
New Memories

Getting out of the car and slipping her sandles back on Nikki joins Pete to walk through the sand. It was nice, and it felt good. The breeze that rolled in from the water felt so good on her warm skin too.

"And I always though getting out of this two was what I wanted. After being gone though I realized what I had given up and might never get back."

Nikki looks to Pete for a moment giving a smile. She new he'd know she meant him. Her and Pete never dated, but she'd been close to him, and they use to spend hours just sitting and talking about hopes and dreams even if Lewis didn't want to. It was just something she couldn't find else where. Pete always had time for her.

"I'm happy I came back, and I'm happy you remembered who I was. Life just wasn't the same out there without my friends, and it just didnt seem like I could find anyone else I was close to."

Stopping with Pete before the water line for a moment she takes in her own breath of air. It felt good to be here, it really did!

"I know things can't be like they were, but maybe we can make some new memories now and spend some more time outside of work. I think it would be nice for sure."

Giving a nod to Justin that she understood Beth watched as he put the worm on the hook. Watching it squiggle all over the place, and get slim on his fingers she didn't turn away but rather just watched.

"Ok, I think I can handle that."

Casting and doing what Justin said Beth flips the bail. Sitting down on the ground she just looks out over the water. The sun reflected off of it and it looked so pretty.

Turning her head one way she watched the dogs for a long moment before turning to Justin again. Looking up at him as the sun dances behind him she squints her eyes just a little.

"I....I know a little bit about your mom like she likes to hook you up with random girls and she likes to make you sandwiches but...whats she like other than that?"

Some days it was harder for Beth to remember her own parents. It seemed so long ago that there voices seemed to fade, and there faces did too. She had pictures locked away at home in boxs, but she'd never found the courage to open them alone. Maybe Justin would look through them with her one day, and she could...make dinner?

Come to think of it

Justin stands back and watches Beth reel the fish in, glad to see her coming just a little further out of her shell. Watching as she took the hook out and threw the fish back all on her own, he was a little surprised. Most women would balk at touching a slimy fish, let alone taking a hook out. She'd done it well enough, he almost wondered if she'd fished as a child perhaps - beginners didn't usually know how to hold a fish properly once it was caught.

Having Beth return to him, he nods. "Yep, same way. But..." He holds up the empty hook. "I think we need some more bait."

Grinning, he goes to his pack and retrieves the carton of worms. Pulling one out, it wriggles around his fingers as he puts it on the hook, slime going everywhere. "Alright, there we go. Now you can cast. Just flip the bale after it hits the water and you can just sit and relax until that bobber goes under. If that happens, just give a bit of a jerk and that'll set the hook so you can reel in another one."

Remembering the kiddie pool, Pete throws his head back and laughs more. "I can't believe we did that. Well, maybe I can, but good grief."

Shaking his head, Nikki's next comment makes him grin. "I guess being the oldest had its advantages. To me though, you two were always equals no matter what the other kids said. Even when we were older, it was just... natural to hang out, ya know? Didn't bother me none."

Sinking back in his seat a little more, Pete grows quiet for a few minutes until he suddenly sits up straight again and gets out of the car. "The beach is calling. You coming?"

Waiting for Nikki to join him, Pete wanders off the pavement, through the narrow strip of grass and into the sand. Even though he had tennis shoes on, it still felt good to walk in the softness.

Partially tucking his hands in his pockets, he ambles forward, kicking at the sand a little as he walks. It was strange... having so many different memories flooding his mind... walking here with Nikki... he almost wonders if he might wake up and find it had been a dream.

Stopping before he reaches wet sand, he just stands as a cool evening breeze finally delivers them from the heat. "I remember after I graduated, I thought I would be thrilled to have more free time to myself and I'd come down here and fool around. But I'd usually wind up going home because it wasn't much fun without anyone else around." He chuckles. "Come to think of it, I really don't come down here all that often now, unless I have time for my jetski."

