
GoodBye Forever!

Anastasia gives a long sigh and sucks in a few of the tears that had found there way down to her mouth Quinn's words cutting a little deeper. She new he had to go, she new he couldn't stay yet it was still so hard to say goodbye to something almost perfect.

"Bye Quinn."

Cocking her head a little bit to look at Quinn's face one last time it was like taking a picture in her mind. His face was one she did not want to forget. Letting her eyes fallow him till he was finally inside Anastasia just sits there in the parking lot for a long moment.

She could feel she wanted to cry more as her heart seemed to break just a little more. It had been a long time since she felt like this, and it was a bit strange to think they hardly even new each other. Finally letting her tears out Anastasia just sits there and lets her tears flow. It felt like her heart was breaking. Some people might think she was strange or a little crazy for feeling so bad about someone she had just met, but after just a few there was something there, she new it, she could feel it and to let it go felt like the worst mistake ever.

Laying on her back now and looking up at Alec Ryan gives a small chuckle as he puts the small flower behind her ear. If anyone at the shop saw her act like this or let him put the flower in her hair that would razz her, but Alec she didn't mind at all and she left that softness show to him.

Bringing her hand up to his face Ryan cocks her head a little bit more so it was easier to give him the soft kiss. Hearing his comment about her being his freedom Ryan's lips curl into a smile as she leans up to kiss him again.

"You know your more charming than you like to let on."

As Alec goes and starts to kiss her neck Ryan gives a laugh not minding to much that he ruined the moment the kiss made up for it along with the feelings that came with it. Moving her hands so they find his hair Ryan runs her fingers through it giving a little tug her own voice a little whisper.

"Mmm...I don't mind if you misbehave just a little."

Hearing Kips words it made Karla feel good inside. A warm feeling ran though her and made her feel a little less alone. Though since she had met Kip that feeling had become less and less. Though her loyal friend was gone and she missed him terribly she had a new friend now too.

Was there more with them? Karla wasn't sure but she let it be what it was and didn't want to rush anything. Kip meant to much to her to let that happen.

"You're welcome Kip, thank you for having me tag along and make me feel special."

Leaning her head into Kip's hand Karla moves her head a little to feel his skin against hers. Coming a little closer to him Karla leans up and press her own lips to Kip's for a moment giving him a kiss her feelings coming though when words could not.

Jackie rolls her eyes again giving a small chuckle shaking her head. Holding her pen in her hand she looks over at Wayne again.

"Just sitting next to you makes me a partner in crime, and if one day it catches up with us, its your butt I am gonna kick."

Looking back at the paper she had been jotting some notes down on Jackie was content in keeping the silence here. But hearing Wayen's comment she looks over at him and raises and eyebrow.

"He has been...are you jealous?"

Letting the silence linger for a long moment Jackie laughs again and shakes her head. The thought of Wayne having a crush on her was a funny on. Why she wasn't sure but it was.

"He has been in here a lot. He likes asking questions about how we do things. I think he's just interested in how we do things."

I'll stay

Quinn hadn't wanted to kiss Anastasia, lest it make the whole parting harder, but as she nears, he doesn't have the strength to pull away. Returning the warm gesture of emotions, when she withdraws, his eyes meet hers as if for the first time all over again. Her whispered words create a crack in Quinn's heart, as do the tears he sees trickling down the side of her cheek. But he couldn't stay. He was a wanderer... and he didn't belong in this town.

His hand comes up to slowly wipe away her tears. He couldn't stand to see her cry. How they felt so strongly about each other in such a short amount of time would always be a mystery. "I have to," he returns in his own whisper.

If he stayed any longer, he'd never be able to get out of the car. Though it felt as if he were carrying lead weights on his shoulders, he withdraws and steps out of the car. Shutting the door he looks through the window at her one last time, his hand resting against the glass where he saw her face. Then turning, he walks away. Heading into the auto shop, his teeth are gritted together, his eyes ablaze with conflicting emotions. But he doesn't look back. And within moments, the only sight left is the closing door of the shop, and he is gone.

"...So I know you called in sick and all, but I'm in a major jam and I just saw the guy come back and Darrel will have my hide, and we can't give the guy a rental because he's just passing through and..."

Axel lies on his back on the couch, listening to Leo rant on the answering machine. Ryan must still be out at lunch - otherwise he wouldn't be needed. Was it really something Leo couldn't handle? Axel sighs. He didn't feel like going down and working - there was a reason he'd called in. But he didn't want to leave Leo in a lurch either.

Groaning, he pries himself from the couch and picks up the phone just as Leo is ready to hang up. "You owe me."

"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you. Yes, I owe you! Anything! Just come help me figure this out."

"Yeah, I'll be right down." Hanging up, Axel shakes his head and goes for his shoes, then grabs his work shirt to throw over his t-shirt, buttoning it up and tucking it in. Being in a bad mood wasn't something normal for him, but it was awfully hard to be chipper at the moment. He just needed to push everything aside for a little while to help out. He wasn't going to be mean and say "tough luck."

Outside and down the stairs, Axel heads right into the garage area, scanning the cars. Aiming for Leo, he stops halfway. That car was familiar. Where had he seen it? Earlier today? He bristles. Coming closer, he looks at the license plate and his stomach gives a little lurch. It was the same one he'd seen earlier. Surely it was someone else's. "Who's car, Leo?"

"Huh?" Leo pops up from under the hood. "I am so glad you're here. I've had this thing on the computer three times, I have been in and out and all around for the last couple hours and I can't find out what's going on."

"Who's car?" Axel repeats.

"Oh." Leo stops and thinks. "Oh, yeah. Some guy with the same last name as you. Funny huh?"

Axel doesn't laugh. "Quinn?"

"Hey, yeah." Leo grins, remembering the unusual name. "Relative?"

"Just show me what the problem is." Axel moves to the car, leaving the question unanswered. This was utterly amazing and ridiculous. What were the odds - one that Quinn would find him at all, two that his car would break down while in town, and three that the chosen shop would be J&J?

After twenty more minutes, Axel is just as baffled as Leo. The car simply wouldn't start. As of now, there was no logical explanation. Everything that could be checked had been checked and rechecked. They were going to have to start taking things apart, but that probably meant several days worth of work.

"I can't tell him." Leo looks at Axel pleadingly. "I told him we'd have it done right up and, and, and I can't do it!"

"Leo, get your hind end into the office and tell him like you would any other customer. For Pete's sake."


"Go!" Axel points to the office where he knew Quinn was waiting. "See if he can stay in town a couple days. And if not, ask Darrel about giving him a rental for an extended amount of time until he can come back and pick this up again or we take it to him."

Leo gives Axel another look of desperation. He hated telling customers bad news, especially when he'd been so confident earlier. He blamed himself but there wasn't a whole lot that could be done, and no matter what happened now, he'd be in trouble with Darrel - for making promises, then for not being able to follow through.

Axel stares at him, then finally groans and throws up his arms. "Fine. I'll tell him myself." He could do this... Quinn was just another customer - that was all. Axel could ignore his personal feelings, just go in there, tell him the facts and that would be all.

Taking a deep breath, he pushes open the door while wiping his hands on a rag. Quinn was the only customer waiting so Axel doesn't bother with any kind of greeting. "We can't find the problem," he states flatly. "It's going to take several days to locate it."

Quinn stands up, having been prepared to see Axel, but hoping he wouldn't have to. Now seeing the stern look in his brother's eye and the businesslike tone, it was apparent that they were not brothers right now. "I don't have several days."

"I'm sorry." Axel looks him in the eye with little emotion. Apparently Quinn had found out he worked here - otherwise there would have been at least some remote surprise but there was none. "We can arrange a rental car for you, then once this is fixed, we can have it driven to your location and traded with the rental. Otherwise, you'll have to stay or have it towed somewhere else. It's up to you," he offers as he would to any passing customer. "We want to make sure you get where you're going."

"I bet you do." Quinn smirks a little. He was already in a sour mood from having to say goodbye to Anastasia, so this was just the type of afternoon he could expect.

"Look... I just gave you the facts. There's nothing more we can do here. The decision of what to do now is up to you."

Quinn was almost amused at that phrase. "We're still talking cars, right?"

Axel searches Quinn's eyes, quiet for a moment. Despite anger from this morning, deep down there still was a longing to rebuild any small portion of what they'd once had. He doesn't answer the question, but instead, gestures towards his brother. "Your dogtags are showing," he mentions quietly.

Quinn glances down to see they'd slipped out from under his shirt. Fingering them for a moment, he hides them again before returning to Axel's gaze.

