
If you have to pee

Keeping her arms around Kyle Alice snuggled a little more under the blankets she didnt want Kyle to leave ether. She felt calm and comfortable with him here.

"Mmmm...well...you just stay right there than because I am comfortable too. If you have to pee in the middle of the night or something than you can leave."

Giving a little chuckle Alice keeps her arms around Kyle. Her eyes starting to shut, and soon she had drifted fast asleep with a smile on her face.

Pushing her own plate back on the table Cassy takes a sip of her water. Man had she really over eaten today but she felt so comfortable and everything tasted so good. It had been a while since she herself had, had such a good meal.

Knowing it was late Cassy new Leo would have to be going soon, though a part of her wished the night would not end. It was nice having someone to chat with, and just fill the empty space with company.

Giving a thoughtful nod Cassy cross her arms on the table leaning in just a little bit. Thinking for a long moment as a grin makes it's way across her face.

"You know I noticed that and I was going to ask, but since you mentioning it instead, if Leo's Hero repair service isnt busy sometime maybe you could take care of it for me?!"

Hearing the noise in the stalls Dan raises an eyebrow twords where Dylan was working. Though it was undetected Dan had been watching him not being able to help but feel a little bad for the young man. He new Dylan had gotten himself in trouble but he also new if not use to it Mick's harshness could be taken to heart to much.

Leaving his work for a moment Dan moves over to where Dylan was working and turns the wheel barrel up right once again. Starting to scoop what had fallen into the isle back into Dylan's wheel barrel. Looking down at him Dan gives a small smile leaning on his shovel for a moment.

"If you want I can show you somethings that will make this a little bit easier if you like."

No one wants to move lol

Kyle had already begun to relax, sitting here with Alice, and being so comfortable, his eyes have already drifted shut. "My pleasure," he mumbles in response.

Sighing deeply, he doesn't move. "I don't wanna get up," he admits groggily. "You're too good at being a pillow. It's not fair." He knew he should get back to his own bed now. Alice had helped calm his nerves and he'd gotten to say goodnight. But he just didn't want to move.

Just seeing Cassy laugh sent Leo into his own laughter, feeling utterly stupid but glad they could both laugh about it. When she's finally through, he nods, wiping a tear from his own eye. "Okay, I promise... no more unthinkable comments." He holds up his hand as if vowing. "We shall dine in peace."

And they did. While no more embarrassing remarks were shared, light conversation and more laughter was. Having started out just as little leery at first, by the middle of the meal, Leo was quite comfortable, enjoying the food and conversation. If he'd been home, it would have been a tv dinner and no one to talk to.

Sinking back in his chair as he's finished eating, Leo does his best not to belch too loudly - though competitions in the auto shop made for some hard-to-break habits. "I will say one thing for you Cassy... you do know how to cook."

He grins and takes a swallow of water. "Been a long time since I had chicken that good... thank you."

His watch ticked away on his wrist. The air became silent again as Leo's eyes were caught in a stare for a moment. He knew he couldn't linger all night, but it was warm and cozy in her apartment and his stomach was full. It made for a dangerous combination, making his mind a little lethargic and making him want to just stay a while longer before he left. "I noticed the eves above the door on the studio could use some work," he comments thoughtfully.

Knowing BJ was outside for a while and content looking for crickets, Mick just stays on the couch a while longer, enjoying Rosetta's company. His back hurt and there was a lot of work waiting for him outside, but these moments were getting rarer, and he didn't want to miss out on any more than he had to.

Kissing her back, he runs a hand through her hair, reminded of how soft it was. "I know it will," he replies quietly. "With God and you, I don't know how I could go wrong."

Though it hurt a bit, he shifts a little more so he can lie on his back and hold Rosetta on his chest. He sighs deeply, his heart thumping rhythmically. Just a few more minutes...

Dylan wipes the sweat from his brow with a gloved hand, hot, miserable, sweaty and tired. Stall number four and one to go after that. He could imagine though, that he'd be in here for the duration of chores... his father hadn't been messing around today and more than likely was going to squeeze all he could out of him.

