
Night, Day...O.o

Keeping her arms around Gage Sapphire leans her head against his looking into his eyes. Things were looking up and it was a great feeling. How could she not want to celebrate with him?

"Lemonade ice cream shakes huh? They sound good, I'd love to have one with you for our good news."

Letting go of Gage and backing up a little Sapphire makes her way into the kitchen knowing Gage would follow. Opening the freezer and pulling out the treat Sapphire grins looking down at it.

"Did you use fresh lemons? It sure smells like it, and thats a good thing."

Seeing Dani come out quicker than she exspected Misty puts the magazine away she had been looking at. Smiling as Dani gets in Misty starts the car up once again rolling the window up and letting the AC kick on to cool it down a little.

"Carson didn't tell me much other than you were having a bad day and it might have something to do with your past."

Putting the car into gear Misty pulls out of the parking lot and heads in the way of the park. It was a nice day out to walk or just sit. Glancing over at Dani Misty can tell nervous or jittery.

"Listen Dani, you don't need to be nervous. I'm not going to ask you to talk about it unless you want to. I worry because your my sister in law, but that doesn't mean I am going to force you to talk. Thats completely up to you when your ready."

Misty meant it too, she didn't want Dani to feel strange around her. It wasn't her style to force someone to talk if they didn't want that. She just wanted to be a friend to her, and know she wasn't alone.

On the loan dark road right outside of town a lost car travels. The was not it's normal rout but dew to road work the deture took it this was. Unfamiliar territory, Hardly any light to illuminate the street warning of danger.

Than in the split second a coyote runs out in the middle of the road causing the car to swerve, the tire hitting a rather large pot hold in turn making the car spin out of control till it comes to a deadly stop slamming driver side into a tree.

Air bags going off, cell phone's, pens and other items inside be thrown this way and that, the windshield giving a sicking shatter. Smoke started billowing from under the hood of the car a sign that a fire might have started, a death trap to anyone inside.

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