Taking a deep breath, he lets it out slowly, suddenly not knowing what to say next.

Let go!

Taking off her own seat belt Nikki raises herself up a little and sift sitting on the back of the seat. Slipping her sandles off so she would just dirt, mud and who knows what else on the leather of the car.

"Maybe someday we will have to take a road tip to the ocean and see that. I think it would be something I'd like to see too. The colors reflecting off the water and shearing there own dance."

Letting her eyes scan the tree line it was what they had, and it was so pretty. After being away it made Nikki realize what she had left behind and how much she really had loved it here and what she had lost when leaving.

As Pete replys the story of the hot dogs Nikki nods her head as a smile spreads across her face. While the story continues her laugh grows louder as tears roll from her eyes and her cheeks start to turn red.

"Oh...I never saw you move so fast, and Lewis was screaming or water, and I was trying so very hard not to laugh because the look on both your faces was incredibly funny. Ah...the ice cream was well worth it though."

Shaking her head and whipping her eyes Nikki thought it was funny all over again. Pushing her sunglasses on top of her head a little more. Leaning back so her hands were on the back of the car she leans back a little the smile on her face as her memories starts to turn.

"Or remember the time we had that kiddie swimming pool and hid out in my backyard so no one would see us and we filled it up and all three of us fit ourselves into it. We didn't care it was the best thing ever. My mom took a picture of that and I think we still have it at the house."

Nikki shakes her head at the memories again. It felt so good to remember, and a little bit of melancholy was there too but at least she was not alone remembering.

"We though we were pretty cool back than. Well maybe you were, and we had our sunglasses and would be following at your heels so we thought that made us cool too."

Seeing the bobber disappear on the pole Beth can only guess there is a fish on the other end. Shifting a little she trys to contain her excitement to see what was on the other end. Hearing Justin's offer for her to reel it in Beth comes closer to him and holds out her hands for the rod. This would be new for sure, but maybe it would be a little fun.

"Ok...I just hold it like this."

Taking a firm hold of the pole Beth starts to reel in the catch. Slowly she does it so the line wont snap having patients as the pole moves all over the place. Continuing to reel finally it pays off as the fish comes out of the water and to her.

"Ohh...he's a big one."

Bringing the poll to her Beth carefully takes hold of the fish and with her other hand she plays with the hook for a few moment getting it out of the fish's mouth. Putting the poll down Beth slowly moves to the water stretching her hand out so she wasn't to close but could reach she carefully put the fish back in.

"There ya go little guy."

Standing up and wiping her hands off on her pants Beth turns back to Justin before coming back to the poll and picking it up.

"Ok, how how do I do this one to cast? The same as the other?"


Pete chuckles as he turns on the engine of the car and puts on his own sunglasses. "Yeah... I think I'm happy about that, too."

Pulling out of the parking space, Pete watches for traffic then heads down the road, a little slower than normal. Conversation was kept at a minimum due to the wind blowing, but it felt good and the radio filled in the silent gaps. It wasn't all that uncomfortable though... in some ways, it felt to Pete like time had never passed. But maybe that's just the way it was with a good friend.

Finally getting to the lake, the sun was sinking lower in the sky but there was still some time left before it reached the horizon. Finding a parking space near the beach, it seemed to be a quiet day. Sometimes it appeared less and less people were coming, but that made it all the more enjoyable for the regular visitors.

Cutting the engine and taking off his seatbelt, Pete leans his head back and looks across the beach and out to the treeline where the sun would eventually disappear. "I always wanted to see a sunset on an ocean," he comments. "Where the sun touches the water instead of the trees."

Quiet again, a chuckle comes out of nowhere as Pete starts to laugh. "Do you remember the time we tried to grill hotdogs out here? The whole batch caught on fire and instead of using water and saving them, we just threw them into the sand." More laughter comes at the memory and Pete shakes his head. He'd been seventeen - the leader of the trio since he was oldest. Nikki had just turned thirteen and Lewis was just fourteen. They'd gotten the bright idea for a cookout one summer afternoon and it had ended at the ice cream shop after the hotdogs had been ruined.