Glancing out and down a ways, he catches sight of Dan and watches for just as moment. It was strange to think that that was going to be his brother-in-law. He felt too young for that. He thought his sister was too young for that too, but she'd always been a go-getter and he'd learned to stay out of her way once she set her mind to something. Whether it be in a week or five years, Dylan was confident that Jade would marry Dan just like she wanted to, with or without anybody's go-ahead.

Sighing, Dylan turns away from Dan to work some more, knowing he'd get in trouble for pausing if caught. Throwing another shovel full of manure into the wheelbarrow, he misses half of it, sending the soiled bedding into the aisle. Growling in frustration, he decides to go empty the wheelbarrow for now, even though it wasn't quite full. He needed the fresh air.

However, this stall happened to be just a little deeper and the extra shove it took to get the wheelbarrow back out into the aisle proved fatal. Dylan didn't have much practice with wheelbarrows, so once the weight started to shift, there was no stopping it. Soiled straw and manure go everywhere.

At his breaking point, Dylan can't stand it any longer. Giving a swift kick to the wheelbarrow does nothing but make his foot hurt and instead of cleaning up now, he leans back against the wall and slides his thin frame down to the floor, his knees up near his chest. He couldn't even clean stalls right. He really was a loser.

Funny Bone

Seeing Leo back away a little Cassy puts the plates down on the counter. About to go for something else in a draw Cassy stops as Leo takes her hand again. As he gives it a small kiss Cassy knows its in a joking manor but she can feel her heart wanting to be put into lock down. Yet she willed it not to, not with Leo he was her friend and she didn't want that to happen.

About to say something silly once more Cassy stops at Leo talks again. Just staring at him for a long moment Cassy just blinks. Not sure if she wanted to laugh or not. Finally though a smile breaks on her face again as she gives a little nod to Leo.

"Yes, yes you did. I'm not THAT old you know."

Shaking her head and giving another laugh it started to grow a little louder. Leaning on the counter Cassy can't stop as tears form in her eyes. Looking up at Leo Cassy couldn't help her laughter and finally it stops and she can finally talk.

"Oh Leo...I am so sorry I don't have any idea what got into me...I guess that just hit my funny bone. Why...why don't we eat now. I promise I won't say anymore cheesy pick up lines, as long as you dont call me a white wall, with rusty pipes."

Giving a little giggle at Kyle Alice tightens her grip around him giving him a kiss to the top of the head. Alice loved these moments just cuddling with Kyle and showing there affection.

"I don't care what I am, as long as I am with you Kyle."

Leaning her head against his for a long moment Alice felt so comfortable she could fall asleep. Everything about Kyle just made her fall deeper into him, and enjoying the moment.

"Kyle, thanks for just being you, and letting me enjoy the spot light with you."

Being pulled down closer to Mick Rosetta looks deep into his eyes. She loved being this close to hi and shearing every moment of her life with him.

Bringing her finger to his eye Rosetta gently whips underneath it. Bringing her lips to his own Rosetta lets the quiet moment that was there linger for this moment. It wasnt often they got free time but when they did it was even better.

"I love you so much Mick. Everything will work out, I know it will."

Rusty pipes

Feeling lighter sensations on his back, a grin creases Mick's lips as he realizes Rosetta is giving him gentle kisses. He'd never tire of her affection.

Sighing deeply, he has to agree with her. "Yeah... I guess I'm having a hard time letting God take over. I just want... peace. Punishment is just turning Dylan further away from me... but he stole from Angel and won't even say why - I can't just do nothing, can I?"

He pauses, just trying to let Rosetta's hands help him relax. After a few minutes though, he shifts to be a little more on his side and pulls Rosetta down closer to him so her head could rest against his chest. There was moisture in his eyes that only she would ever see and no one else. His heart was in pieces and he just couldn't get them glued back together again.

He kisses the top of her head and runs his hand up and down her arm lovingly. "I love you," he whispers. "Thank you for standing by me." He quirks a little grin. "Or sitting with me."

Settling in close with Alice, Kyle doesn't think twice about it. They often cuddled together when they were alone, with more affection shown when not in public. It was a pure love, innocent and free of any intentions other than simply spending time together.

Resting his head on her shoulder, his arm drapes over her waist as he listens to her. "You're so nice." The comment was less than eloquent and he laughs at himself, giving Alice a little squeeze. "I don't know how I'd survive all this without you... I mean that."

