

Giving Ty a light kick under the table Libby looks at him sternly but a smile was still on her lips. She did want to help Ty, even if he thought he would fail.

"If I thought it was wasting my time, I wouldn't have asked you silly. I asked because with a little time and patients I know you can learn. Even if it takes you longer than most people."

Taking a bit of her wrap Libby smiles at Ty enjoying the food and the company of her new friend. It was different, it was nice, and it was defiantly better than dealing with her brother.

"So, you said you had to be to work at seven, where do you work?"

Looking up from her mask shift desk as Reese enters Hope cocks her head. She talked with Reese at least once a day, but today something seemed different. Taking the pictures and looking at them for a long moment Hope is silent. She was a bit superised but studying the pictures closer she notices a few things that she takes into account.

"If your asking, if I think he would of pulled the trigger. No I don't. I would assume he was banking on scaring the cops knowing they wouldn't come closer. I would say he was more protecting someone or something. Thats only observation though."

Holding the pictures up and flipping through the few others Hope cocks her head to one side and than to another. Studying the pictures for a long moment.

"If I can talk to Gunner I might get a better perspective of what was going through his head. So if you can arrange that, that would be great."

Holding the pictures up Hope nods.

"Can I keep these?"

Inside the barn Faith runs her hand up and down the horses soft nose. She didnt know if Sparky would be out of bed today at all, but she wanted to at least give the poor on man without him.

"Hey there pretty baby....they gonna let you out soon huh?"

Faith continues to rub the horses nose, and cheek putting her other hand into her pocket and taking out a half of an apple.

"You want this huh? it will be out little secret ok...dont tell anyone."

Giving the horse the apple Faith cant help but giggled feeling the wiskers and soft lips on her hand.

Wasting your time

Ty gives a soft chuckle at Libby's grin. "You think I need learning to read as an excuse to come find you again?"

He shakes his head, seeming to almost forget about her question. But if one looked closely enough, they would see in his eyes that he was considering the offer and weighing consequences. He chews on his chicken, taking his time and using his full mouth as an excuse to not have to talk again right away. Eventually though, he knows he needs to answer her.

"I don't know... I'm tired of failing, ya know?" His eyes find hers, a look in his own proving the inner battle that was being waged. "I mean, every time I try, I just wind up falling on my face... My face is sore now and I don't want to take another fall. I know it'll just end up the same again. My brain's just not... wired right or something. You can tell me how to spell "dog" every day for three weeks and I'll eventually catch on. Then three more weeks later and I'll have forgotten. I just..."

Looking back down at his chicken, there was an ache in Ty's heart that hurt whenever he convinced himself he couldn't do this. Deep down he knew he wasn't stupid. Deep down he had stored away memories of people being amazed at his mathematical skills... not that those skills had ever amounted to anything other than letting someone break into TJY and almost getting himself fired. But right now... he'd rather know how to read than add two and two. But after trying so many times, he just didn't believe any more that he could do it."

"I don't want you wasting your time on somebody who can't learn."

"Why, Gunner?!" Reese stands with his hands on his hips, staring down at his Elite agent sitting at the interrogation table in the police station. "Do you have any idea what kind of trouble you're in?"


"And that's all you have to say? You go in the dead of the night, break out some girl from a mental hospital, and you have no reason for me?"

"I want to talk to Angelica."

Reese folds his arms. "Okay. I can arrange that. But not until you've told me what's going on."

"I can't do that."

"Does this involve the Agency?"


"Tell me what's going on, Gunner. That's a direct order." Silence. "You realize you've put your job on the line, right?"


"Who was with you last night?" Silence. "Tell me who it was!" Silence. Reese sighs and runs a hand down his face. "Alright, fine. You've gotten in trouble before, but this takes the cake."

Gunner's jaw is set stubbornly and he looks up at Reese. "I want to see Angelica."

"Why can't you trust me?"

"Because you want to fire me."

"I didn't say I wanted to! But you're forcing m y hand here. Brown is furious that an Elite agent did something like this. You'll be lucky if you stay out of prison for this, let alone your friend, who, by the way, they will find, whether you like it or not."

