
I can't

It pained Carson to see Misty hurting so badly. But just having her fall into him for strength was like a soothing river to his soul. She needed him...she still needed him, even after everything had happened. Finally...maybe he could help her heal. He knew they had a long way to go yet - it wasn't over, and the future was still uncertain. But at least he had enough hope to carry him through the storm.

Just holding her as long as she wanted, he desired nothing more than to simply be there for her. He had failed at protecting her too many times. He wouldn't fail again.

As she finally pulled back and expressed wanting to stay and help, a smile creased his lips. "No bloke in his right mind would say no to having a sheila like you hang around a while." He nodded to the back room. "Clean yourself up, grab an apron and you can help me whip up some more pizza sauce before we run out." He wasn't going to push. He wasn't going to ask for anything more. He was just going to enjoy what he had in this moment.

Garret raised an eyebrow at Nate, not really knowing why he was thanking him. After all, that's why he was here. Without a promise to help, he'd wind up in prison, so obviously he'd assist. "Um. Sure." He shrugged. The corner of his eye caught Dalton and Scott leaving. He wouldn't chance anything else today. Besides, Susanne would probably be back from lunch soon anyway.

"I...guess I'll head downstairs." Maybe he'd work out for a while in the rec room since he skipped his routine this morning to go to Brookshire. There was little else to do the rest of the day anyway.

Scott nodded to Dalton. He agreed. To accuse Garret without proof could cause an even greater mess. "Okay. Let's go see if we can recover the logs and see what he was after." At least it would get his mind back on track after the whole Kirk incident.

It took a little doing, but between the two of them, they were finally able to retrieve the information they were looking for. When they did though, Scott's face went pale. Garret had been looking into files about Scott's history, particularly after his abduction and his stay at Brookshire. He'd been hunting for the Agency's records on the entire incident.

"Why?" Scott whispered. Was Garret planning something more? Was he going to reintroduce Scott to that terrible event in order to somehow inform the Agency of how their plan played out? Was he searching for exactly what had happened in order to continue the torture in some way?

Scott glanced up at Dalton, fear in his eyes. "I...I can't... I can't deal with more... I just can't."

Rosalyn wrapped her fingers around Chad's and managed to give him a smile. None of this was his fault, and she truly was happy she was with him, no matter what other issues were going on around them. "I know... thank you."

Leaving her friends hadn't been easy. Leaving her family hadn't been easy. But she knew she needed to stay positive. And what awaited her truly was a new adventure that she could be excited about.

Scooting as close as her seatbelt would allow, she leaned over to rest her head on Chad's shoulder. Oh, how warm and comforting he was. "Are we there yet?" she teased.

Travis just had to grin as Ashlee went off in her little ramble. He wondered if she was like this all the time, or if she was just excited to have a new ear to listen. Either way, he didn't mind. He kind of liked listening to her. 

"Hopefully I'll be at dinner," he agreed. "Even if Angel makes me eat soup." He tossed her a wink before turning to put the brush away. "See ya later." 

Left to his own devices, he walked back outside and just got his bearings, again wondering at exactly what all the buildings were. People were here and there. The air was a little tense. Because of the threat? That whole thing was still mind-boggling. Sighing, he aimed back for Angel's. Helping Ashlee had been enough, and his body was tired again...

...Travis had slept on and off all afternoon, but his stomach was ready for something solid and Angel had been kind enough to show him the way to the main house for dinner, where now he found himself at a table with Ashlee, and a young family he found out was his cousin Wendy with her husband Clint and their two little kids - a toddler and a baby. There were a couple other young people... Jade, and her fiance was just a bit older, then her brother Dylan was almost the exact same age as Travis, but he sat off to the side by himself, seeming to not want any interaction with anyone. 

The room was full...but it had a peaceful atmosphere, even despite everything that had happened. It was a bit overwhelming, meeting so many people at once, but all of them treated Travis as if he had always been a part of the family. 

Sitting at a nearby table with Angel, Luke, Sparky and Faith, Lane's eyes continued to shift to where his son was. Things had not been settled between them, and it hurt. But at least he seemed to be doing okay and was at least up and interacting. 

Travis took another slow bite of one of "Becky's amazing hamburgers" that Ashlee had bragged about. It really was one of the best he'd ever had, especially with the added cheese and the bits of onion in the meat. The only problem was that his jaw was still so sore, taking big bites and chewing was rather difficult. He elbowed Ashlee and nodded after he'd managed to swallow his bite. "You were right. They're good."


Feeling Carson's hands on her face Misty leans into them. She had forgotten how tender Carson could be. How rough his hands were, and yet so soft. There just had always something about the way he cared for her that Misty couldn't deny.

   "I...I realized today that I've never made things easy on you, and I'm sorry too. "

Just being pulled into the hug Misty wraps her own arms around Carson and gives a squeeze that causes her to cry a little more. She never really dealt with everything that had been going on and being wrapped in Carson's arms safe it just made all those feeling surface. She might not be able to talk about it yet, but she could cry, and feel the love off someone through it.

Misty didn't know how long she had stood there with Carson. Seconds, maybe minutes but her tears had stopped for now. Stepping back and giving a half smile up at Carson she searched his eyes for a long moment. Something was different, not a bad different but something was. She wasn't sure what, but she could help but wonder, maybe time would tell that too.

   "Do you mind if I stay for an hour or so and help cook pizzas? I'd really just like to spend time with you. Not doing anything fancy just....being here."

   "Yeah I definitely saw what you saw. Maybe I scared them off while I slowed them down."

Looking out of the office with Scott Dalton eyes Garret for a moment. Had it really been him? What was he doing and why? Was he trying to feed the Agency information? Surly not or at least he hoped not. 

   "I agree with you it more than likely is him. Almost everyone else has the clearance so wouldn't need to hack, I think before we go asking him though or accusing him we should see if we can figure out what he was doing."

If they had to accuse someone of wrongful doings that better have good proof. Specially with Agent Young around. Last thing they needed was to make a wrong call, or mess something up. On top of that...at least this would give him and Scott something to do.

Taking the files from Garret Nate nods. He new this probley wouldn't be an easy task but he was happy Garret was taking it with stride and doing such a good job.  About to say something Nate catched Scott and Dalton standing across the way. What on earth were those two doing? Shaking his head he looks back to Garret again.

   "We should have that footage tomorrow I am hoping. Dr Hawks said he'd have someone drop it off. I'm hoping that will be a little more help. Thanks Garret for looking into this for me."

Looking over at Rosalyn Chad could see the tear in her eye and his head hurt for her. He wished there was another way, and he wished things were different. He new leaving her family was hard, going somewhere completely different was harder. Reaching over and taking her hand he gives it a little squeeze.

   "We'll be back before you even know it. I promise."

Hearing Travis liked to oil saddles too Ashlee perked up and couldn't help the grin on her face. It was an odd hobby, but it was something she loved doing since she got here. It was calming, and just nice. She loved oiling saddles with Eric, maybe it would be fun with Travis too.

   "Maybe if you'd like to come to the mess hall for dinner we could do some saddle oiling afterwards, You've gotta see the ranch at night, its so peaceful. Fireflys, if you are up in the hayloft dots of lights from houses in the distance."

Realizing she was going on a tangent Ashlee stops feeling her cheeks go red a little. She didn't mean to talk Travis ear off, but she hoped he didn't mind. This really had been a nice afternoon, and a good way to pass the time.

   "Well I guess she is brushed as she'll ever be for now. Thanks for keeping me company. It was really nice. I do hope to see you at dinner tonight."