Without warning, he starts to laugh again, the bed shaking slightly. "Remember when I called you pepper?" It had been on top of the ferris wheel... and it seemed like a lifetime ago. "I think it shoulda been something more... like tabasco sauce."

Cassy's comeback makes Leo's eyes widen a little, but he can't help laughing along with her, realizing that she'd been trying to make him feel better, but it wound up that both of them were stuck in their own speaking before thinking.

Grinning, he shakes his head and starts to say something when she speaks again. Feeling her hand next to his and hearing the new softness in her tone, Leo stops, pausing for what seemed way too long.

His hand seems to have a mind of its own as it shifts a little to rest on top of hers. "You're welcome," he replies quietly.

A whisper in his conscience warns him and he backs off, giving her a silly grin and breaking his own moment. Taking her hand, he gives a dramatic low bow, kissing the top of her hand. "Anything for a distressed damsel with bare walls and rusty pipes."

Widening his eyes a little, he remains bent in his bow. "I think I just said something stupid again."

Little Extra

Smiling a little seeing the body response from Mick on her rubbing his back Rosetta liked knowing she was happy Mick feel better and he still liked when she have him back rubs.

Continuing Rosetta giggles a little as he told her to be gentile on the one spot. Being called cowgirl made her think of a past long gone. She'd never change her life for anything but sometimes she still did miss when things just seemed a little more simple.

Leaning down Rosetta brings her lips to the sore spot on Mick's back giving it a gentile kiss before making a tiny trail up his spin of kisses. Drawing away and continuing to run again Rosetta just sits smiling.

"We have to trust God will let things work out with Dylan. He's the only one who knows whats going on and why, when the time is right he will show us what to do and whoever Dylan does go to, to talk with God will give them the strength on what to say. We just have to keep strong and be there for when Dylan does need us."

Giving a little laugh at Leo's comment Cassy has her own bit of red coming to her cheeks. Seeing Leo himself blush a little bit she felt even worse now that he felt so embarrassed for what he said. Her own eyes sparking a little as she thinks of a way to help Leo not feel to embarrassed.

"Psht, I finally realize why my knee hurts a little extra today, I've been chasing after you all day."

Now it was Cassy's turn to turn a red even more. She was trying to make Leo feel better and was now embarrassing herself with her horrible comments.

"Ok, that was really corny but...its all I could think of on short notice."

Finally looking away Cassy laughs again before looking back to Leo, her cheek a bright crimson color now. Finally reaching out and taking the plates from Leo her hand brush his for a moment just resting against it for a lingering moment.

"Thank you Leo..."

Her statement linger for a moment in the air, maybe an implament of a deeper meaning to the thanks.

"...for rescuing this damsel in distress."

Alice's smile grows even more as Kyle steps into the room. Shutting the door behind him she stands there for a long moment before nodding twords the bed so they could sit comfortably.

"I was way to excited and nervous myself to sleep so you weren't bothering me at all. Though even if I was sleeping you wouldn't be bothering me. Your presence is always welcome no matter what I am doing."

Waiting for Kyle to join her on the bed Alice props the pillows up and stretches her arm over his back and shoulders. Pulling him close to her she gives him the comfort she know he needed.

"You guys are going to great tomorrow I know you are. This has what you guys have been waiting for, for a long time and now that its here you guys are ready and I am so proud of you. And no matter what happens that will never change you always make me happy, not because your a big star or you have a band because you Kyle Mitts and you enjoy being you."

Tangled tongue

Kyle grins but bites his lip as Alice comes to the door. "Yeah... everything's okay. I just... couldn't sleep and..." He shrugs a little, searching her eyes as he steps into the bedroom at her beckoning.

"It's a big day tomorrow and you're the only one I'd tell that I'm scared to death and... I just thought maybe... I could borrow your company for a while." He quickly gives her another option though. "Unless you were asleep - then I don't want to bug ya." It was evident in his eyes that tomorrow meant a great deal to him and he was worried. He needed an arm around his shoulders tonight, when he had no one else around. It was Alice he needed to help him meet this new adventure.

A hero? Leo's face colored slightly, but a really good feeling seemed to settle somewhere inside. He'd felt pretty low lately, not knowing where he fit and just trying to find his way. Being told he'd helped... it felt good. It made him feel useful instead of just a clumsy mechanic. Maybe he couldn't have please Ryan, but at least he could make someone happy.

