
Big Brother

Looking to Mick and than giving a big smile BJ liked the way it sounded to have a big brother. Continuing to watch home for a long moment BJ gives a little sigh not one of distraught, but more of a contentment.

Hopping out of his chair but keeping the checker bored on the table for a moment though BJ takes a few steps twords Dylan. Reaching his little arms up he wraps them around Dylan's wast and gives him a big tight hug.

"I love you Big Brother!"

Pulling away and giving a smile the space in the front where one tooth was missing shown. Turning to the table and garbing the game and moves away and gives back to Mick's side setting it down and hopping in the chair next to him. Starting to set the game up BJ would wait patiently until Mick was ready.

Giving a nod even though Gunner could see her she did it anyways. Feeling that lump in her throat she pushed herself on to talk to Gunner. Nothing would be the same till he was back, but at least this was a tiny bit of light in the darkness.

"For you I'd do anything. You hang in there too, and give those guards a good run for there money."

Bree new her mood wouldn't change much till she was in Gunner's arms again or at least not living in fear, and being able to see him again but she would try for him to do the best she could. Each day that passed she just had to remember it was a day closer to the end of this whole crappy thing. In a few months they would be back to there normal life, and this would be far in the past.

"Tonight, look at the starts with me ok?"

Looking up into her fathers eyes as he drew away Thirteen kept her arms around him, but seeing the small tear she removed one had. Bringing it up to the side if his face she brushed it away with her finger. Giving a small nod she confirmed she did have a lot of questions.

"When your ready though. I don't want to push you to hard. We have the rest of our life now."

Thirteen gave a smile to her Dad once again. She hopped he would stick around now, and stay in contact with her. Even if she did live far away they could stay in touch on the phone and through the mail.

"Can you promise me we will stay in touch now though? This is really important to me, and even if you don't think you deserve it I know you want to get to know me too."

Dan can't help but laugh just hearing a little about Jade's Aunt he new she was going to be in for a treat. Being pulled once again twords the front door all Dan can do it laugh and shake his head his eyes sparkling very brightly. Almost out of the kitchen Dan gives a wave to Jill and Ben a little laugh in his voice.

"It was nice meeting both of you. If you need any help feel free to rescue me from Aunt Marcy. I think I am going to need it on this one."

Feeling the tug on his arm from Jade Dan dosnt resist anymore knowing she was way to excited to try and slow down. Oh how he loved her life.

Cardiac arrest

Dylan sees BJ out of the corner of his eye and shifts his weight just a little, not getting up and moving, but not showing any warmth either. What did the kid want with him anyway? He was supposed to be enthralled with his daddy, not him.

Eventually, Dylan's eyes move without turning his head, to glance at the little boy who was now sitting like him. Great. That's all his dad would want, for him to be copying him right off the bat. Looking across the table, he throws Mick a glance that said, you've got to be kidding me.

Mick can't help a little grin, though he tries to hide it. It was just a little humorous seeing Dylan in that position. "BJ, this is your big brother, Dylan. I don't think he cares much for checkers though, so why don't you bring that board on over here, hmm?"

Dylan's eyes snap back to the table, his thumb nail finding a small notch to outline. Silence was his friend.

Bree's thanks brings a soft sort of smile to Gunner's face. He could imagine her bent head and wanted to reach out and tilt her chin up with a finger. "I'd do it again in a heartbeat." And he would, too. The holidays were slowing the system down, but he was confident that as soon as things started rolling again, Angelica and David would be able to get him out of here some way or another.

"Just hang in there, alright? For me?"

Thirteen moved too fast for Trent to even react and suddenly he was caught in her embrace. So surprised, he just stands there lamely for a moment, not having a clue what to do. He didn't want to be here. He hadn't wanted this to happen. He'd been ready to walk away from everything. He'd been serious about leaving it all behind. But it was as if some invisible force was unlocking his heart, and quite suddenly, it was his father instincts that were taking over instead of logic.

Slowly, slowly, Trent's arms move to wrap around Thirteen and hold her close. His head bends to rest on top of hers and he closes his eyes, taken back so many years before when her tiny fingers had curled around his thumb. He'd held her so few times before she and her mother had been ripped from his life. A tear travels from his eye and down his cheek, dispersing into Thirteen's soft hair.

