
I'm sorry

Taking the a cup of hot coco for himself Trey gives a small nod before heading back to the fire with Ariel. The next while seems to go by pretty fast as sometimes it was quiet and other times Trey seemed to chim in with Ariel and try fitting into the conversation even if it was awkward and sometimes he really didn't know about what they were talking about. But he did his best.

Finally as it was time to head out Trey gives a nod to Pete at least letting his friend know he saw him and would be along shortly. Tonight had been different for sure and maybe a little awkward at times but it was better than being stuck inside TJY.

"It was nice meeting you as well Ariel. Thanks for the hot coco. I am sure I will see you around again."

Just standing there for a moment he continues to look at Ariel for a moment almost as if contemplating something. Most of the girls he new he'd kissed before, and thats what they wanted...but this was different right?

Reaching out and brushing his fingers over Ariel's cheek Trey grins a little before letting his hand fall again. This was different.

"Good Night."

Turning and heading away from her Trey tosses his cup into the garbage and sticks his hands in his pockets. Slowly taking his time but finally getting back to Pete's car and hopping in.

"Thanks for letting me come along tonight it was nice to get out."

Nuzzling his head into her hair Dalton takes in the soft smell of her shampoo. She might think he was blind but she really did think she was very pretty.

"Mmm...a picnic sounds good, and ditching out of work well it sounds great. Not like I do it all the time so I think I'd be ok."

Bringing his finger under Dani's chin Dalton lifts it to look into her eyes and smiles. Bringing his lips to her and giving her a soft kiss before pulling away.

"I have change of cloths in my car if I can take a shower here as long as its ok with you. Than we can get away...just...away for a little while and yes I do mean it."

Letting out a long sigh Amanda headed down the hall to the nurses station. Some days she hated her job and today when there was a life hanging on for dear life was a day she hated it. Picking up the phone and dialing TJY Amanda waits till she hears Reese answer on the other end.

"Hello Mike Reese? This is Amanda from Franklin Hospital I'm calling about Hope Garrison."

Pausing for a moment she trys to collect her thoughts. It was hard to tell anyone bad news and she hated it most of all.

"I wasnt sure who to call, and I figured you would be able to pass the message along. Hope had her transphustion today and we thought it would take well but it has not. She's not doing very well right now and if we cant get it to work than...she wont last much longer. We are going to try putting her on a slow drip and see if that works better but there is no telling if it will or not. "

Leaning against the counter Amanda closes her eyes for a moment before speaking again.

"If there is anyone that wants to see her that might want to come within the next few days to see her. I've very sorry."

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