
Older Music

Getting into the car Anastasia gives a sigh starting her up. Sitting there and thinking she turns her head to Quinn before pulling out.

"It's kinda sad to know he would turn the other way when he saw the paperwork. I guess my question is...if he does come down to see you, would you turn the other way first!?"

Her question wasn't one that needed to be answered it was really more of a food for thought question. Giving a smile and putting the car into gear Anastasia pulls out of the parking lot and heads to the little dinner they agreed on.

Getting to the destination Anastasia pulls into the driveway and shuts the car off. Sitting for a moment just looking at him taking Quinn in. After this...when his car would be fixed would he be gone?

It really was sad to think about that. They connected so well, and she just seemed so comfortable around him. Trying not to think about it now though Anastasia smile.

"Alright, I think my stomach is starting to eat itself. The food is calling my name. Shall we our banquet awaits. Oh and they play some good older music here too."

Having come back into the auto shop and starting to work Ryan looks up at Leo's frustrated tone. Hearing he couldn't find a thing wrong with the car she wonders over. Not trying to be a know it all but just wanting to help.

"Will the car turn over at all? Might be the starter, or the timing belt. Not that you haven't checked that already I am sure."

Hearing the sounds of a bike though Ryan is cut off and looks up. She'd never seen the bike before though the build of the man on it seemed familiar. Continuing to just watch Ryan eyes the man until finally he removes his helmet.

Seeing it was Alec for a moment Ryan felt almost frozen in time just staring at him her mouth hanging open a little bit. Where on earth did he get a motercicle from and....he looks amazing in her brother jacket.

Walking over to him slowly Ryan's face changes from that of surprise sly grin her eyes seeming to twinkle as she walked in a circle around the bike and him.

"I was meant to meet my boyfriend for lunch but...a guy with a motorcycle offering to take me that sounds a little to excitnig to pass up."

Coming close to Alec Ryan brings a hand to his shirt and pulls him a little closer to her as she looks him in the eyes. Her own still burning with fire, and the sassy grin on her lips.

"What trouble have you gotten yourself into this time for have a nice bike like that huh?"

Not being able to stop herself for letting him answer back yet Ryan leans in and pushes her lips to his. Letting her passion show through as her arms slide around him and one finds his hair as the other his back. After a few long moment Ryan breaks away her eyes still burning.

"Dessert first is always better. I think I'm ready now."

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