"I don't see any dirt and scratches in you," he whispers.

Pulling her away a little, his hands move up to cradle her face, brushing aside her hair so he can see her eyes. It was no wonder she'd pegged Eric... she looked more like a Pent than Trent did himself. "You're beautiful inside and out and don't let anybody tell you different."

Searching her gaze, he just felt so lost, having no idea what to do or what to say. Words of his family, and words of Bree haunted his mind, screaming at him not to walk away like he'd wanted to just minutes before.

"I... I suppose you have a lot of questions."

Ben laughs and shakes his head. "Well more power to ya. If you can handle her, then you're the right man for the job."

Jade looks over to Dan, her eyes sparkling even more, now that she had her mom and step-dad's approval. Sliding back over to him, she gives him a big hug and a kiss just on the cheek in front of her parents, smiling at them so broadly.

Jill chuckles and sighs, obviously realizing that no matter what she said, her girl was totally in love.

The doorbell ringing interrupted the happy little moment and Jill jumps. "Ohh, that's going to be Aunt Marcy. Jade, go greet her but don't let her come in the kitchen."

Jade's eyes widen. "Well how am I supposed to keep her out of here? You know she can't keep her hands out of the cooking."

"I don't know." Jill racks her brain. "Take her to the living room. Tell her a story." Her eyes light up. "Ahh... tell her you're engaged. That will keep her there for a while."

Jade puts a hand over her mouth as she giggles. "Yeah, under cardiac arrest." Grabbing Dan's hand, she drags him back to the door. "Come on. If you can make it past Aunt Marcy, the rest of my family will be a piece of cake."

I know...

Wrapping his fingers around Jade's and entering the house Dan was so nervous himself. His main concern about this whole thing was Jade's parents. He was older than her and he new she was still young. They could not agree and it could turn out very bad. That was the last thing Dan wanted, so he hoped and pray they would at least be open minded. After all it wasn't Jade's mom he was to worried about, it was Mick.

Keeping up with Jade as she almost pulled him down the hall the smile never moved from Dan's face. He felt like he was in high school again. The excitement, the nerves and he was loving every moment. Entering the kitchen Dan stands on one end his arms around Jade. Being introduced to her mother he gives a small wave with a friendly smile.

"How could I not want to stay for dinner when something smells so good already. As long as you have enough to go around and don't mind me just dropping in like this."

Watching as mother and father interact Dan's smile widens just a little. It was nice seeing Jade's mom actually letting her daughter answer and not just telling her no. Both the looks on there faces were hard to explain but it eased Dan's own mind about her mother.

Turning his head to see Ben as he walked up beside him Dan smiles and gives a small nod. I guess he did know how to make an entrance. He never really thought about it till this moment that this really was a romantic thing to do. Even after Katie had said it was too.

"Hey, first impressions right? Whats better than making sure you daughter is happy!"

Returning Ben's hand shake Dan can't help his own beaming smile. It felt good knowing he was accepted, and it felt good to hear what Jade has said without hesitation to her mom about being sure. Hearing Ben's comment about Jade Dan gives another nod, and grin as he looked back over at Jade.

"I know she is, thats what I love the most about her!!"

Standing there with her Dad, having him show her how to brush the horse the right way Thirteen felt a warm feeling in her heart. It was something she'd never felt quite like this. Though it couldn't be seen and some might think it was there, it was a warm loving feeling. He really did care.

"Circle, circle, circle, brush, than scrap. I think I got it."

Thirteen was excited she was getting the hang of brushing the horse. Taking note that she was enjoying just getting brushed and the first out of her coat.

Continuing to brush once and a while Thirteen can't help but glance at her dad's hand on top of her own. It felt so warm to her. Hearing Trent's comment though made Thirteen just a little bit sad. He really did wish he could change anything thinking he wasn't good enough. But she loved him anyways, and didnt care what had happened in the past.

Not being able to help it, and knowing she said she would take it slow Thirteen didn't care. She felt so bad for her Dad and she just wanted him to know she loved him. Turning just fast enough so Trent couldnt move Thirteen threw her arms around him burring her face into his chest. Though her words were muffled she talked loud enough to be hurt.

"Dirt, and scratches are what make us who we are. I can look past yours, if you can look past mine too."