Still grinning, Pete takes off his sunglasses, hanging them from his sun visor. "I don't think I ever did tell anyone else about that," he muses. "I was way too cool to admit to that blunder."

"Okay." Justin nods and goes to retrieve the other pole. Starting to reel it in so Beth could use it, the bobber suddenly disappears. Setting the hook, Justin realizes there's a fish at the end of the line and it felt like it was maybe a small bass or good-sized bluegill.

"Ooh, Beth, come here." He meets her halfway with the jiggling rod. "Here... take the rod and you can reel him in." Smiling, he offers her the catch. He'd already set the hook so it should be no problem. "Just hang on and reel it in nice and slow."


Nikki's grin grows even bigger and her cheeks were starting to hurt but that didn't stop her from doing it. It was nice, defiantly nice to be back and just being here now she new she had made the right choose.

Seeing the waitress come back with the boxes Nikki gives her thanks and takes one. Sliding her salad into the box and dumping the dressing on top of it. By time she got around to eating it she was sure it would be wilted but she didn't much care it will still taste the same.

"Mmm...the lake always has been the best place, and taking the convertible sounds even better to me."

Gathering her things up and standing Nikki gives a small and asks for a bag to put there containers into. Finally all set and down they were both on there way and Nikki goes to her own car locking the doors before heading over to Pete's car and hoping in. Taking her sun glasses from her purse she slips them on before looking to Pete.

"So many things change in life, but something...never change, and for that I happy."

Seeing the line go even farther this time Beth gives a tiny soft sequel excited that she had done it. Looking to Justin again she gives a smile. Fishing wasn't so bad. Hearing Justin's offer for the other pole Beth wondered if she might like that better it was more layed back.

"Yeah I think I will try that one. I might like it better."

A new feeling welled inside Beth. It was one she hadn't felt in so long that it was hard to figure out what it was. She was having fun..learning something new and she liked it.

Best place

"Sure." Justin had no problem helping Beth - it was rather fun having someone along fishing sometimes. And knowing that this might be helping Beth was a plus.

Still smiling, he helps Beth again, his hands sliding over hers, gripping ever-so gently and assisting in another cast, this one going a little farther than the last. "Aw, see? You're a natural."

Backing off a little, his hands slide on her arms before he's standing beside her, watching her reel in the lure. "If you want, I can set you up with a bobber and all you gotta do is cast once then wait until a fish takes the bait. A little less interesting but then you don't have to cast all the time."

Having Nikki rest her hand atop his, Pete looks down at it a moment before letting his thumb run her own for a moment. He hadn't really dwelt on it much before, but right now he realized just how much he missed having a close friend around. He had his coworkers at TJY and he was pretty close to Gunner and Con. But away from work, most of his time was spent alone or with people that weren't really great friends.

Nikki's suggestion brings his eyes back up and a grin creases his lips. Without answering her, he releases her hand to wave at the waitress. "Hey, uh... could we get a couple boxes to go?"

Looking back to Nikki, he gives a little shrug. "Best place for a sunset is the lake. We can take my convertible if you want."


Hearing about what happened with Lewis it made Nikki's heart hurt. They had both been such good friends, and hearing Pete was...alright, and Lewis was less than ok was sad. For a moment the look of sadness pass her eyes. Would things have been different if she had never left? Probably not but Nikki couldn't help but wonder anyways if she had been there for her friends if they would of fared well.

"I'm really sorry Pete. I can't imagine how it must have been for you guys, and now you dealing with your brother."

Reaching her hand across the table Nikki lays in on top of his. Giving him a small smile of comfort. She might not have been here for a long time but she still felt a close friendship with Pete and she was here now and wanted him to know that.

