

Dani smiles again, feeling so content. "Yeah, you can shower here - I don't mind as long as you don't." They both were careful not to cross any lines, but Dani trusted him completely and really didn't mind a bit if he wanted to clean up here instead of home.

Sighing deeply, she lets her head rest on him again, feeling so warm and safe. "Ten more minutes... then I'll call Carson and you can call Reese."

As Reese hears what Amanda has to say, his heart skips a beat before it feels like it drops to his stomach. "I..." He shakes his head, trying to get his thoughts together for the doctor's sake. "Th...thank you. Yes, thank you for calling. I'll... I'll pass this information along."

Ending the short call, Reese lets out a long sigh and hides his face in his hands for several moments before picking up the phone again. He has to look up the number, and when he reaches a voice mail, he hesitates, not sure if he wants to leave a message or not. It might be his only chance though, and he needed to say what should be. It was only right.

Once he's finished with the call, he hangs up again. Biting his lip, he tries to hold his composure before pressing the intercom to Angelica's office. "Angelica, would you... would you come to my office for a moment?"

Justin ambles from the building, tired, but feeling alright. His short conversation with Beth had been pleasant... his session with Scott had gone well... now it would be off to home to do some yard work and then on to his mother's for supper.

Heading down the sidewalk, he remembers he hasn't checked his phone in a while, so he retrieves it from his backpack. Finding a new voice mail, he listens while he walks. But the message he hears is one that makes him stop in his tracks, his stomach sinking. He knew what he had to do... Reese had asked him to... but it wasn't going to be easy.

Turning around, Justin walks back inside, but his steps are slower this time. Depositing his bag and everything else he was carrying on the floor, he nods to Jenny. "Watch these a minute, will you?" He doesn't bother to explain, but heads straight up the stairs, aiming for Scott's room.

Scott is standing at his window, weary from his session with Justin, but wanting to stay alert for a little while before giving in to a nap. A knock at the door surprises him and he turns. "Come in." Seeing Justin surprises him even more. "What is it?"

"Scott, I'm sorry, but..." Justin comes in and closes the door. "I just got a message on my phone and... I need to talk to you for a moment."

Scott feels an odd twist in his gut. "Um... ok."

"Why don't you sit down?"

Scott swallows hard, bracing himself. Something was wrong. Easing down to sit on the bed, his good eye looks up at Justin with question and anxiety. "What's wrong?"

Justin takes a deep breath, knowing that he couldn't treat Scott like a child, but he couldn't just blurt it out either. "The message was from Reese, um... it's Hope."

Scott's eyes widen. "Is she okay? What happened?"

"She's... she's been sick, Scott. And... now she's... in the hospital." Justin does his best, but he knows it will be a shock no matter what.

Scott's face pales. Dalton had said she'd been sick, but not like that. "Well what's wrong? She's going to be okay, right? I mean, they're taking care of her?" He gropes for some reassurance.

Justin hesitates again before sitting down next to him. "She's had cancer. Lung cancer. They ended up giving her a transfusion but... it didn't go as well as hoped and..." His voice is quiet, wishing beyond wishing that there was some other way for him to say all this. "...And Reese is letting people know."

Scott blinks, not even sure how to feel in this moment. It felt like everything had just been turned upside down and he'd been dropped on his head... again. "Cancer?" That wasn't the flu or cold he'd thought it was. "She's... she's dying?"


Scott turns to Justin, his voice wavering, but his tone was stern. "Justin, is Hope dying?"

Justin closes his eyes for a moment, but finally looks up to meet Scott's stare. "Yes."

Scott feels as thought he's going to throw up, but he somehow maintains his composure. There was a new emotion now... an emotion that made his hands ball into fists. "Cancer," he repeats quietly. "You knew, didn't you? You knew before today."

Justin purses his lips, wanting to say no, but unwilling to cross that line and lie. "Yes."

"And Dalton. He knew, too."


"And my sister?"

"I'm not sure, Scott. Probably, but it's been kept quiet." Justin tries to keep the atmosphere calm. "Hope didn't want a lot of people knowing. It was out of respect for her that nothing was said."

"Did she ask specifically that I not be told?"

Justin pauses. "Yes."

Quiet for several moments, Scott's jaw begins to tense. Rising from the bed, he wanders to the window and places his palm on the cool glass. "Leave."

Justin sighs and stands up. "I'm sorry, Scott. If I would have thought that-"

"I don't want you coming back." Scott turns around with a glare that could freeze the sun. "I will request to be dealt with by another counselor."

Justin's shoulders drop. "Aw, no. I'm sorry, but please don't-"

"I asked you to leave," Scott interrupts. Anger blazed in his stare. "And since you're obviously so close to everyone in my former world, tell my sister not to come back and... and tell Dalton the same thing."

Having Scott turn his back on him, Justin can only sigh. He should have approached this differently. He'd missed something. He should have said something differently or done a better job at breaking the news. Now everything was a mess, and he felt to blame. He opens his mouth to say more, but then stops. There was no point now. Leaving the room, he shuts the door quietly behind himself before walking slowly down the hall. Maybe he wouldn't go to his mother's for supper after all. He didn't want to have to explain the stress in his eyes.

Hearing Justin leave, Scott's shoulders finally sink and he leans his hand on the window again. Now alone, his lower lip trembles and his eyes fill with tears. They stung, but he lets them linger in his eyes, torturing him until he has to blink and allow them to cascade down his face.

