
Don't know

Seeing the slyness in Ryan's eye, Alec's grin matches. About to answer her, he doesn't have time as she's already got him in a kiss, but he doesn't resist. Leaning into her while still seated on the bike, his hand reaches up to cradle the side of her face until she pulls away.

"Mmm... well, your boyfriend might not like you running off with someone else but... I think I can handle it."

Still smiling, he shakes his head. "Who said I'm in any kind of trouble?" Given, someone might question where he got the money, but as far as he was concerned, it was no one's business. "The only trouble I get into is with you." He reaches up to tap the underside of her chin with his finger.

"If you're that ready, go clock out. We'll go get us some food... or more dessert." Grinning again, he waits for Ryan, firing up the bike once more. When she returns, he gives her her helmet and dons his own. Making sure she's set behind him, he signals to the road to let her know he's ready too.

Once out on the street, Alec shifts gears and guns it, heading down behind the business district where there were fewer stoplights. Instead of aiming towards their normal restaurant choices, Alec steers out to the outskirts of town and drives for about ten minutes before coming to a little roadside park - quiet, in a little grove of trees just far enough out of town to make it feel secluded, but still right on the road. Today there was no one else there.

Parking near one of the few picnic tables, Alec puts the kickstand down and takes off his helmet. Looking over his shoulder at Ryan, his eyes sparkle. "I picked up some sandwiches and drinks... they're in the saddle bags."

Back in the shop and still grumbling, Leo watches Ryan and Alec leave and he sighs. Staring at the car, he shakes his head. "Jed, you got a minute to help me?"

"Nope - I gotta get this done by five."


"Uh-uh. I leave in an hour and if I don't get this car ready, Darrel will have my hide."

Leo sighs again. Looking down into the engine, he putters for a while, jacks it up, checks out everything underneath, looks in the engine again, checks it on the computer again and still finds absolutely nothing. He knew he wasn't the greatest mechanic in the world, but this was ridiculous.

Anastasia's question doesn't escape Quinn, but the ride to the diner is quiet anyway as more questions and thoughts pass through his mind. Once arriving though, he tries to shake it off and turns to smile at Anastasia. "Music sounds good but... just so you know, I think I like the company even better."

Staring into her eyes, he lingers, remembering the evening before. Today felt less like a fairytale, but there was still something there... still something... he couldn't quite put his finger on. It was strange, the way he felt connected to her. He'd known her for one day but it felt like a lifetime.

Just leaving conversation as it was, he exits the car and waits for Anastasia to join him before heading inside the diner.

The atmosphere was nice and Anastasia had been right about the music. Settling in a corner booth, they are waited on and place their orders. Talk is minimal... Quinn is quiet today. But eventually, the thoughts turn into words as his mind reverts to Anastasia's question a while ago.

"I don't know what I'd do..." He looks down at his napkin and fiddles with it. "If I saw Axel at the auto shop I mean." He shrugs lamely. "After this morning... I just don't know. It's like I know the Christian thing to do but... when I see him, all my anger just comes back and my tongue runs away with itself."

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