

If Jeff could have one thing right now it was to not have people worry about him. He hated that. Nobody needed to worry. He didn't want to be the cause of stress. But he also knew there was no point in even trying to argue with anybody about that. Hearing Rosetta was going to spend the night, he wasn't so sure he liked that idea, but he says nothing. Better to not argue and get Katie any more upset. 

Returning the squeeze to her hand, he gives her a little nod. "I love you too, Katie, with all my heart." Managing a little smile he lets her go. "See you tomorrow." 

Out in the hall, the others wait their turns. Seeing Katie come out, Eric and Trent almost run into each other as their pacing circles collide. "How is he?" Eric asks. 

Over to the side, Hunter rises slowly from where he'd been sitting. Katie looked... tired. He was glad Rosetta had told her to go home - it looked like she could use the rest, and he was more than happy to drive her back home again. He'd be okay if she decided to stay, but for her sake, he was glad she'd be going home. Watching her uncles and aunt, he stays at a short distance, not wanting to get in the way. 

"Okay. Well, I don't have a clue what Mom's living room is like, but I'm sure she'll do all she can to do whatever it takes." She seemed to be that kind of woman, Jared had discovered. So caring, she'd bend over backward for anyone.  

Watching Grace go about her work on his legs, for the first time, Jared feels a little down about the whole thing. He'd known it would be a long hard process, but now weeks into it and seeing such small results, it was rather depressing. 

Resting his head back in his pillow, he sighs. "Any chance in you coming by again sometime when you don't need to work on me?" He'd really liked it the day she'd showed up to take him outside. He knew she had a busy schedule though and she had other people she worked with. He was nothing special. But the last few days he'd felt extra lonely. 

Realizing he maybe shouldn't have asked though, a little color comes to his cheeks and he glances down. "Maybe if you do, I can apologize for being a grump," he mumbles.

Love you

   "Don't worry dad I will worry about you because thats what I am meant to do."

Letting out a small sigh Katie couldn't tell if Jeff was trying to shoo her out of not. Maybe he didn't like what she had to say but at this point she didn't much care. If he thought she was being hurt fun and didn't care at all than he new her less than she though. Though the idea of being at odds with her dad hurt.

   "I didn't want to go yet, but I guess it would be best if I did. There are some other people that want to see you and Rosetta is going to spend the night."

Leaning in Katie gives Jeff a kiss on the cheek before pulling away a little and squeezing his fingers. She really did hate leaving him but maybe she was only making him more upset so it was for the best.

   "Love you Dad."

Having Jared yelp again and seeing his look Grace gives a small sigh. It really was good he was feeling the pain but the dagger looks he was giving her kind of was making her feel like a monster or something. 

Letting his leg down she take the heating pad and ice placing one on one leg and the other for the other one. She would let them cool and warm for not than work a little again once the muscles relaxed. Hopefully they would being to start working on rotations leg exercises.

   "Well as long as you have a decent size living room and you mom doesn't mind I move things around a little as long as I put them back I can pretty much work with anything. I have items I use when I go out of the office so its not like its putting me out of my way or anything."


Hearing he was going to be here for a couple days, Jeff bristles. He was too tired to argue, but he wasn't happy. Not that he'd really expected anything else. 

The rest of Katie's little speech hurt just a bit. She seemed to be rather perturbed at him for all this. As if he'd planned to have a heart attack. All he'd wanted was to put in a good day's work. It wasn't like he'd done this on purpose. His grip on her hand loosens a little. 

Left with no time to argue, he simply nods at her mention of food. He knew what hospital food was like and anything else he was sure to be grateful for. Although at the moment, the thought of food just made him feel nauseous. He wouldn't tell her that though. If she wanted to bring him something tomorrow, he wouldn't stop her. 

"Well... you have a good night then." His eyes droop a little again, but it was more of her chiding that made him figure she'd want to leave, not that she'd implied she'd go home and come back tomorrow. "Guess I'll see ya tomorrow then." He pats her hand. "And don't spend your time worrying about me." 

Jared perks up a little at Grace's explanation of how they might do things. "Really? I was afraid I might get stuck with somebody else." 

Giving a yelp as she hits a nerve, he wishes he could move his leg - he'd yank it out of her reach if he could. He didn't know why he felt grouchy today. He'd been fighting it ever since his mother's morning visit. She hadn't brought bad news. He'd learned a little more about himself. So what was his problem? He knew it was probably just the fact that even though he'd learned more, it had sparked no memories. The only memory he had thus far was the accident, and he'd really like something else to think about. 