Cassy's need of assistance brings a grin to his face and he nods, setting his coffee mug down. "If I said no, I might not get any of that delicious smelling supper."

Ambling over to her, he has to scoot in next to her at the counter, reaching up over her head to retrieve a couple plates. On the way back down, his elbow catches her shoulder briefly. "Oh, sorry..." He rolls his eyes at himself. "I've been hitting on you-" He blinks. "I mean hitting you all day..." Blinking again, he starts to laugh, feeling stupid for his tangled tongue. "Uh, yeah. Plates. Here."

Mick lets Rosetta take his hat and shirt, settling back down with his head on the cushion, his eyes falling shut. He'd never tire of the sound of her soft voice, or the feel of her gentle hands. He grunts a little as she hits a sore spot, but he lets her keep rubbing, knowing it would do him good.

Listening to her, he sighs. "Yeah... I thought about that too," he admits. "I just don't think he'd take the love treatment from me. Tried that a bit at the McClain's and it got me nowhere." He thinks for a few moments, wishing things hadn't gone so wrong today. "Maybe I'm not the one he's gonna open up to though. I think you're right. I think he's scared. But I can't figure out why, for the life of me. He just won't talk."

Cringing as Rosetta's thumb hits the knot again, he sucks in his breath. "Mm... easy, cowgirl."


Way to excited to fall asleep Karla moves around what had become her bedroom. Playing music softly Karl stepped into her closet to look at the few cloths she now owned. It wasn't much but she had picked up things along the way.

Now she tried to deiced what she would wear tomorrow, what she might need if the record company liked the Band, and what she would need to buy still. It was all so fun and exciting she could hardly contain it. Though she felt shy, and down to earth about it with the others on the inside she really did feel like she was going to pop.

Laying in bed just staring at the ceiling the night had been way to exciting to fall asleep yet. Everything seemed to come in the right time and yet it all seemed so fast. Not that Alice minded as long as she was with Kyle.

Sitting up in the bed at a scratching sound Alice just looks at the door for a long moment. There were no doges or cats here so it wasn't that. The only other thing she could think of was Kyle.

Turning the covers back and slipping off the bed Alice grabs the over stuffed hoody that was on the chair next to the bed and slips it over her head.

Letting her bear feet scuff across the floor Alice goes to the door and opens it slightly. Seeing Kyle a smile forms on her face opening it a little wider motioning for him to come in. She couldn't help but worry a little with him coming to her this late at night.

"Hey you! Everything ok?"

Still sitting with Leo the warm glass in her hand Cassy sips the liquid again. It was nice just sitting here chatting with Leo about anything. It didn't seem to matter what the topic was they found something to talk about.

Hearing him make mention about her being one of the people who shine Cassy can feel the color come to her cheeks. It was nice of Leo to say that about her and a twinkle forms in her eye. He was just being nice right? Or was he flirting? Surely he wasn't...right?

"Bright future huh? You realize I would have given up on the studio if you hadnt been willing to help right? After the crew that had been working there left I was at my wits end and I saw everything fall in front of me once again. I guess...that makes you a hero too and that is certainly something to shine about as well."

Standing Cassy sets her cup on the table limping slowly over to the stove opening it and checking on the chicken before shutting the door and letting it cook a little while longer.

Going over to the far cupboard she tries to reach the top shelf but just cant seem to get it and standing on her tip toes her knee would just not hold her weight any more than it already would today. Giving a heavy sigh of frustration Cassy turns to Leo and gives another smile her cheeks growing a little redder for having to ask him.

"You don't think you could grab two of those plates down for me would you? I just can't seem to reach today."

As Mick comes back into the office BJ moves away from the window ready for his hug like Mick always gave him since he had been back. Backing away a little bit and looking up at Mick, BJ's eyes seem to light up a little.

"Crickets....!!!!!! I'll get him this time."

Running into the other little room that had been set up for him BJ grabs his little bucket that had some dirt and grass in it along with a plastic shovel. Passing through the office again BJ heads for the door and is outside in a flash down on his hands and knees searching through the grass.