Though Axel's stomach turns, the question won't be withheld. "Why do you still wear them?"

Quinn swallows hard. "In memory of a fallen brother."

Axel finally drops his gaze. Maybe this really was impossible. "Maybe he didn't fall but was simply left behind."

"He was declared dead."

"Many prisoners of war are."

Quinn chews on the inside of his lip. What were the odds that he would have his car brought to this particular shop on this particular day and have Axel be one of the mechanics working on it? He didn't want to acknowledge that it was God, but it was hard to get around that one. "Most prisoners of war don't resurface."

Axel blinks once before looking back up again. "Who said I wasn't still held captive?"

"By guilt?"

"By accusations." Axel's tone was calm this time... he was too tired from earlier to become angry. Searching his brother's eyes, he speaks again, quietly. "What happened, Quinn? Why did you throw me to the wolves?"

Quinn's discomfort rises and he folds his arms. "I'll stay in town until you find the problem with my car," he states flatly, swinging the conversation back around. "The other mechanic has my phone number. Just let me grab some stuff from my car and I'll call a taxi to take me to a hotel."

Alec murmurs his pleasure received from Ryan's attention and he holds her closely, his arms rubbing her back or his hands running through her hair. How long ago was it that he would have scoffed at such a little romance? He couldn't remember... nor did he care. This was different... different than a one night fling... different than the shallow relationships he'd had with other women - if they could even be called relationships. This was more... even though he and Ryan didn't cross the line, there was still more and Alec couldn't get enough.

Drawing back to catch his breath, he grins up at Ryan, giving her an extra kiss on the nose. Shifting in the grass, he turns on his side, depositing Ryan onto her back beside him and he props himself up on an elbow, his other arm draped across her. A little yellow wildflower was just within reach, so he plucks it and tucks it in her hair above her ear. Still smiling, he gives her another kiss, a little more tender this time.

"Ya know... I think I figured something out. That freedom I've been chasing..." He searches her eyes, his own gaze holding so many thoughts and feelings that had yet to see the light of day. "It's you."

Feeling just a little silly after saying it, his face reddens and he laughs then dives to kiss up her neck until he's reached her lips again, though he's still grinning. "You better swat me," he warns. "I might misbehave."

Kip manages a little smile and lets their hands stay connected as they walk back to the building entrance again. Once there, he sets his hand on the handle to open the door, but pauses instead and turns to look down at Karla.

"I... sometimes have a hard time with... you know... other people encouraging me and stuff but, um..." He shrugs, his gaze falling to the sidewalk. "I guess... well, thanks. I might act like I ignore what you say but... but you do make me feel really good."

Glancing back up again, he nods. He'd sort of messed things up between them before they'd come to Nevada, so he was extra careful now, not sure if Karla wanted more than friendship or not, or if he would even not mess things up again. Either way, he liked having her around... she was a good friend and sometimes Kip would rather spend time with her than the others.

A little hesitantly, he lifts his hand to cradle her cheek with his palm. "I'm... I'm glad that you're here."

Wayne grins as Jackie takes a cookie and he nods. "Uh-huh. Now you're a partner in crime."

Looking back out through the big window, he watches in thought for several minutes. "Yeah... yeah, I think we'll make the deadline. If they can focus just a little more. I'm not knocking them, ya know? They're really good and I think they'll make a go of it. They're just still fresh so it'll take a while to get routines down and stuff."

He shrugs and finishes off his cookie, leaning back in his chair. "Erik seems to like hanging out in here..." He lets the statement linger, not daring to look over at Jackie.


To important.

Hearing Quinn's words and feeling his hand in her own Anastasia's heart started to race. The quiet little pain hitting her heart as she tried to swallow the thump that was in her throat. She new even if they promised to see each other again, after today when Quinn drove off into the sunset and she was not with him it would be the end.

Just letting her eyes continue to search his own she reads all his emotions, and all the worlds left unsaid yet still listing to works that were spoken. Clearing her throat Anastasia could feel a single tear roll down her cheek. Saying goodbye was never easy, and today it seemed even harder with this someone she hardly new.

"I'll always remember this tail, and princes do exists."

Not really wanting to leave the restraint or let the drive back to the auto shop happen Anastasia new she could not stop it, and the time had come. Exiting the restraint, and getting into the care a quiet hush seemed to fall over them, speaking without saying words, letting each other know how they felt.

Feeling Quinn's hand slip into her again on the way back Anastasia's own fingers curled around his. Holding on just a little be longer. But the drive is all to short, and soon they are at the auto shop. Pulling in and cutting the engine for the moment she shifts a little to see Quinn better.

As Quinn's hand went to her face Anastasia leaned her head into it feeling the warmth, taking it in, remembering it. A few tears escaped her eyes that she had been trying to hold back. But even for the strongest person, sooner or later there was a breaking point.

Continuing to look back at Quinn she didn't want him to go, she wanted him to stay. This feeling....she didn't want it to end. But it had to...and something told her after this nothing would feel the same again. This was special, she was something not everyone got to experience.

Bringing her own hand to Quinn's face her fingers run over his skin. He had to say good bye, she had to let him go. Leaning in to him she presses her lips to his letting her emotions out. Her good bye coming without words for a moment. Pulling away and leaning her forehead against his own she whispers.

"Do you really have to go? This doesn't have to be goodbye you know. It can be your home too."

Once lunch was over and there time was up Ryan really didn't feel like going back to work. This time with Alec had been nice, and the weather seemed just as good. This was the perfect day to be outside.

Going for her helmet only to have Alec set them down on the bike again Ryan looked to him with question but there was no time for words she he picked her up in his arms. Letting her arms slip around his neck Ryan gave a little laugh as a smile spreads across her face, her eyes still dancing with the fire they held.

Getting to the shaded tree and being pulled down on top of Alec Ryan braces herself with her arms one on each side of him. Looking down into his eyes, she grins as she can feel her own pulse race. It always did when she was with Alec, like every moment was new, and nothing had been done before.

Being pulled to him her pulse quickens even more as and she lets her own passion break free, gentile at first, only to grow and become more passionate as it continues. Slipping her one arm under him, and keeping herself braced with her other she leans on her elbow closing the gap between them.

As Alec pulls away and Ryan feels the bump to her bottom she grins and squints a little at Alec. Now answering him right away she leans close bringing her lips to his to brush over them slightly before retreating her own voice a whisper, still close enough that her breath brushed over his skin.

"Mmm...convincing huh?"

Moving sideways a little Ryan kiss Alec's cheek and than moves down to his neck giving it a few light kiss, and than a gentile nibble. Her words coming out between the kiss.

"Convincing...I think...is something...I can handle."

Making her way up his neck again she stopping at his ear to nibble it a little as well Ryan moves away a little to look Alec in the eye her own glinting with humor. Coming to his lips again Ryan presses her lips to his, letting the kiss be quite deep this time only to pull away again for a moment to turn her head the other way and continue the kiss.

Hearing Kyle's comment about finding a way to never let Alice go, the smile on her face seems to grow a little more as a warmth ran through her veins. It was a quiet secret, and something that didn't need attachen brought to. So leaning back with Kyle she makes no comment on it other than to give his hand a little squeeze.

Karla felt bad that kind seemed to feel so bad about messing up. She wouldn't have been able to tell without him saying something but she really didn't know there songs all that well yet either. In time she would but for now, she still though Kip had done great.

"Maybe if when your int here you close your eyes and just think your somewhere else it might help. I couldn't imagine being in there myself under that kind of pressure of doing well. But if you lose yourself like your else were it could help."

Giving an encouraging smile Karla did what she could to try and keep Kip's spirits up. She new he was trying and it wasn't his fault he seemed to freeze in there, it was just something that happened. Lots of people were like that in crowds and under pressure.

Taking Kip's hand as he helped her up Karla gave another smile just keeping his hand in hers. Things were moving slowly with both of them, but she didn't mind at all. They were taking there time and really there was no need to rush.

"Alright lets head back, I doubt they voted you out though. You really at to important to the band just like everyone else."

"So we let them try some more, and than we are done for the day. Tomorrow they can come back and finish. I know we are on a time frame and all but some things can't be rushed."

Sitting back in her own chair Jackie turns a little bit to look at the others. They all seemed to get along so well it really was amazing, she'd never seen a happier bunch.

Erik did seem to take charge on some things but he'd been with the people in the band longer so he new them better Kyle, she had seen him take action but in different ways. Maybe thats what made the band so special, they new how to share the lead. Looking back to Wayne and his Oreo Jackie just rolls her eyes.