Just listen to Gunner's voice made her feel so good. It was calm, it was full of hope, but at the same time it cracked her heart just a little more knowing it would still be a while till she saw him again.

"I trust you Gunner, I know we will be able to be together again. It just feels so far away."

Bree lets out a sigh as she glances up at the clock. She new there time would be up already so soon, she just wanted a few more minutes. Letting a few more tears roll out of her eyes Bree takes in a breath of air leaning her head against the wall behind her.

"When I come to visit I'll bring a float, and gum. I look forward to see you again, everything just feels so empty without you."

Letting the silence rain for another moment Bree listens to Gunner's breathing on the other end. She could feel it on her skin, like he was standing right next to her, oh how she missed his eyes. Than the though comes to her, through this all she forgot to tell him one thing. He'd given up so much to get her out of the hospital.

"Gunner, thank you for giving up everything to save me..."

Bree snuffs on a few tears that ran hot down her cheek.

"...it means a lot to me that you did that."

Giving a little nod Rosetta understood what Mick was saying without him using words. Dylan was far from being nice, but at least he was here and not putting up much of a fight. Heading into the kitchen Rosetta pulls out some plates to warm up some left over food.

Something between skipping and running BJ goes back into the other room and grabs the red and black checkers from the table. Trying to juggle them and the bored at the same time he goes back to the dinning room table. Stopping for a moment as he see the new body sitting at the table BJ just stands there looking at him.

Finally moving again BJ goes around as if he was going to sit on Mick's side but keeps going till he comes to the extra chair on Dylan. Putting the checker bored and checkers down BJ struggled just a little in the bigger chair but finally makes it up and onto it. Putting his hands and arms on the table like Dylan had it. Just looking and watching him intently it shown in BJ's eyes he was intrested in who this other boy was.

No smile

Jade was so overwhelmed with emotion that she didn't even know how to reply to Dan. He made he feel so good and so very special. Some people might feel as though they were second best since he had had a previous relationship. But knowing Dan's background, Jade couldn't feel more honored that he had chosen her after all that had happened. Any woman would be lucky for his attentions after what he'd been through and after having someone else in his life that meant that much to him. The fact that he had picked her.... another tear forms in Jade's eye and she hugs him again, almost afraid this was all a dream. She was young... she'd hardly yet lived... but she wouldn't give this up for the world. Someone wanted to spend the rest of their life with her and he would be hers forever. This was a Christmas she would never forget.

Finally drawing back, Jade slips her hand into Dan's, her face beaming brightly. Closing the front door she almost drags Dan down to the kitchen where both Jill and Ben were working around the stove preparing the food that smelled so good.


Jill turns around, her eyebrows rising to see a visitor. "Well hello. Who is this, Jade?"

"This is Dan." Jade's eyes sparkle. "He came all the way up here to surprise me for Christmas."

"How nice!" Jill smiles her approval, seeing how happy her daughter was. "Welcome, Dan. We've heard so much about you. I hope you're planning on staying for dinner."

"Oh, he will," Jade assures. Biting her lip, she can't help the smile that seemed to be permanently pasted on her face. Leaning her back against Dan, she stands in front of him, her face flushed with the excitement she felt. Slowly, she holds up her left hand, showing off the ring.

At first, Jill didn't understand, then she realized what was going on. Her eyes widen in shock and she takes a quick look at Ben then back to Jade. "Wha... he... you..."

Jade nods. "Uh-huh. That was his surprise."

Blinking, Jill isn't even sure how to respond. Her baby girl was home for Christmas and all of a sudden not only did she have a boyfriend they knew nothing about, but he had just proposed to her? And she had accepted? "Jade, I..." She blinks again and holds out her arms. "Oh, honey."

Jade goes to embrace her mom, her excitement bubbling over. "Isn't it gorgeous?" She shows off her ring closer so her mom could get a better look.

"Yes... it is." Jill was still in shock. "Are... are you sure about this? I mean... you haven't known him for that long and.... you're so young still... seventeen..." She reaches out to straighten a lock of Jade's hair, her motherly instincts kicking in. "This is really what you want?"

Jade nods without hesitation. "It's not like we're getting married tomorrow," she assures. She hadn't exactly talked to Dan about that, but she knew him well enough to know that he wouldn't rush this. "But yeah... yeah, it's what I want." Hope shone in her eyes, searching for approval. She might or might not need parental consent by the time she and Dan married, but that wasn't the point. She needed to know her mom would support her and be there for her.

