

So focused on Chance, Katie's words breaking through to Jason are like a small jolt to his system. Her hand coming to him forces more of his anger her way instead of to Chance, rechanneling his dangerous emotions.

Trying to subdue himself, Jason breathes more deeply, closing his eyes for just a moment, doing his best to calm down. He might have more control now than he used to, but it was still a struggle.

You're right... I'm sorry...

Jason's eyes fly open again as he hears Destiny's voice and then sees her getting Chance up off the floor. Just standing and watching, he lets her own beating on Chance happen, allowing her to express her pain, knowing that it was what Chance deserved.

It was very possible that a strike from Destiny was more painful than any of the blows Jason had given him. Chance can't even move. His eyes remain glued to the floor, his head hanging. Never had he felt this guilty... this ashamed. He'd been beat in his own games before, but this... this felt different. Someone had trusted him - had put their life in his hands - and he had completely destroyed that trust. Who was to say that anything he'd ever told Destiny had been true? Was even the little romantic detour real, or had that all been a lie too?

Another blow to his face comes and he doesn't try to defend himself. Doesn't even move. Being pulled down for a knee to the chest knocks the wind out of him and the last strike to his face knocks him off balance enough to hit the wall and struggle to remain on his feet. But he remains completely silent, his eyes still down. He could hear the pain and rage in Destiny's voice, and he wasn't even sure what he was feeling. He hurt all over, inside and out, but all he could do was just stand there and take whatever blows came his way.

Even after Katie calls off Destiny and she leaves him be, he hangs against the wall, blood trickling from his mouth, nose, and a cut on the side of his face. His eyes, now dull and lifeless look to Jason, Katie, Gunner, then back to Jason as he awaited his fate.

Now halfway calm, Jason moves to Chance and points to the door. "You're coming with us. Out."

Chance hesitates. What about his things? What about Destiny? What about-

"Move!" Jason gives him a hearty shove a little more forceful than intended.

Chance stumbles forward, catching himself on the doorframe but not before his face had slammed into it. Pain courses through his mouth as more blood comes. But he says nothing and instead stumbles out onto the porch.

Jason turns to eye Gunner for a moment. "Stay here with Destiny, would you? At least until we get this figured out."

Gunner nods. "You got it. I'll have Dalton turn the system back on."

"Good." Heading out behind Chance, Jason makes sure Katie is behind him.
So help me... It's days like this I hate my job, and only because I'd get in trouble for knocking his fool block off. Help me get him into the truck and while you're at it, grab some paper towels or something from under the seat so he doesn't get blood all over my truck.

Remaining behind, Gunner makes a quick call to Dalton, not explaining anything, but just asking that the security system be put back online. Hanging up, he can still hear the water running in the bathroom down the hall and he sighs, setting his hands on his hips for a moment. Now what?

Wandering slowly towards the bathroom, Gunner stops and looks through the open door to Destiny, feeling mighty badly for her. Seeing the blood she's rinsing off, he's not sure whose it is. "You hurt?" he asks quietly.

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