
Stairing back

Though dazed and confused, coming in and out of being awake, and than blacking out the young woman in the car can smell the smile as pain course through her head, and other parts of her body. Feeling the heat in the car, and the smoke that filled her lungs she new she had to get out but she just had no strength to do so.

Hearing the faint voice the woman wanted to yell she needed help but her vocie wouldnt come between the choking of the smoke. Feeling a bit of fresh air though from the open door, someone unbuckling her and the soft sweet sound of a voice she new it would be ok as her head raced.

Only a mumble comes from her lips as she trys to thank him for saving her. Being picked up in his arms she leans her head into him. Grasping at his voice to try and keep herself awake, though she was becoming so tired.

Getting to the side of the road everything next happened so fast, the sound oh the explosion, the smell from the burning car, the man leaning over her. But once his sits up again and puts the pressure on her head wound the woman finds the strength to look up into Phil's eyes. Just looking into them almost trying to convey a thank you through there sparkle. But finally, the stress, the pain, was to much and the the sleep takes over the womans eyes closing as her breathing becomes shallow.

Continuing to drive Misty listens to Dani not saying anything just letting her talk and taking everything in. Misty's heart broke for Dani, Carson had told her once about his dad so she new a little and she hated hearing him talk about it than, now she hated hearing her sister in law having a hard time with it now. She never understood how people could hurt another person like that let alone family.

"Oh Dani, I'm so sorry that you've now had to deal with that. Sometimes memories stay locked away for so long that we forget about than. Than when they are triggered and come out, its a whole big mess."

Coming to a stop sigh Misty leans over to the glove box and pulls out a pack of tissues handing it to Dani seeing she needed them.

"I don't think its anything to be ashamed of though and dealing with it now is a good thing so you can put it back into the past. Its hard, and hurts a lot but thats why we have loved ones ya know? To help us through these times."

Driving only a little while longer Misty finally pulls into the area of the park. Shutting the car off she sits there with Dani for a long moment not sure if she still wanted to get out or not, but not making any movement right away herself wanted her to think she had to.

"We are here for you Dani, Me, Carson, Dalton no matter how silly you think something is its not and we are behind to comfort you, protect you, talk to you no matter what you need and what time. And never feel that your feelings are silly because there not. Something like that, that happed to you as a kid is traumatizing and not easy to shake."

Phil to the rescue!

Dani looks down as she feels the tears welling in her eyes again. Trying to laugh it off, her cheeks grow warm. "I'm sorry... I just can't seem to stop. I'm just blubbering all over the place." Pulling a tissue out of her pocket, she dabs her eyes.

"I don't know what Dalton told Carson or what he told you or if he even figured it out. Knowing him, he probably did and... and I do need to talk to him about it sometime."

She pauses and takes a deep breath. She knew Misty wouldn't pressure her, but maybe it would be good to talk about it and get some of this off her chest. She knew Misty wouldn't mind, and it was different talking to a woman rather than a man.

"Yesterday... I went to see Dalton and... and he'd gotten mad and threw a stapler at the wall or something. And... when I saw the pieces, it was like, all these memories wanted to surface but I didn't want them to." She talks with her hands, trying to keep her nerves calm. "Bothered me all day and Dalton knew something was wrong, but I didn't even realize it until later. I fell asleep on his couch and I had this horrible dream but... but when I woke up, I..."

The tears threatened to start again and she has to pause and compose herself, her voice wavering. "When I woke up, I realized that it wasn't just a dream. That parts of it were true... that I wasn't just imagining things, but I was remembering things."

Swallowing hard, Dani fiddles with her tissue. "I... I remembered things about my father. Carson had told me that he was a drinker by the time I was born and that he slapped Mum around... but... but I didn't remember any of it. And Carson... he got me out of the house most of the time when Dad would come home. That much I remember. I never really knew why though... I was just spending time with my hero... my big brother."