Fighting the urge to complain at Grace again, he grits his teeth and just throws her another look before trying to move on. "So are there requirements for being able to have you come to a home? I mean like space or something?"


Looking down at her dad Katie and give a little scoff. She new he would ask about leaving but at this point even if someone said they would pay to get Jeff out of here she would decline. He needed to be here and watched over. He had to get better.

   "No they aren't and its a good thing too. You need to stay here to recover for a few days and make sure everything is alright. Don't even think about telling me everything is fine either because you just had a heart attack because you over worked yourself. So no, things are not fine."

Taking in a deep breath Katie hadn't meant for that all to come out it just...had. She just wanted to beat Jeff to the punch of arguing before it even started. It was set in stone he was staying here for a few days and that was that. Even if they had to sedate him again to get him to calm down and relax.

   "Tomorrow maybe I'll slip you some good food though. I wouldn't wish the food here on my worst enemy."

Continuing to work on Jared's legs Grace listens to everything he had to say. When she had come in this morning she new something was different about him. He wasn't in the best of moods and she guessed it was from finding out more memories, or the lack of memories. She kept a smile on her face though setting up a mental note in her mind that Jared was going through a lot so any attitude he might show her was just part of it all.

   "Digging deep is good so...if your feeling pain yes we are, and yes we will continue."

Grace continues to smile as she lets Jared's one leg relax while she started on the other. She would go back and forth a few more times but between them let them relax a little too so as to not over due it. Pain was good, but to much at once was not.

   "Insurance is good, and I can always come to you for the PT. I have a bunch of people outside the hospital I have seen and gone to there house. Doesn't bother me any as long as if doesn't bother them."


Struggling to stay alert, Jeff sees Katie approach and feels her hand in his. Forcing his eyes to stay open, he looks over at her, giving her a small smile. "Hey, Kiddo." His voice was quiet... weak. His hand gives hers a squeeze in return. "Yeah... the doc told me I was pretty lucky." 

His eyes fall shut for a moment before he opens them again. It felt as though he'd awoken from a deep sleep and was still stuck halfway in a dream. He remembered collapsing at the ranch then waking up in an ambulance where he'd given the medics a hard enough time that they'd sedated him. Then the last thing he knew was waking up here and being told he'd had a heart attack. 

"Guess you're still stuck with me," he muses. "This bed is horrible though..." He pauses to take a deep breath, still fighting the fog. "They gonna let me go sleep in my own one or what?"

"So apparently I was in marketing. I traveled a lot, tried to sell stocks in the business and get other businesses to sign on with the company I worked for." Jared sits in his hospital bed and sighs as Grace works on his legs. "I guess my mom's been in contact with them and explained what happened. Sounds like I had insurance, which should cover everything, but my job position had to be filled immediately. So I'm out of that job - not that I wanted it anyway. I don't have a clue about anything anymore anyway."

He winces as pain shoots down the back of his leg. "Yipes... digging a little deep there today, are we?" He quirks an annoyed eyebrow, but he didn't mean to snap at Grace - he knew it was good he was feeling pain - he was actually able to move all his toes now and just barely his ankles now too. 

"At any rate... I guess I'm gonna be released in a couple days. Mom said she'd take care of me but we're gonna have to figure out this whole therapy thing since I can't drive myself anywhere."

Not Strong

Taking everything in Katie can feel her own knees get weak and leans into Hunter a little more knowing he would keep her standing, she again was thankful he was there. Most of the stuff the Dr said didn't come as a shock but still hearing it from someone else mouth hit hard. 

   "I will probley be staying with him the night. Since I am family I know that I can do that. I wouldn't feel right leaving him here alone, someone should be with him."

Katie pipes up to the Dr. She new there shouldn't be much of a problem if one of the family members did want to stay with Jeff as long as it was just one and not a while room full. Her dad wasn't going to be happy he was here, and if it was her she wouldn't want to be here alone.

Looking over to her niece and giving her shoulder a little friendly squeeze her heart went out to her. She understood all to well why she wanted to stay and how much it hurt Katie to hear all this stuff about her dad. This was no place for her to stay though with her own condition trying to recover.

   "You go see him and talk with him for a little while. Than let Hunter take you home so you can help him settle in a little more. I'll stay with Jeff the night and than tomorrow you can come back and see him ok? I promise if his condition changed I will call."

