
Short but sweet

Watching the game for a few moments before replying to Eli one might think Ryan hadn't been listening. But she was, her mind was just thinking and trying to process everything. She really didn't feel like working tomorrow but she new she should.

"Yeah I work tomorrow. It will be a nice detraction I think. Not sure how long I am gonna work thought. Maybe if I can bail early I will."

Looking to her brother and studying his face for a long moment Ryan could tell he was worried about her even if she wished he wouldn't be.

"I'll be ok Eli. I wont be down long. Just...gotta keep moving forward."

Katie can't help but giggle at Jason's comment. It was always comfortable cuddling with him. She enjoyed it and just feeling his breathing was so soothing to her.

"Mmmm...I don't want you to let me go either. Your way to comfortable."

Moving her head into him a little more Katie just cuddles closer just taking in all she could before she had to go. It was a little chilly out tonight and Jason was just so warm.

Giving a nod Stacy was thankful that Reese would help her as much as he could. It was comforting to know she had that kind of support with this whole thing. It was just a little more reassurance she was doing the right thing.

"Ok, I can drop the paper work back off to you tomorrow. Thank you once again Reese."

Standing and giving a nod Stacy leaved the office. She couldn't help the smile that spread across her face. She really was excited for this. It would be a nice change and she was looking forward to that.

Sitting next to Ty Libby was very excited to see him progressing with his reading. Some people might laugh or think it boring but she liked knowing he was doing it on his own and she could help him a little bit here and there.

"Hey, even if you can't write well I am sure your mom will be able to read it."

Taking one of the french frys and popping it into her mouth Libby gives a big smile at Ty. She had been filled in a little on what happened with Ty. She new he was only trying to help and do the right thing so she hopped once his saspention was done he would have a job to go back too.

"So I was thinking maybe tonight we could hit the movies and see if anything good was playing."


Hearing Ryan, Tal pauses and turns to look over his shoulder for just a moment. His cheeks rise slightly, proving that a little smile had emerged. Then continuing his route, he waves to Eli and takes his leave.

Joined in the living room, Eli glances over to his sister and shrugs. "It's an okay game. Seen better, but the score's close enough to keep it interesting." He leans back and puts his feet up on the coffee table. It was a little hard for him to concentrate... with everything that had happened, he tried to be confident and calm on the outside, but on the inside, he was still upset about Alec and what Ryan had been put through. Tal had been a nice distraction - Eli had an inkling that Tal had noticed him sulking at work, and his offer to hang out afterward had been an attempt to give Eli something else to do. Eli hadn't been able to think of a reason not to, so he'd invited Tal over to the apartment. In the end, it had been kind of fun for a while. Now though... it was back to reality. But there really wasn't anything he could do about it. "Working tomorrow?"

Jason returns Katie's kiss, allowing it to last. Bringing her close, he leans back until his head was on the armrest of the couch and he was holding Katie on his chest. Breaking away, he grins up at her and tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Thanks for putting up with me."

He takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly, letting Katie rise and fall with the movement. "I don't know, but you're almost too comfy for me to let you go home," he teases.

Reese nods. "I'll say a week to ten days - and if you run into any problems, don't hesitate to let me know. We need this to happen, but I don't want it to stress you out either."

He gestures to the papers. "Go ahead and take those with you - bring them back in a day or two and let me know how everything else is going. In the meantime... I'll call the ranch and let them know we found their security guard."

"...she... she ex..excl..cl...exclaimed." Ty nods with satisfaction as he finishes another sentence. Libby would be the only one who knew about the kids book from the library, but it still had enough small words he didn't get frustrated, and enough big words that it challenged him.

Chewing on another chicken finger, he scans the next few sentences through his glasses. Finally setting the book aside on the cafe table, he grins at Libby. "Well, maybe I'll never be a genius when it comes to reading, but at least I can read letters from Mom now." He munches on his chicken. "I was thinking about writing her back sometime but then I realized I..." He quirks an eyebrow, almost annoyed. "...guess I don't write very well either." His handwriting was atrocious to say the least, and since he'd dropped out of school and the alphabet didn't make any sense anyway, it had just gotten worse.

He sighs a little and fingers a french fry before popping it in his mouth. His eyes go to the table. "Not that it really matters." After being suspended, he'd had way too much free time on his hands, and needless to say, he'd gotten pretty bored. The question of whether or not he still had a job at all was unanswered, leaving him wondering why he was even trying to better himself in other areas if it didn't seem to matter.


As Tal slips by Ryan she looks up at him for a moment. She'd only seen Tal a few times when she went to see Eli at work. She new he'd been pretty close with her brother but that was about all she new about him. Seeing the apology in his eyes Ryan new that Tal probably new what as going on.

Not saying anything as Tal walks away Ryan's eyes just follow him. But when he gets to the door Ryan takes a few steps in that direction herself. Her voice a little softer but one that held much emotion for the situation right now.

"Tal, thanks."

