
Many things

Taking Hunter's hand and standing Katie brushed the bits of grass and bark off her clothing. Giving a smile to Hunter before locking finger with his Katie falls in rythem with his walking not finding it hard to keep up.

Hearing his question Katie is silent for a moment. If she could have anything right now, what would she pick? Katie never really though of that question before and the answer was tricky. At one point in time she had been so sure of things an where life was going but now...now she didn't know.

   "One thing...I don't know if there is only one thing. Direction, Absolution, to meet my mom, to never have the good times like now end."

Looking to Hunter and giving a smile Katie squeezes his hand a little. She did enjoy spending time with him and it was nice to enjoy the little things with him. Katie did wonder if it would last. Were there really things in this life that lasted forever?

   "How about you?"

The night really had flown by and Misty wasn't sure she really wanted it to end. Would there be a tomorrow? Would there be more chapters in this story? Something told her yes but still there was this fear that if she let go of Jason now...this might be it. Why she felt like that she wasn't sure.

   "I had a really great time too. Thank you Jase."

Leaning over to him Misty gives him a soft kiss on the lips before withdrawing. It was much different from her normal kiss but maybe in the simple kiss there was so much more. Letting her eyes twinkle Misty turns and opens the car door before stopping and looking back to Jason again.

   "See you at work tomorrow?"

All too soon

Jason can't keep his smile from growing wider. "I don't think I want it to end either. But I guess if it ends..." He leans in, giving Misty's lips another gentle kiss. "...that just means a new one can start." 

Refraining from indulging anymore for now, Jason settles back in his seat, but still leans close to Misty, keeping her hand in his. He'd been on a lot of dates... he'd had more than one girlfriend... but there was something different about this. Something special. And though he didn't know it, there would be future days that he would look back on this evening and smile. 

As the credits of the movie roll, Jason stays in his seat until he and Misty are the only ones left in the theater and the final names were scrolling up the screen. Sighing, he turns to Misty and grins. "Well... I guess that's that." He squeezes her hand. "I suppose it's time to go pick up your car, huh?" 

...And all too soon, they're back at the TJY parking lot, Jason's truck idling next to Misty's waiting car. Jason looks over at her, giving her hand a squeeze. "Thanks, Misty. I... had a really good time tonight." 

Grumbling, Alec tosses another blood-soaked paper towel into the trash, keeping his hand under the running water in the bathroom. His hand had finally stopped bleeding earlier, but when he'd gone to change the makeshift bandage, it had started all over again. He'd been able to doze off for a while, but it had just left him more drowsy than anything, not helping his mood any. 

Wincing, he attempts to use a fresh folded paper towel again, biting off a piece of tape to try and stabilize it on his hand like he had before. Another slip though and he was left with another bloody mess. Growling in frustration, he wipes some sweat from his brow and tries again.

Hunter chuckles, just glad he'd helped Katie a little bit. "Yeah, well..." He reaches up to brush her cheek with his finger. "You've got a bit of magic yourself there, missy." 

Standing slowly, he brushes off his jeans and holds out his hands to help Katie to her feet as well. Grabbing his jacket to sling over his shoulder, he takes Katie's hand to begin the walk back across the pasture.

"So... if you could have anything in the world right now, what would it be?" 


As the softer kiss come Misty can't help the smile that spreads across her face and the little chuckle at the same time. Soft was different but it wasn't a bad different but she liked it. There was something about the soft that was just as good as the rough and with Jason they both felt just as normal as the other.

   "I wouldn't want you to have a heart attack, though at least it would be for a good reason."

Giving a smile Misty's eyes twinkle. She new this wasn't the place to really make out but she didn't really care. If people wanted to mumble, or be discussed than they could. She didn't really care what other people had to say. Affection was not something she believed in hiding it was a beautiful thing.

   "I think this is the best movie I ever saw....I don't want it to end."

As Hunter starts to rub her shoulder and back Katie closes her eyes again just letting the feeling of her muscles loosing washing over her. It felt good to have a bad rub and to get that knot out felt even better.

   "Nah it wasn't you it was just the angle I was lay at that did me in."

Continuing to just enjoy the rub Katie lets out a sigh only turning around again once Hunter was finish. Moving her head a little bit the knot wasn't gone but it was definitely better. Looking up at Hunter and smile it felt nice to be pampered a little.

   "You have magic hands you know that? Thank you."


Had Jason ever felt like this before? He wasn't sure. Maybe it was just the thrill of being with Misty like this for the first time. Maybe it was just how she kissed and gave him affection. Maybe it was just how he was rediscovering his emotions, and so feeling these things was all the more sweet. Whatever the cause, Jason felt as though he couldn't get enough. 