Watching BJ leave the office Rosetta shakes her head a smile on her face. She new things were hard with Dylan right now, and she loved her step children will all her heart but she was happy at least the had one calm one. As calm as it was going to get for now anyways.

"You can tell he's a Henson will all that energy."

Giving Mick a grin Rosetta watches him go over to the couch and lay down. By his body language alone she could tell he was hurt in more ways than one. Standing Rosetta makes her way over to the couch and sits for on the edge turning herself a little to face Mick.

She new Mick was going though so much right now and he was doing well to keep it together but his body and mind were taking such a beating. Rosetta had her own thought on this thing but the last thing she wanted to do was have Mick feel like she was telling him how to raise Dylan. But if she found the right words maybe it wouldn't feel that way at all.

"I guess teenager are be worse than those horses surprising as it sounds."

Lifting Mick's shirt Rosetta reachs out and takes his hat off before gentile lifting the shirt over his head. Letting him lay back down on his chest Rosetta brings her hands to his back gently starting to rub and massage his back. Working on the knots and the tight spots she found trying her best to loosen his back up.

"Maybe...this is just a guess because goodness knows we went exactly the best teens out there. Maybe Dylan is scaired and all he really needs it a hug and someone to tell him it will be ok. What he's scared of I don't know, but maybe at least its a start to solving the problem."

Master of none

Dylan glares at Mick, his fingers gripping the pitchfork handle. Standing in the middle of a stall full of horse manure was one of the worst things he could think of. But here he was, being forced to clean it out.

"I'll be back later to check on you," Mick informs coolly. "But don't think I won't know if you stop or dillydally. I want these five stalls cleaned by suppertime and I mean clean."


"No buts." Mick shakes his head firmly. "Today was the last straw, Dylan. You're earning your keep from now on." Not waiting for a response, he spins on his heel and stalks down the aisle. Catching sight of Dan, he nods his head back towards the stalls. "If he causes any trouble or walks away from his work, let me know right away."

Heading out of the barn, Mick aims back towards the office where he'd been working before this whole mess had started. Once inside, he gives BJ a big hug, sure to give him some attention. "How about you go out and see if you can find any crickets yet? I think I heard one chirping last night." He aims the youngster towards the door. "But stay out of the barn for now, okay?" He gives BJ a look that tells him he's not kidding around. "I'll find ya later so you can help me with chores."

Once alone with Rosetta in the office, instead of going back to the desk, Mick trudges to the old couch in the corner and eases down on his stomach with a groan. "I'm too old for this," he mumbles into the cushion. "Dylan did a good job on me today - I feel like I got bucked off a horse instead of just pushed over by a teenager."

Staying where he is and not moving eases the pain in his back, but the pain in his heart persists. Maybe he really did need to just let go and let Dylan leave.

Leo grins as he receives the mug of coffee, holding it up for a second. "You remember well." She must have been paying attention the last few times they'd had coffee at the studio.

Hearing her question, he laughs and shakes his head, leaning back a little more casually in his chair. "Talents? Mmm... skills maybe, but not talents. I'm a jack of all trades but a master of none."

Still smiling he takes a sip of his coffee, enjoying it for a moment. "Maybe one day I'll be good at something. For now its a mediocre world for me. But I guess if it weren't for us mediocre folks, then no one else would shine above the rest." He laughs again. "Somebody's gotta wind up with the short end of the stick. Easy job most days but the pay stinks."

He gives Cassy a sidelong glance, studying her for a moment. "You, on the other hand... you're the kind that's gonna shine. Knocked down, but you're right back up again. Starting your own studio... others would kill for that kind of opportunity, let alone the guts. You've got a bright future, Cassy, mark my words."

Erik can't help but laugh at Karla's end statement. "On the contrary, the way my mom talks about you, I think she'll be glad for you to come with us so there's at least one level-head in this bunch."

Kip grins from ear to ear, knowing that he usually instigated much of the frivolity that went on. He and Kyle made a wicked team when it came to teasing and making the others laugh.

"Alright." Erik stands up, stretching. "Big day tomorrow. I don't know about the rest of you, but I for one am turning in."

As the little group disperses, a few stay for the night and a few go to their own homes, all too excited to sleep, but too wise not to at least try. The big house becomes quiet and still, nightlights keeping a faint glow down the long hallways.

