
Changed Mind

Sitting out on the pouch Karla keeps her hands tucked in the pockets of her hoodie. It was chilly out this early in the morning yet but it felt good. Yesterday she had said her goodbyes though they were few.

Later than night when no one had been paying to much attachen Karla has slipped out of the house and headed to here her old apartment was. It wasnt the smartest thing to do that late at night but her only friend for the longest time would be the most important one to say goodbye to.

"Goodbye Rin! I'll miss you!"

Remembering she final words to her long time friend Karla stairs at the star lit shy that soon would be chased away from by the light of the raising sun.

So lost in her thought She doesn't even realize Kip had come out to the porch and she gives a little jump from his voice as it startles her. Recovering quickly though she gives a smile and hops off the railing.

"Maybe I'll ride half way with Twila and Theo and than see how I'm doing after that."

Walking twords the steps Karla was already. Her bags packed, everything she was bringing loaded up. Taking the first step down though she stops, and her heart starts to race. It was a strange feeling...something she'd never felt before.

Turning back around to look at Kip again Karla's eyes almost looked sad. Why did this seem so hard, defiantly something she couldn't do alone.

"I never though it would be hard or scary to leave this place and venture out to something better. But I guess going into the unknown can be."

Slowly holding her hand out to Kip she gives another smile. She didn't want to be alone, she wanted to face this head on with Kip liked they had planned.

"I changed my mind, I can't do this without you. If the offer is still open can I ride with you?"

Though a bit surprised Eli was calling her again so soon letting her know her bike was done she couldn't say she hated it that he had. It was nice talking to him, she didnt mind, and having her bike back a day early would be nice. She liked riding with Eli a great deal but she missed having the dependability of getting places on her own.

"Wow when you said it was going to be delayed a few days I didn't think you meant you would have it ready the next day. Guess you really wanted me to officially be your girl quickly huh?"

Giving a small snicker the teasing tone was in her voice she new Eli hadn't planned it that way it just kind of happened. Gathering some files together of old jobs Scarlet takes them into the extra bedroom and put them on the desk with the other folders. She really needed to put them in the file cabinet sometime.

"I think lunch sounds good, and you picking me up even better. I have to enjoy it while I can, seeing as you wont have to pick me up quite as often anymore. You get to pick the place this time because I did the last one."

Slowly the figure moves away from the large window that over looked the yard. Hope had just come from Dr. Thompson's office ready to head home with how crappy she felt when the sounds and moving meant out the window caught her eyes.

Standing and watching for the longest moment she watched as Scott looked like he was having fun with the same guy from the other day. Though she had no idea who he was it was nice to see a faint grin on Scott's face that had not escaped her own eyes.

Giving a cough and getting a cold shiver Hope moves away from the window. Another day passed and her bed was calling. She was tired, felt like crap and just wanted to sleep. If this didnt let up any and she kept feeling worse a trip to her own Dr. would be in order.

Parking her car and getting out Beth lets out a sigh. After her episode last night very little sleep followed it. By time she had fallen asleep the alarm just woke her up again and though she wanted to now sleep more she had a promise to keep to her sister.

Coming up the walk way Beth can't help but stop dead in her tracks as she see Justin. Not realizing it was him at first Beth was about to start walking again but just happening to catch a glimpse of his eyes she could tell it was him.

Folding her arms across her chest she stays up on the sidewalk quiet for a long moment but finally she can't not say anything any longer.

"First you lose your baseballs so you go crawling around under my car, and now your covered in head to toe with what looks like food coloring. Are you sure you not an escape or is that the consequences of the balls attacking without warning?"

Continuing to keep her arms crossed the corner of Beth's mouth twitches a little as if wanting to turn upward into a grin. She had to admit Justin was amusing to say the least.

Colorful, messy and crazy

Kip grins and nods, more than willing to help Karla. Anything that would help them stick together. "At your service!"

