacket and wallet she slides it into her pocket along with the little prepay phone. She'd call a taxi to take her to the hosp since she didn't have a car.

...Not to much longer Thirteen was making her way down a hallway after getting directions from a nurse. This was a new surrounding and she wasn't sure if she liked it, but to get to Ryder she had to. Stopping outside the door Thirteen gives a knock before entering.

Seeing Ryder laying in the bed with his leg up Thirteen don't know if she is more worried or upset with him. If he wasn't always messing around with the dangerous animals this wouldn't have happened. Walking over him Thirteen gives him a whack to the back of the head as she looks down at him. Worry and fear coursed though her eyes.

"Now I've got to worry about you getting hurt again everytime you go to work more than I already do because you actually got hurt."

Letting out a long sigh Thirteen slips her hand into his giving it a squeeze she shakes her head a little bit.

"You an idiot you know that? But I love ya just the same. Are you going to be ok?"

Getting into the truck with Phil Rayne was happy he opened the door for her so she didn't have to make a fool of herself trying to do it on her own. Taking another sip of the drink than setting it in the cup holder Rayne draws silent as the scenery pass by.

Seeming to get lost in thought for a moment her attachen it brought back to Phil at his mention to the lake. It was a really nice day out, and great weather to be by any body of water.

"I've never been to the lake here. Didn't know how to get there, and like you it would be no fun to go alone. Is it nice?"

Maybe after getting her new car Rayne could venture out and try and find the like just to see what it was like. It might be a nice adventure even if she had to do it alone.

Shifting a little in the bed a shooting pain goes though Destiny's arm that causes her to stop moving and grown a little. She felt like she had been hit by a bus and for a moment she couldn't understand why her arm wouldn't movie, and it was in so much pain.

Opening her eyes and seeing Chance sitting in a chair not to far away Destiny slowly starts to remember what happened. They hadn't even be able to bury her parents because the Agency had tried to attack.

"Gah, I feel like I was hit by a bus. I had knock out meds for that reason."

Looking over to Chance again Destiny gives a small smile. She might feel like crap but she didnt want Chance to know she was hurting to much.


Carson knew Thirteen would be worried and tried to be as gentle as he could. She was doing very well at her job and learning new things, but Ryder was still her security. Any surprises or unexpected circumstances had yet to go over well, but Carson knew she was getting there. He readily agrees to her leaving early. "Yeah, sure, that's fine. Take whatever time you need."

Phil grins and shakes his head. "My truck has had so many meals eaten in it - I don't care if you bring your drink. Come on and I'll take you to see Tom."

Leading the way out to the pickup, Phil gets the passenger door for Rayne so she doesn't have to juggle her drink with one hand. Once she's in, he takes his place behind the wheel and pulls out into the street.

"Looks like a good day to head to the lake," he muses. "Used to go all the time with my brother and sister but... seems we don't have much time for that anymore and I don't much care for going by myself."