
Hiding something?

JT still grins and nods. "Good."

Not having a clue what else to say, he's quiet for several moments until he changes the subject. "Guess we better keep walking so we can make it back inside eventually. I don't want Bree to think I abandoned her."

Under the anesthesia, strange dreams come to Axel's mind. Not bad, not good, oddly familiar yet foreign too. It was a strange world of unconsciousness that wouldn't lift for several hours. When it does though, he finds himself right where he'd been the last he'd seen of Misty.

Still in a thick fog, Axel's eyes try to open as they move about lethargically. He felt like he was still dreaming, trying to run, but finding he wasn't going anywhere. Blinking a couple times, he tries to focus. At first, he wasn't even sure he knew what was going on or why he was here, but gradually he remembers. There were lights on, but the little window near the ceiling on the other wall was dark, proving that hours had passed.

Swallowing hard, Axel licks his dry lips, then lets his eyes fall shut again. "Am I... still alive?" he mumbles groggily.

"I don't know." Leo shrugs at Ryan's question. "I know you wouldn't make fun of me, but  I know my hobby isn't typical either. I guess I might laugh at me too."

Hearing Eli might tease him, he chuckles. "That doesn't surprise me. If your brother doesn't ease someone, either he doesn't like them, or something is wrong. That much I've figured out."

Arriving to Mom and Pop's a while later, Leo finds a parking space and turns off the car. Turning to Ryan, he just looks at her for several minutes, the lights from the parking lot casting a soft glow against her face. Whether she was comfortable or not, she'd done herself up right pretty tonight, and only the dead wouldn't notice.

Reaching out, Leo cradles the side of her face with his palm and without saying anything, he leans in to find her lips with his own. It was a tender kiss, but filled with an emotion that proved more existed here than mere physical attractions. His feelings for Ryan were growing, and he lets her know through this simple gesture.

A click signals Kip's door being unlocked and it cracks open before Karla can walk too far. Half of Kip's face is hidden, but one could see his eyes were red. He tries to hide them though, refusing to look Karla in the eye, and seeming to almost hide behind the door for an unknown reason.

"If you need anything, let someone know," he mentions quietly. The spark in his voice was gone. "Sorry I... I left you. I, um... didn't feel good all of a sudden."

Do u believe

Amanda shakes her head and gives a small chuckle at JT. She thought it was overly cute his cheeks were a crimson color.

"Well, Jack Timble I would love to go on a date with you some time, somewhere."

Giving a smile she looked back out across the field. It was often funny how things worked out, but this just proved again God had planes for everything. This could very well have been his plan to them being here on top of keeping Bree safe.

Looking down at Axel Misty just smile. Brushing a hand over his eyes she whispers knowing he would be out any moment now.

"No counting, just close your eyes and relax. Everything will be ok, and before you know it, you'll be awake."

In no time Axel was out, and Misty was getting to work hooking him up to the IVs and starting on his hand. Misty hoped if all went well the surgery would only take about an hour.

Ryan can feel her face turn red as Leo comments about her looking pretty. It was nice to hear that even if she probably wouldn't ware a dress for a long while ago it was still nice for even her to feel pretty.

Giving a side long glance to Leo Ryan quirked an eyebrow at his comment. Did he really think she would laugh at him?

"You really think I would have laughed at you? You know better than that. I never would of dont that. More than likly I would have wanted to see you just like I do again."

Drawing quiet for a moment Ryan remember's her brother reaction Ryan's face turned up in a small grin.

"How ever I can't promise sooner or later Eli isnt going to tease you. But its only because he liked it too."

Feeling a little worried for Kip and thinking it strange he just left here there alone with the others Karla stands when Erik comes back.

Making her way out of the room they all had been in and finding her way back up the steps Karla goes to Kip's door and for a long moment just stands outside of it. She didnt want to bother him if something was wrong, but she didnt want him to come looking for her and not be able to find her ether.