"I'll back sure to say an extra prayer for Lewis tonight, and you too. Time does suck but at least we have God in front of us to bring us together, and giving the most comfort of all when we need it."

Looking down at her own plate for a moment and than to Pete, she could still read his body language as she could before. He didn't look very hungry, and she wasn't all that much herself maybe some fresh air would do them good?

"You wanna get out of here and go for a walk or something? The sun is setting soon, we might be able to catch a good sun set."

Beth gives a little laugh as she continues to reel in the line. The mental image she got of Justin when the line snapped was quite funny.

Looking back over her shoulder at Justin for a moment she gives a small nod her words follow but before she talks she gets a whiff of something good. Not sure what is was she new it was coming from Justin and it was good.

"Can you help me one more time so I can make sure I am doing it right?"

Not as hungry

Pete had wondered if Nikki had a significant other in her life, but her enthusiasm to get together and hang out with him made him pretty sure she didn't, at least not right now. He remembered that day with the jetski and a laugh slips out, the twinkle returning to his eyes for just a moment.

Hearing about her search for her dad, Pete nods. He'd known when she was younger she'd had a desire to find him, so he wasn't surprised she'd pursued that.

Once the conversation turns back to him and Lewis though, Pete's gaze drops again. It was time for honesty, no matter how much it hurt. Sighing, he lets the pause lengthen for a few moments as he gathers his thoughts. His fingers pick up a fork to fiddle with.

"Lewis... has been an alcoholic for years now." Pete purses his lips and finally looks up to Nikki again, controlling the emotions connected to the subject. "Our mom, she... it wasn't an accident. We were visiting some needy folks in the bad part of town and she was shot in a driveby shooting. Both Lewis and I were there when it happened. She died at the hospital that same night."

Pausing again, his fingers continue to spin the fork in his hand. "After that, Dad went to pieces. I was on my own but Lewis was still at home and he didn't handle things well either. He struggled a while and I thought he'd come out of it, then I found out he'd started drinking. It got worse and Dad kicked him out of the house. He's been sharing a place with some friends of his ever since, but he can't hold a job for more than a couple weeks... he's in debt up the yingyang but any extra money he gets goes towards the next bottle."

Pete searches Nikki's face, knowing that this information might hurt a bit for her too. "I try to help him when I can, but it's hard. There's only so much I can do. Got him some help once, but a month after he was on the right track, he fell off the wagon again. And now... now I just see him once in a while when I'm off duty so I don't have to arrest him for drunken disorderly or disturbing the peace. And Dad... he moved back to Grandad's old place in Utah about three years ago."

The fork slips from Pete's fingers, clanging on the table, but he lets it just sit there. "I always knew God was somewhere there in that whole mess so even after I got in a bit of trouble there for a while, I came back around and have tried to stay on the right path since. Still going to the same church. Lewis though..." He shakes his head. "He hasn't seen the inside of a church since Mom's funeral."

Suddenly they're interrupted by the food coming and the plates are set before them with some light conversation with the waitress. Alone again though, Pete looks down at his sandwich. He wasn't as hungry now.

Looking to Nikki again, he forces a smile. "Time sucks. Sometimes I wish I was back in high school again. But... it's not so bad, ya know? Not for me, anyway."

Justin laughs, but not to make fun of Beth. "Don't worry. Sometimes I still forget what I'm doing. A couple weeks ago I tried to cast without releasing the bale. The lure snapped right off and went flying into the middle of the pond."

Once she's got the cast reeled back in, Justin cocks his head around her shoulder to see her. "Want more help or you think you got it?"

Trouble Making

Nikki can't help but give another laugh again. Studying Pete for another long moment she cocks her head to one side, and than to the other mapping him with her eyes, and remembering how he looked so long ago compared to now.

"I think now seeing it, you look better without hair. I like it anyways."

Feeling the sudden awkwardness at the table it didn't come as to much of a shock to Nikki. In a sence she figured it would be coming sooner or later since it had been so long so she was prepared for it.