"One of these days Wayne, one of these days. No thank you, I'd rather stay out of trouble."

Jackie gives a laugh as she kicks Wayne's foot for a moment knowing better than to eat in the room where they were. Looking down at the cookie again though Jackie can feel her own mouth wanted from the treat knowing she hadn't eaten in a while.

"Ok, maybe just one."

Taking the cookie from him and poping it quickly in her mouth as to now get crumbs everywhere she munches away.

In the shade

Feeling Ryan's foot and hearing her comment, Alec's eyebrows rise and he pauses mid-chew. His grin returns, his eyes glinting coyly in the sun. "Walk... dessert... walk... dessert. Hmm." He shakes his head and takes another bite of his sandwich. "I dunno... it's a tossup."

He chews thoughtfully. "You might have to, uh..." His foot sneaks over and runs slowly up to her knee. "...help me decide."

Still grinning, he returns concentration to his lunch, throwing Ryan a look every now and again as they continue eating.

Getting through lunch didn't take long, and soon the garbage and leftover water was back in the bike saddlebags and time was running short. Standing near the bike and looking at Ryan for a moment, Alec cocks his head. Helmets in hand, he looks to them then back at her. Seeming to change his mind, he puts the helmets down again. Taking a long stride towards Ryan, he doesn't hesitate before grabbing her and swinging her up into his arms. Spinning her around, his feet take them to the nearby tree where he flops down on the soft ground, letting Ryan land on top of him. Looking up at her, his hands brush her hair back from her face, tucking it behind her ears. The smile that was once thought to be lost forever resurfaces again.

With his head resting in the grass, he searches Ryan's eyes before pulling her close for a gentle kiss which deepens, turning into a passionate embrace. Releasing her for a moment, his grin returns and he brings one leg up to bump her teasingly with his knee. "I think I like dessert in the shade. But you'll have to convince me before I'm absolutely sure."

Hearing Anastasia's words, Quinn's eyes never leave hers. His face seems to remain expressionless, but his gaze tells of matching emotions... the need to leave, but the longing to remain... the need to say goodbye, but the want to stay.

Silence takes over the table as Quinn's gaze expresses his thoughts for him... so deep... so true. Finally though, he speaks, but not before his hand has slid across the table to wrap his fingers around hers. "I'm glad I met you too," he replies softly.

It was strange... he'd known Anastasia for one day. Yet he could, in all honesty, say he'd never felt like this about a woman before. She was different. She was special. And he recognized that.

"If I'm ever in the area again... the music store will be my first stop."

He knew if he left, he wouldn't be back. He knew that he would turn and head down the road, never to look back. By the time he ever returned, she would have set this fairytale on the shelf where it would collect dust, once in a while to be gazed at and smiled over. But he would not find her the same. This had been a once in a lifetime meeting... a once in a lifetime chance.

Quinn's thumb slowly rubs over the top of her hand, a strange lump rising in his throat. He almost felt silly. One day should not be enough for him to not wish to leave her. Yet he couldn't deny how he felt.

"Thank you... Anastasia. I'll cherish this fairytale always." Bringing her hand closer, he raises it to his lips to give it a soft kiss.

But even though he could linger forever, the clock still ticked on. And amidst the blur, they're back in her car, heading to the auto shop. The ride was extra quiet, but not awkward. Halfway there, Quinn's hand slips down to find hers again, saying all the words he couldn't.

The shop's parking lot was like a giant finish line, signaling the end of a short journey, and as they park, Quinn finally has to let go of Anastasia's hand. His finger rises to run down the side of her face, and he wants to kiss her, but he doesn't want to make it harder either. "Goodbye," he whispers.

Kyle chuckles softly and squeezes Alice a little tighter. "You kidding me?" he asks quietly. "I could never tire of having you around. As a matter of fact, if I could find a way to have you around more often, I might just do that."

Shifting his head so he can see her eyes, his grin makes his gaze shine. The implication was there and he knew it. But careful not to draw too much attention to themselves, he simply gives her forehead another light kiss and settles back to rest a while before he was up again.

Out of the corner of his eye, Kip sees Karla sit down next to him and hand him the water. Accepting it, he props himself up on his elbows and takes a long swig. "Thank you."

Sighing, he shakes his head, despite her compliment. "Glad you like it, but it's not the sound I keep messing up. I keep missing words and they're right in front of me. It's like this one line my brain just won't recognize and I just go off and sing the wrong thing with the right notes even though I know the words by heart."

Grimacing, he looks up at Karla in a sidelong glance. "I was fine 'til they put me in the booth. It's like now that I have to do it well, I can't. But I can jam all day long and do it perfectly. Go figure."

Looking back down, he sips some more water then sits up, folding his legs. "Oh well. I guess if I can't get it right, they'll just cut me from the song. At least I got my bass part right."

Taking another deep breath of fresh air and wiping a bit of sweat from his forehead, he nods decidedly then stands up. "Okay, I feel better now." He offers her his hand to help her up. "Let's go see if they voted me off the island."

Wayne swivels in his chair and tosses Jackie a glance and a little grin. He was harsher on the outside than on the inside and she knew it too. "Yeah, we'll give him more time. But we do have to get these guys out of here before the next band slot - you know how hairy it gets if we overlap schedules."

He shrugs. "I was pleased with Erik's response, though I kinda wished I would have seen it from Kyle. Sometimes I can't decide who's the leader but maybe it's just their personality differences."

Rocking back and yawning, he turns again and reaches in the drawer to retrieve a couple oreo cookies. "Want one?"

Do you really

Hearing Alec had an interview Ryan's eyes lite up more as she takes a bit of her sandwich. She figured he had been looking but to get an interview so fast that was great timing and most likely a great boost for Alec.

"Wow, thats so great Alec. I bet they will call, I mean whats not to like about you right?"

Giving a grin Ryan's foot finds Alec's under the table and runs along side it and up his leg just a little her eyes giving a small twinkle. Looking into Alec's eyes Ryan wondered about the bike and how he had gotten it. She wanted to ask but something stopped her. She had to trust Alec and know he'd do the right thing, this was one time she would hold her question for now anyways.

"So after we eat want to take a walk around the park or find a nice shaded spot to finish our dessert?"

Leaning back letting her sandwich sit on the plate for a moment Anastasia doesn't rush the meal. She didn't want it to end to quickly because than they would have to say goodbye, and she was not looking forward to it.

"Does there really have to be an excuse to not just pretend the clock has stopped? At least for a little while?"

Giving Quinn a little wink Anastasia sits up again and takes another bit of her food. The subject was off Quinn's brother now and she wasn't going to push it.

Looking back across the table at Quinn she gives a smile her eyes twinkling but something a little more deep was hidden behind them as she puts her food down.

"Well, I guess I should say it now before its to late. I already thought I missed the train once when you didn't show up for lunch."

Anastasia looks down at her plate thinking for a moment. It was not always easy for her to tell her feelings. Even if she was so bold when it came down to a personal relationship with someone it was a little hard, but not that much.

"All in all, I'm happy I got to met you and spent some special moments with you. Your a sweet guy and if you ever find yourself in this neck of the woods again I'd love to see you again."

Taking the bottle of water from Erik Karla gives a nod. She hadn't been with the group long, even shorter than Alice and Kyle but she had picked up quick on Kip and his amazing amount of energy.

Heaing out the door and down the walkway looking around a little bit she can faintly see Kip and heads in the direction knowing he would slow down sooner or later. Seeing him come to a stop and fall into the grass Karla makes her way over to him sitting down as well.

"I think you sounded pretty good. I like your voice its so soothing ya know."

Holding the bottle out to Kip Karla gives a smile. She really did think he sounded good when he was singing. A lot better than she would anyways.

Looking over at Wayne Jackie gives a shake of head. She could see the potential in Kip, and had no doubt he could sing.

"I don't think He's holding them back. Your mind often wonders all over the place too you know."

Jackie gives a sly smile as she glaces at him and than back down to the sound bored again for a moment. She always loved teasing him, but as well as teasing this time she really ment it too.

"Really I'd like to not count Kip out yet. He's part of the band too and I'd like to keep it that way. Lets just give him a little more time..ok?"

Leaning into Kyle a little bit Alice loves his soft and quiet affection. It was nice and she enjoyed it. Looking up at him and giving him a soft quick kiss before leabing her own forehead against his.

"Not in the least. I could never be bored listing to you or even being around you for that matter."

Alice eyes twinkle as she looks up Kyle completely wrapped up in him. She just looked feeling the soft beat of his heart, and his soft breath on her skin. To her this was perfect.