Pausing again, Dani watches the passing scenery. "Then... then last night... all these memories started to surface. I... I realized that... the stapler... the one in Dalton's office... seeing those pieces there reminded me of a lamp that had shattered and that's what triggered those memories." She swallows again and blows her nose. "I remember I tried to kick him away but... but it didn't work. I ended up knocking my lamp off the stand beside my bed. And then... I was on my stomach staring down at the floor. And I just concentrated on those pieces of broken glass..." Her voice cracks again as she tries to make it through.

And she does eventually. After several more breakdowns, the truth comes out of the abuse she had endured as a child, locked away for so many years.

"And now..." Dani shakes her head, trying to force through a sorry sort of laugh. "Now I feel stupid. 'Cause it's nothing new... it was years ago and... and it doesn't change anything. I've been living like this all this time and I just didn't know it, so really... nothing has changed, and it feels silly, ya know?"

By now, her tissues is in shreds from all her fidgeting. "I'm just... I don't... I... I don't quite know what to do with what I feel or what I remember. It's all just... I don't know... messed me up inside."

Phil had grumbled about the detour on the back road. Of all the places the city needed to work - they should be downtown where the worst of it was, not the quiet road he usually traveled on. As it was, he was tired from being at a friend's house after work, he was hungry and just wanted to get home.

The radio blaring, he keeps his eyes on the road, stifling a yawn. As his eyes scan the dim road though, something up ahead catches his attention. Were those lights off on the shoulder? Nearing the scene, he soon realizes that it's a car and it had hit a tree... hard... and not all that long ago.

Applying the brakes, Phil slows and looks out the window, squinting to see if this was indeed a fresh accident or if he should just move on. Catching sight of the smoke, he knows that this couldn't have happened more than a few minutes prior.

Quickly pulling off onto the shoulder, he throws his truck in park and gets out, jogging to the wrecked car. Putting an arm to his mouth, he coughs as the smoke billows from the car's engine. "Hey," he calls. "Anybody in there?"

Daring to get closer, he now sees a figure slumped over the steering wheel. "Hey!" he calls louder, tapping on the passenger window. With no response, his pulse starts to race. His eye catches sight of flames, licking out from under the hood. There wasn't much time.

Opening up the right hand door, he crawls halfway in, now realizing that it was a young woman driver. Reaching over to her neck, he quickly checks for a pulse and finds a weak one, but it was there - she was still alive. "Come on, we gotta get you out of here," he encourages.

Seeing her move a little, he's glad that she's not completely unconscious. He knew it was dangerous to move her if she had any spine or internal injuries, but if he left her here, she'd die from smoke inhalation or worse before the paramedics could arrive.

Coughing again from the smoke, he's quick to unbuckle her seatbelt and untangle it from her arms. His hand feels the wet, warm blood from her head, and he grits his teeth, not knowing how badly she was hurt. "It's gonna be okay," he soothes, his voice not in any way reflecting the panic he felt inside. "I'm gonna move you around just a little, okay? That's it, nice and slow."

Turning the young woman just enough that he can get a gentle grip on her, he slips his arms under her own, holding her securely and slowly, slowly pulling her out from behind the wheel. Trying not to jolt her too much, he backs out of the car, still with his arms around her. Getting her into fresher air, he shifts so he can lift her up into his arms, and quickly carries her a safe distance from the car.

Kneeling by his truck, he lays the woman out on her back and cradles her head in his lap to stabilize her, should she have any spine or neck injuries. "It's okay," he continues to soothe. "You're okay. Help is on the way."

Reaching into his pocket, Phil fishes for his phone, fumbling with it a moment before he can dial 911. "Yes, I'm out on route-"

His words are suddenly cut off by the thunderous explosion behind them. He instinctively bends over the young woman to shield her from any debris, cringing as he feels the shockwave and heat from what was now left of the car. "We need an ambulance," he manages to finish.

Once he's confident the paramedics are on their way, he brushes away some of the woman's blonde hair from her face, and applies pressure to the wound on her forehead that was still bleeding. The fire of her car blazed behind them and he looks down at her with worry.

Night, Day...O.o

Keeping her arms around Gage Sapphire leans her head against his looking into his eyes. Things were looking up and it was a great feeling. How could she not want to celebrate with him?

"Lemonade ice cream shakes huh? They sound good, I'd love to have one with you for our good news."