Taking the cue from Misty and deepening the kiss, Jason wishes there wasn't an armrest separating them. Or... maybe it was a good thing it was there, since they were sitting in a public theater. He wasn't really sure how long he and Misty continued their affection, just bathing in experiencing each other as more than friends and finding out what it felt like. 

At some point, Jason slowly draws back with a string of softer kisses before finally catching his breath as he studies Misty's eyes by the moving light of the screen. His thumb traces circles on her cheek, as a gentle smile creases his lips. "Keep it up," he whispers, "and Rick's gonna ask why I had a heart attack." 

He stifles a laugh, trying not to make too much noise and bother the other people. 

Hunter chuckles, shaking his head. "Don't be sorry. I just woke up myself. Guess you must've felt pretty comfortable to me too." 

Seeing her trying to straighten out what must feel like the same kinks he had in his own back, Hunter shifts around a little before taking both her shoulders from behind. Rolling his thumbs around her shoulder blades, he gently massages her muscles, working down a short ways then back up to her neck. 

"Walking around with knots like this will never do," he chides. "Apparently I wasn't comfortable enough." 

Grinning, he gives her neck a few last rubs before patting her shoulders. "Feel better?" 


As Jason comes back for yet another kiss Misty doesn't pull away but accepts it. He was a good kisser, and the feelings that were being shared between them, they were amazing. Not even words could really describe it, or even start to express the feels she had. All she can do is return the kiss with just as much passion.

Bringing her hand up to Jason's face Misty gently cradles it letting her thumb run over his cheek. Just letting her own passion and emotions flow again Misty deepens the kiss a little more. The movie played on but she didn't care much. They could always rent it when it came out on video to see how it ended. What did matter was Jason, here and now.

Moving slightly and feeling the gentile rub on her shoulders Katie's eyes flutter for a second before opening. Taking a second to bring things into focus Katie finally remembers where she was. Sitting up and looking at Hunter thank looking to the sky she shakes her head. She must have been more tired than she thought.

   "Wow, I am so sorry Hunter. I didn't mean to fall asleep on you its just...you were really comfortable and I guess, I was really tired."

Sitting up a little straighter Katie trys to work out some of the tight spots she now had in her back. The nice nap really left her refreshed even if there was a little pain now. It was well work it, she only hoped Hunter didn't mind to horrible much.

Giving another smile and nod Rosetta stands up too. She still had some paperwork to catch up on before the night was though. Feed needed to be ordered, papers for the horses being taken to auction signed, and a few other odds and ends.

   "Miss out on dinner, now that is a crazy thing to do. I'll see you a little later Jay."

Waving a little to her brother Rosetta takes her exit and makes her way to the office. The last few days had been long and she sure felt it but life moved on anyways. Now was the time she could relax and catch up on a few things. Some people hated paper work and while she liked being in the action, she liked the paper signing too.


Jay laughs, his eyes regaining a twinkle. "Strangers you are not. Although sometimes I think I'm the one that's a stranger anymore." 

Shaking his head, he finally stands up and yawns. "Well, I think I'm gonna mosey on out to the barn and see if I can lend a hand. Otherwise I might take a nap instead and I'd probably miss out on supper if I did that." 

He picks up his cup and gives Rosetta a final smile. "I'll see ya later." 

Cold, pitch black water surrounds Hunter, the strong current dragging him down against his will. His legs kick and his arms grope forward, only to be pulled by an invisible force towards the deepening abyss. His lungs screamed for air, burning in his chest. His eyes squint into the murkiness, to be met only with darkness. A new rush of water surges upon him, pinning him to the river bottom. But as he screams, water surges to fill his lungs.

Waking with a jolt, Hunter lies still but his eyes bounce around his surroundings, trying to figure out where he was. His heart was beating rapidly, but that was the only sign of his short nightmare. Blinking away the fog, he realizes he's still sitting under the pasture tree... with Katie. Glancing down, he sees her peaceful form and is glad that he hadn't woken her too. What a strange dream. He was glad it was over, and didn't even want to try to dissect it. 

Not having planned on falling asleep, his muscles feel a bit sore, but he doesn't move, not wanting to wake Katie yet. He didn't know how long they'd been there, but the sun was lower in the sky, proving it had been a little while. Katie must have really been tuckered out to fall asleep here with him too. In a way, it proved she trusted him, and he was... glad. She was going through such a rough time right now, he just wanted to help, and if providing her a safe shelter for just a little while, he was glad to do it. 

Resting his head back against the tree again, he sighs deeply. His hand around Katie rubs her shoulder just gently enough that if she was on her way to waking up, she would, but if she was still sound asleep, he wouldn't bother her. 

Grinning back at Misty after returning her kiss, Jason's hand squeezes hers. "Stealing is more exciting than asking," he whispers. 