Everybody is eventually tucked away for the night, but one figure quietly pads down the hallway and stops at Alice's door, scratching on it softly. Kyle didn't know if she was asleep or not. If he knocked, it would wake her, but if she was awake, she'd hear the scratching.

How come

Looking out the window from the office BJ watches Mick and Dylan. His eyes never moving from them. Such understanding for a young boy, thats eyes took in everything. Yet he had questions that he couldn't not answer, and things he did not understand.

"Mom, how come Dylan hates dad?"

Glancing up from her paperwork and out the window Rosetta's heart sank just a little bit. Mick was trying so hard, and it just wasn't getting any easier for him.

"I don't know bud. I think Dylan doesn't want to hate dad, he's just hurt, and confused right now. He'll come around though we just have to give him time ok?"

BJ gives a nod of his head before turning around to the window again this time watching as Mick and Dylan make there way to the barn.

Pulling two mugs down from the cupboard Cassy goes to the fridge and grabs the milk. Pouring the coffee into the cups adding milk to one for Leo, and a little sugar to both before handing him his glass and sitting down in the chain next to him.

Moving just a little bit Cassy pulls her legs up to sit Indian style on the chair taking a sip of the warm liquid letting it slide down her throat before answering Leo.

"No actually it soup, tv dinner, and maybe sometimes a small meal for me. But today I am happy I took the chance in saying you would be stopping by. I'd be pretty embarrassed if you did and than I ended up feeding you a tv dinner."

Taking another sip of her coffee Cassy looks down into the liquid for a long moment. Finally looking up at Leo again she gives a small smile.

"So, I know you fix cares, and you fix toilets. You know how to hang mirrors, and paint. Oh and you also like to dance. So..what other talents do you have?"

Karla can't help but grin and give a nod to Twila. She new she had been standoffish and she tryed to interact more, maybe this would be a good way to get to know someone other people. Though Karla still new she was naturely shy this could help open her up because she'd have to.

"That would..be nice if you could help me Twila, I think I'd like that. Just as long as its not to much at once."

Looking back at Kip again Karla couldn't help but let her own smile grow as behind the bit of nervousness her eyes sparkled. She was excited, this would be a new adventure and help her get out there.

"I hope Erik's mom wont mind. If you guys make it big, I dont think I will have time to work for her anymore."

Just for yourself?

Mick sighs deeply and nods to Angel, feeling a bit lost at the moment. He was so upset and disappointed in Dylan... what more could he do? Punishment would drive an even bigger wedge between them, but if that's what it took to straighten him out, was it worth it? At this point, he didn't know. "Yeah... thanks, Angel."

Heading back outside, he's actually a little surprised to see Dylan still standing there as told. Walking around to face his son, Mick stares him down. "Why did you do it, Dylan?" No response. "Trying to get high?" Still no response. "Been long enough now since you were doped up that you'd forgotten how stupid it was so you wanted to try getting hooked again?"

This time Dylan's eyes shoot up in a defiant glare. "You don't know anything."

"Try me." Mick holds his arms out to the side. "Tell me anything you want. I'm all ears."

"You wouldn't understand."

"Prove it. Come on. You've never even really talked to me, Dylan. I want to know what happened to you. Where are you? Where is my son?"

Dylan points towards the office. "Last I saw, he was headed in your direction to rat on me."

Mick's arms fall back to his sides. "I don't know what it is with you... I really don't. But if you want to play these games, then so be it. Welcome to bootcamp. Allow me to show you your first assignment." He gestures to the barn.

"Oh, no." Dylan shakes his head, backing up a step. "I'm not working in the barn. No way. I hate horses and their stink and you know it."

"You gonna talk to me?"


"Then get moving. Bootcamp starts now." Mick reaches out and gives Dylan a hefty shove, maybe a little too strongly.

If Dylan's feet wouldn't have tangled, he probably would have been okay, but the shove was enough to make him stumble towards the barn, trip and fall. His palm and forearm go sliding on the gravel, receiving immediate scrapes that burned instantly. He winces and picks himself back up slowly, a little bit of blood trickling down his arm. Whirling around, he glares at Mick, anger and hurt showing in his eyes. And for a split second, there was the look of a little boy who had wanted a hug but instead had received a slap.