Glancing back at her Aunt Katie wanted to argue that she should be the one to stay but if she did that what would happen with Hunter? He didn't even know where he was staying the night yet. Katie new if she did say he would understand but and this was more important but maybe Rosetta was right.

   "Alright...that sounds ok."

....A few moments later Katie was walking down the hall to her dads room. She said she would go first and see Jeff as to not try and over whelm him right now. Everyone was just worried about not stressing him out anymore that need be at the moment. He was going to do enough of that on his own when he found out he had to stay a few days.

Entering the room Katie slowly walks to the bed. Seeing her dad hooked up to all the different things and the low beeping from one monitor or another. It made her sad to see everything and it made her own heart hurt very much. She always thought of her dad as strong but seeing him in this position now because he put himself there...Katie wasn't so sure anymore.

Reaching out and taking Jeff's hand in her own Katie holds it giving it a little squeeze. She did her best to hold her tears for now at bay. She new it would upset her dad more to see her like this so now she tried to be the strong one and keep her feelings to herself. 

   "Hey Dad, you're gonna be ok."

Heart Attack

Joining Rosetta in the waiting room, Eric and Trent take up two chairs, although they wind up also taking turns pacing, unable to sit still the whole time. Both felt they should say something to someone, but at the same time, what could be said? No one knew what was happening. No one know how bad this was. Waiting was always the worst. 

Hunter lets Katie lean into him, not minding at all. He didn't like seeing her like this. It all felt so unfair. She was going through so much already - to have her dad in the hospital like this was just one more blow. 

Looking down into her eyes, he smiles and gives her an extra squeeze, is hand rubbing her shoulder as he keeps his arm around her. "Hey, you don't need to thank me. I wouldn't want to be deserted back at the ranch anyway." He winks. "Can't say that I like hospitals but... I'm glad I could be here for ya." 

It would be what felt like an eternity of waiting, pacing, coffee, sitting and more pacing before finally, finally a doctor joins them. He introduces himself as Dr. Mettler and after discovering that three were siblings and one was a daughter, he knew to whom he needed to speak. Looking to Katie first, he purses his lips. "Your father is quite a lucky man. He did suffer a heart attack but it was mild and didn't cause an awful lot of damage. However, he was already weak and this ordeal has certainly done him no good." 

He folds his arms and sighs, addressing everyone now. "I received medical information from the physician at your ranch, and it indicates he's had a heart condition, along with other problems for quite a while. As such, I was surprised to learn the physical strain he'd been under the last couple weeks." 

Eric rolls his eyes. "It's not like we didn't try to stop him. Stubborn brute." 

"Ah. I see. He didn't want to slow down?" 

"You kidding?" 

Dr. Mettler nods, now understanding. "Well, I would advise that if he won't listen to his family, he needs to be put on medication that will force him to slow down." 

Trent exchanges a glance with Rosetta, not liking the sound of that.

Dr. Mettler continues. "While thankfully this heart attack didn't cause much damage, every little bit is bad, especially with a heart like his. It's been weak for quite a while and like any weak muscle, any trauma is cause for concern." Pausing, he takes as breath. "Jeff pushed himself to the point of severe fatigue, so it's not just his heart that's been affected. He also suffered a heat stroke and basically sheer exhaustion, to put it plainly." 

Eric sighs, remembering how they'd all tried to get Jeff to quit working so hard. "Is he going to be okay?"

"I believe he is, yes. I want to keep him here for a couple days though to be sure we didn't miss anything. We need to monitor him and make sure there's not risk for another attack." 

"Will it take him long to recover?" 

"He's probably going to feel very weak and tired for several weeks, but that's normal. The most important thing is keeping him quiet. Apparently that might be difficult, but it's imperative that he rests. When I release him, I'll have a list of things he shouldn't do, such as not lifting anything over five pounds for the next six weeks - that kind of thing."

Trent rolls his eyes. "Oh he's gonna love that," he mutters under his breath. 

Eric shoots him a withering look before turning back to the doctor. "May we see him?" 

"You may. He's on the third floor, room sixty-two and may or may not be awake. Please though... keep your first few visits brief and by all means, remain quiet and try not to upset him." Dr. Mettler gestures out into the hall. "If you have any questions, the nurse's station is right there. I must see to another patient now." 

Once the doctor was gone, Eric turns to the others, particularly looking at Rosetta and Katie. "We all wanna go see him or you wanna take turns?"