"Tired of having me around yet?"


Alec quirks an eyebrow, then grins coyly. "You wanna see me shirtless, just say so. I don't have to be working on my motorcycle for that to happen, you know."

Still grinning, he takes a bite of his sandwich. He was just as glad that she was thinking about him rather than how he'd paid for the bike, which was what Eli's main concern seemed to have been. Alec knew Ryan's brother didn't trust him.

"I'll still let you watch though," he agrees. "Whenever I get around to working on it, that is. By tomorrow, I may be a working man." A new glint shines in his eyes. Self-worth maybe? "Had an interview this morning at an independent mail courier. I figure I could drive around town and deliver packages - can't be that hard, right? Supposedly they're gonna call me tomorrow if they liked me."

Who said Axel had changed? Anastasia had, just moments before - at least she'd implied she believed as much. Quinn refrains from arguing though, and keeps his thoughts on what was really important here. He knew she was right about giving Axel a chance but... how? He was ready just to forget the whole thing and walk away. And he would have, had his car not broken down. And now...

Snapping back to attention, he grins and takes as bite of his BLT. "I don't know," he muses. "This sandwich is pretty good..."

Giving her a teasing wink, he tries not to laugh with a full mouth. "But I think sitting with a princess is better."

Dropping the subject of Axel for now, Quinn tries to just enjoy the meal. It wasn't all that easy though. His mind still wanted to dwell on his brother, and then the other part of him was thinking about how his time with Anastasia was quickly coming to an end. Why had he been allowed to experience such a good time with her, only to have it end? It didn't seem fair. But he knew he had to continue on the road. He knew he had to keep moving. That was what he did. That was his life.

Once the meal is finished, Quinn finds himself stalling as he works on finishing his pop, stirring the ice around, taking another sip, then stirring again. Once they left here and went to the shop, that was it.

Glancing over to Anastasia, the look on his face is a sheepish one. "I keep trying to think of an excuse to just stay here and pretend the clock isn't ticking but I can't."

"Remind me of my origins... Remind me why... Remind me..."

Erik sighs as he stands in the control room listening to Kip make the same mistake in the same place for the fourth time in a row. Kyle had already finished his vocals and they wanted Kip to harmonize on the chorus. He knew the lyrics and the music as well as anyone, but he just wasn't focusing.

Wayne catches the mistake again and shakes his head. "Hold it, Kip... hold it..."

Kip stops and looks through the glass at the other room, his eyes showing frustration. He knew this stuff, he just couldn't concentrate today. Scratching his head, he takes another sip of water and then stretches, spinning around a couple times to get the blood flowing again.

Wayne looks up at Erik, then glances over to Jackie. "Maybe for the sample album we need to just cut Kip on this one. If we really want that sound, we can work more on it later." He reaches for the intercom button to tell Kip they were wrapping it up, but Erik stops him.

"Wait." Reaching down between Wayne and Jackie to hit the button himself, he looks out into the other room. "Kip... take five." He knew Kip better than they did and he recognized the problem.

Kip glances up at Erik and grimaces a little, taking the cue. He knew what his older friend meant. Shedding the headphones, he wanders from the sound booth and out to where the others were hanging out, waiting and practicing. Receiving a sympathetic look from Twila, he cringes and heads for the door.

Erik watches him leave and nods. "Give him a couple minutes, okay?"

"We're already starting to push the time we've got," Wayne warns. "If he can't get it-"

"He will," Erik states flatly. These people knew music, but they didn't know the band well enough yet to make that kind of assumption. He glances at Jackie before turning and leaving to join the others for a while.

Twila looks at him with understanding and she scrunches her nose a little. "He gonna make it?"

"Yeah." Erik nods and flops down in an empty chair. "He just needs to work off that energy of his, you know that."

Twila nods. Kip was a ball of energy and sometimes it did get in the way. Everyone in the band knew that almost every day was a struggle for him to concentrate and not get sidetracked, let alone sit still for this amount of time. Twila looks over to Karla and tosses her a new water bottle. "He's probably gonna need this," she hints.

Kyle watches as he sits on the little couch with his arm around Alice. He knew what was going on but let Erik handle it. Even though technically Kyle was the head of the band now, Erik still had the better relationship with Kip, so Kyle let him handle their youngest member when anything like this came up. Besides all that, Kyle appreciated Erik's watchful eye so he didn't have to worry about some of those things himself, and just concentrate on his music.

Kissing Alice on the cheek, he leans his head against hers and sighs. It had been a long day and it was only half over. But they were halfway through the first album. "Bored yet?" he teases.

Wayne sighs and leans back in his chair. "Stubborn batch of people," he muses. "Good though. Kip's the only one that's holding them back, in my opinion. He's got talent but sometimes I wonder where his mind is."

He shakes his head and looks out through the window at the others. "They've got a chance if we can help refine them." He gives Jackie a sidelong glance. "What do you think of them so far?"

Ignoring the others, Kip is out the door, down the hall and outside into the fresh air. Taking a deep breath, he looks around the building for a good spot. Thankfully, they were in a quiet district, out a ways from other businesses and there was a little grassy lot right next to them. There were a couple benches and a few trees - not a park, but good enough for musicians that needed a break. A sidewalk led down the block in both directions too, and the parking lot was almost empty.

Eying his options for a moment, Kip takes off at a dead run. His feet pound the pavement as he shoot down the sidewalk. Sweat breaks out on his forehead an his lungs work overtime to keep up but he keeps on going, skidding to a halt once he reaches the corner. Spinning around, he takes off again, heading back the same way but veering off into the parking lot to take the long way around. Halfway back to the building, his legs start to slow until he was just jogging, but he forces himself once more around the parking lot before finally landing in the little grassy area.

Flopping down on the ground, he lies on his back trying to catch his breath as he stares up into a tree's branches, squinting in the sun. The grass tickled the back of his neck but he ignores it, too tired to care. He needed to concentrate... just concentrate... An image flashes in his mind of his father smacking him for not finishing his homework on time... another time was for failing a test... another time was for not being able to spell things right.
"You're just plain stupid!"
"I'm sorry! I just... I can't concentrate!" Another tear runs down Kip's eleven-year-old face.
"You can - you just don't want to! You're as lazy as your mother was."
Kip's face is slammed into his homework on the table.
"You're not getting supper until this is finished right." It was already nine o'clock at night.

Kip blinks and continues trying to catch his breath as his heart races from his run. Twenty years old and he still struggled to complete a simple task. Feeling stupid was all too familiar, but he shoves it aside like he always did. It was fine... he'd get it... it would all be good... right?


My kind of view

Ryan laughs returning the kiss but letting it break as another little chuckle comes from her lips. Taking a bit of the sandwich and than a sip of the water she shakes her head as her eyes glow in the afternoon light.

"No other girl better dig anything besides me."

Pulling Alec a little closer again and pressing her lips to his Ryan lets him go and opens her bottle of water taking a sip. After working all morning nothing tasted better than a nice cold bottle of water. Alec just seemed to know what hit the spot.

"I like the bike too. I think it will be a nice project for you. I think I want to watch you while you fix it too. The thought of you without your shirt on, now thats my idea of a good view."

Ryan's eyes give a little spark as she looks at Alec taking another sip of her water her lips curled up.

Giving the waitress her order as she comes over Anastaisa gives a nod and thanks her after Quinn had ordered as well. Turning back to him once she walked away Anastasia takes a sip of her pop sucking on a peace of ice for a moment before gracefully letting it plop back into her glass.

"Trust comes in time with anyone. Unless you me and you seem to like hanging out with strange guys. But trust is something earned so no, you don't have to trust him right away."

Leaning against the back of the booth Anastasia looks across the table at Quinn just studying him again and taking in his eyes. It was so hard not to look into his eyes as there was life, and a faith in them.

"Who said he has changed? But who says he hasn't? If your never going to try and get to know him again than you will never know. As for how he acted this afternoon I can't say I know what he felt but I can only get he himself didn't know what to think. To have the surprise of his brother in town and than if you pushed to hard to fast acting judgmental I might get upset too. Witch I am not blaming you for either, its not like you had planned for your brother to be in this town."

Falling silent as the waitress came back over with there meal again Anastasia looks down at her food and feels her stomach growl. She was hungrier than she thought that was for sure. Picking up the sandwich and taking a bit she closes her eyes for a moment just savoring the taste. Finally swallowing it and opening her eyes again she gives a nod.

"The food is good, but I agree, spending time with you is much better."

Doesn't mean...