In that moment, Mick's guard was taken down as in brief instant, he could kick himself. But while his guard was down, Dylan lunges.

Knocked flat on his back, the wind is knocked out of Mick, his head hitting the hard ground. He and Dylan roll twice until Dylan is on top again, straddling Mick's torso. He grabs a handful of shirt collar and raises his fist, aiming it at Mick's face.

Mick is trying to catch his breath and knows he could throw Dylan off and gain the upper hand again, but he doesn't. "Go ahead," he relents hoarsely. "I know you want to. Go ahead and sock your father in the face for being such an ogre."

Dylan hesitates, his fist still raised.

"Do it!" Mick barks.

Dylan grits his teeth as he curses his father.

"Words," Mick scoffs. "Come on and hit me!" He reaches up to grab Dylan's own collar, giving him a jolt. "Do it!"

But being ordered to hit his father directly with no resistance made Dylan's stomach churn in an odd way. Here was his chance to prove he was big stuff. But with the order to hit, the thrill just wasn't the same. Slowly he loosens his grip and lowers his arm, his face still scowling. Standing up, he steps back and checks his own scraped arm while it burned.

Mick just lies still for a moment, to weak from relief to even get up. Had he lost his mind? Maybe, but at least it had worked. And at least he knew now that Dylan really didn't want to beat him to a pulp. Maybe on the surface, but not deep down, and that was enough to give Mick the slightest hope. Finally he rolls over and stands up too, picking his hat up and slapping it back on his head. "Now, if you're quite finished," he growls, "we were on our way to the barn."

"I need to take care of my arm."

"You're fine."

"But it's-"

"A flesh wound!" Mick hauls off and gives Dylan a swift kick to his bottom, sending him towards the barn. "Now move! There are stalls waiting."

Jade had just been exiting the dining hall when the whole fiasco outside had happened. She had no idea how it had started, but her heart was ripped in two as she saw her brother and father wrestling for dominance. She wanted to go help her father, but she knew he could handle himself, and if she interfered, she might make things worse.

Finally seeing them both walking towards the barn, she sinks down on the porch step as a tear rolls down her face. She hurt so badly for her father... she knew he must be hurting more than she could even imagine. At least she was getting along with him, but it still pained her to see the fight between him and Dylan. Would it ever stop? She sniffs as another tear follows down her cheek.

Leo laughs at Cassy's teasing as he enters her apartment. "Well, thank you."

Wandering in, he takes a look around, his eyes sweeping the room and taking it in at a glance. "Mmm... something sure smells good, and it isn't me." Tagging along to the kitchen, his mouth starts to water. "Coffee sounds good," he agrees.

Once settled at the little table, he shakes his head, watching her cook. "There was a chance I might not even come. Do you usually cook like this just for yourself?"

Kyle smiles even though Alice couldn't see it. Taking her arm that was draped over his shoulder, he rubs it lovingly before kissing the top of her hand. He loved her too. If push came to shove and if she would insist she didn't have to go with them, he might relent, but as it sat, it was the principle of the thing and he wasn't going to go to the most important event he had without her.

Kip perks up as Karla seems to warm up to the idea of managing. "See?" He looks to Erik again. "She can do it and it would be great."

Erik has to admit he likes the idea but still isn't sure. "Kip, I don't know..."

"All she has to do is know our lineup and be able to take calls." Kip pretends he has a phone in his hand. "Hello? No, we won't play at your bar. What? Oh, yes, the band is free on the fifteenth to open for Mercy Me, that would be great."

Kyle can't help a snicker from across the table, thinking about opening for a band like that.

Kip grins. "She could do that easy, then we wouldn't have to keep track of any of that. And she could do the bookkeeping too and let us know when we reach a million dollars and can afford a new bus."

Erik rolls his eyes, but he can't help his smile as he shakes his head. "Alright... I was thinking about that just recently anyway that it would be nice for the lot of us to not have to worry about keeping track of that sort of thing." He looks around to Karla, still smiling. "Looks like you are officially our manager."

"Yes!" Kip throws up his arms. "And coming with us." He swivels around to look at Karla, a smirk on his face. "New clothes? Nooooo problem. Twila!"