Jill looks over to Dan again, studying him for a moment. He was certainly a handsome young man and he seemed nice. Jade was so excited... and she did have a good head on her shoulders, even if she did seem flighty at times. How could Jill rob her this moment? Even if they would have to have a more serious talk about it later, right now it was a time for joy and she wouldn't steal it from her daughter. Not on Christmas. If this was to be, then it was to be. Heaven knew she'd followed her heart once too. Maybe it hadn't ended well, but at the time, Jill would have followed Mick anywhere, regardless of what her parents thought. And Jade had both her mom's and Mick's strong will flowing through her veins. Jill simply had to trust that she knew what she was doing, even if she was still so very young. Thankfully, it sounded like they would wait a while until they actually got married.

Looking back to her daughter, a smile comes to Jill's lips and she hugs Jade close. "I'm so happy for you, honey."

Watching the scene take place, Ben's own eyes are wide. A little grin quirks the corner of his mouth though and he steps closer to Dan. "Well... you know how to make an entrance, I'll give you that."

Extending hand to shake, he holds Dan's hand firmly. "Congratulations, son. Looks like you've won this young lady's heart. I guess my teasing about her being in love wasn't a joke."

He chuckles and shakes his head. "I hope you know what you're getting into though. Jade's quite the spitfire."

"Mm-hmm." Trent confirms Thirteen's guess about the curry comb. Letting go of her hand, he walks to retrieve the little rubber brush and returns again, still standing behind her. She was small enough and his arms were long enough that it wasn't hard for him to place both his hands on top of hers, showing her the proper way to groom a horse.

Making sure her hands are slipped into the straps on both brushes, he moves her right hand around in circles, gently but with enough pressure to bring out dust that hadn't even been seen. Then with several swift strokes with the other brush and the dust disappears into the air and into the soft bristles. Trent guides her hands together to use the curry to scrape the dust out of the other brush and then return to the starting point again.

"Circle, circle, circle. Brush one two, scrape." His voice was soft and mellow, matching his body language from the evening before - defeated and weary. Now that he was here though, he felt like he couldn't pull himself away. He hadn't planned on talking to her again, but at least standing behind her, he didn't have to get up the courage to look her in the eye. He wasn't so sure he could.

"Sometimes I wish life was as easy as brushing a horse," he admits quietly, still guiding her hands. "To be able to sweep away all the bad... leave a clean slate... but it just doesn't work that way. The dirt is still there... and I see it every day."

He swallows hard, his hands dropping from hers, though he remains standing behind her. "I don't deserve to be a father, Jasm... Thirteen. There's too much dirt."

"Aw... it's not so un-merry," Gunner assures Bree. "Not now that I got to hear your voice."

He does his best to sound positive, though on the inside he'd been feeling low. "I've been looking at the stars too," he confirms. He glances to the tiny barred window. It wasn't much, but he looked out every night. "Our hands have moved by now... we'll have to find them again next time we go stargazing."

Hearing Bree's promise to visit, he lets a long pause linger. He could feel her on the other end of the line and didn't want to let go. He missed her hugs. "I'll look forward to your visit. I've missed you too. They don't have rootbeer floats around here and cinnamon gum is non-existent."

He grins a little. "My three staples. If I get at least to see you then that'll tide me over a while."

Pausing again, he knew that she needed reassurance. "I'm okay, Bree... it's all gonna work out. Can you trust me on that?"

Dylan looks up for just a moment to see Rosetta, then his gaze falls again. He shrugs in response to her offer, but that was all.

Mick intervenes. "Leftovers sound great. Neither of us have had breakfast yet so we both could use a little something if it's not too much work."

Before he can go much farther, he's being run into by a little locomotive. "Whoa, bud!" Mick laughs and ruffles BJ's hair. Though the boy was getting too big to be held, Mick sweeps him up anyway, spinning him around, then just holding him. "You thought, but how could I not come home to you, huh?" He kisses his forehead then sets him down. "Good land, I think you've grown six inches," he exaggerates.

Spying the checkers board, he grins and shakes his head. "Let your dad eat some breakfast then we'll play some, alright?"