The rest of the day and evening is spent packing, eating pizza and packing some more. Many goodbyes are said now - they would be leaving early enough that some people they would miss if they didn't give their farewells before bed. It's bittersweet to some. This was home to most of them and they didn't know when they would be back. But the adventure was worth it, so no tears were shed.

Sleep doesn't come easily for anybody. Too much excitement was running in their veins, and five in the morning comes way too quickly.

The sun wasn't even up yet. But lights were on and Shirley had made sure the night before that there was enough breakfast for everyone before they left. Bagels or toast and orange juice were plenty, and before anyone knew it, they were saying a few more goodbyes and starting to make their ways to the little caravan of vehicles.

Kip has said goodbye to everyone and is pausing on the porch, looking out at the dim driveway. Stars were still visible in the sky, and the air was chilly before the sun was up. He was glad he hadn't packed his denim jacket. Spying Karla over to the side, he ambles over to her with a little caution. No more mishaps had happened the night before, but he was still unsure what her decision was about this morning. "Hey..." He clears his throat and leans on the porch railing. "I, uh... talked to Twila and she said she was fine with it if you wanted to ride with her and Theo."

"Yo, Red. Bike's done." Eli cradles the phone between his chin and shoulder. Things had slowed down at the shop, and he'd been able to finish Scarlet's bike faster than anticipated. Of course... staying until midnight last night to work on it had helped.

Fiddling with paperwork on the office desk and getting his hand slapped by Sandy, he keeps talking. "Need a ride down here, I can come pick you up over lunch if you want."

"You've got to be kidding me." Scott can't help it that his eyebrows are raised as he sees Justin coming towards him. It was the next afternoon and the sun was shining down - warmly enough that even Scott didn't have a jacket on. It made his weightloss even more obvious to those who knew him.

Justin comes towards him, dressed in a pair of old, torn jeans and old white t-shirt. A pair of goggles was set up on top of his head, and his hands were full of very... strange things. A grin was on his face though as he reaches the same bench that seemed to be a self-appointed meeting place. "Good afternoon."

Scott stands up, quirking an eyebrow. "Yeah... what's all this?" He'd expected a baseball bat again.

"This... is war." Justin raises and lowers his eyebrows, hinting he had something up his sleeve. Depositing everything onto the bench, he hands Scott a white t-shirt too. "Here, put this on."


"Just put it on. You don't want this stuff on your own shirt. Care about the jeans you got on?"

Scott takes the shirt lamely and looks down at his jeans that were two sizes too big. "Um... no, not really. Why?"

"Well, this stuff isn't supposed to stain, but sometimes it does."

"What does?"

"Put the shirt on."

Scott sighs, but does as he's told, taking off the shirt he had on, and replacing it with the white one. "What on earth are we doing?"

"Going to war, man... going to war. Here." Justin hands him a pack of sorts to be worn around the waist. It had a belt to strap on, and had several pouches along one side that rested against the wearer's hip.

Scott looks at it skeptically. "Would you please tell me what's going on?"

A grin was still on Justin's face as he opened another bag and buckled on his own pouch around his waist. "Poor man's paintball."

Scott blinks. "We're... playing a game. Seriously?"

"Why not?"

"Well it's... silly."

"And?" Justin holds out his arms and circles to scan Brookshire's surroundings. "Look around you. Are we not on the verge of the loony bin?"

He had a point. Scott shrugs and puts on the pouch. "Alright... but you're the one with the crazy ideas, not me."

"Mm-hmm..." Justin absentmindedly sorted through a bag of different colored balloons. "Okay... so this is a whole lot simpler and cheaper than paintball, but it requires a bit more accuracy and closer proximity to each other because we have no guns. Just our own aim." He picks up one of the balls that looked like a small water balloon. "I made these myself this morning, so tell me I did a good job."

Scott can't help a little grin. "Fantastic."

"Thank you."

"What on earth are they?"

Justin chuckles and holds one out to him. "They are balloons made to break a bit easier than your average balloon to avoid ricochets."

