
Tangled tongue

Kyle grins but bites his lip as Alice comes to the door. "Yeah... everything's okay. I just... couldn't sleep and..." He shrugs a little, searching her eyes as he steps into the bedroom at her beckoning.

"It's a big day tomorrow and you're the only one I'd tell that I'm scared to death and... I just thought maybe... I could borrow your company for a while." He quickly gives her another option though. "Unless you were asleep - then I don't want to bug ya." It was evident in his eyes that tomorrow meant a great deal to him and he was worried. He needed an arm around his shoulders tonight, when he had no one else around. It was Alice he needed to help him meet this new adventure.

A hero? Leo's face colored slightly, but a really good feeling seemed to settle somewhere inside. He'd felt pretty low lately, not knowing where he fit and just trying to find his way. Being told he'd helped... it felt good. It made him feel useful instead of just a clumsy mechanic. Maybe he couldn't have please Ryan, but at least he could make someone happy.

Cassy's need of assistance brings a grin to his face and he nods, setting his coffee mug down. "If I said no, I might not get any of that delicious smelling supper."

Ambling over to her, he has to scoot in next to her at the counter, reaching up over her head to retrieve a couple plates. On the way back down, his elbow catches her shoulder briefly. "Oh, sorry..." He rolls his eyes at himself. "I've been hitting on you-" He blinks. "I mean hitting you all day..." Blinking again, he starts to laugh, feeling stupid for his tangled tongue. "Uh, yeah. Plates. Here."

Mick lets Rosetta take his hat and shirt, settling back down with his head on the cushion, his eyes falling shut. He'd never tire of the sound of her soft voice, or the feel of her gentle hands. He grunts a little as she hits a sore spot, but he lets her keep rubbing, knowing it would do him good.

Listening to her, he sighs. "Yeah... I thought about that too," he admits. "I just don't think he'd take the love treatment from me. Tried that a bit at the McClain's and it got me nowhere." He thinks for a few moments, wishing things hadn't gone so wrong today. "Maybe I'm not the one he's gonna open up to though. I think you're right. I think he's scared. But I can't figure out why, for the life of me. He just won't talk."

Cringing as Rosetta's thumb hits the knot again, he sucks in his breath. "Mm... easy, cowgirl."

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