Going back for another kiss, he lets it linger, deepening it with each moment until his free hand was resting on her cheek. He could hear the music swell in the movie, knowing that something important was happening, but he ignores it, just falling into Misty's sweet kiss once more. Bliss could be taken away at any moment, and this was one time he was not going to stand idly by... he was going to take advantage of this chance... this chance to be close to someone... whether it lasted one second, one day, or one lifetime.


Giving a little weary smile Rosetta nods. Jay told her not to worry but if she didn't than it just wouldn't be like her one bit. She cared for her family and what went on with them. After Jay had been gone for so long she isn't quite sure what he would need to talk to them about that made him so nervous.

   "Alright I can do that and I am sure you will do ok with the crowd. It's not like we are strangers."

Having Hunter wrap his arms around her and push her hair from her face Katie's smile grows a little more. It felt nice, she felt safe....sitting here was all to comfortable. There was just something different about Hunter, something that was super comfortable and Katie could tell it felt good.

Continuing to just listen to Hunter's heart beating and his breath moving her head it was almost like a lullaby. Like someone was singing her to sleep. Before Katie new it her eyes were getting heavy. A little sleep wouldn't be a bad thing right? 

A soft wind blows that cools everything down. It was hot out, but with the nice breeze it wasn't so bad. Not being able to keep her eyes open any longer they finally drift shut and she was asleep peacefully for the first time in week.

Sitting down and getting comfortable in the seat Misty was rather excited to see the movie. Not just because it had been a long time but because Jason was there with her. Seeing a movie with someone and knowing they are enjoy it too made it so much better to watch.

As the movie plays and the popcorn starts to go down and down Misty reaches in again for more only to find the bucket empty. Giving a little laugh she sets the bowl aside for now. The movie seemed good so far but her mind kept wondering. Every once and a while she'd glance as Jason just to see if he was looking at her. Catching him once or twice her hand finds his and she gives it a little squeeze.

Feeling Jason lean over closer to her and give her a kiss on the cheek Misty gives a little chuckle. The light kiss brought some color to her cheeks as she looked to Jason. This might be a movie she never saw before but Jason was far more intrusting.

   "Had to steal another one huh?"

Leaning in Misty presses her lips to Jason's letting it linger for a long moment before pulling away. Her eyes twinkling she gives a shy little grin.

   "I don't mind at all."


Jay nods slowly, looking down at his empty glass again, lost in thought. Rosetta's question brings his gaze back up again and he gives her a smile... a softer smile than normal. "Yeah... I think everything's okay. It's just time I said some things that have been on my mind." 

Thinking for another moment, he nods again with a little more confidence. "Don't worry. I just don't wanna have to repeat myself a zillion times, so it would be easier if everyone was together. " He tries to reassure her, but he knew she would worry anyway. She always had such great concern for her family, and he appreciated that about her. This time though, she'd have to wait until tomorrow night. He still needed to figure out exactly how he'd say what he wanted and... muster up his courage too.

"Say a little prayer for my nerves though, eh?" He chuckles. "I'm not used to talking in front of big crowds."

As Katie's arm goes around him and her head comes to lay on his chest, Hunter's eyebrows arch in surprise. He knew she must be utterly exhausted, but he hadn't really expected her to take to him quite like this. He didn't mind though. On the contrary... it... felt nice. 

Smiling, he lowers his arms from behind his head, settling one around Katie's shoulders, while his other hand rests on hers. Her words of staying like that forever give him a strange warm feeling down deep... as if perhaps he was relearning what it felt like to have someone care about him. And... the feeling was mutual. 

"I think I could handle that," he responds quietly. Lifting his arm a little, his hand combs through Katie's hair, tucking it away from her face before his arm wraps back around her shoulders again. Leaning his head back against the tree, he could think of a more comfortable place. The ground was hard, the bark behind his head was rough, and yet... having Katie here with him like this held such a quiet peace that he might like to stay like this forever too. 

Slowly, slowly, Hunter's eyes drift shut until his breathing had grown even quieter beneath Katie's head. He'd enjoyed the day, but he was rather tired himself, and it was just so nice here... 

"You kidding? I'm not gonna tell him." Jason takes a handful of popcorn to munch on as he grins. "Your job is to let him forget he was gonna test my blood tomorrow morning." 

Settling back in the comfortable seat as the movie begins, Jason eats some more popcorn and shares the soda pop with Misty too, remaining quiet for a long while and just enjoying the plot. It didn't take too long though, for the popcorn to be gone, leaving his hand free to sneak over and across Misty's shoulders, pulling her a little closer to him. 

As the movie plays on, Jason finds his mind wandering a bit, still watching and taking it in, but half of his focus had strayed to Misty. Leaning his head over ever so slowly, he places a soft kiss on her cheek before grinning at her. They weren't in a well-lit restaurant now, and nobody was sitting behind them. 