Alec smiles and grabs the food from the bike before joining Ryan at the table. "You're welcome and yes." He nods. "Got her today. That's why I was late."

He grins as he passes her a sandwich and a bottle of water. "Had to find the right one, ya know. Needs a bit of work but the engine is good. 'Course then I had to ask Eli where your helmet was and he wasn't going to let me go without a jacket so I had to get all that taken care of. However... I think it was worth it."

His eyes hold a sly glint to them and he leans over and gives Ryan another kiss, letting it linger for several long moments. "I hear chicks dig guys with bikes."

Quinn leans back in his seat and studies Anastasia. Her words stung, but he knew their truth. "I know," he confirms quietly. "But even if I forgive him... that doesn't mean I have to trust him, does it?"

He shakes his head and looks at the table for a few moments before glancing back up to her eyes. "Who says he's even changed? Our brief meeting certainly wasn't enough for me to have seen that. And just because he's got a job at a reputable place doesn't mean he's a new man."

"Yeah... I don't know. When I first met her, it was like hey, new friend to hang out with maybe? But once I got to know her, she got more timid and I started to see how she was living in the past... in a rut. When I tried to convince her to start living her life again, it backfired."

Justin shrugs and takes another sip of water while sitting on the couch with Rebecca in her apartment. "After that I discovered her past was worse than I thought."

"So maybe you were too harsh?"

"Kind of. I still meant what I said and I wasn't sorry I said it... but I think it was just too soon for her."

"I see." Rebecca leans sideways, resting her head on the back cushions to look at Justin. "So how did you get close to her then?"

"I guess I decided to give up my original thoughts of an equal relationship and decided to just make myself available if she decided she wanted my input."

"And she responded."

"I think so. She got ultra timid, so I think-"

"She was opening up and it was scary to her?"

Justin smiles at Rebecca's intuition and nods. "Yeah."

"So... you're friends now?"

"In a way. I'm still just available for when she wants or needs me. She's talked to me a little... I see her taking baby steps."

"Think she likes you?"

Justin quirks an eyebrow, a little grin forming too. "Naw. I mean... I hope not."

Rebecca gives him a teasing grin. "Really?"

"Yes, really." Justin takes another sip of water and pulls his bare feet up further to sit cross-legged. "I have no romantic interests, if that's what you're thinking."

Rebecca laughs, making her eyes sparkle. "Ah, but you had dinner and a movie with her."

"So? I just had dinner with you."

"Oh, so this is no different then, huh?"

"I didn't say that." Justin eyes her slyly. "Don't you know you can't twist the words of a counselor?"

Rebecca giggles and sips her iced tea. "Okay, so no romance between you and Beth."

"All she wants is a friend."

Rebecca studies him for a moment. "And... you?"

Justin shakes his head. "She's nice. She's sweet and shes' got a lot of potential. I'm here to help her, should she want it. I'll be her friend."

"But otherwise, she's just a client to you?"

Justin looks down and runs his finger along the rim of his glass. "Sounds a little harsh, doesn't it?"

"Mm... but is it true?"

The picture of Beth's face passes through Justin's mind. her eyes... her smile... the spark that was hidden under the surface, buried beneath all her pain and fear. "I just want to help her. And when she spreads her wings, I'll stand back and watch her fly."

Rebecca's smile is a warm one. "Then what will you do?"

"Make sure she doesn't fall... then walk away knowing that maybe I helped someone find their way again. Isn't that what it's all about anyway?"

Rebecca simply cocks her head and watches him for several long moments before she stands up. "Want some dessert? I got ice cream."

Justin grins. "How could I say no?" Joining her in the kitchen, he helps scoop out the ice cream into two bowls. Back in the living room, they settle down to watch a movie.

Just a little ways into the story line, something unexpected happens and Rebecca almost jumps out of her skin. Seated closer to Justin than earlier, she bumps into him with a little shriek, almost spilling both of their bowls. Her face reddens and she starts to laugh, feeling utterly stupid.

Justin laughs too, nudging her with his elbow. "Little jumpy?"

Rebecca giggles and nods. "I must be." Leaning in closer to his face, her grin widens slyly. "But with you around, I know I'm safe." Her free hand finds his arm and her palm rests on him softly. Looking into his eyes, the moment turns into one between them without thoughts of the movie. They could feel each other's breath on their skin and their hearts pick up pace just a little.

Justin's eyes roam down then up again to meet her gaze once more. Their faces draw even nearer as the sounds of the television seem to be drowned out in the background. Perhaps even time stood still.

Bringing a spoonful of ice cream to his mouth, Justin sucks on the cold treat, returning his sights to the movie. "I'd hate to see you with a horror movie," he quips. "This one isn't even scary." Giving her a playful shove, the space between them widens again and focus is returned to the television.


Sitting down with Quinn Anastasia enjoys the quiet at the table while it was here. The quiet was comforting to her when she was around Quinn, if wasn't awkward and she liked it.

Looking down at her menu finally to figure out what she wanted. Today was one of those days that everything looked good. Settling on a club sandwich she closes the menu to look up at Quinn again taking in his words for a long moment.

"I can see where your coming from. You see him and its just makes you angry to think about what he did. But than I guess you can stop and remember when Jesus was on the cross her forgave the one criminal who was there with him. He new what he did but he also new he was sorry. We need to remember that too when dealing with those we need to forgive."

Cocking her head to one side for a moment she thinks just searching Quinn's eyes. She could see the term oil that layed in them. She didn't know him all that way but it bothered her and made her sad to see it.

"Yeah its hard I understand that, and when you think about what he did it makes you pretty angry, but everyone deserves to be forgiven. Your brother has payed his dues, and I would say changed. It's God job to judge him not us."

Putting the helmet on and getting onto the back of the bike Ryan wraps her arms around Alec and gives a little squeeze letting him know she was ready. Holding on and just enjoying the scenes that passed by and just being so close to Alec.

Getting to the park Ryan pulls the helmet off once they were parked and gives a smile. He was so romantic in his own rough way and she loved every moment of it. Sliding off the bike Ryan walks to the picnic bench and hoped up on it letting her legs dangle over the edge.

"I think that sounds perfect. This is all perfect. Thank you Alec for the nice surprise. Did you get the bike today?"

Don't know

Seeing the slyness in Ryan's eye, Alec's grin matches. About to answer her, he doesn't have time as she's already got him in a kiss, but he doesn't resist. Leaning into her while still seated on the bike, his hand reaches up to cradle the side of her face until she pulls away.

"Mmm... well, your boyfriend might not like you running off with someone else but... I think I can handle it."

Still smiling, he shakes his head. "Who said I'm in any kind of trouble?" Given, someone might question where he got the money, but as far as he was concerned, it was no one's business. "The only trouble I get into is with you." He reaches up to tap the underside of her chin with his finger.

"If you're that ready, go clock out. We'll go get us some food... or more dessert." Grinning again, he waits for Ryan, firing up the bike once more. When she returns, he gives her her helmet and dons his own. Making sure she's set behind him, he signals to the road to let her know he's ready too.

Once out on the street, Alec shifts gears and guns it, heading down behind the business district where there were fewer stoplights. Instead of aiming towards their normal restaurant choices, Alec steers out to the outskirts of town and drives for about ten minutes before coming to a little roadside park - quiet, in a little grove of trees just far enough out of town to make it feel secluded, but still right on the road. Today there was no one else there.

Parking near one of the few picnic tables, Alec puts the kickstand down and takes off his helmet. Looking over his shoulder at Ryan, his eyes sparkle. "I picked up some sandwiches and drinks... they're in the saddle bags."

Back in the shop and still grumbling, Leo watches Ryan and Alec leave and he sighs. Staring at the car, he shakes his head. "Jed, you got a minute to help me?"

"Nope - I gotta get this done by five."


"Uh-uh. I leave in an hour and if I don't get this car ready, Darrel will have my hide."

Leo sighs again. Looking down into the engine, he putters for a while, jacks it up, checks out everything underneath, looks in the engine again, checks it on the computer again and still finds absolutely nothing. He knew he wasn't the greatest mechanic in the world, but this was ridiculous.

Anastasia's question doesn't escape Quinn, but the ride to the diner is quiet anyway as more questions and thoughts pass through his mind. Once arriving though, he tries to shake it off and turns to smile at Anastasia. "Music sounds good but... just so you know, I think I like the company even better."

Staring into her eyes, he lingers, remembering the evening before. Today felt less like a fairytale, but there was still something there... still something... he couldn't quite put his finger on. It was strange, the way he felt connected to her. He'd known her for one day but it felt like a lifetime.