Letting go of Gage and backing up a little Sapphire makes her way into the kitchen knowing Gage would follow. Opening the freezer and pulling out the treat Sapphire grins looking down at it.

"Did you use fresh lemons? It sure smells like it, and thats a good thing."

Seeing Dani come out quicker than she exspected Misty puts the magazine away she had been looking at. Smiling as Dani gets in Misty starts the car up once again rolling the window up and letting the AC kick on to cool it down a little.

"Carson didn't tell me much other than you were having a bad day and it might have something to do with your past."

Putting the car into gear Misty pulls out of the parking lot and heads in the way of the park. It was a nice day out to walk or just sit. Glancing over at Dani Misty can tell nervous or jittery.

"Listen Dani, you don't need to be nervous. I'm not going to ask you to talk about it unless you want to. I worry because your my sister in law, but that doesn't mean I am going to force you to talk. Thats completely up to you when your ready."

Misty meant it too, she didn't want Dani to feel strange around her. It wasn't her style to force someone to talk if they didn't want that. She just wanted to be a friend to her, and know she wasn't alone.

On the loan dark road right outside of town a lost car travels. The was not it's normal rout but dew to road work the deture took it this was. Unfamiliar territory, Hardly any light to illuminate the street warning of danger.

Than in the split second a coyote runs out in the middle of the road causing the car to swerve, the tire hitting a rather large pot hold in turn making the car spin out of control till it comes to a deadly stop slamming driver side into a tree.

Air bags going off, cell phone's, pens and other items inside be thrown this way and that, the windshield giving a sicking shatter. Smoke started billowing from under the hood of the car a sign that a fire might have started, a death trap to anyone inside.

Another ten minutes

Receiving Sapphire's kiss, Gage offers a quite murmur of pleasure, returning the offer of affection. Pulling back, he listens about Scott, another small smile forming.

"Yeah... yeah that does mean something."

Reaching out, he brushes her cheek gently with the back of his hand, never tiring of the feeling of her soft skin. "Maybe things are finally turning around, huh?" For the first time in his life, he felt like things really were. He had his own apartment, he was starting his own job tomorrow, he had a girl... what more could he want?

"I concocted some lemonade and ice cream shakes... they're in the freezer... wanna try one to celebrate our good day?" He knew they had lunch plans but... sometimes dessert would do just as well.

Even though Misty said no hurry, Dani did anyway. She might be a mess and an emotional basket case, but she wouldn't make Misty suffer for it.

Washing up a little and tidying her hair, it was the best she could do without any of her own things at Dalton's. Not really satisfied but knowing it would have to do, she leaves a note for Dalton in case he came back before she did, then heads out the door, locking it behind her.

Seeing Misty waiting, she doesn't lollygag, and is soon slipping into the passenger seat. Looking over to Misty, she manages a smile, even though her eyes were still red and a bit swollen. Makeup would have covered it, had she had any here. "Hi... thanks for coming."

Buckling herself in, she puts her hands in her lap, seeming a little more timid than usual. "What, um... how... how much did Carson tell you?"

Justin chuckles and waves Beth off. "If I die from this, I'm not near as tough as I thought I was."

He nods, finally seeing the bleeding in his lip slowing. "I'll be alright. Thanks though." Getting up the gumption to stand, he makes the effort to prove he really was alright. "I'll see ya around, Beth. Take care of yourself."

Giving her a last smile, he slings his backpack over his shoulder and continues his route to the parking lot, still a bit slower than usual...

...Half an hour later, he's lying in the bed of his truck, still in the parking lot, one leg propped up, the other dangling over the edge of the open tailgate. He was glad he'd parked in the shade. After getting to his pickup and wanting to leave, the dizziness had gotten worse. He had somewhere else he needed to go, but it wasn't for a while yet, so he had enough time to just hang out here for a bit. So hoping to get over his dizziness and headache, he'd opted to use the bed of his truck. After thirty minutes though, his head still throbbed. He must have whacked it harder than he thought he had, that was for sure. Another ten minutes... that's all he'd need.