Finally giving a knock on the door Karla stands there again for a moment before talking soft, but loud enough through the door Kip could here her.

"Kip...I, just wanted to let you know that I was going back to the spare room. Erik told me you were up here, so I...just didnt want you to come looking for me and not be able to find me."

Not really knowing what else to say Karla takes a few steps back from the door before turning and getting ready to head back to her own room.


JT knows his face must be red and he looks down at the ground, a crooked grin still on his face. Looking up at Amanda, he chuckles.

"Well okay then. Amanda Fuller, I'm asking you on a date. Don't ask me where yet 'cause I don't know, but I'll think of something if you actually do say yes."

Axel smiles and winks at Jess. "Alright. I'll see you later then." Returning the squeeze to her hand, he nods. "Don't go too far."

Once he's alone with Misty, he settles back on the bed. "Well... my hand is in your hands, Doc." He tries not to let the nervousness show in his eyes. "Tell me when to start counting backward.'

At Ryan's comment, Leo puts his head back and laughs. "You may look beautiful in that dress, but one thing you don't look is comfortable. Come in your work clothes for all I care. To see you out in the audience is enough motivation for anybody to be on stage."

Keeping one eye on the road, he gives her a sidelong glance. "I didn't figure you'd want to come again... but I can get you in free again. I'm... glad you like it. I guess I was always kinda scared to tell you about it. People laugh at stuff like that, ya know... they have. I thought maybe if... if you liked it then it I might get away with not so much teasing."

Erik and Kyle keep things lively in the living room for a while until the food was either gone or they were too full to eat any more. Jokes are flung back and forth and Twila enjoys the humor as much as anybody.

It's been a while though, when Erik finally looks at the clock. Furrowing his brow, he suddenly realizes that an awful lot of time has passed and Kip hasn't shown back up again. Seeing a shadow in the doorway, he calls to William. "Hey, Kip still out there?"

The older man sticks his head in the room. "No... why?"

"Well is his dad still here?"

"No. Left about twenty minutes ago."

"Oh... okay, thanks." Erik waits for William to leave before looking to Twila and sighing. "I'll be right back."

It was only a couple minutes before Erik returns to the room and sits down again, keeping his voice low. "His door's locked and he won't talk to me. One of these days I'm gonna make him refuse to see his father. This is ridiculous."


Jess gives a smile at Axel as she takes his good hand and gives it a little squeeze. She new she could of called him, but she also wanted to surprise him.

"Well I was trying to surprise you because I hadn't told you for sure I could take off work. If I had called than, that would of runed the surprise now wouldn't it have?"

Leaning in Jess gave Axel a quick soft kiss on the cheek as she eyes beam. She new He was worried, and a little scared but she tried her best to reassure him. Everything would be ok, she just new it.

Taking the clip bored from Axel again after he sign Misty smiled. It was good to see Jess there and being so sportive for Axel. That in itself would help Axel with his recovery.

"Ok, I hate to cut this short on you both but its time to start."

Misty gives a soft smile.

"Jess your more than welcome to wait in the extra room. Once the surgery is over I will come and get you so you can be with Axel ok?"

Jess gives a small nod to Misty know it was important she wasnt there. They needed everything to be very clean and there couldn't be a chance she could carry dirt in.

"I'll be here when you wake up again ok? Everything is gonna work out."

Jess gives Axel's hand another squeeze as she smile at him again, her eyes twinkling.

Listing closely to what JT said Amanda was wondering why he didnt have a lady in his life. He was smart, cute and really nice. When working with him before she started talking to him more and more she always guessed he has someone at home that would be waiting for him. But now talking more and she understood all to much what he was going through.

Giving a small laugh and turning her head to look at JT Amanda's smile was wide as her eyes twinkled in the peek of sunlight that shined through.

"Cheesy but not lame. I like cheesy. And, if you asked me on a date, I'd say yes."