Just leaving conversation as it was, he exits the car and waits for Anastasia to join him before heading inside the diner.

The atmosphere was nice and Anastasia had been right about the music. Settling in a corner booth, they are waited on and place their orders. Talk is minimal... Quinn is quiet today. But eventually, the thoughts turn into words as his mind reverts to Anastasia's question a while ago.

"I don't know what I'd do..." He looks down at his napkin and fiddles with it. "If I saw Axel at the auto shop I mean." He shrugs lamely. "After this morning... I just don't know. It's like I know the Christian thing to do but... when I see him, all my anger just comes back and my tongue runs away with itself."

Older Music

Getting into the car Anastasia gives a sigh starting her up. Sitting there and thinking she turns her head to Quinn before pulling out.

"It's kinda sad to know he would turn the other way when he saw the paperwork. I guess my question is...if he does come down to see you, would you turn the other way first!?"

Her question wasn't one that needed to be answered it was really more of a food for thought question. Giving a smile and putting the car into gear Anastasia pulls out of the parking lot and heads to the little dinner they agreed on.

Getting to the destination Anastasia pulls into the driveway and shuts the car off. Sitting for a moment just looking at him taking Quinn in. After this...when his car would be fixed would he be gone?

It really was sad to think about that. They connected so well, and she just seemed so comfortable around him. Trying not to think about it now though Anastasia smile.

"Alright, I think my stomach is starting to eat itself. The food is calling my name. Shall we our banquet awaits. Oh and they play some good older music here too."

Having come back into the auto shop and starting to work Ryan looks up at Leo's frustrated tone. Hearing he couldn't find a thing wrong with the car she wonders over. Not trying to be a know it all but just wanting to help.

"Will the car turn over at all? Might be the starter, or the timing belt. Not that you haven't checked that already I am sure."

Hearing the sounds of a bike though Ryan is cut off and looks up. She'd never seen the bike before though the build of the man on it seemed familiar. Continuing to just watch Ryan eyes the man until finally he removes his helmet.

Seeing it was Alec for a moment Ryan felt almost frozen in time just staring at him her mouth hanging open a little bit. Where on earth did he get a motercicle from and....he looks amazing in her brother jacket.

Walking over to him slowly Ryan's face changes from that of surprise sly grin her eyes seeming to twinkle as she walked in a circle around the bike and him.

"I was meant to meet my boyfriend for lunch but...a guy with a motorcycle offering to take me that sounds a little to excitnig to pass up."

Coming close to Alec Ryan brings a hand to his shirt and pulls him a little closer to her as she looks him in the eyes. Her own still burning with fire, and the sassy grin on her lips.

"What trouble have you gotten yourself into this time for have a nice bike like that huh?"

Not being able to stop herself for letting him answer back yet Ryan leans in and pushes her lips to his. Letting her passion show through as her arms slide around him and one finds his hair as the other his back. After a few long moment Ryan breaks away her eyes still burning.

"Dessert first is always better. I think I'm ready now."

Late with a reason

Axel listens quietly, then says goodbye to Ryan as she leaves. Left alone again, he stares at the closed door for a while. Ryan was a true friend. It had surprised him a little bit to hear her mention God... he hadn't known she had a faith, but it was nice to hear. Perhaps she was one who just needed to embrace a stronger relationship with God and revive one that already existed but had waned.

He shakes his head. His mind always took that route - seeing to the spiritual needs of others. He knew it was the Holy Spirit's doing, and quite often it was a reminder of what was really important in life. His troubles with his brother... compared to someone needing the Lord... perhaps the trial didn't seem quite so bad. It was still painful though.

Wandering to the living room, Axel flops down on the couch - is usual hibernating location. The television remained off and his mind begins a journey back years before when he'd been a child. It would be several hours until Jess came - several hours for his mind to remember, relive and pray.

Quinn chuckles lightly and nods. "I think you're a lot of things, Princess."

Her question about his brother brings another sigh and he walks with her to her car. "Yeah... it's him. Unless there's more than one Axel Thornton in town, which I highly doubt." All he can do is shake his head. "What are the odds?"

Pausing at the passenger door, he just marvels for a moment before getting in and buckling up. "Don't be sorry - I know you didn't know. And besides, just because he works at the shop doesn't mean I'll even see him, so we're fine. I'm sure if he sees the paperwork anyway, he'd make sure he didn't have to deal with me."

Leo stares into the engine and grumbles to himself. "This just doesn't make any sense!"

Jed leans back from his own car and lifts an eyebrow. "Trouble?"

"Mm-hmm..." Leo tinkers again but gives up once more. "Won't start. And I cannot find one thing wrong in this engine."

"Maybe it's electronic."

"I already put it on the computer. Nothing came up."

"Try again?"

Leo sighs. "That's all I can do. I'll be toast if I can't figure it out though - the guy's from out of town and I promised we'd have him back on the road." He shakes his head and keeps trying.

Outside, the low rumble of a motorcycle engine approaches. A couple of the guys look up to see out the bay doors to watch an older bike come into the lot. It looked like a motorcycle that needed a little TLC, but could be very sharp once it was in shape again - the engine sounded good.

The driver has a full-face helmet on and pulls right up to the open door behind the car Ryan was working on. Cutting the engine he pulls off his helmet, a sly grin on his lips. "Hey!" he hollers. "I'm looking for a woman who hasn't eaten lunch yet. Anybody around here like that?"

Alec's eyes spark in the sunlight as he grins. The only reason he was so late for lunch was because he'd been wheeling and dealing to get this bike. It needed work, but it would be his project. With a little help from Eli, he had Ryan's helmet with him, along with one of Eli's old leather jackets.

Sitting back with both feet planted on the ground, he waits for Ryan, waiting to see her reaction.


Didn't know!

"Because Axel family is everything, and God wouldn't want you to be mad at your brother forever. I know its a scary thing and thats ok to be scared."

Ryan new she had to get back down to work not even sure if Alec was going to come for lunch today but she would work a little more if and till he showed up. They weren't busy today and most her work was done so she new it would be ok if she jetted out a little early with Alec.

She wanted to stay and talk to Axel more but she wasnt sure what else to say. He was a strong willed guy for sure so anything she said would have a retort unless he really wanted to do something about it himself.

"I know your stronger than you think Axel. You can do it, and make it through this. You be scared to elan on those friends and love ones you do have. Anyways I better get back. Take it easy ok and if you just need to chat you know where I am."

Turning and heading out of the apartment Ryan makes her way down again to the auto shop again to continue working.

Deciding where they would eat Anastasia smiles. She was kinda happy his car wouldn't start it was just a little bit longer than she would get to stay with Quinn now. Seeing the toe truck pull in Anastasia stands and gives a nod to Leo as he gets out of the car. She'd seen him before from when her own car had been in the shop.

Just watching Leo and Quinn interact she just watches and listens. Cocking her head a little at the mention to Axel, and seeing Quinn's reaction she found it a little strange but waited till Leo was gone before say anything.

"Did you know that guy Leo was talking about? You looked like you saw a ghost. Was...that your brother? If it was...I am sorry, I didn't know."

Anastasia couldn't help but ask as they walked back to her car. In a way this whole thing was a little interesting to her to see how God was unfolding everything. To her it just seemed cool, and to be part of it and to meet someone as wonderful as Quinn was her added bonus. But on the other had if that was his brother she would feel bad a little. She didn't want to put Quinn in a position like that.

"Ok, food here we come to have a little more fun before our time is done."

Stopping as she slid her sunglasses down her face she gives a little quirk.

"I am a poet and didn't know it, cool!"

Let's go

"Yeah, well in a situation like that, it's awfully hard to plant the evidence," Axel retorts under his breath. It wasn't like it was a glass he'd used that was presented as the evidence. They'd checked out the girl - planting just wasn't possible in Axel's mind.

He listens to Ryan though, maybe deep down grateful for her insistence. Jess had encouraged him, Carson had encouraged him... but maybe sometimes it took a little extra boost from someone else.

"I know I got friends like you that will stand by me..." He shakes his head. "But what if I find out the truth of the matter is that it really was me? Then what? I don't know if I could live with myself."

Looking down, the emotions surge through his eyes and he grits his teeth. This really was a nightmare.

"Besides, why go to the bother of all that just to prove something to someone who turned their back on me? If my brother doesn't believe me and take my word for it now, what's the point of proof? I wouldn't want that kind of trust back from him. It's not real."