Why was she saying thanks? Maybe just simply because he's said sorry without even saying it. Or maybe it was for being there for Eli knowing this wasn't easy on him either. Seeing his sister going through was probably something hard to do that was for sure. If it was Eli Ryan new she'd be angry and want to knock someone out.

Turning around again to let him go Ryan heads back to the living room and sits down on couch again with Eli. She felt bad she'd chased his friend away so she'd sit with him now. Maybe she could even get into the game a little.

"Is it a good game?"

Cuddling in close with Jason again Katie felt a little better that he wasn't angry with her. She new he was frustrated and could understand that. Everything was messed up right now and no one new what was to come.

"Ok, sounds good to me. I miss our connection so I welcome it back."

Turning to look at Jason Katie gives him a smile. Leaning up she gives him a kiss on the lips. Letting it linger for a long moment Katie just lets her emotions express themselves thought the kiss since that was all she had right now. Just soaking in the moment with Jason.

Finally letting a small smile cross her lips Stacy gives a small nod. She wouldn't have been heartbroken if she hadn't got the job but she would of been disappointed. Not to mention having to break the new to Ashlee after getting her excited. But it was ok, Reese said she got the job and now she couldn't help it that her heart started racing for a whole new reason.

"Well, we would need time to pack and I can work on selling the house from the ranch. I don't have to be here to do that. I'd say give us a week to get everything together. As long as thats not to long for you?"

Leaning forward and taking the paperwork Stacy looks it over. She wasn't sure if Reese wanted her to fill that out here or bring it back. Either would be ok with her. She could fill it now or she could bring it back to the office an fill it out.

Understanding eyes

After taking a couple pain killers, Jason wanders back into the living room, stepping over Trooper, who was stretched out lazily on the floor. He eases back down on the couch and just look at the floor for a moment as Katie apologizes. He really hadn't meant to snap at her... it had just... come out.

Finally looking back over to her, he musters up a partial smile. "I didn't want to make you feel bad. I'm just frustrated... at the situation, not you." He reaches out and brushes her cheek with the back of his hand. "I'm just tired of worrying about every step we take... it's like we've had to stop living in order to survive, but what's the point?"

Sighing, he slips his arm around her and pulls her close to plant a kiss on the top of her head. "We'll try going back to normal... and if it doesn't work, it doesn't work. But that's the only way to find out."

Hearing the door open, Eli looks up quickly, a mixture of relief and question on his face. He was glad she was home, but what did that mean about Alec? "Hey, Sis."

Tal's eyes meet hers for a moment, and a soft kind of smile comes to his lips, born from the knowledge that this had not been an easy time for her. He gives her a little wave of hello.

Eli welcomes his sister's presence on the couch, but his shoulders sink just a little bit, hearing that Alec hated her. What was wrong with that guy? How had he fooled everyone so well? What had happened to the man that had seemed to be so in love with Ryan? It just didn't make sense, and Eli could feel his anger bubbling again, though he wouldn't let it spill over - his sister didn't need him to be mad right now too. Instead, he gives her shoulder a little squeeze. "I'm sorry..." What else could he say? Part of him was glad Alec would live, and part of him was just as mad that he'd survived.

Watching Ryan get up and go to the kitchen, he sighs and focuses on the television. This whole thing was just screwed up, plain and simple.

Tal fiddles with his beer bottle a little awkwardly before he stands up. "I, um... I should probably go."

Eli looks up at him and shakes his head. "You don't have to."

"Naw, it's alright. I got stuff I gotta get done at home anyway." Tal knew that probably his company was a little much right now, and he didn't mind leaving Eli and Ryan alone. Taking his bottle to the kitchen, he slips by Ryan to set it by the sink. Turning to leave, he catches her eye again. Opening his mouth to say something, it then seemed that anything he said would come out wrong in this situation, so instead, he bites his lower lip. His eyes said it all. He was sorry that she was hurt, he knew the story, and he understood why her own eyes held anger and pain. Tucking his hands halfway in his jeans pockets, he heads for the doorway again.

Reese nods thoughtfully as Stacy talks, his face remaining fairly expressionless. Once she's finished, he cocks his head, just studying her for several long moments. One might think he was debating on how to tell her he was going to turn her down. But that wasn't the case.

"I think you're a good match for the job," he states with confidence. "I know the ranch will welcome both you and your daughter into their circle, and I think you're more than qualified for the security."

Fishing for some papers, he finally finds what he's looking for and hands them to her. "I'll need you to fill these out for the formal transfer from the police to the Elite. Within the Elite ranking system, you will start as an officer and you may move up in the ranks as we see fit, as time progresses."

He thinks for a moment, in case he'd forgotten anything. "The Elite will fund your move and provide any necessary transportation. The only negative point right now is that it needs to happen fairly soon, for the safety of Dylan Henson, or anyone else at the ranch. How soon do you think you and your daughter can be ready to move?"