Once in the car with Leo the smile was still on Ryan's face. She had enjoyed meeting some of the people Leo had danced with. A little pride came from being introduced to them as his girl too. I just felt nice to being appreciated.

Looking over at Leo Ryan smiles and gives a nod. She had enjoyed herself more than she would admit to anyone, But she would to Leo he deserved to know.

"I did like it actually. The music was upbeat and pleasant to listen to, the dancing was amazing, and well you were part of it. That was even better."

Slipping her hand into Leo's free hand Ryan give it a tiny squeeze. She was so proud of him and being able to dance. Some people might think it was girly, but Ryan thought it was amazing.

"Do you think maybe...tomorrow I could come again to watch? But this time I leave the dress at home."


Leo returns Ryan's kiss, ignoring the fact that Eli was cocking his head and staring at them. Smiling, he drapes his arms over Ryan's shoulders as she leans back against him. "Pizza it is then. I just gotta wrap up a few things back here, then I'm ready to go."

Eli thumbs to the door. "Ait. I'll get the car and..." He smirks a little. "Never mind. I know Ryan will want to ride with you, so I'll meet you guys at Mom and Pop's."

Leo gives a little wave, then sets his chin down on top of Ryan's head, rocking her a little. "Mm... I'm glad you guys decided to stay even when I didn't show up. I was afraid Eli would make you leave."

"Hey, Leo!" Another one of the dancers/actors comes up, to give him a hearty slap on the shoulder. "This your girl."

Leo grins and pulls Ryan away to turn her around. "Sure is."

The man smiles, his eyes twinkling as he extends his hand to Ryan. "Great to meet you. You're all Leo talks about."

Leo's face reddens a little. "Ryan, this is my pal Joe. He's the one that got me started in all this."

"Good thing too." Joe nods, setting his hands on his hips. "He's one of the best we got."

Leo rolls his eyes. "We got pizza going on. But I'll help clean up back here first."

"Nah." Joe waves him off. "Go have fun. We got it."

"You sure?"

"Yep." Joe grins. "Would you rather clean up or go on a date with this chick?"

Leo laughs. "Mmm... I'd have to take the date."

"My point exactly." Joe waves them away. "See ya later."

"Yeah, yeah." Leo slings his arm around Ryan's shoulders and heads towards the hall. "All I gotta do is get on my own clothes and I'll be ready."

Within minutes, he had reemerged and was walking Ryan outside into the night air. Getting in his car, he starts for Mom and Pop's. "So I know tonight wasn't really your thing but... did you enjoy it at least a little bit?"

Kip nods thoughtfully, trying to understand where Karla was coming from and thinking maybe he did. "We're just hanging out in the living room tonight... pretty low-keyed."

Offering the best smile he could, he guides Karla from the room, leading the way downstairs. He knew now she felt awkward and he didn't want her to, but he also realized now that he needed to be a little more careful than he had been.

Getting to the living room, the others are chatting while they eat, and they greet Karla with smiles and waves. It was subs tonight with potato chips and other side dishes - a casual meal. Kip invites Karla to sit with him on the couch near the coffee table and joins in the conversations, letting Karla take part as much as she felt comfortable with.

It wasn't twenty minutes later that Shirley taps on the doorway. "Kip?"

He looks up in surprise after taking a swig of pop. "Huh?"

"Someone is at the door for you."

Kip furrows his brow. "Who?"

Shirley hesitates. "It's your father."

Erik gives Kip a look and shakes his head, but Kip stands anyway, setting his napkin aside. "I'll make it quick."

Erik sighs. "Kip, just stay and finish eating."

"I'm almost done anyway."

"Just - " Erik stops as Kip disappears through the doorway. Sighing, he returns to his conversation with Kyle about self defense, giving up on stopping his friend. He never could get through to Kip about this.

At the front door, one could see through the glass to outside where Kip stood on the porch to meet his father. From inside, nothing could be heard, but anyone could see that his father was yelling angrily at him. Kip did not take part in an argument, but stood slouched, hands in his pockets, and his head bent against the verbal attack. It was the picture of a whipped puppy if there ever was one, and he took the attack without a fight... as always.