"And the inside?"

"A mixture of water and dye. It's supposed to wash out alright - which I'm hoping is the case."


"Because if not, one of my dogs now has a blue head."

Scott's grin grows a little bit. He could imagine Domino having a hay day with something like this.

Justin points to their pouches. "We got three different colors: blue, green and red. You wanna keep them separated 'cause if you hit me with a red one, it's worth more than a green one, and a blue has the least amount of points. Miss with an important color and your chance of winning goes down."

"How do we keep score?"

"The splatter range is small enough that we should be able to tell once we're finished how many times we got hit with each color. Here." Justin turns Scott around and divvies out the mini balloons into the hip pouches. The rubber squeaked as the squishy balls were carefully deposited. "There's a flap you can use to cover up your ammo in case you need to run. If you don't cover 'em up, they'll just leave a blood trail for me to follow. Oh, and here." He hands Scott a pair of goggles. "This is a whole lot gentler than paintball but I still don't wanna get any of this in my eyes, let alone yours."

"Yeah, that wouldn't be good, seeing as though I only got one good one left," Scott comments wryly. He puts on the goggles and watches as Justin does the same. Looking at him from top to bottom, a muffled laugh comes out. "I can't believe we're doing this. Seriously. What are you thinking?"

"Stuffy office is right back there." Justin thumbs towards the building.

Scott holds up his hands. "You win. But be nice. Remember I don't have the same vision range as you."

"Mm, tell you what." Justin fishes around in another bag for a bandanna. Folding it up a little, he makes a triangle eye patch out of it, tying it around his head before returning his goggles.

Scott stares at him in disbelief. "Are you sure you're not the one who belongs here?"

"I ask myself that almost every day. Come on." Justin heads towards the open field where they would cross into the trees. His bags and anything else left on the bench would be safe until they returned.

The goal was simple. They were to split up and start on opposite ends of the treeline. Each would have to circle back to an imaginary center line, then head back to the bench. First one there got fifteen extra points, and in the meantime, anything went. Depending on where hits were taken and what color balloon was used, the points would vary and would have to be tallied up at the end.

And the game began. Scott moved through the trees with more stealth than the average person, knowing how to stay hidden and try to make it to the center line without getting hit. Halfway there though, he feels the first sickening smack to his shoulder, followed by lukewarm wetness. Glancing down, he sees bright green. Justin had come up on his blind side. Whirling around, he sees his foe duck behind a tree. Aha. It wasn't much later that Justin received a bright red balloon right to the center of his chest. Staring ahead at where Scott had come out of nowhere, Scott just gives him a grin and a shrug before diving behind some bushes, still trying to make it to the clearing.

Back and forth, the battle continued. Colors flew. A few trees wound up with marks of their own. Justin and Scott's shirts became covered, and the dye stained their fingers bright colors. Both were hot and sweaty when they reached the clearing. By the time they were there, Scott was almost completely worn out, while Justin still had much energy to spare. All ammo was gone though, so all that was left was a sprint to getting extra points. Taking off, it becomes a brutal race. Even though Scott was tired, something had kicked in that he hadn't felt in a long time: competitiveness. His legs were weak, but he manages to tail Justin close enough to keep Justin going at a fast pace.

Nearing the bench, Justin head straight for it, but in an act of desperation, Scott dives. His arms wrap around Justin's ankles, bringing him to the ground... hard. Sprawling on the grass, Justin spits out some dirt and claws his way towards the bench, but Scott scrambles right over the top of him, reaching the goal first.

Justin starts to laugh, out of breath and too tired to get up yet. Scott collapses as well, almost unable to catch his own breath, a grin showing on his face. And that expression did not escape Justin's watchful eyes. "Man... I can't believe you got here first. I underestimated you."

Managing to sit up, Scott shakes his head. "I didn't think I'd make it either."

"Why not?"

