

Giving a nod of thank Thirteen was happy that Carson would let her go for the day. Going into the backroom Thirteen takes her apron and puts it into her locker. Taking out her jacket and wallet she slides it into her pocket along with the little prepay phone. She'd call a taxi to take her to the hosp since she didn't have a car.

...Not to much longer Thirteen was making her way down a hallway after getting directions from a nurse. This was a new surrounding and she wasn't sure if she liked it, but to get to Ryder she had to. Stopping outside the door Thirteen gives a knock before entering.

Seeing Ryder laying in the bed with his leg up Thirteen don't know if she is more worried or upset with him. If he wasn't always messing around with the dangerous animals this wouldn't have happened. Walking over him Thirteen gives him a whack to the back of the head as she looks down at him. Worry and fear coursed though her eyes.

"Now I've got to worry about you getting hurt again everytime you go to work more than I already do because you actually got hurt."

Letting out a long sigh Thirteen slips her hand into his giving it a squeeze she shakes her head a little bit.

"You an idiot you know that? But I love ya just the same. Are you going to be ok?"

Getting into the truck with Phil Rayne was happy he opened the door for her so she didn't have to make a fool of herself trying to do it on her own. Taking another sip of the drink than setting it in the cup holder Rayne draws silent as the scenery pass by.

Seeming to get lost in thought for a moment her attachen it brought back to Phil at his mention to the lake. It was a really nice day out, and great weather to be by any body of water.

"I've never been to the lake here. Didn't know how to get there, and like you it would be no fun to go alone. Is it nice?"

Maybe after getting her new car Rayne could venture out and try and find the like just to see what it was like. It might be a nice adventure even if she had to do it alone.

Shifting a little in the bed a shooting pain goes though Destiny's arm that causes her to stop moving and grown a little. She felt like she had been hit by a bus and for a moment she couldn't understand why her arm wouldn't movie, and it was in so much pain.

Opening her eyes and seeing Chance sitting in a chair not to far away Destiny slowly starts to remember what happened. They hadn't even be able to bury her parents because the Agency had tried to attack.

"Gah, I feel like I was hit by a bus. I had knock out meds for that reason."

Looking over to Chance again Destiny gives a small smile. She might feel like crap but she didnt want Chance to know she was hurting to much.

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