Five mintues

Sapphire smile grows even more on its own at Gage's news about the job. She saw the look in his eye and it made her feel so good inside knowing it had to make Gage feel even better. He had been waiting for this and it pleased her.

"I'm so happy and proud of you Gage. That is such great news."

Leaning into him and pressing her lips to his Sapphire lets her feelings show even more though her kiss before pulling away again. Giving a slight nod to Gage about her day.

"My morning was good. I sat and talked with Scott a little, and that went well. Its not prefect yet but its a small step in the right direction. Told him that I would stop by to see him again and he didn't say no. So that has to mean something right?"

"Sounds like a great idea."

Stopping at the stop light Misty waits for it to turn green before moving forward again. It wouldn't take long to get to Dalton's but Misty didn't mind waiting for Dani to be ready.

"I should be there in about five minutes. You don't need to hurry I will be waiting outside for you."

Hanging up the phone for now Misty continues to drive taking a few turns to get to Dalton's. Finally getting there Misty pulls into the parking lot to wait. Rolling the window down and turning the car off Misty pulls a magazine from her bag to read.

Seeing the little twinkle in Justin's eye Beth gives a small grin and a nod to him. His sence of humor was always refreshing. Hearing his last statment though Beth cocks her head. Justin might not come bad? It really must have been a rough day.

"I hope you come back tomorrow, its kind of become to norm to see you. And the though of a football helmet does have its appeal."

Shifting a little a again Beth puts her arm across herself and holds her other are as she continues to study him for a moment.

"If you sure your gonna make it I better head in. If I come out though to leave and your still here I'm taking you to the hosp. I don't need to dieing on the bench you know."

If I come

Gage hears Sapphire enter his apartment, and a little smile appears on his face. Taking in her hug and giving her a squeeze, he gets a kiss in to her forehead before she pulls away.

His smile widens just slightly and his eyes spark. "Mm-hmm... you are looking at the newest employee of Maxwell Lumber Mill." Backing up a step, his hands slide down to hers as he gets a little more excited. "Night crew... eleven-hour shift, four days a week. And... it's close enough that it will only take me half an hour to walk."

Excitement rises in his voice, though he doesn't want to overdo it and overshadow any news that Sapphire might have of her own morning. So suppressing a little of his energy, he nods, biting his lip. "And you had a good morning?"

Dani draws in a shaky breath. "Okay. I, um... guess I could use somebody to talk to, too. I... it'll be nice to get out for a little while. Thank you, Misty."

Sniffing again she stands up, holding the phone as she wanders to the window. "I'll be waiting at Dalton's. You can just drive up - I'll come out. I just... I gotta clean myself up a little bit, but it should just take me a couple minutes."

Glancing up at Beth, Justin accepts the wipe, listening to her wish for his day. "Well... this helps." He grins again, even though it just splits his lip some more. "Thank you."

Dabbing his lip, he rubs his head a little again. "I think I better sit here a while before I drive. I'm liable to go right off the road without even knowing it. Dang." He rolls his eyes a little. "Is it just me, or are clients getting more dangerous nowadays?"

Giving Beth a little sidelong glance, humor twinkles in his eyes, despite his pain. "You might see me in a football helmet the next time." He nods a little. "If I come a next time, that is."

Better Not

Ryan gives a chuckle, she didn't know why he would want to give that up and she surly didn't. Not thinking about it she realized how silly of a question it really was.

"Forget I even asked because I have no idea."

Letting out small content sigh Ryan realizes she is way to comfortable to move again. So she would sleep in her clothing it wasn't that big of a deal. She had brushed off the dust off her before coming inside already so that wasn't getting every where.

Turning her head into Alec's chest a little more Ryan mumbles as her eyes fall shut.

"Jason or Reese better not show up to early because I won't answer the door. Its to comfortable here."

Giving a nod Beth understood what Justin was talking about. Some days where just bad for anyone even him who seemed always to be in a decent mood. Shifting her own weight for a moment Beth thinks. She felt better from yesterday but no more chipper than the norm.

"I guess I am as chipper as I get. Than again I am sure anything is better than the bad mood I was in yesterday."

