
Pizza Box

Surprised that Gage could even talk after getting out of work and not fall over from exhaustion Sapphire gives a shake of her head even though he couldn't see her, a small smile was on her lips.

"Mmm...I guess lunch wouldn't hurt anything. After that though I want you to get some sleep ok? And if your feeling up to it we can do dinner as well. I love spending time with you Gage so there is no way to say no to dinner."

Moving some papers around on her desk Sapphire was happy Gage called. At least she new he made it home but how he was still standing was beyond her.

"What time would you like me to pick you up hun?"

Looking up from her car at the sound of Leo's voice Ryan gives a smile happy to see him again today. He looked a little better after being cleaned up, but one could still tell he put up a good fight.

"Good Morning Leo."

Though Ryan's eyes were a little tired, and held that look she smiled anyways trying her best to be herself. She didn't want to be odd with Leo and make him think it was him because right now it wasn't.

Grabbing the rag from her pocket and coming around the side of her car to where Leo was working as she really didn't have to yell Ryan gives a look around the quiet shop for a moment. Only a few were in so far but some plans had been made and maybe....Leo would like to come.

" A few of us are going to the pizza box for lunch if we can have a decent time on our cars, your invited too if you would like to come."

Once back to TJY Katie walks behind Chance as Jason was in the front. Katie walks through TJY knowing eyes were on them but keeping her own head up and not answering any questions.

Finally getting into Reese office Katie stands off to the side and just listens. She really didn't have much to say on this matter but she listened and took everything in. It was something she did but just trying to take everything in, and understand what was being said.

Watching as Jason and Chance leave the office Katie gives a sigh and pushes off the wall coming over to Reese's desk and letting out a long sigh. Hearing his questin Katie thinks for a moment before turning a little to look at Reese.

"I was going to see about taking some vacation time to go see my family but I guess now would not be a good time so I can put that off and I can watch Destiny for you, and maybe Jason do. We could do it in shift to make it a little easier and still be able to work here too."

Katie thinks again for a long moment her fingers tapping on the desk for a moment just thinking. It was strange to have Reese asking her for advise but it was kinda nice too.

"I know Jason has been really good with Destiny. She seemed to have responded to him before. Maybe right now he would be the best person for her to have someone she knows and not another person thrown into the middle of everything. Jason could take days and I could always take nights."

Break the ice

Jason senses just a little bit of something close to sympathy, and throws Katie a quick glance, but doesn't comment.

Yeah... yeah, I'm sure Destiny is upset. I'm just mad that we let this happen. Somebody should have been smarter somewhere. Reese better take one of his own to be her bodyguard from now on, whether he wants to spare someone or not. We owe it to her.

Chance leans his head against the side window, his eyes looking out, but concentrating on nothing. He'd been beat up before. Why did today put him in such a state? He could have weaseled his way out if he'd tried hard enough. But this time... this time, it was simply different. He wonders where Destiny is at the moment. Surely she hated him now, and rightly so. He deserved that. He never should have accepted this case, knowing what he did. And he never should have allowed Destiny to get close to him.

Arriving back at TJY, Jason manhandles Chance out of the pickup and to the building. Chance stumbles one but Jason has no mercy, picking him up and forcing him forward again. Chance utters no sound but trudges with his face down.

Entering the building and coming down to the main floor, Chance doesn't look up. He could feel the eyes on him though... he could feel the eyes of the other Elite agents who would be wondering why he was beat up and why he was in Jason and Katie's custody. It was a shameful walk to Reese's office.

Once there, Reese allows all three of them in, allowing Jason and Katie to explain what had happened before turning to Chance. "Do you have anything to say for yourself?"

Chance sits in the chair, looking at the floor. His tongue moves to try and keep his lip from bleeding more. "No, sir."

"Who is the Underground?"

"Jason just told you - a vigilante group."

"Who runs it?"

"I can't tell you that."

"Chance, if you don't-"

"Would you?" Chance finally looks up at him with question. "Would you have given up information about TJY before it was public? You did things against the law from the beginning, did you not? And you did them in the name of justice. The Underground is no different."

"TJY didn't murder," Jason interrupts angrily. "What the Underground has done is despicable and-"

Reese holds up his hand. "Stand down, Jason." Looking back at Chance, he studies the younger man's eyes for several moments. "As Chief of the Elite and your commanding officer, I am hereby stripping you of your rank and association with the Elite. You have violated many terms and regulations by hacking into our system, sharing information with a third party, endangering a witness, subjecting the Elite to sabotage and assisting in killings, justified or not."