The door suddenly opens and an officer steps in to hand Reese a folder. "Here you are, sir."

"Thank you." Reese flips through the pages as the door is shut again. "Ahh... so the patient in question is Bree Conner... seems I've heard that name before, Gunner."

Gunner lets out a long, slow sigh. He knew it wouldn't take long for the information to filter through. "She's my girlfriend."

"Girlfriend? I didn't even know you had a girl, let alone one in a mental hospital."

Gunner glares at him. "Drop it, Reese. I did what I had to do."

"Says here they believe it was Bree's uncle, Jack Timble, in cahoots with you. That true?"

Gunner shrugs. "Why don't you ask him?"

"Because it seems it's unreachable, and his car was found abandoned alongside the road about an hour ago."

Gunner's eyes shoot up. JT's car had been abandoned? So... where were JT and Bree?

Reese reads Gunner's face. "I could probably get someone to track them down and make sure they're safe..."

"And what? Turn 'em in? No."

"Gunner, you two broke the law! Who are you protecting, and why?!" Silence. Reese shakes his head. "Alright. Fine. This is the police's case anyway. I was just trying to see if there was a way out for you, but with your uncooperative nature, it just isn't going to happen. You're on your own."

Gunner stares after him as the door falls shut, leaving the room still and quiet. He stares across at the mirror that he knew was a window into the room. Keeping a straight face, he gives a little wave to whoever was watching. If Bree was safe... this was worth it. It was up to JT now to prove the legalities. And if Angelica knew the case, she might be able to help as well, not to mention she might be able to detect a loophole to get him out of this mess.

...Reese gets back to TJY, still mad. Papers in hand, he heads down the hall to where Hope was still set up and knocks before entering. "Hope?" He approaches her desk grimly. "Not everyone knows this yet, but Gunner was arrested in the wee hours of the morning for breaking a patient out of Crescentview Mental Facility... you know, that hospital in Crescent about an hour from here. Anyway, they got some photos as he was being arrested."

Reese slides some photos towards Hope. They were of Gunner in his night gear with his pistol to his head. "They said he threatened suicide when they cornered him. Do you think he's still that desperate? 'Cause if he is, that might get him out of jail, but it would also mean he still needs some serious help. If you need to see him face-to-face, I can pull some strings. But I need to know if I'm gonna get my man back."

Sparky grunts a little as he leans over to pull on his boots. He had a headache and was still a little dizzy, but he couldn't spend another day in here. It was early yet, but the sun was coming up. Most likely there were only a few guys in the barn so far and that was just as well - he'd get less flack from being out there to work.

It wasn't too chilly this morning, but he puts a jacket on anyway and slaps on his hat. Grabbing his gloves, he tucks them in his back pocket and exits his bunkhouse. Taking in a deep breath, he smells the morning. It smelled different than the afternoon or evening. For just a moment, a sweet fragrance rides on the breeze... one he recognized. How it made its way to his senses now, he didn't know. But it was welcoming and seemed to make him warm.

Walking towards the barn, he questions if he would see the wearer of the scent before breakfast. She'd been so good to him the last few days, and he knew he didn't even remember half of it. He wonders how he could ever repay her for her kindness.

Stuffing his hands in his pockets, Sparky slowly trudges on, hoping he'd feel more awake once he tried to do a few chores.


Listing to Ty Libby had a ping in her heart. Everyone had seemed to give up on Ty and worst of all he gave up on himself. It was sad to Libby to see that, because just talking to Ty she could tell he was smart.

Opening her wrap and taking the chicken out of it Libby dips it in the honey mustard sause before putting it back into the wrap and taking a bit of it.

"I'm sorry you have had some tough luck Ty. Thats really horrable that no one has wanted to help you and stick with it. But you keep thinking your not good enough, and your never going to learn."

Leaning back in her chair for a moment Libby just looks across the table at Ty. Just searching his eyes she new there was a want to learn there some where.

"I can tell by talking to you, that your a smart guy and can pick up on things fast. You just need someone who with stick with you, and has the patients to help. Wont you let me try a little? I mean its not going to be like sit down cram a book and loo...we will try a differnt tactic and pluse than you will get to see me more."

Libby gives a big grin.