Axel knew that he was just using excuses. The fact of the matter remained that he was scared. Period. He was scared of finding evidence or remembering something that would only prove it really had been him. He knew friends like Ryan didn't believe he was capable of such an act, but what if he hadn't been in his right mind?

His eyes drift back up to Ryan, searching her stubborn gaze. "I just... I just don't know, Ryan. I don't know if I can do this."


Leo's head pops up from the open hood of the car, glancing over to the office where Darrel was hollering at him. "Yeah?"

"Tow job. You're up."

Leo looks around and sighs. He was almost done, but everyone else was busier. "Yeah, ok." Wiping his hands and setting down his wrench, he goes to grab the truck keys and waves to the other guys. "Don't have too much fun while I'm gone."

"You kidding?" Jed teases back. "We never have fun around here."

"Right." Leo laughs and heads to the office to get the location and then goes for the tow truck.

Quinn smiles and shakes his head, but words don't come yet. Instead, he returns Anastasia's gaze. She was so full of life... so full of peace... a warm light. "I guess I don't care either," he finally responds.

Seeing a stray strand of hair blowing across her face, his hand reaches up to brush it aside and tuck it behind her ear. "But I guess we've got fifteen minutes to figure it out."

Sighing a little he turns and wanders to the curb to sit down and wait outside for the tow truck. While they wait, it's decided they'll go to a little diner of Anastasia's recommendation, but before too much smalltalk can happen, the truck arrives.

Leo parks near the other cars, unsure which one it is, but seeing the man and woman standing up from the curb, he knows that these are the ones who needed the help.

"Hey... got car trouble?"

Quinn nods and thumbs to his car. "Won't start. Was running fine and..."

Leo grins. "Kaplooey?"

Quinn chuckles. "Yeah."

"Alright, well, lets get 'er hooked up, I'll take down your info and we'll get started. Need a lift to the shop?"

"No. Gonna run and get some lunch and I got a ride after that."

"Sounds good." Leo sets to work and before long, the car is hooked up and ready to go. "Okay, just sign here, give me a phone number and... we'll be set to go."

Quinn nods and takes the clipboard from him, printing and signing his name and jotting down his cell number. "That should do it. All you need?"

"Yep." Leo takes the paperwork and scans it for a moment, grinning. "Hey, I work with a Thornton. Couple hours alright?"

Quinn quirks an eyebrow, ignoring the question. "Another Thornton, huh?"

"Mm-hmm." Leo nods, jotting down a note or two. "On of our mechanics. Axel. Relative of yours?"

Quinn immediately bristles, his fingers tightening into his palm. "Couple hours would be fine. I'll be there."

Leo looks up, wondering if he'd just said something wrong. "Yeah, sure, okay. I'll make sure we look at it right away so you can get back on the road as soon as possible."

"Great. Thanks." Quinn tucks his hands in his pockets and watches as his car is towed away. Staring after it, he shakes his head slowly. "Axel. A mechanic. Now that's funny." A scoffing laugh surfaces for the irony of someone named Axel working on cars. What was more ironic though was the fact that Axel happened to work at this auto shop. He knew Anastasia hadn't known though - she wasn't like that. He did wonder though what would happen now. He had no intention of seeing his brother again. Maybe he'd be lucky and Axel wouldn't be working today.

Taking a deep breath, he spins around to look at Anastasia again. He forces a smile, completely skirting around the whole Axel issue. "I'm ready to eat... let's go."

Auto Shop

Ryan gives a shake of her head as she continues to stand in front of Axel. She wasn't going to let him beat himself up over this. She wasn't to good with consoling people but she was good at standing for what she alone believe in, and having a friend beat into themselves was not something she'd let continue.

"DNA is as easy to get from a person as asking for a pencil. In everything we touch, drink from, brush against our DNA is left behind. To be manipulated, and placed into a crime scene it really is just as easy."

Letting out a sigh Ryan was quiet for a moment. Her own mind seemed to jump all over the place. The though of her brother seemed to come to her most. John always blamed himself for there father's death. It had been his job to secure the jack and when it gave way he always went over and over about how he could of checked it better. No matter what they told him about how it could of happened to anyone and it was not his fault he never listened.

"Forgetting will only last so long, you know that Axel. Prove your brother wrong, and everyone else who said you where guilty. There are ways to still prove your innocent its just the fact of digging, and looking. You do have people who will stand behind you too. Don't give up on yourself so quickly."

Giving a nod and a smile Anastasia turns and heads back into the record shop motioning for Quinn to follow. Not taking to long to find the number she dials J&J's number. Getting an answer she gives a little nod to Quinn.

"Hi, I have a car over at Disk O Round that has broken down and I need someone to come toe it for me and asses the situation before fixing it. Yeah, ok that would be great thank so much."

Hanging up the phone and turning back to Quinn she was satisfied. She had gone to this auto shop a lot and new they were good.

"Ok, they said it will be about fifteen minutes. So any idea's on where to eat? Don't matter to me as long as your eating with me."

Anastasia's eyes sparkle in the sun light as she looks back at Quinn her eyes running over his face falling deep into his eyes as they come to them.

Drop me off

A faint smile tugs the corner of Axel's mouth. He was grateful for women like Ryan and Jess who didn't shy away from his history. They looked at him as he was today, not someone he might have been. "Thanks."

Rubbing his hands over his face, he groans, considering Ryan's suggestion. "There's nothing to retrace from that night. I was with a couple guys and a girl - the victim. I called it early and went home. Fell asleep and the next morning I was being arrested. There is nothing more to it than that. The guys claimed I rejoined them and then caught me in the act. DNA proved their story and it was over. I had no defense then and I have no defense now."

Looking at Ryan, he was so desperate, yet so resigned to the fact that nothing would ever change. "When this came up a while back here... I thought I'd go prove my innocence. But I realized there's no way to do it. Why was my DNA found? What other explanation is there? I'll forever be guilty." That thought alone made Axel sick. "And my brother will forever believe it." He shakes his head. "I just need to forget about it and move on."

Quinn sighs, but a wry grin was on his lips. Maybe whatever was wrong with the car would only take a couple hours to fix and he could be on his way again. Another piece to the puzzle? He'd like to think not, even if his gut said otherwise. He wasn't being kept here for a reason, was he?

"Alright... let's call the shop and they can tow my car. We can go eat, then go to the shop - if you don't mind. And then... well, I guess that depends on what the mechanics say. But I'm sure you can just drop me off and then I'll be able to leave from there."



"Because they don't have to haunt you forever because deep down inside somewhere...even if you can't see it now, somewhere inside you know the truth. Its looked away, hidden, your not sure but your subconscious does know."

Standing straight again Ryan cross her own arms over her chest. This was a subject she didn't know to much about but she did her best for his friend to give help. There had to be some way to for Axel to get over and around this once again.

"Have you ever though about retracing your steps of that night? Like going back to that area. It might trigger something and for your own sake tell you what happened. It wouldn't be an easy thing but it might give you peace of mind."

Letting out a small sigh and pacing the floor a little Ryan finally stops in front of Axel and looks down at him tilting her head a little bit. He had been her friend for a long time and he was kind. Never did she feel awkward around him or scared.

"I don't know if it help at all Axel but I know you, and I believe you when you say you didn't do it. Your to nice of a guy to have done that. I am sure Jess feels the same way and your other friends too."

Happy Quinn said he would go to lunch with her at least one last time Anastasia gives a nod before disappearing into one of the back rooms. Coming out finding her Uncle and than hoping into her car she waits for Quinn.

Sitting in the car and looking out the back window Anastasia looks in the mirror and see Quinn fiddling with his car as it wouldn't start. Sitting still for a moment she looks up to the roof and gives a smile as she shook her head a little bit.

Seeing Quinn come over to her Anastasia rolls down her window and looks out at him. It was as she assumed and his car would not start. Giving a laugh and looking up at him her eyes seem to twinkle.

"Yet another peace to the mysterious puzzle."

Opening her car door and getting out Anastasia puts her sun glass on the top of her head. Thinking for a moment while she watched Quinn she wondered if this was part of the plan or a little side deture.

"We have two options. One we can still get something to eat, or two I can call a really good shop I know that fixes cars to take a look at it and get something to eat while we are waiting. Wont take long to get the number and someone out here."


Axel draws in another shaky breath and sniffs, trying to regain his composure before he answers Ryan. Face the nightmare? He didn't even know how. Not this time. Her question lingers.

"I don't know." Finally turning around, his eyes remain red, proving his tears had not been mistaken. "Quinn started in on me and... I just couldn't take it. I couldn't relive the accusations. I didn't want to just stand there and defend myself all over again. If he didn't believe in my innocence before, why would he now?"