Chance's shoulder sink, his eyes drifting downward again. This was the most humiliation he had ever experienced. He might have always liked riding the fence, and he might have always acted carefree - but he had been proud of being an Elite officer and had been proud of his accomplishments. And in one fatal blow, it was all over. His father would be appalled.

Reese continues. "You will be taken into interrogation, after which, your fate will be decided, based on how cooperative you are. Jason, please take Chance to interrogation one."

Jason nods and takes Chance's arm to prompt him up from the chair. "Anything else?"

"After you have secured Mr. O'Mally in the room, please return." Reese looks to Katie as the men leave. "I'm surmising that Gunner is still with Destiny. Do you have any recommendations for a bodyguard at this time?" In all honesty, he was at his wit's end, and wasn't afraid to ask an officer for any suggestions.

Leo enters the shop and clocks in before wandering over to his bay and opening up his tool boxes. Rolling up his sleeves, he takes a look at the car that was on his schedule, hoping he could get it done in one setting.

Glancing over to the car next to him, he spots Ryan. He knew he still didn't look very good after the fight, but he manages half a smile anyway. "Morning," he greets in an attempt to break the ice.

"Soooo.... since I'm up already, I thought maybe we could do lunch?" Gage paces his living room as he talks with Sapphire on the phone. "And then I'll sack out or something but we can still do supper then too... if you want to?"

Swinging into his kitchen, he fills a glass of water to drink, then continues to wander, waiting for Sapphire's response. He knew she said she would wait for him to sleep, but with a little help from Lonny again, he was feeling just fine and would rather spend more time with Sapphire than waste time sleeping. He'd catch a few hours later.

Pillow, and Fluff

Leaning her head back on the truck seat Katie continues to take in the emotions and though Jason says he is sorry Katie doesn't retort this time. She'd come to relize that no matter how many times she told him not to say sorry he would because thats just what he did.

Yeah, it seemed like there was a little more there than maybe we even new. I think that might make the whole thing even worse.

Letting out a sigh and pulling down the visor of she looks in the mirror to see Chance without turning around. Just watching him for a moment Katie couldn't help the little ping that hit her heart for Chance. She was angry at him too, and very upset but still there was that feeling she had.

I hope Destiny will be ok. She was pretty upset!

Finally getting most of the blood off her hands Destiny turns the sink water off before looking down at her hands. There was still blood under her fingers nails but no matter how she scrubbed would it really even come off?

Once Gunner was gone Destiny slowly moves from the bathroom and to her bed. Laying down and taking the smaller pillow in her arms Destiny pulls it close to her as she just lays her head on the other free pillow.

So much was still running though her mind, and on top of the memories of her parents she now had memories of Chance too. She was still so angry at him, and hated how he had made her feel, but at the same time it felt odd knowing he was not there. Someone else was but...it wasnt Chance, and it wasn't what they sheared together.

Burying her face into the pillow a little more Destiny's tears start all over again her sobs muffled but the pillow and her crys of pain being blocked by the fluff. Just letting out all she was feeling till finally, she'd become exhausted and would cry herself to sleep.

Between those two

Gunner nods solemnly, wishing he could do more for Destiny, but recognizing that right now, he could not. "Okay. I'm gonna stay with you for a bit so... if you need anything, just holler."

Feeling badly, but helpless, Gunner nods again and backs off, giving Destiny her space. Wandering back to the computers in the living room, he sit down and opts to browse, knowing that they would have to eventually anyway. He might as well get a jump on things and find out as much as he could. If Chance had made a mistake while hacking, there was a chance he had saved things he shouldn't have.

Chance remains unresponsive, but once they're in the truck and moving, he takes the paper towels Katie had given him and tries to stop some of the bleeding on his face, starting with his nose. The pickup hits a bump and he cringes but doesn't say a word.

How could he have gotten into this mess? How could he have slipped up this badly to be caught? Now the whole Underground was in jeopardy.

As he drives, Jason continues to feed Katie his anger to avoid any explosions.
Sorry. Rick says control my temper. Right. How would he like it if he were walking around with a hundred times the emotions?
He sighs. He knew Katie hated it when he apologized, but he'd never stop. He never liked seeing her in any kind of discomfort, whether the emotions were what she needed or not. He wished it could be less painful.