Twila laughs and nods. "We'll get you set up, Karla, don't worry about that. And this time you can't say no because it'll come from the band budget, how's that?" Her eyes sparkle with some excitement. She was glad that Karla was becoming a part of this group. She'd wanted to do more with her, but had learned not to push and had backed off from her original enthusiasm. Slowly though, she tried to work on a stronger relationship, glad to have another woman in the midst of the rowdy guys. It was more than obvious that it was Kip who Karla took to, but Twila hoped for a lasting friendship down the road.

Kip grins at Karla, his excitement growing. "See? Told ya you couldn't get rid of us."

Unspoken for now

Once Dylan is gone Angel smile fades just a little turning almost to a sadden one for Mick. She really did feel bad more for him than what for herself with what Dylan took. Though Angel had caught a strange look in his eye it could have meant nothing at all so for now she would say nothing.

"As far as I saw this was all he took. Thank you Mick for getting it back to me."

Moving away from her desk and over to the medicine cabinet Angel puts the pills back in closing and locking the case once more before joining Mick at the door to lock it on her way out and head back to the dinning hall.

"If you need anything else let me know. I'll be with Wendy in the dinning hall. Thanks Mick."

Hearing the knock at the door a smile forms on Cassy's face. She already new who it was and she was happy he had come. It was nice eating with someone else, and not being alone all the time.

Going to the door her own hair was damp still from her own shower she took when she had gotten home. But now it was let down and hung around her shoulders. A light purple shirt as her top along with a pare of black jeans. Her bear feet scuffed on the floor slightly as she came to the door a soft vanilla fragrance followed her.

Smiling as she opened the door Cassy gave a small shake of her head that was followed by a little laugh.

"Well I'll be, I haven't seen you in a while."

Opening the door more and stepping inside so Leo could come in and not stand outside all night she smells the air as he goes by detecting his aftershave.

"You smell much better now."

Giving a laugh her eyes twinkle. Turning to head into the kitchen she figured Leo would follow her. Once entering the small of backed chicken filled the air, along with green beans and mashes potatoes.

"Ok, dinner should be ready in about a half hour so make yourself at home. I have some coffee brewing if you would like any."

Sitting with Kyle leaning against her Alice's arms drape over his shoulder and in front of him. She was so excited him and this opportunity for the band just listing in on everything they were going to be doing made her even that more excited for what was to come. Alice really couldn't wait to write about this next.

Hearing though that only the band could go Alice's heart sank just a little. She did understand why but still it was a bummer knowing that she couldn't be in on it all. But hear Kyle start to argue for her Alice couldn't help her heart thump a little bit louder. Seeing how stongly Kyle really felt about her coming defiantly made her feel good.

Hearing Eric finally say yes Alice can't help the little squeal that escaped her lips. Leaning into Kyle a little more Alice lips press aganst his cheek in a big kiss before she draws away a little bit to whisper in his ear.

"Thank you Kyle. I love you."

Sitting next to Kip Karla felt a little out of place but it was nice Kip wanted to include her anyways. It wasn't a surprise to her when Erik said she wouldn't be able to come. It was there dream, and she would just be tagging along like a groupie she didn't want to cause any trouble.

Hearing Kip try to defend her and get Erik to let her come anyways was nice. It made her feel good knowing someone really did want to have her along and keep his word to her, but she could hear in Erik's voice it was not an options and she didn't want to see anyone get in a fight.

"Kip...it's...Kip really....I...Kip..."

Not being able to get any words in as Kip and Erik go back and forth Karla is completely throw off guard when Kip mentions her as there manager. Looking to him quickly Karla had question written all over her face.

"Manager...me...I...don't know if I can..."

Her a manager of the band once they made it big. Did she really have the experience for something like that? Would she be able to do ok?

Karla could feel the color that was coming to her cheeks as she was put on the spot. All eyes on her waiting for her answer. She guess she could try and worse came to worse she could fail miserable and be back to square one. It did feel good knowing Kip had confidence in her though.

"Well I guess I can try. That is if everyone agrees on it. I'm not sure how well I can do, but I'll do my best and try to manage the band the best I can."

Looking to Kip again Karla's eyes give a sparkle. He really did just make her feel good. Her eyes meet his as she gives a small nod that said thanks without the words being spoken for now

I guess I'll need to look into some better cloths too. Something tells me I might need them, because there is no way they could not love you guys."