He shrugs lamely. "I have no proof, Ryan. I never have. No alibi and... nothing." He swallows hard and his voice lowers to almost a whisper. "And now you're going to be one of the few who know that even I'm not a hundred percent sure of myself." It was the truth. There was still the nagging reminder that there were still some nights Axel had no idea where he'd been or what he'd been doing. To do the unthinkable made him sick, but he still could never be a hundred percent sure he had not been guilty.

Looking Ryan in the eye, the turmoil in his own was evident. "I have no argument... no defense. What more can I do but walk away and leave the shadows to haunt me?"

Quinn sighs deeply. Anastasia was the only good thing about this stopover - that and a new record. It was only natural he didn't want to let it go, right? But he knew he must. There was only war awaiting him here. But lunch? That he could do.

Reaching out, he runs his finger down her hand. "Yeah... okay. I think I've got enough appetite now, and even if I didn't... how I could turn you down?"

A new little smile appears and he nods to the door. "I'll follow you so I can leave from there."

In only a few minutes, Quinn is behind the wheel of his car and turning the key. But instead of hearing the engine roar to life, it sputters, almost turns over then dies. Frowning, he tries again but with the same result. Sighing, he gets out and pops the hood, tinkering for a moment, but finding nothing wrong. Trying again, the engine still won't start.

"Why now?" he grumbles aloud. "I do not need to be stuck in this town. This is ridiculous."

Getting out, he looks over the roof of the car to where Anastasia was waiting to pull out. He shakes his head then walks over to her, motioning for her to roll down her window. "Houston, we've got a problem. My car apparently doesn't want to leave its parking space. Got any suggestions?"

Perfect Endnig

Hearing the meeting with Quinn's brother didn't go well Anastasia's fecal expression changed to one that expressed she was sorry. She'd prayed that if Quinn and his brother met things would go ok. She was sad to know it was much less than that.

"Don't under estimate God Quinn. Sometimes we need to walk away, before we can see the whole picture and take a moment to look, and understand."

Anastasia gives a soft smile even though Quinn said he was going to be leaving now. A look of sadness seemed to pass through her eyes and hear own heart seemed a little heavy. So the fairytale would end here. It really was sad when she felt like she really had found something special, but God had to lead right and maybe somewhere there paths would cross again?

Feeling something else tug at her heart Anastasia looks over to the office door where she new her Uncle was. He'd been in there almost all day going over paper work, she was sure he'd let her go on her break now.

"Would you like to have some late lunch? I haven't eaten yet and it would be the perfect ending, though I wish it wouldn't, to a fairytale."

As Axel opens the door Ryan takes note to his blood shot eyes, and his red face. This was more than being sick. There was something wrong and it was written all over his face. Ryan couldn't help it that her heart started to race not knowing what wrong wrong.

Axel's silent invitation was known and Jess steps in letting the door fall shut behind her. He'd always been there for her the least she could do was be there for him now too. His was one of her close friends She couldn't not care about him and what was going on.

"You're brother...!"

Ryan couldn't help but be a little surprise to hear of his brother. She new enough of Axel and his background to understand the tension that was there. Overcoming her shock as quick as she could though Ryan continues to listen to Axel. His voice was so strain and it was so strange to see him like this. Thought it would never go out of this room, this would be between them.

Stepping closer to leaning against the counter Ryan is quiet for a moment thinking. The past coming back was something she understood though a different situation.

"Sometimes we need to really face out nightmares for them to be gone. It's certainly not easy for sure but for a nightmare to truly to be over its a must."

Silent again Ryan thinks again for a moment playing with a napkin that was on the counter. She always thought she did horrible in the comfort department but the best thing for that was just be herself right?

"I'm really sorry thing's didn't go so good with your brother. I wish you guys could of talked better. There wasn't even an inch of room for things to be better?"


Quinn doesn't look up right away when Anastasia approaches. He'd wanted to see her, but he wasn't so sure even how to express himself right now.

Hearing her concern after the brief comment about the CD throws him off for just a moment. He'd expected a different kind of reception after she'd probably thought she wouldn't see him again since he hadn't shown up for lunch. But then... if his depressive state was that obvious, frivolity seemed pointless. And maybe the fairytale really was over for her? The gentle touch to his hand though, signals that perhaps it wasn't quite finished just yet.

Finally looking down into her eyes, he sees the sparkle there he'd seen the night before. There was a faint patter in his heart... was there one in hers too? Yet in this moment, all he could do was muster a small smile. The heaviness in his soul outweighed any romantic interests right now.

"I'm okay," he replies quietly, nodding to her. He gestures to the CD. "You can keep that, by the way. A little something to remember me by."

Reaching out, he touches her hair as if making sure she was real, and the faint smile returns. "My brother called," he finally informs. Dropping his hand, he looks back to the rack of music. "It... didn't go well."

He sighs deeply. Why did he even care? He should just let it go and walk away - why could he not?

"I dug too hard too fast, he got offended, we had a few harsh words and he walked out." Quinn shrugs lamely. It had all taken less than ten minutes. "Maybe it really wasn't the plan or the reason for me being here after all." His gaze returns to Anastasia's eyes. "I guess I came back here to let you know I was leaving town. I... thought I could go without saying goodbye but... I just wanted to see you once more."

Axel gets into his apartment and tosses his keys onto the counter. He was trying to keep a lid on all he was feeling but it wasn't going well. Why did Quinn have to come and stir things up? Why couldn't he have just walked away? And why had Axel fallen for going to meet him? He should have known better.

Standing in his kitchen with his arms folded he stares at nothing. His eyes begin to sting and he grits his teeth, but nothing can stop the emotions from spilling out some way or another. It was too quiet here... there were no distractions and nothing to keep himself in check.

The first hot tear rolls down his cheek. He couldn't even remember the last time he'd cried about anything. He was Axel Thornton, Mr. Strong, Mr. Never-show-my-emotions. Though he swiped the tear away with the back of his hand, another one replaces it quickly.

Still standing there lamely as the tears flow, Axel tries to shake it off, but it just didn't work. The pain went far too deeply for him to simply tune it out. Leaning over the sink, his hands brace his weight as the silent tears fall. The nightmare had returned. Everything flashed through his mind from his arrest, to the trial, to the shouting matches with his family, to prison, to his release. All of it was a nightmare - he'd put it all behind him, but now it was thrown in his face once again, and it was just too much to bear right now.

The knock at the door jerks him to attention and he straightens quickly. Hearing Ryan's voice, he sniffs and takes his shirt sleeve to wipe his eyes, willing himself to shut off the waterworks. It was strange that Ryan would come... she didn't normally check on him. They were friends but... maybe she'd sensed there was more than him not feeling well today, especially after his odd behavior yesterday.

Wandering to the door, Axel sets his hand on the knob. Shouldn't it be Jess he should talk to, not Ryan? But then... Jess was at work, and he didn't want to bog her down with any of this stuff anyway. The less she had to worry about, the better as far as he was concerned. At the same time though, did he even want Ryan aware of what was going on?

Taking a deep breath, Axel opens the door. Quiet for a moment, he searches Ryan's face. Even though he hoped he looked fine, he knew that nothing would escape her sharp eyes. And he knew good and well that she'd be able to tell he'd been crying - that in itself would be shocking enough to make her worry - not even his close friends in the band or Carson had seen him like this before. Not even Jess.

"No... everything's not okay," he manages to respond quietly. He leans his head on the open door, not even sure what to say. Ryan knew at little bit about his past - just as much as anyone else did about his conviction. Thankfully, she, along with the others, had accepted him, regardless, believing his claim of innocence. But also like the others, she knew no real details.

Sighing deeply, he looks down, then up again. "I, um..." Biting his lip, he really isn't sure what to say. Backing up, he opens the door wider and nods inside, inviting her in. Shutting the door again, he wanders towards the kitchen once more and leans back against the counter, folding his arms across his chest. He owed Ryan something - anything as an explanation to his unusual behavior.

"My brother's in town." He looks down at the floor, tracing the lines in the tile with the toe of his work boot. Ryan probably didn't even know he had a brother. "He, uh... turned his back on me when I was... put in prison." Finally looking up at Ryan again, he blinks, trying to hold back the tears that were still lingering.

"Today was the first day I've seen him since, and... it didn't go well. I don't think he's gonna stir up trouble, but it was just, um..." He shrugs. "Hard."

Taking a deep breath, he turns so Ryan can't see his face as a rebellious tear escapes once more. "I thought the nightmare... was over."