
Better Not

Ryan gives a chuckle, she didn't know why he would want to give that up and she surly didn't. Not thinking about it she realized how silly of a question it really was.

"Forget I even asked because I have no idea."

Letting out small content sigh Ryan realizes she is way to comfortable to move again. So she would sleep in her clothing it wasn't that big of a deal. She had brushed off the dust off her before coming inside already so that wasn't getting every where.

Turning her head into Alec's chest a little more Ryan mumbles as her eyes fall shut.

"Jason or Reese better not show up to early because I won't answer the door. Its to comfortable here."

Giving a nod Beth understood what Justin was talking about. Some days where just bad for anyone even him who seemed always to be in a decent mood. Shifting her own weight for a moment Beth thinks. She felt better from yesterday but no more chipper than the norm.

"I guess I am as chipper as I get. Than again I am sure anything is better than the bad mood I was in yesterday."

Seeing Justin's lip was bleeding still a little Beth goes into her bag rummaging around for a moment before pulling out an antiseptic whip and holding it out to him.

"I know the lip is not much but you should keep it clean just the same. Sorry your having a hard day. I hope it turns out better for you later."

Putting in her blue tooth and pushing the little button Misty starts the car up and pulls out of the parking lot talking to Dani till. Thinking for a moment as she makes her way in the way of Dalton's house she gives a little nod of her head.

"Carson told me you had a rough last night, and didn't say to much on what happened."

She didn't want to beat around the bush with Dani or tell her a fib. Though she did have double motive she just layed it all out.

"So I call because I though maybe you'd like some girl time, not to mention Carson is work and I am off for the first time in forever and I'm bored. So I thought we could keep each other company."

Pulling into Gage's parking lot Sapphire sits for a moment a small smile still placed on her lips. She'd made a small step today and with that she was happy and couldn't wait to tell Gage. Getting out of the car finally Sapphire makes her way up to the door and unlocks it letting herself in.

"Gage, I'm back. I had a pretty good morning."

Coming into the little room where he was standing Sapphire gives him a smile stepping forward and giving him a hug. Morning with her brother, now spending time with Gage, it felt so nice.

Pulling away a little bit Sapphire searches Gage's face. Seeing something new in his eyes she trys to figure out what it was. Not being able to though she shakes her head a little.

"Somethings different...but I can't put my finger on it."

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