Hearing about Pete's moment though her brain seemed to stop even though Pete kept moving. Nikki had always liked Pete's mom. She was a kind lady who raised her boys right no matter how much trouble they were in. She also though for sure Nikki would marry one of her son one day.

"Oh Pete, I'm so sorry about your mom. I had no idea. It's defiantly a good reason to get into the law enforcement though. Your mom would be proud."

Knowing he probably wanted to move on from that part of the conversation Nikki didn't blame him. It was probably hard to talk about that she understood.

Continuing to listen to him though Nikki can see a look in Pete's eyes and she knows life has probably been less than good even though his words didn't match. Why would be bother with the lie she didn't know other than for the sake of her not knowing life has sucked for him. But everyone's life wasn't so great sometimes and Nikki understood that.

"You still have the jetski? Man, I remember the first time I rode that thing I was scared out of my mind and Lewis took it up some jump they had set up. I never screamed so loud in my life. Maybe now that I'm gonna be around we totally should hang out more again and just have some fun."

Having the conversation come back to her once again Nikki she thinks for a long moment. Her life hadn't been great, but it really hadn't been bad either.

"Life has been alright. Went to school for nursing, and thats when I moved. Tried to find my dad a few times and failed. But the last time I looked I had found him. He'd started a new family though had a wife, four kids, and I turned around and walked away not wanting to bother him. I don't know why but just...I saw him in the backyard with the kids and he looked so happy I guess I didn't want to rune what he had to satisfy myself."

There really wasn't any pain in her eyes as she talked about her father but maybe a little sadness that passed quickly.

"And...now I'm back here. There is no place like home thats for sure. I missed it here and you guys. How that trouble making brother of yours?"

Watching Justin closely as he shows her how to cast Beth trys to remember everything so she didn't look to silly when trying to do it for the first time. It didn't look to hard but maybe she would have a hard time with the placement of her fingers.

Finally as the pole is offered to her Beth takes it trying to best to hold it like Justin had. Not expecting him to help her or put his arms around her Beth gives a jump but recovers quickly trying not to make Justin feel bad.

"Like this?"

Letting him place her hands where they needed to be Beth didn't try to fight though it felt strange having someone close to her, and feeling his hands on hers. They were soft, but rough from work at the same time and they felt warm.

Once everything was ready Beth draws the pole back and than shoots it forward. Not making it very far though she gives a side long glance to Justin before starting to reel it in.

"Of course it wouldn't go that far for me."

Returning Eli's kiss Scarlet gives a nod to him before getting off the bike running her hand over Eli's back. He was wearing his jacket but she new he's still feel it.

"Sounds good to me."

Sliding off the car with Alec Ryan gives him a grin at the sigh he was trying to play up. She new he'd be fine. Taking hold of his shirt though Ryan pulls Alec twords her and places a deep kiss on his lips for a moment.

"I may leave in a cloud of dust, but I'll always return to you in the same manor."

Taking a few steps back and shaking her head she gives a small wave before getting into her car and giving it a small rev.


"I'm sorry. That's rough." Pete really was sorry to hear about Nikki's mom - he remembered her as being very sweet and he could relate to losing a parent. It wasn't fun. It was a little surprising to him that Nikki was going to stay in town though. He wondered for how long and if she'd leave after her mom passed, but he didn't ask.

Ordering a beef sandwich, he turns back to their conversation, grinning at Nikki's last comment. He runs a hand over his smooth head. "Early receding hairline plus I no longer need a comb."

Pausing a moment, he nods. "Yeah... I took up the law enforcement thing a while back. Worked underground for a while until we were official and now we're the Elite. I, um..."

His eyes drift down as his fingers still play with his water glass. He didn't really know how to talk about this and even though he and Nikki had been close, it was a little awkward now. "I... wanted to do some good after... well, after the cops weren't doing their job when Mom was killed."

