

Jess gives a smile at Axel as she takes his good hand and gives it a little squeeze. She new she could of called him, but she also wanted to surprise him.

"Well I was trying to surprise you because I hadn't told you for sure I could take off work. If I had called than, that would of runed the surprise now wouldn't it have?"

Leaning in Jess gave Axel a quick soft kiss on the cheek as she eyes beam. She new He was worried, and a little scared but she tried her best to reassure him. Everything would be ok, she just new it.

Taking the clip bored from Axel again after he sign Misty smiled. It was good to see Jess there and being so sportive for Axel. That in itself would help Axel with his recovery.

"Ok, I hate to cut this short on you both but its time to start."

Misty gives a soft smile.

"Jess your more than welcome to wait in the extra room. Once the surgery is over I will come and get you so you can be with Axel ok?"

Jess gives a small nod to Misty know it was important she wasnt there. They needed everything to be very clean and there couldn't be a chance she could carry dirt in.

"I'll be here when you wake up again ok? Everything is gonna work out."

Jess gives Axel's hand another squeeze as she smile at him again, her eyes twinkling.

Listing closely to what JT said Amanda was wondering why he didnt have a lady in his life. He was smart, cute and really nice. When working with him before she started talking to him more and more she always guessed he has someone at home that would be waiting for him. But now talking more and she understood all to much what he was going through.

Giving a small laugh and turning her head to look at JT Amanda's smile was wide as her eyes twinkled in the peek of sunlight that shined through.

"Cheesy but not lame. I like cheesy. And, if you asked me on a date, I'd say yes."

Once in the car with Leo the smile was still on Ryan's face. She had enjoyed meeting some of the people Leo had danced with. A little pride came from being introduced to them as his girl too. I just felt nice to being appreciated.

Looking over at Leo Ryan smiles and gives a nod. She had enjoyed herself more than she would admit to anyone, But she would to Leo he deserved to know.

"I did like it actually. The music was upbeat and pleasant to listen to, the dancing was amazing, and well you were part of it. That was even better."

Slipping her hand into Leo's free hand Ryan give it a tiny squeeze. She was so proud of him and being able to dance. Some people might think it was girly, but Ryan thought it was amazing.

"Do you think maybe...tomorrow I could come again to watch? But this time I leave the dress at home."

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