Looking down at Hunter's jacket and than up at him Katie gives a laugh. She would of sat with Hunter anyways but just seeing him offer his coat to her Katie can't help but smile.  Under everything He really was a gentleman and Katie had found that out more than once.

   "I think this is one of the best spot to come to."

Sitting down next to Hunter Katie leans her head back trying to get comfortable but for some reason today she just couldn't. Glancing and Hunter, and than back out to the pasture again, than back to Hunter Katie scoots a little closer. Drapping her one arm over Hunter's stomach she lays her head down on his chest.

   "Ohhh, you are comfortable, or..I am really tired, or it could be both."

Katie was kind of drained. After everything that had been going on she just wanted a little bit of peace. Her body felt tired, her mind felt tired, what little emotions she was discovering where tired too.

Feeling Hunter's chest go up and down, up and down and the soft beat of his heart was soothing to Katie. It was in rythem, and seemed just calming. She just couldn't help but feel good listening to it.

   "Mmmm...lets stay like this forever!"

Looking at her brother and cocking her head a little bit Rosetta study's Jay's face for a second. She wondered what he wanted to have a meeting about and why. It seemed like an odd request but not odd enough to refuse.

   "Yeah we can do that...Later in the evening after dinner should be a good time. Everyone is usually around at that time and the kids go there own ways."

Just continuing to study him she couldn't help but wonder. Was something wrong? Did something happen? Was everyone ok? They were all the questions couldn't help but ask herself. Thanks to The Agency it was always the worst that was thought of first.

   "Is...everything ok?"

Wondering into the movie theater Misty looks around for a second. It didn't look to busy today and she rather liked it that way. Less people, less things to worry about, less talking it was pretty much all summed into one.

   "How about up in the back. That way if anyone else comes in they wont be in our way and it gives us a better view."

Walking up the steps Misty carrys the popcorn till coming to the top and sliding along the seats. Getting to the middle she figured this was probley the best place as any to sit. Finally plopping down Misty turns to Jason and smiles holding out the popcorn.

   "If Rick asks this did not happen ok."

Still holding Jason's hand even in the dark room her smile seemed to shine bright. Things were so different with Jason but it was a different she liked.


Sliding out of the booth too, Jason stands and, for a moment, just looks down at Misty, amazed at seeing all she had to give. All she was. Despite everything that was happening in her life, she was still choosing to live. And she was choosing to live it with him. And that... was an honor. 

Gripping her hand tightly, he smiles and leads the way to the counter to pay before leaving the restaurant. The ride to the movie theater was quiet. It would seem that a lot could be said. A lot could be discussed or mulled over after suddenly being taken to a different kind of relationship. But it seemed that there was simply no need. So often, Jason and Misty both had withheld words - speaking only through their eyes. Respect had always been mutual. And so had understanding. So now as they sat in the pickup, just as always before, word just weren't needed. They both knew exactly where they stood and what all of this meant. The only conversation that took place was between their clasped hands and the affectionate movement of fingers or palms. It's all they needed. 

Once to the theater, they still had time to look over the movie posters but wind up deciding on the super hero flick again. After ordering a bucket of popcorn and a drink to share, Jason wanders with Misty into the dark interior of the theater. Looking around at all the available seats, he glances to Misty. "You pick." He didn't care where they sat. 

Jay nods slowly, still concerned about Katie, but glad to know that Rosetta was confident she would be okay. "Hey, um... off the subject, but..." He shrugs and searches for what he wants to say. 

"Tomorrow evening... after Jeff's back..." He fiddles with his empty glass, seeming to be just a little apprehensive. "Would it be alright if we had a family meeting?" He finally catches Rosetta's eye, wondering if she'd go along with it. "Just the nine of us and spouses. Not the kids though. I've just... got something I wanna say to y'all."

Having Katie reach up to his hand at her shoulder, Hunter was a little surprised, but a smile creases his lips as he curls his fingers around hers. "Lead the way." 

After tagging along to the dining hall, Hunter follows Katie out behind the barns and into one of the pastures. He wasn't sure where on earth she was taking him, but he doesn't question her. Finally realizing the tree was their destination, he nods his approval. "This looks like an awfully good spot to me." Turning around, he gazes across the scenery, liking how secluded this spot felt, yet they could still see what was going on, and the horses provided a peaceful atmosphere. 

Shedding his jacket, he was glad he hadn't dropped it off at his bunkhouse as intended. Laying it on the ground, he eases down to sit on it, leaning back against the tree. Putting his hands up behind his head and stretching out his legs to cross them at his ankles, he sighs with content. A cool breeze relieved the heat of the day, combing gently through his hair. "Mm... this is nice." It had been too long since he'd just... relaxed. 

Glancing down to the other half of his jacket, he looks up at Katie and quirks a grin, inviting her to sit next to him if she wanted.