Pete's knee bounces under the table and he clears his throat, moving on very quickly, even though he knew that it was news to Nikki about his mom. "Anyway, life's been good." He shrugs, finally looking back up at her. Actually, it hadn't been so great aside from the Elite and he knew his eyes would betray him, but he spoke the lie anyway. "I don't get to go out and do as much as I want anymore, but once in a while I hit the lake with the jetski and remember all the good times we had out there." He didn't mention Lewis... not yet. Instead, he shifts the spotlight back to Nikki.

"What about you?"

Seeing that Beth was willing to take a shot at fishing, Justin gains back his broad grin. "Good. Come right over here..." He motions her to a place a little closer to the water but not as close as he would go since he knew she was still leery.

"Okay, this is the reel here, see?" Justin shows her the rod and reel. "This one's an open face, so it's a little tricky, but all you gotta do is flip the bale, hold the line with your finger like so, then take the rod back..." He demonstrates the first cast. "Send it out there and let go of the line... and watch 'er fly."

The line shoots in a gentle arc, sending the lure into the water with a quiet plunk. Justin looks at Beth, grinning. "Then all you do is reel and the bale snaps back on its own."

Reeling in the line again, Justin moves closer. "Now it's your turn."

Trying to get her hands situated in the right places was a bit awkward as Justin tried to make sure she was holding the rod correctly and finally he gives up his side position. Moving around behind her, he puts his arms around either side of her, being sure to watch her carefully to see if he was invading her space too much. If he was, he would back off. "Left hand goes here..." His hand moves hers where it should be. "Right hand on the reel.... no... there you go..." His fingers lie on top of hers, gently keeping everything in place while letting her do it herself at the same time. "Now you can cast."

Receiving Ryan's elbow, Alec smirks at her, but can't help his grin. He'd known that was coming.

Eli nods to Scarlet while he rolls his eyes. "That's him alright." He leans back a little, turning his head back over his shoulder to give Scarlet a kiss. "What say we get off this thing and take a look around? Race will start soon and we can meet back up here."

Alec looks to Ryan and sighs a dramatic sigh. "I guess this is where I watch you disappear in a cloud of dust again." He slides off the hood of the car. "Show 'em what you got."

Has to be the one

Getting to the little pond like they had before Beth wonders playing with the dogs for a moment but staying away from the water a little bit. She'd been here before but still she was leary of the water since she didn't know how to swim.

Coming back to the spot she had sat at before Beth doesn't offer to fish with Justin but just watches him. Finally as he turns though and offers her to try Beth stands again and slowly, carefully wonders over.

"I'm not sure what to do, but I'll try anyways I guess."

Hearing her brothers bike Ryan looks up and giving a grin still leaning into Alec. Her brother was harmless and new she wasn't stupid so for her his presence didn't change anything for her.

"Hey bro, happy you guys could make it."

Keeping her arms around Eli even after the stops Scarlet finally lets go of her hold. Dinner had been good, and coming to the races with Eli would be great as well. Taking her helmet off Scarlet lets her hair fall into place before running a hand through it. Looking to Alec and Ryan she gives a nod.

"Hey there guys."

Hearing Alec's comment Scarlet's smile grows a little more as she gives a shake of her head. Leaning into Eli again a little bit so he could hear her, her voice was laced with a little humor in the whole situation.

"He has to be the one you were telling me about."

Hearing Alec's comment herself Ryan gives a grin before elbowing him and giving him a look as she shakes her head and gives a grin of her own.

Looking across the table at Pete Nikki's smile never fades. It was great to be able to be sitting across from her friend again. Long time had passed, life had changed for them both she was sure.

"It sure has been a log time, to long. I guess that happens with growing up though."

Just watching Pete so many things run through Nikki's mind about the past. They had been so close, and enjoyed every waking moment together or pretty darn close. If she had been asked who her best friend was she wouldn't even have to think about it when saying Pete. It really had saddened her that they had lost contact over the year.