I don't even know what to say about Chance. Destiny was pretty broken up... I had suspected before that there might have been something going on between those two... I think if there wasn't, Destiny wouldn't have been quite so upset today.

What now?

Letting out a long sigh Katie takes in Jason emotions and though it drained her, it gave her strength too knowing she couldn't wind down now. There was more work to do and she could be weary later.

It's never easy J when someone gets hurt, I guess when they have become closer to us its even worse.

Getting outside and walking to the truck Katie waits till Chance is in before she goes under the seat for the paper towel. Pulling it out she rips three or four off handing them to Chance. Seeing that he took no move to take them Katie puts them in his lag before taking one and holding it to the cut on his face before lowing it and putting it in his lap.

Moving away and shutting the door Katie goes to the passenger side and gets in. Buckling up she new that the ride would be a quiet one as much hung in the air.

The soft sobs continued to come from Destiny's lips as she washed up in the bathroom. Scrubbing the blood from her hands.

Looking up quickly and hearing Gunner's words Destiny looks down again scrubbing her hands. She just wanted the blood gone, and she hurt so much right now she didn't know what was physical and what wasn't.

"Yes, I am in a great deal of hurt, but this blood...its not mine."

She hurt, she was in pain and she didn't want to be anywhere. How was she to feel better how? How would things move on? Would this pain ever go away?

"I think...I just want to lay down now. It's....all I can think of doing right now because I have no will for anything else."


So focused on Chance, Katie's words breaking through to Jason are like a small jolt to his system. Her hand coming to him forces more of his anger her way instead of to Chance, rechanneling his dangerous emotions.

Trying to subdue himself, Jason breathes more deeply, closing his eyes for just a moment, doing his best to calm down. He might have more control now than he used to, but it was still a struggle.

You're right... I'm sorry...

Jason's eyes fly open again as he hears Destiny's voice and then sees her getting Chance up off the floor. Just standing and watching, he lets her own beating on Chance happen, allowing her to express her pain, knowing that it was what Chance deserved.

It was very possible that a strike from Destiny was more painful than any of the blows Jason had given him. Chance can't even move. His eyes remain glued to the floor, his head hanging. Never had he felt this guilty... this ashamed. He'd been beat in his own games before, but this... this felt different. Someone had trusted him - had put their life in his hands - and he had completely destroyed that trust. Who was to say that anything he'd ever told Destiny had been true? Was even the little romantic detour real, or had that all been a lie too?

Another blow to his face comes and he doesn't try to defend himself. Doesn't even move. Being pulled down for a knee to the chest knocks the wind out of him and the last strike to his face knocks him off balance enough to hit the wall and struggle to remain on his feet. But he remains completely silent, his eyes still down. He could hear the pain and rage in Destiny's voice, and he wasn't even sure what he was feeling. He hurt all over, inside and out, but all he could do was just stand there and take whatever blows came his way.

Even after Katie calls off Destiny and she leaves him be, he hangs against the wall, blood trickling from his mouth, nose, and a cut on the side of his face. His eyes, now dull and lifeless look to Jason, Katie, Gunner, then back to Jason as he awaited his fate.

Now halfway calm, Jason moves to Chance and points to the door. "You're coming with us. Out."

Chance hesitates. What about his things? What about Destiny? What about-

"Move!" Jason gives him a hearty shove a little more forceful than intended.

Chance stumbles forward, catching himself on the doorframe but not before his face had slammed into it. Pain courses through his mouth as more blood comes. But he says nothing and instead stumbles out onto the porch.

Jason turns to eye Gunner for a moment. "Stay here with Destiny, would you? At least until we get this figured out."

Gunner nods. "You got it. I'll have Dalton turn the system back on."

"Good." Heading out behind Chance, Jason makes sure Katie is behind him.
So help me... It's days like this I hate my job, and only because I'd get in trouble for knocking his fool block off. Help me get him into the truck and while you're at it, grab some paper towels or something from under the seat so he doesn't get blood all over my truck.

Remaining behind, Gunner makes a quick call to Dalton, not explaining anything, but just asking that the security system be put back online. Hanging up, he can still hear the water running in the bathroom down the hall and he sighs, setting his hands on his hips for a moment. Now what?

Wandering slowly towards the bathroom, Gunner stops and looks through the open door to Destiny, feeling mighty badly for her. Seeing the blood she's rinsing off, he's not sure whose it is. "You hurt?" he asks quietly.