Scott shrugs. "I'm not exactly a sportsman. At work, if anybody wanted to form a team, I'd be last, even behind the girls. I was the techy, remember?"

Justin grins. "You're a speedy little devil, that's what you are." He finally sits up too, wiping some sweat from his face and putting his goggles up on his head, the bandanna getting pushed back with them. "Funny how when we have goals we're determined to reach, we can overcome the odds."

Scott grows a little more solemn as he realizes the deeper meaning of Justin's words. "Even some goals are never attainable."

"But how do we ever know that?" Justin points to the trees. "If you hadn't tried to race me, would you have ever known if you could make it?" Not receiving a response, he continues. "Life's not about determining outcomes based on what we think we're not capable of, then avoiding those situations. It's based on what's in here." He touches his chest. "It's based on what our desires are, not what are weaknesses are. It's about letting the end result determine itself after we've given it our best shot." He cocks his head and studies Scott for a moment. "Are you giving it your best shot?"

...Despite Scott's win to the bench, Justin had wound up with five more points, resulting in him being the winner of the game. Not much conversation had taken place after that. Scott had grown a little quieter, mulling over the concepts shared, and Justin let it lie for another day. However, even though Scott's day might be relatively over now, but Justin's was far from it.

Ambling back towards the parking lot, Justin's hands were full of the packs, bags and more. He was covered in head to toe with color - his shirt, pants, arms, hands and even a bit on his face and in his hair. Scott could go right in and take a shower - Justin's would have to wait.

His goggles were still atop his head, along with the bandanna eye patch that was totally askew, making his hair stand up in all directions. Receiving shocked stares from some of the orderlies, he simply returns casual nods, hiding his smile of amusement.

Slug you the next time

Shaking her head Karla laughs again as Kip while the ice cream from her nose and than tells her about Twila. It felt good to laugh with Kip even if she was a little upset. Knowing she was angry at her best friend was a horrible feeling. So now knowing it was at least resolved a little bit was a good thing.

"We are need to know when there is food on our faces its important so we can look good and impress you guys."

Karla gives a smirk before standing from the bed and taking her plastic spoon to the trash to throw out. Giving a stretch she looks at Kip and gives a little nod and than looks around the room.

"Well I think I've got everything I need packed. Wanna help me carry this to the car and than we can look for Alice's bag she wanted to find?"

Getting back into the house Hope moves a little slower than normal. She just felt so drained she didnt even bother going back to TJY after she left the hospital. She still felt so tired, and it took everything she could to pull herself out of bed this morning. It had been a long time since she had been this sit so it was only normal really it would hit her harder than normal.

Now being home she still felt like crap not any better and maybe even a little worse. Throwing her keys on the little table by the door and heading into the kitchen Hope throws her jacket over the back of the chair.

Maybe a some tea would help her feel better, and than laying down and just relaxing would do her some good. Sleep, maybe all she really needed to get over this bug was more sleep.

...And so the afternoon quickly turned into night as the moon peeked into the sky. Clear was the sky making the moon and stars shin that much brighter. Offering a blanket to those in long spending time with each other, and a darkness to those lost in the dreams that haunt them...

Screams ring through the air as the neighbors do nothing but shut there front doors and windows to the sound not wanting to get in the middle of what seemed like a lovers quarrel.

"Tiffany, how could you do this to us, to our family, I've loved you all these years and you didn't even have the decency to tell me way back."

"Rick your drunk out of your mind we will talk about this when your sober just calm down."

"Calm...you want me to stay calm? Is Beth or Sarah really even mine? How can I be calm when your one who's made this life a whole lie?"

"Yes Beth and Sarah are your daughter don't be stupid now just calm down right now."

"How could you do this to me? How could you do this to us? I love you...no one should have to live with this pain no one."

"Rick..what are you doing...Rick put the gun down...No...Sarah run...hide...No Rick...stop!!!!"

A gun shot ring through the night and the thick smell of blood filled the air. Scaired and alone the figured hide under the bed...alone.

