

Garret knew good and well Thirteen was telling the truth. It had been him. On his way up the Agency ranks, he'd been stationed for six months at the testing facility as a hall guard. Thirteen had been the number on the door, and her name both. She'd been nothing but a lab rat, and he'd seen her as nothing but a test subject as well. It was a long time ago - so long he'd almost erased the experience from his memory.

Looking at Thirteen's frightened eyes now, a very unfamiliar and unnerving emotion pricked Garret's soul. Yet his eyes reflected nothing but a cold stare as he shifted his gaze away from the girl, and he looked back at Carson. "I've been stationed many places over the years. I can't remember every face."

Carson's jaw tightened. "Yeah, well I guess I can't expect more out of a rat like you." He reached for the cuffs from Aerith. "Thanks." He threw them at Garret, who caught them. "Put 'em on."

"Look, all I-"

"Put them on!" Carson's finger rested in his gun's trigger.

"Just give me a chance to explain."

"At headquarters, you'll have all the time in the world."

Garret had little choice, if he was going to gain any trust at all. As much as he hated this, he had to play by the rules. If he didn't, he risked more than his own future. Finally relenting, he snapped the cuffs to his own wrists. "Happy?"

"Getting closer." Carson was far from letting his guard down, but at least he had a little more control now. He glanced back to Thirteen, then Aerith again. "Why don't you take Thirteen home?" Ryder would be there and would be able to take care of her. "Just lock the door when you leave - don't worry about anything else here." He motined Garret towards the door. "I'm parked out back. Move."

"...Naw, nothing like that. I think she's just upset. I'll keep my eye out though." Eli kept his voice down and glanced to the living room where Scarlet sat watching the movie. His attention returned to his cell phone and the conversation that had interrupted his date. "Yeah, no problem. I'll let you know of any new developments."

Ending the call, he slipped his phone back in his pocket and wandered back to the couch. Flopping down next to Scarlet, he threw his arm around her shoulder and teasingly yanked her close to kiss her forehead. "Sorry. What did I miss?"

Reese had been at the office longer than planned and felt badly, knowing Angelica was waiting supper in him. She never complained, which made him love her all the more, but he also knew they both continued to work far too much...

...He took a sip of water and pushed his empty plate aside. Angelica's cooking would always be the best. He'd avoided talking about what was really on his mind all evening though, just wanting to enjoy their meal. But now that supper was over, he needed to get something off his chest.

"Law enforcement wants the Elite to work more closely with other branches, mainly the FBI." He glanced across the table to Angelica, his eyes showing concern. "The board doesn't like the freedom we have, and feels we're too reckless. Forcing us to work alongside the FBI would enable them to keep a closer eye on our activity and they'd have more control over which cases we took."

He fiddled with his water glass. "I haven't said anything to anyone else, because I know no one is gonna like it. We'd also be relocated...downtown...to share a building with the FBI." He sighed, knowing this news wouldn't go over well with anyone, not to mention it would come as a bit of a shock. "We have little choice if the Elite is going to stay in tact. I'm just not sure how to break it to everyone. I've been back and forth with Brown for weeks, but it's basically a done deal. Either we cooperate or disband."

His eyes found Angelica's again. He was worried. Very worried. Ever since they come out in the open, they'd been under intense scrutiny, and this was just one more step closer to having no freedom at all. "There are pros and cons both... I'm just worried a move like this is gonna be too much for our band of misfit hotheads." It was a statement meant in love, but it was the truth. Imagining Gunner one wall away from the FBI was rather frightening. Let alone any other agents. "I just don't know what to do. It's like..." His phone buzzing made him roll his eyes, but he knew he had to answer it. "Yeah?"

It was a short-lived conversation that had him on his feet by the time he hung up. He glanced at Angelica with apology. She hadn't even had time to respond to his news. "Carson's got some guy he's bringing in. I gotta go." He leaned down to kiss her lips. "I'll let you know what's happening."