

Listing to Kip's voice on the other side of the phone Karla could tell something else was bothering Kip. She had been around him enough now to be able to hear the slight changed when he was in a good mood, or a bad mood.

Giving a small sigh that could be un-noticed over a phone Karla new if Kip didn't want to talk right now he wouldn't. When he was ready, or if his mood didn't seem to improve than she would ask him again what was wrong.

"Alright I'll let them know. I..miss you so yes later we can catch up for dinner."

Giving the best cheer she can to her voice and letting Kip go for now Karla just twirling the phone in her hand for a long moment. Finally slipping it into her pocket again she heads back into the other room taking her place on the couch once again.

Waiting for a small lull in the conversation she just thinks for a moment. Should she let the other know something felt wrong with Kip or was it just her own mind playing tricks on her. Maybe it was best to just let it be for now.

"Kip said he was heading back to the house. He just needed to clear his head and get some fresh air."

Misty could hear the little bit or worry and irritation in Carson's voice and she couldn't blame him. She new he didn't care for his brother and why should he. Alec had done nothing to even show Carson he has changed and as her husband he was just trying to keep her safe.

"Don't worry, if he pulls anything he'll have to deal with me, than you, and than his girlfriend. If he's that stupid he deserves it. I'll keep my guard up. Thanks Babe!"

Hanging up the phone with Carson Misty looks across the desk at Alec again and cocks her head a little bit. Was it a good idea to invite Alec over? She could handle herself, and Carson had given her the ok.

"He said yes, so I guess I'll see you back here around five and you can follow me over to the house. Is there anything that you don't like to eat?"

Giving another small smile Beth gives a nod before moving over to the box. Stopping for a moment she looks down at it before looking back up at Justin again.

"Lets go into the living room, it might be a little more comfortable."

Picking up the box and waiting for Justin Beth heads into the living room with him and sets the box down on the table. Sitting on the couch across from it she waits for Justin to sit down next to her. Letting out a long sigh and with a shaky hand Beth reaches out to the box and opens the top.

Reaching into the box Beth feels around for a moment without looking till she has a handful of pictures. Pulling them out and sitting back on the couch next to Justin she lays them in her lap and lets out a long sigh once again.

Finally lifting one of the pictures and looking down at it Beth just looks. In the picture were two young children playing in a sand box, and a man sitting outside helping build a castle. Giving a smile her eyes roam the picture for a long moment before looking at Justin and holding the picture up.

"This is Me, Sarah, and my Dad. We use to hand this sandbox outside. He build it himself for us."

Putting the first picture down Beth swallows a limp she could feel in her throat but continues on anyways. Going through several more pictures Beth continues to move on through them explain to Justin each one. Finally coming close to the end Beth pulls out another picture. It looked like a family photo. The two girls again, Beth's mom and dad once more all had smiles on there face.

"This was the last family photo we had taken...a month before....before everything changed."

Running her fingers lightly over the picture Beth had been doing so well keeping her tears inside till this point. But now seeing the picture, and the faces memories even more flowed back to her as tears started to stream down her face. Facing the past was easy, but coming to the reality was the hard part and Beth just couldn't keep her tears in.

Fiddling around with one of the shelf's in the shop Chuck works quietly. Today was a quiet day, and Anastasia wasn't around to chat with so fixing a few through around the shop was how he would fill his time.

Reaching for a tool Chuck stops as his ears pick up on some talking outside that did not sound friendly. Standing and looking out the window a little he spys the woman and the other man. Not sure what was going on he just stood there and watched. Finally realizing though she was being robbed Chuck was about to go help but continues to watch as the woman gave him a nice chop to the neck.

Blinking a little Chuck couldn't help this strange attraction to the woman he hadn't even seen her face yet. There was just something about her that seemed to click. Continuing to watch the woman as she walked into the shop Chuck couldn't stop staring the woman's looks matching what he liked already.

"Hi Welcome to Disc O Round...I saw what happened out there. Are you ok did you need me to call anyone for you?"

Picked the wrong day

As Kip walks, he hesitates before answering his phone. He knew he needed to though, so no one would worry or come looking for him.

Hearing Karla, he bites his lip and musters up a cheerful tone. "Oh, yep, sorry. I shoulda called. Everything's fine. I just decided to stretch my legs a bit."