Seeing Justin's lip was bleeding still a little Beth goes into her bag rummaging around for a moment before pulling out an antiseptic whip and holding it out to him.

"I know the lip is not much but you should keep it clean just the same. Sorry your having a hard day. I hope it turns out better for you later."

Putting in her blue tooth and pushing the little button Misty starts the car up and pulls out of the parking lot talking to Dani till. Thinking for a moment as she makes her way in the way of Dalton's house she gives a little nod of her head.

"Carson told me you had a rough last night, and didn't say to much on what happened."

She didn't want to beat around the bush with Dani or tell her a fib. Though she did have double motive she just layed it all out.

"So I call because I though maybe you'd like some girl time, not to mention Carson is work and I am off for the first time in forever and I'm bored. So I thought we could keep each other company."

Pulling into Gage's parking lot Sapphire sits for a moment a small smile still placed on her lips. She'd made a small step today and with that she was happy and couldn't wait to tell Gage. Getting out of the car finally Sapphire makes her way up to the door and unlocks it letting herself in.

"Gage, I'm back. I had a pretty good morning."

Coming into the little room where he was standing Sapphire gives him a smile stepping forward and giving him a hug. Morning with her brother, now spending time with Gage, it felt so nice.

Pulling away a little bit Sapphire searches Gage's face. Seeing something new in his eyes she trys to figure out what it was. Not being able to though she shakes her head a little.

"Somethings different...but I can't put my finger on it."

Not my day

Alec scoffs and pulls Ryan tighter to him. "You kidding? You're better than an electric blanket. Why would I want to give that up?"

Sighing deeply, he closes his eyes, realizing just how tired he was. He could stay up 'til all hours if he wanted to, but once settling down, if he was comfortable, it was easy for him to fall asleep.

"Kick me if I snore," he mumbles.

Justin looks up quickly, not having seen Beth approach. "Wha- oh. Yeah..." He scrounges in his backpack some more, unable to find anything suitable. Sighing, he sits down on the bench and finally finds the napkin he was looking for and holds it to his lip.

"Yeah, I'm, no... yeah." He rolls his eyes as his tangled speech. Checking the bleeding, he runs his tongue over his lip, feeling the sting. "Nothing incurable." He touches his head gingerly where a welt was forming. "Not that I know of anyway." He had a pounding headache from his fall and was still a bit dizzy.

Blotting his lip again, he glances up at Beth. "Sorry... Hi. Not my day. You look rather chipper though." He tries to smile, but winds up wincing as all it does is make his lip bleed more.

Dani's phone ringing makes her jump and she fishes around on the coffee table to find it. Seeing it was Misty, she was willing to answer it.

Once hearing what she wanted, Dani sniffs again, trying not to sound too bummed out. "Um..." Did she really want to get out and about? Much of her didn't feel like it at all. Yet it might be a good distraction for her. "Yeah... yeah, okay. As long as I'm back by lunch... I'm supposed to eat with Dalton."

Pausing a moment, she found it just a little coincidental that Misty would be calling her now... today. It wasn't all that unusual that they would do something together, but Dani had an inkling that somehow Misty knew it wasn't just a normal day. "I'm, um... over at Dalton's if you wanna swing by and pick me up." She pauses again. "Did... did Carson talk to you about... um..." Her voice quivers as she swallows the urge to cry again. "...about me?"

Gage scribbles on the backside of a store receipt, scratching harder to try and get his pen to write. Keeping his phone to his ear, he nods to no one watching. "Uh-huh... okay, yeah. Thank you... yes. I'll be there."

Ending the call, he stares down at his scribbles. Nine o'clock tomorrow night.

Standing from his mattress, he paces his living room, straightening a picture on the wall and stacking up his books on the table, lining up their spines in order. He knew it took two hours to get back into town from Brookshire, and he had no idea how long Sapphire would be visiting Scott, but now he wanted her back all the more. If she was finished early enough, they would do lunch. If not, she would come by for supper. He didn't want to wait that long to talk to her though. Not only was he anxious about her meeting with Scott, but he now wanted to tell her the news he had. It wasn't the greatest in the world, but it was better than nothing and he would finally be able to say he had a job.