An Honor

As Jason gets it up Katie just watches him as he leaves and goes into the other room. She didn't have to have there powers to be able to tell that maybe she had hit a cord wrong when she hadn't meant too.

Once Jason comes back Katie trys to give him a little smile as she processed some words in her head. She felt bad that she had made him feel badly. This was one time she really did with they had there powers back now so she could tell Jason she was sorry without words.

"J, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound like you don't know whats good for you or anything. Thats not how I meant it at all. It just...came out wrong I guess."

Looking down for a moment Katie plays with a tread that was hanging from her shirt before looking up again. Searching Jason's eyes her own reflecting that she was very sorry.

"I'd like to go off the antidote as long as you want to too. I miss our connection."

Sitting with Alec still the next day Ryan didn't care how long it took. Until something happened or she was told to leave she'd stay with Alec. Maybe she was angry with him, and part of her hated him she wanted to still be there for the person she had grown so attached to. Ryan had already called Eli and let him know.

As Alec wakes Ryan sits up a little but as he fights against his restraints it seemed whatever Ryan wanted to say was now gone. Hearing him yell at her to get out Ryan's face dosnt seem to change much. She should have guess this would happen and Alec really didn't want here her.

When the nurses rush in to try and calm Alec down Ryan moves a little bit out of the way. She didn't want to interfere with what they were doing. As Alec turns to her though and those words come from his lips Ryan's face turns read, and her eyes hold an anger. Just something about those words...after everything she'd done, after having her heart on her sleeve for him he had the nerve to say that to him. The numb feeling inside seemed to break and now the only thing left was the anger.

"Don't worry, this is the last time you'll see me again or even hear from me. I only wanted to make sure you were ok. Now that I have...good bye Alec!"

Not giving time for anyone to reply Ryan turns and makes her way to the door sticking her hands in her pockets. Leaving she doesn't bother to look back or even stop. Her path was set this would be the last time she even saw Alec after what he did to her.

Getting to her car and getting in Ryan could feel the hot tears roll down her cheek again. Anger and hurt seemed to mix together now and it didn't feel good. Ryan felt like she was going to be ill. Why did this happen? She didn't understand and part of her didn't want to anymore. Alec was alive, he hated her, and she detested him. Why should it hurt now?

Finally pulling it together though Ryan starts her car and heads for home. It didn't take long to get there. Pulling in and getting out Ryan eyes the other car in the driveway for a long moment. She wasn't sure she'd seen that car before.

Entering the house and heading to the living room Ryan see Eli and who she thought she remembered at Tal sitting on the couch. She really didn't feel social but she had to at least let Eli know she was home.

"Hey Eli I'm home. Hi Tal."

Coming in more and going around the couch it was easy to see on Ryan's face the anger, and hurt still. Sitting down on the free end of the couch with Eli she just sits quite for a moment before finally sitting up a little and looked twords her brother.

"Alec's awake.. I guess he hates me now so..whatever. Just thought I'd let ya know he didn't die after all."

Standing again and heading to the kitchen Ryan looks through the fridge for a long moment before pulling out a beer. She just wanted to be a lone for a little bit. She had to get over this, she'd be fine, she new she would be but it was getting there that would be the hard part.

Sitting in the chair across from Reese in his office Stacy was dressed in a suit with her gun clipped to one side, and her badge to the other. Today was her office duty but had left work to come for the interview with Reese.

The inside of TJY was a bit different than expected but it was easy to see they new what they were doing, and have everything together. All in all from first look it would seem like a good company to work for and she was excited.

Looking back at Reese and hearing his question Stacy held a look of confadince on her face but not arrogance. In her role as a mother and her position at work she new the chooses she made were in the best interest of her family and career.

"Well, first off my daughter will always come first. Having her come with me to someplace like this ranch I think would be good. I home school Ashlee and I think having the open space like the R/M Ranch would help her get out more, and meet new people. My daughter has a good head on her shoulders and I've never had to worry if she was making the right desitions or not. Is she perfect... No she is not..Ashlee makes mistakes like anyone else would, but I think I worry a little less because I know her head is on straight and she is smart enough to use the brain God gave her."

Stacy thought highly of her daughter and new Ashlee was one of the rare children in the world who did know what they wanted in lift, and did what they could not to mess that up. She was proud of her daughter and everything she had accomplished at a young age.

"On top of that taking this job I would be able to spend a little more time with Ashlee. That is one of the most important things to me. I love my daughter Reese, and would like nothing more than to be able to watch her grow up. I've missed out on to much of her life already."

Shifting just a little bit to get comfortable in the chair again Stacy lets out a small breath. Sometimes when she started going she forgot to breath till everything she said was out. It often happened when she felt strongly about something.

"On the career side, I enjoy helping people and making sure they stay safe. It would see that the R/M ranch needs that right now and help with that than that is my next calling. I have also heard a lot about what TJY does, and its very admirable. To be apart of that would be wonderful and very much and honor."