

Gram smiled as Karla entered the kitchen. She was like a granddaughter and always welcome. Taking her time with the dishes, she nodded her thanks. "That's so sweet of you. I'm sure he'll appreciate the food." 

Karla's question made Gram hesitate, though. Obviously Kip had told her he wasn't feeling well...but also just as obviously he had not expressed the nature of his condition. And it was not Gram's place to spill the beans. 

"Last time I checked on him, he was still sleeping, so that's good." At least that was an honest answer. She turned and just studied Karla for a moment, offering a new, comforting smile. She didn't know what was going to happen, but her heart hurt for this young couple. She hurt for Kip who needed more help than he allowed. She hurt for Karla who deserved more than this out of a relationship. "I'm sure he'll pull through just fine," she finally concluded. He might need some help along the way, but eventually... Gram had faith Kip would figure things out. 

Down the hall, Kip's ears had picked up the sound of Karla's voice, and his fingers curled tightly around his pillow. What was she doing here? He didn't want her to come to his room. He didn't want to see her. Or talk to her. Not now. Not yet. He couldn't bear it. He wasn't even sure how he'd ever be able to look her in the eye again. Maybe she'd just leave him be today. Maybe she'd just talk to Gram then go home. Gram wouldn't say anything about what had happened, right? She wouldn't tell Karla why he was really sick, would she? 

His grip on his pillow tightened, as did the knot in his stomach. If there ever was a time he wished he could erase the last twenty-four hours, it was now.

Evening. Jason had worked until it was time to head to Mike's, and had driven his pickup with Katie in the passenger seat. He still felt badly about ruining her evening, but there wasn't much either one of them could do about it if they didn't want to face Reese's wrath. And...even though Jason wanted to ignore it, he knew there was a very real threat out there. 

Getting outside of town to Mike's, Jason parked near the house and cut the engine before turning to look at Katie a he fiddled with his keys. "You mentioned staying out here, but there's no way the guys are gonna let that happen." He gave her a wry grin. Rocky and Axel might come to play around, too. So, the more the merrier..." 

Once upon a time, no one would have dreamed of leaving Katie out of the band's scene. It felt weird to be trying to convince her to be included now. "And besides, if they find out I left you out here, I'll never hear the end of it. Not to mention, neither of us has had supper, and there will be munchies."

Jared was propped up in bed, half dozing, half watching television when Grace came in. He eyed the flowers and candy suspiciously - she was trying to make him feel better. But what was the point? Despite that feeling, a little smile did turn up one corner of his mouth. He studied the chocolate for a moment before daring to open it. She knew his weaknesses, for sure. 

Glancing over at her, he shrugged. "It was...okay. I think maybe he doesn't hate me anymore." He finally couldn't resist trying a piece of chocolate, and chewed it slowly. Maybe he felt like crap, but at least his taste buds were temporarily happy. It took a few moments, but he finally managed to voice his appreciate, even if it was buried under a mountain of negativity. "Thanks..." He offered her a piece of candy, too. 

"Justin was kinda weird. Guess maybe his guilt got to him. I dunno. I should prolly be happy about it."

Rosalyn settled in on Chad's lap, breathing a deep sigh of content as she nuzzled her head into his shoulder. If there was ever a time she'd like something to last forever, it was here, right now. But no matter how much they pretended, reality still stood in the way. A week and a half though...that didn't seem so bad... until imagining a whole other month with him  being gone again. At least she wouldn't be ignoring communication from him though, so it wouldn't be like these last few weeks had been.

She was about to respond, when his idea of buying a house here made her head snap up and she studied his face. Was he really serious? She knew he was a dreamer, but...this? 

"Are you...serious? You'd do that...just to spend more time with me?" That concept really was beyond her. "I...I certainly wouldn't complain." She gave him a sheepish grin. "I mean...I'd love that. But is that something you really can do? Don't you have to stay close to the marina even when you're not traveling? And that's a huge expense..." She didn't want to be negative, but in her world, that was something way outside the realm of possibility.


Looking up at Hunter Katie gives a smile. She was happy he was so understanding and didn't give her a hard time about work, at the same time she was happy his friend called too. She didn't feel as bad knowing he had somewhere to go now.

   "I will...thanks for being such a good spot about this."

Moving her head and leaning up Katie pressed her lips on his for a long moment before baking away and giving a smile. She did need to get back to work now. Specially if she was going to take off with Jason. She wasn't sure when he was going and she had to at least get a little done or Reese wouldn't let Hunter come again.

Giving a tap on the door Grace enters Jared's room with a bunch of flowers and a box of chocolate. She was bound and determined to make him smile no matter what it took. She new he was down, but she didn't want him to continue to be like that. So if she could do something to make him feel better she would.

   "Morning...I just saw Justin leave. Did you have a good visit?"

She'd seen Justin leave and wondered about it. He didn't seem upset so that had to be a good thing. Passing Jared's bed Grace puts the chocolates in his lap before giving hi a pat on the shoulder and going over to the little table to arrange the flowers.

Walking with Rosalyn Chad couldn't be more content. He had enjoy the time with all the girls, but this time alone with just Rosalyn was even more priceless. Keeping his arm around her, and keeping her close his walking pace matched hers. It was a nice night, not to hot and not to cold. What more could he ask for really?

   "We could pretend it could last forever."

Chad couldn't help the smile that played on his lips as he spied a swing set and directed Rosalyn in that direction. Sitting down on one of the swing he pulled her close and positioned her in his lap to sit comfortable as he softly drifted back and forth. 

   "But I guess...being an adult is knowing that pretending is just that and sooner or later the real world really does callus back. That being said...I think a week and a half to two weeks is really all I can get away with. If all goes well, in a months time after that we should be done over seas and be able to come home for a little bit and relax before getting another job in."

Falling silent for another moment Chad leans his head on Rosalyn's and let out a breath of air. He new his work made him bounce all over and he wondered how hard that would be on Rosalyn. He only hoped she was willing to deal with it for a while, at least till something changed, and than maybe she could come with him. He new that would be a while though, but it was a nice thought to look forward too.

   "I was thinking when we come about though about buying a house here in town. It would make things a little easier and I'd be able to spend more free time with you. That is...if you think thats a good idea."

Getting Kips text Karla felt her heart sink just a little. She'd been looking forward to dinner tonight but she quickly pushed that feeling away. It wasn't Kip's fault get got sick and he did have to work tonight so she new he would need his rest. Maybe she could bring him some soup though just so he new she was thinking about him.

A few hours later Karla stood outside Kips a container of homemade soup in one hand and a basket of fresh baked bread in the other. Giving a knock on the door Karla than opened it knowing that Gram didn't mind if she just walked in. She considered her family and wouldn't dream of it any other way.

   "Gram...its Karla."

Making her way through the house and to the kitchen she smiles seeing her standing at the sink. Coming in and setting everything down Karla went over to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek before diving in and just helping her with dishes.

   "Hi Gram. I made some soup and bread for Kip since he wasn't feeling well. I thought it would help you out a little, and well I had to eat tonight too so I might as well make enough for everyone."

Stopping for a second to rinse some dishes off Karla places them into the strainer before turning the water off and waiting for a few more to pile up.

  "How is Kip feeling..any better?"