"Mmmm...I plan on staying. Mom took ill and she really needs someone to be with her now. She doesn't have much time left. I don't have the heart to put her in a nursing home. So I came back, and I'm going to stay with her. So that means we get to see more of each other again. That is when your not busy with your tiger."

Nikki gives another smile drawing silent for a moment as the waitress comes over. Ordering something to drink, and a light salad Nikki completed her own order, waiting to see if Pete was going to order anything and than starting there conversation again.

"So other than being part of the law now, witch by the way is totally not something I expected, and shaved head how's life been treating you?"

As on the wind

Looking up quickly as Nikki approaches, a smile forms on Pete's lips - one wider than earlier today. He was glad she'd shown up and wasn't offended about earlier.

Chuckling, he shakes his head. "Naw, we're good. I just had a tiger on a leash earlier and couldn't risk any mishaps. Sorry about that."

As she sits down across from him, his eyes follow her, just taking her in as anyone would who hadn't seen her in so long. "Wow, it's... it's good to see you." A thousand and one thoughts and memories pass through his mind... things he hadn't thought about in years. Nikki, his brother... the three of them hanging out... high-school when it wasn't cool to hang out with others not of your same age bracket but they did it anyway... graduation... late-night fun times at the lake... college when they saw less of each other but remained close. Pete and Nikki had never dated, though they'd been teased enough. They'd simply been good friends. Then it had all drifted away, as on the wind, thought to never be reborn again. In Pete's life, things had taken a turn for the bad until he'd found his way again, leading him to law enforcement. And Nikki? What had her life been like?

Pete's hands fidget with his glass of water and he laughs again. "You look great... and I have no idea what to say." He bites his lip a little, feeling awkward and relaxed at the same time. "It's been what... ten years or so?" So much life had happened to him since then... had it for her, too? Did she know about his mom or what had happened to his brother? He didn't know. "Are you just passing through or...?"

"Hmmm..." Alec pretends to think for a moment, then shakes his head. "I don't think you've ever told me that before."

Leaning closer, he gives Ryan another kiss, letting it linger on her lips as his fingers toy with her hair. Drawing back, the corner of his mouth quirks. "Sounds pretty good though."

He's just about ready to return for another kiss when a loud motorcycle engine revs as it pulls up near the car. Looking quickly, Alec tenses then relaxes, seeing it's just Eli and Scarlet.

Eli gives a wave and lifts the visor on his helmet. Though one couldn't see his lips, his raised cheeks prove he's smiling. "Looks like we got here just in time," he teases. Cutting the motor, he sits back with his feet on the ground and takes off his helmet where a black bandanna was keeping his hair in place. "Alec, you met Scarlet?"

Alec cocks his head as he eyes the woman. "Don't think so. I'm pretty sure I woulda remembered if I had."

Back on the road again, this time it's off to the fishing hole. Justin felt better after his quick shower and fishing was relaxing to him anyway, so this was good. It had been a long last few hours, but this was his reward.

Eventually they find their way back to the pond, through the grass and bramble and back into the clearing beside the water. Thought it was hot, the trees provided much shade and since the grass was kept mowed near the water, the insects weren't bad either.

Justin sets down all his tackle and scans the area, trying to decide where the best spot would be, and he chooses one pretty near, doing as he had before with one line and bobber and the other pole to cast and reel. Light conversation was interspersed between quiet moments, creating a relaxing and safe atmosphere.

The dogs ran around, barked and chased each other, having a great time and panting like crazy as they played. Justin didn't bother telling them to be quiet - to him, fishing was more than catching fish anyway and he enjoyed seeing the dogs have fun.

Once his line with the bobber is set, he picks up his other pole, but pauses, looking over to Beth. He wasn't sure if she just wanted to sit on a rock, play with the dogs or if she did want to try fishing. He holds up the pole. "Wanna try?"