Sitting up straight in bed Beth's hands clenched her blankets tightly, the sweat running down her face so thick as she panted staring into her darkroom. She hadnt been there that night that changed her sisters lift forever, she had been happy off laughing at her friends house completely clueless to what happens at home.

But even so Beth still often dreamed about that horrible night and what the words were that were said, and how scared her sister was as she hide watching the two people that were her hero's slipping from her life in front of her eyes.

Throwing the covers back and getting out of bed Beth's eyes were still heavy but her heart was racing to fast to go back to sleep yet and she just...she needed to talk to her sister even if she wouldn't talk back.

Grabbing her cell from the nightstand and heading out of her room and across the hardwood floor to the kitchen her bare feet scuffed a little. Dialing the number to the hospital she waited for an answer.

"Hey Garret can I talk to Sarah please....yes I know what time it is...I don't care let me talk to my sister....No I will not go on a date with you....Garret put Sarah no the phone before I slug you the next time I see you."

Hearing the other end of the phone go silent Beth rolls her eyes as she pours herself a glass of water. Garret was one of her sister nurses. Not a bad looking guy just...not someone she was interested in ether.

"Thank you Garret!"

Knowing her sister was on the other line now after being informed by Garret Beth takes a sit of her water.

"Hey Baby Sis, I just wanted to call you and say Hi. I love you Sarah very much. Maybe tomorrow if its nice out we can go for a walk outside. Would you like that?"

Beth new her sister wouldn't answer but she asked her questions all the time anyways. Maybe done day her shell would break and she would have her sister back. The Dr's thought it was unlikely but Beth had to have at least a little hope.

"Ok, well I'll let you get back to bed and I will see you tomorrow. I don't have to work at the bar so I can stick around a little longer this time. Good Night."

Ending the phone conversation Beth lets out a small sigh. She wished her sister was closer it would be so much easier to tuck her into her own bed, and to comfort her from home but she just wouldn't be able to give her sister the attachen she needed with working not to mention Sarah wasn't stable enough for that.

Pouring the rest of her water into the sink Beth places the glass in before returning to her bedroom. Crawling under the blankets she stairs into the dark for several more moments before her eyes finally started to fall shut again. Wish any luck she wouldn't have another nightmare and could sleep through the night in peace.

Phone messages

Kip laughs at the notion of a brain freeze helping him sleep, and takes another bite, despite his headache. "Maybe it would be like a deep freeze and they could just wake us up when we get there."

Spotting the ice cream on the end of Karla's nose, he grins. Grabbing a napkin, he reaches out to wipe it off. "I didn't tell Twila once she had some food on her face and she didn't talk to me for a week." He laughs again. "Well... maybe not a week, but almost."

Justin grins a little, imagining such a headline in the newspaper. Heeding her warning about other drivers, he nods. "Thanks. I'll watch whose cars I get under. It's the old ladies with canes I'm worried about."

Standing back a little so Beth has more room, he cocks his head, lost for a moment in studying her expression and her eyes. They told stories in a language only a heart could read, and only if one first learned the key to unlocking the pages.

Not bothered in the least that he is staring at her, he offers another small smile. "Drive safe."

Waiting for her to pull away, the baseball is revealed and he picks it up, waving it a little in the air to show her that he had found what he'd been looking for. Left alone once more int he parking lot, Justin sets about finding the rest of the baseballs, counting them before satisfied he'd found them all.

It takes a couple tries to get his pickup to start, but once the engine turns over, he's on his way. An hour and a half was how long it takes him to get home. But he didn't mind the drive. Not when he had a job as important as helping someone else. Ninety minutes on the road spent with good music and God... he rather enjoyed it. Free time didn't pay bills, but it was a peaceful ride through the back roads.

Eventually he pulls off onto a narrow lane lined with trees that created a kind of canopy after not being trimmed back for many years. It was a dead-end for travelers, but for him it was a driveway. Stopping right after turning, he reaches out the window to grab his mail, sifting through the envelopes and junk mail before continuing his route. His house wasn't visible from the main road - he liked it that way.