His eyes remain on the sidewalk as his feet trudge wearily. For once, he didn't feel like walking off any energy at all. But it seemed the only route to take right now. "Just tell the others I headed back to the house. Grabbing some fresh air or whatever. I'll catch up to you later for supper or something if you want."

It was a little unusual that Misty would call him in the middle of the day, then hearing her reasoning, Carson furrows his brow. Stepping around the corner from the kitchen and stretching the phone cord, he finishes the call in the privacy of the hallway. "Alec... You want Alec over for supper while you're home alone?"

He was a bit surprised. She was smarter than that. "For family interaction?" He couldn't help the are-you-kidding? tone of his voice. He shrugs though. "I guess whatever you want," he relents. She was more sociable than he was, and he knew that sometimes what seemed foreign to him was really a better option that he just didn't see because of his introverted nature.

"Just be careful, ay? Brother or not, I don't trust or like him - you know that. But if you think it's a good idea, then go ahead." He did appreciate her checking with him first. Not that she needed permission to do things, but something like this, that she knew he'd be leery of... he was glad she'd asked. "I know you can handle yourself. Just don't let him fool you." Alec had already done that with Dani.

The sound of a clattering pan in the kitchen makes him jump. "I gotta go. Love ya, babe. I'll call you later."

Sitting and waiting for Misty, Alec tried to tell by the look on her face whether or not Carson had said yes. Surely he hadn't. The brute didn't like him any more than he liked Carson. Besides, even if Carson liked him, any man wouldn't appreciate his wife hanging out with a guy alone for dinner, right?

Still swiveling a little back and forth, Alec waits to see what would happen. Perhaps he didn't even realize that deep down, he wanted Carson to say yes.

Looking up at Beth from the table, Justin studies her eyes for a moment. He knew this was a big step for her. She'd had him over for another meal - that alone was a step. Now she would be taking another journey into the past and it probably wouldn't be easy.

He nods kindly. "Sure. I'm all yours." He smiles, waiting and unsure if they would remain in the kitchen or go to another room.

Quinn nods his enthusiasm. "Sounds great. Checking out the apartments and meeting up with you tonight."

Grinning, he finally digs into his food, only now realizing that he really was hungry. "Now... we just need to figure out a way to convince your uncle that I'm okay."

Heading down the sidewalk in a bit of a hurry, Susanne glances at her watch. She only had a few minutes of a break before Reese needed her back in the thick of the chaos, but she was bound and determined to get some fresh air. Though she hadn't had lunch yet, it wasn't food she was after, but a certain music CD she'd been looking for. It was a few years old and she hadn't been able to find it in any of the other stores, so the Disc O Round was her last resort. She didn't usually run personal errands on her work breaks, but today had been too stressful, so getting outside was what she needed.

Almost to the door of the little shop and right in front of the window, a young man coming from the other direction runs right into her, their shoulders crashing harshly. Susanne stumbles back, annoyed, only to feel her arm being grabbed.

"Give me your purse lady," the man hisses, "and I won't hurt you."

Susanne's annoyance turns into pure irritation and she glares up at the man without fear. "You've got to be kidding me. Trying to rob a woman on the sidewalk in broad daylight - you've got problems in your head. Now let me go."

The man's grip tightens around her arm and his other hand flashes a knife blade. "Give me your purse first," he demands.

"Oh, you really are stupid." Susanne might just be a secretary, but she was still Elite and had still been trained. "You picked the wrong day to mess with me." In no mood for games, Susanne wrenches her arm free and sidesteps to avoid the knife stab. Giving the man's stomach a swift kick then a nice chop to the neck, he doubles over in pain, the knife dropping to the ground. Still irritated, Susanne turns to give him another kick to the behind, sending him stumbling away from her before she reaches down to grab the knife herself. Waving it in his direction, she challenges him. "C'mhere, boy. You wanna keep this up?" She shouldn't have been surprised when he ran off down the alleyway.

Scoffing, she turns and throws the knife into a nearby trashcan. Brushing herself off, and tucking her hair back behind her ear, she huffs a frustrated sigh and continues her route past the shop window and to the door.

Entering, the little bell rings and she takes a look around, not sure where to start searching, especially with so little time.