Turning to see her brother Rosetta was slightly surprised not that Trent wanted to go but that he piped up and it with a strong will that he was going and driving. That was one thing Rosetta was thankful about with her family that no matter what they were always close by and always stuck together.

   "Alright Trent you drive. I'm to shook up to even attempt to drive right now."

Walking behind Trent and making sure Eric was close to Rosetta heads to the car and gets in. Once there were off the ride was very quiet. Rosetta didn't have much to say as she just continued to say silent prayers for her brother.  She new it was in God's hands but she just didn't want Jeff gone to soon.

Getting to the hospital and inside Rosetta started to become slightly agitated as they tried to get information on Jeff but were left with nothing. She'd rather know something than nothing at all at this point. Anything to go by, cling onto and give them hope.

Letting out a frustrated sigh Rosetta enters the waiting room. There was no point in pushing for info if they were going to just continue shooting her down. Looking at Katie Rosetta shakes her head a little bit before sitting down. She felt bad for her neice but would give her the space she probley needed. Right now she had her friend and that gave Rosetta the comfort that she would be ok.

Sitting in the waiting room Katie puts her head in her hands as a few tears roll out of her eyes. The day had started out so good and now...now it was just messed up again. Why hadn't Jeff taken it easy like she wanted him too. If only he had listened maybe this wouldn't of happened.

Feeling Hunter's arm around her Katie leans into him and just leans her head on his chest trying to soak up the comfort while she could. It was nice to have someone there with her that she could find comfort in.

   "Yeah, he's a fighter. Thick headed like the rest of us Pent's too."

Katie finally looks up at Hunter and study's hid eyes for a long moment. It had been nice he had come with her and after only just getting there too. He didn't hesitate at all or think twice about it. He was a really good friend and Katie was so thankful.

   "Thanks for coming with me Hunter. It means a lot." 



Hunter wastes no time in following Katie to her car and sliding in behind the wheel. Seeing the light, he quirks an eyebrow, not having even thought about that. Sometimes he forgot Katie was an Elite agent. 

"Right." He nods, knowing that safety came first, but also knowing he had no problem getting up to speed to get them to the hospital in good time. 

Waiting no longer, he starts the motor and pulls down the driveway, buckling himself in as they went. Turning onto the road, he can just see the ambulance in the distance, that had gotten a head start on them. 

Gunning it, Hunter pushes Katie's car, keeping a keen eye on the speedometer. It was a far cry from his racing car, but it had a lot of zip, and after taking a few corners faster than an average driver, they'd caught up to the ambulance to remain behind it the rest of the way into town...

Mick nods to Rosetta, not once even thinking about denying her the request. He loved Jeff too, but Rosetta was his sister - it was only right that she went. "Of course. I'll call Jay and I'll make sure everybody around here knows what's going on too."

Pulling her in for a quick hug, he kisses her cheek. "Be careful. Let us know what's happening."

Eric is quick to step back up to Rosetta. "I'm going too. We can-"

"I'll drive."

Eric's gaze swings around. He hadn't even known Trent was there, and was even more startled by the firm offer. Trent rarely said anything, let alone with authority. "You sure? I can-"

"Yes." Trent nods, already having his keys pulled from his pocket. He looks to Rosetta with an almost pleading look to let him. He was probably the quietest member of the ranch but it was his brother too who was in trouble and if the other siblings were going, so was he. "We can take my truck." Without giving time for anyone to argue, he turns and heads to the garage.

Within minutes, they were on their way also, although much farther behind the ambulance than Hunter and Katie...

Once reaching the hospital, Hunter drops Katie off at the entrance then goes to park before coming inside and finding her near the ER. As typically expected, they weren't given much information about anything and could only sit around and wait.

In the nice waiting room, Hunter sits next to Katie on the small couch, more worried about her than Jeff. This was the last thing she needed. Slipping his arm around her shoulders, he gives her a little squeeze. "It's gonna be okay," he comforts softly. "From what you've told me, your dad's a fighter, eh?" 

Arriving at the hospital, Eric and Trent follow Rosetta inside, inquiring about Jeff and only knowing that he was in the ER and nobody could see him yet. Though frustrated, the brothers don't argue and simply head to the waiting room.

Glancing inside and seeing Katie and Hunter, Eric pauses in the doorway, throwing Rosetta a quick look. Should they interrupt or just let Katie be? He wasn't sure.