After driving for a short distance, the dirt driveway curves, revealing a clearing in the trees. The yard was big and well-kept, trimmed down with a neat lilac hedge that bordered the property. Parking outside the garage that leaned a little to the left, Justin cuts the engine and slides out, met with excited barking. "Hey girls!"

Two Dalmatians wriggled all over, straining at the ends of their chains and barking happily now that their master was home. Justin grins and unhooks them both. "How are we today, hmm? Did you miss me?" He gives both dogs rough scratches and pets, playing with them as he stumbles through their legs to make it to his porch. "Alright. Stay outside and I'll give you both some food."

Making it inside, the rickety screen door bangs shut without a spring to slow its movement. It was a bigger house than it appeared to be from the outside. Older and in need of new paint and some roof repairs, but it suited Justin fine. All one level, there were two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room that was big enough to serve as a dining room too, a kitchen and an extra room that he used as his office.

Justin tosses his keys onto the little hook by the hall closet and kicks off his shoes and socks to walk around barefoot. Once in the kitchen, he moves aside piles of newspapers and has to move his trashcan full of metal to be recycled in order to get to the bag of dog food. The inside of his house was clean - he just seemed to be rather unorganized. If asked where something was though, he almost always knew.

After taking food to Danitza and Zora, he wanders back inside, passing by the answering machine on the table at the edge of the living room. Hitting play, he straightens up a few things while listening.

"Justin, it's me again... I just need to talk. Please? I miss you."

Justin's eyes narrow at the sound of Renae's voice. "Yes, you miss me because you miss someone you can suck all the life out of with your constant phobias, trials beyond measure and a cat that you really need to shoot instead of taking it to pet daycare every day."

While folding a blanket, he hits the delete button. He'd thought Ranae just needed a little help getting back on her feet. Unfortunately, their dates had turned into constant counseling sessions and with her unwilling to make changes in her own life, Justin had had enough. She'd become so needy and dependent on him that she'd worn him out and he'd eventually ended the relationship. He'd cared about her, but he just couldn't do it anymore. Now, three months later, she was still begging him to come back - probably at the prompting of her older sister who insisted that all men needed to be molded into butlers who would wait on the woman hand and foot.

Giving a little growl, Justin continues to fold the blanket. Stubbing his toe on the leg of the couch, he cries out in more frustration than pain as the second message plays.

"Yeah, this is Nick. We're gonna have to have that downpayment for the car by next week or we'll have to sell it to someone else. Give me a call and let me know what's up."

"Yeah, I know... you should sell it to someone else - it's gonna take me too long." Nick had done Justin a personal favor by actually holding the used car for him while he tried to get the downpayment together. Unfortunately, the money just wasn't coming in fast enough, so it looked like he'd be depending on his pickup for a while longer. He'd call Nick later and apologize and call off the deal. Maybe his extra money needed to go towards a new roof anyway.

"Justin, it's your uncle. Just wondering how things were going with Scott. Jenny said he ate a little more for lunch today after you'd left."

"Mm-hmm, exercise'll do that to ya." Justin goes to the kitchen to bring back a glass full of water for his two sorta-sad looking plants by the window. Yes, Dr. Hawks was his uncle. Which was probably why he'd been willing to take on this job in the first place. He could still be a counselor or get back into Social Services if he wanted to - but nobody else was willing to hire him full-time because of what had happened a few years ago, and he'd put his schooling on hold, so he couldn't make a go of it on his own. "But no, I'm not calling you back. You know my rules. Once I got a foundation, I'll report to you."

He picks up a few paper plates to throw them away and tosses a couple forks into the kitchen sink to wash later. The messages were done playing and he was a little weary after staying up too late last night reading. Flopping down on the couch, he yawns. A nap would be good. Then he'd go out and play with "his girls" for a while.