JT chuckles as the conversation is turned in his direction. "Hmm." He leans on the fence next to Amanda, contemplating his answer. It was hard enough trying to figure out what she meant by not knowing what she was looking for, if she was looking for it, let alone trying to explain why he didn't have a woman of his own.

"I guess because the right one hasn't come along. Oh, I've had some take interest in me, but it didn't take long for me to realize they just thought I was a rich doctor. Once they found out the excess went back to charity, they were gone."

He shrugs lamely. "I suppose I gave up looking... but on the days Bree's not around, it gets kinda lonely. I used to like the quiet... but now the silence just reminds me that I'm alone."

JT pauses, clearing his throat. He wasn't sure if it was good or bad he was sharing intimate details about how he felt. But it wasn't hard to talk with Amanda about it. Thinking in the quiet for several moments, he finally gives her a sidelong glance. "It's gonna be a while 'til it's good enough weather for camping... I'd be a fool if I didn't ask you out before then."

He bites his lip before a laugh slips out and he shakes his head. "That was lame."

Axel follows Misty's instructions, knowing he was at her mercy. The garb wasn't very comfortable, but he knew a clean environment was best, even his clothing.

Once he's settling down, he sits on the edge of the bed with a clipboard to scan through the pages. He did trust Misty, but he'd been in the hospital a few times to know that paperwork was always a part of it, whether it was TJY or not. Writing with his left hand he did pretty well, having not been able to use his right for so long.

Starting to fill things out and sign where needed, Jess' voice makes him look up. A thin smile spreads on his face and he stands up to give her a hug. "Car trouble? You should have called me. I could have come over before coming here and taken a look."

He taps her nose with his finger. "Glad you made it though. Thought Misty might put me under  and I might not get to see you before I drifted off to dreamland."


Looking out at Kip, Karla gives as nod. She understood what he was saying and she knew they wanted to help, but this was all new to her.

"I understand. I just need everyone to give me a little breathing room so I can get used to this. I've been alone for so long that... I just need small bursts so I can adapt to having others there I guess."

Karla offers a smile to show she was thankful for the help and everything everyone was doing. Everything being thrown at her at once was just overwhelming and she needed that time to mourn her loss and get used to something new.

"Okay, lets get to dinner before everyone wonders where we are."

Giving another smile, Karla was ready to start. Start a new life, and start getting used to being around people. It would be short bursts at first, but she yearned to be with others so she would adapt quickly.


Amanda gives another laugh at JT's question. She didn't mean to laugh at everything he said. It just happened the questions he was asking were things she herself didn't even know. Strange but true when all she did was work alot.

"Well...you see I don't even know what qualification a guys needs to have for me. I would guess funny, kind hearted, understanding....Its pretty much a go on a date with me and see how it goes. Even with some of the things I listed off guys haven't lasted long because I just dont feel comfortable or feel like I click with them."

She new it sounded silly but it was the truth. There was only one time she ever was close to being with a guy but he never did get use to the fact she could be called away at any time to go to the hospital. Every other guy she tryed dating, was good looking, nice, funny, smart, but she just didn't feel...it.

Coming to a fence Amanda stops and leans against it just looking out over the field for a long moment. She hadn't been to this area of the ranch yet so she just wanted to take everything in while she could. Finally looking at JT again she smile.

"So what about you? How come you don't have a leading lady yet?"


Still keeping her one arm around Leo's neck and staying close to him Ryan uses the other like she is shoeing her brother off.

"...when have you known me to turn down pizza mmm?"

Turning back to Leo Ryan leans in pressing her lips to his for a long moment as her emotions and energy wash over them. She felt so happy, so full of joy she couldnt explained it any other way. Pulling away she just smiles, turning her back to Leo and leaning aganst his chesh.

"Alright kids, lets go have some fun eh?"