I'm sorry

Taking the a cup of hot coco for himself Trey gives a small nod before heading back to the fire with Ariel. The next while seems to go by pretty fast as sometimes it was quiet and other times Trey seemed to chim in with Ariel and try fitting into the conversation even if it was awkward and sometimes he really didn't know about what they were talking about. But he did his best.

Finally as it was time to head out Trey gives a nod to Pete at least letting his friend know he saw him and would be along shortly. Tonight had been different for sure and maybe a little awkward at times but it was better than being stuck inside TJY.

"It was nice meeting you as well Ariel. Thanks for the hot coco. I am sure I will see you around again."

Just standing there for a moment he continues to look at Ariel for a moment almost as if contemplating something. Most of the girls he new he'd kissed before, and thats what they wanted...but this was different right?

Reaching out and brushing his fingers over Ariel's cheek Trey grins a little before letting his hand fall again. This was different.

"Good Night."

Turning and heading away from her Trey tosses his cup into the garbage and sticks his hands in his pockets. Slowly taking his time but finally getting back to Pete's car and hopping in.

"Thanks for letting me come along tonight it was nice to get out."

Nuzzling his head into her hair Dalton takes in the soft smell of her shampoo. She might think he was blind but she really did think she was very pretty.

"Mmm...a picnic sounds good, and ditching out of work well it sounds great. Not like I do it all the time so I think I'd be ok."

Bringing his finger under Dani's chin Dalton lifts it to look into her eyes and smiles. Bringing his lips to her and giving her a soft kiss before pulling away.

"I have change of cloths in my car if I can take a shower here as long as its ok with you. Than we can get away...just...away for a little while and yes I do mean it."

Letting out a long sigh Amanda headed down the hall to the nurses station. Some days she hated her job and today when there was a life hanging on for dear life was a day she hated it. Picking up the phone and dialing TJY Amanda waits till she hears Reese answer on the other end.

"Hello Mike Reese? This is Amanda from Franklin Hospital I'm calling about Hope Garrison."

Pausing for a moment she trys to collect her thoughts. It was hard to tell anyone bad news and she hated it most of all.

"I wasnt sure who to call, and I figured you would be able to pass the message along. Hope had her transphustion today and we thought it would take well but it has not. She's not doing very well right now and if we cant get it to work than...she wont last much longer. We are going to try putting her on a slow drip and see if that works better but there is no telling if it will or not. "

Leaning against the counter Amanda closes her eyes for a moment before speaking again.

"If there is anyone that wants to see her that might want to come within the next few days to see her. I've very sorry."

If you really mean it

As Trey comes back to the group, Ariel laughs and shakes her head. "Someone actually was smart enough to have already though up the hot chocolate and I weaseled out of any tasks."

Grinning, she holds up a steaming styrofoam cup. "Want some?"

Still watching from a short distance away, Pete remains involved in conversations, even if his mind was half dedicated to thinking about Trey. The young man seemed to be wanting to fit in here, but something was keeping him back, almost like he wasn't so sure about all this. Was it the type of crowd? The setting? Just because it wasn't Mexico? Or was he perhaps not as confident as he liked to let people believe. Either way, Pete keeps his distance, letting Trey interact with whoever he wanted until eventually, the group begins to break up.

It was getting late and the fire was burning low. A handful of people had already left, and the tables were being taken down. Pete was alone, and his eyes find Trey again, giving him a short wave and thumbs to the car. He was in no hurry, but he wanted Trey to know that he'd be waiting, whenever he was ready.

Ariel sees Pete too, and while she sits with Trey on the bench near the dying fire, she sighs. "Looks like your ride is ready to leave." She looks over to him and smiles. "Glad you came along tonight, Trey. I hope I see you again sometime."

Dani giggles and brings her head up again to shake it slightly. "Either your a good liar or blind. But I don't think you lie, so it must be your eyes." She waves a hand over his face as if to test his eyesight, though she grins. His compliment had made her blush and she was trying to ignore it.

Dalton's suggestion of calling in to work was way too appealing. "Mmm... that sounds like a wonderful idea." Dani's head falls back on his chest, gently moving up and down with his breath and she could feel his soothing heartbeat. Anything to spend the day with him. "Carson might kill me, but at least I'll die happy, right?"

Her arms slide around him, her hands tucking between his back and the couch cushions. "We could have a picnic on the river," she suggests. "That is..." She lifts her head again and gives his lips another soft kiss. "...if you really mean it about taking the day off."

Looking up to see Beth, Justin chuckles at her question. "Just a bit of hand-eye coordination. Nothing too outlandish, and nothing involving paint or food coloring."

Grinning, he motions for her to sit down. Her eyes seemed a little brighter today, her smile a little more visible. Were their short times together doing her good? He hoped so. She had yet to share with him the pictures she'd mentioned a while back, but perhaps she didn't need that anymore. Surely she was doing more growing on her own than with him anyway.

"Good morning, by the way. How ya doing?"

Reese paces his office, wishing the phone would ring. He knew Hope was going through her transfusion and he was anxious to hear from the doctor. He was supposed to call. He'd remember. Right? On top of all that, Jason was still down, though on the mend. Rick and Ty were gone. Con was off to be with Nate and Laura, as was Jamie. And Katie was helping take care of Jason. What was the office coming to anyway?

Groaning, he flops down in his chair. maybe he should call the hospital himself. Then at least he'd be happy to have some information. No... he needed to be patient. But with so many things going on at once, it was difficult.

He sighs and grabs some paperwork. It would keep him occupied for a while - at least until he got his head on straight.