Giving the boy an extra hug, he reassures him he's not going anywhere soon. "Go get all the pieces and then come back." Once alone again, Mick motions to Dylan to come sit at the table with him.

Dylan had been watching the interaction between Mick and BJ and one could see the wheels turning in his head. But what conclusions he was drawing were hidden behind his blank stare. There wasn't even a trace of a smile anywhere.

He grudgingly obeys and sits at the table, now having the tabletop to stare at instead of the floor.

Mick gives a little sigh and finds Rosetta's eyes, moving his hands up then letting them drop. He was at his wits end. But at least Dylan was here and not threatening to sneak off.


Looking up at Jade as she opens the door Dan can't help the smile that formed on his face. The emotions that ran through his veins was something completely new. The feelings he had with Jade, the feels he had now were completely different from anything he had felt before.

Seeing Jade's reaction and the look in he eye Dan couldn't help but feel even more nervous than before. It was a happy look he saw, and thats what he wanted but she still hadn't said yes yet.

Finally hearing the answer that she would be his bride Dan stood taking Jade into a strong embrace and returning the kiss that was filled with passion over and over again as she continued to talk in between. His own laugh emerged as he kept his arms wrapped around her lifting her off the ground for a moment before finally setting her down.

With shaking hands Dan legs Jade go taking the delecit ring from the box and looking her in the eye slips it on her finger. Looking down at her hand he see how it sparkles in the light shining bright and glittering like nothing he had seen before. On her hand it looked amazing, and seeing it there it gave Dan an amazing feeling inside knowing Jade would be his wife. Maybe no in a week, maybe nothing in a month, maybe it would be a year or two but to know she was his, to have that symbol on her finger it made Dan feel so warm.

"I love you Jade, with all my heart, now and forever."

Bringing his finger to her chin Dan tilts it up a little leaning down to kiss her again. Finally looking up as he heard the voice from inside Jade's house. Dan new other family would be over for dinner, and he couldn't help but be a little scared himself but he might as well meet them sooner than later and with such exciting news.

Looking down at Jade and smiling Dan takes Jade's hand in his own giving it a gentile squeeze.

"We can tell her together. You wont have to walk through the fire alone anymore. I'll always be there shield you."


Jade could hear a slight tone shift in Dan's voice and she wondered what it was. Nothing sounded wrong or bad, just... different. A serious question? She sits up a little straighter, growing confused.

Had she really meant forever? "Yes..." her answer was hesitant, wondering what he was getting at.

The front door? Jade's heart skips a beat. For a moment, she hardly dared to think Dan had actually come all this way for Christmas. Had he? Surely not...

Hesitating, Jade gets up out of the chair and walks around to the front door. But looking out the little window in the top, she didn't see anything. Nah... he hadn't come. It had to be something else. Doing as told thought, she opens the door.

Seeing Dan on his knee with the ring, Jade barely hears his question. Just staring at him, her eyes are wide and she blinks, her mouth opening slightly. The phone goes crashing to the floor as she puts both hands to her mouth, muffling a little shriek.

Backing up a step, something between another shriek, sob and a laugh comes out, her hands still over her mouth. As tears fill her eyes, she steps forward again, this time daring to reach down and touch Dan's hand as if checking to make sure he's real.

Starting to tremble, it wasn't from the cold. Taking the little box from his hand, she stares at the ring, a tear rolling down her face. But anyone could see it was not a tear of sadness. By no means.

She swallows hard and looks back to Dan, waiting for him to get back up, then gazing up into his eyes. "I... I... it... I..."

Stopping, she can't help but let out a laugh at herself. Throwing herself into Dan's arms, she wraps her arms around his neck, giving a little squeal. "Yes, yes, yes!"

Drawing back, she kisses his lips quickly but with passion. "You turkey! Coming all the way up here and and and...." She kisses him again. "... giving me a heart attack!" Pausing to catch her breath, she just stares into his eyes. "But I forgive you," she concludes a little more calmly.

Still shaking, she kisses him again before pulling away to look at the ring again, still twinkling in the little box. "Oh, Dan..." Another tear escapes. "I love you so much and..." All she can do is hug him again, burying her face against his chest and feeling that feeling she'd only ever had around him and no one else.

From further inside the house, Jill's voice could be heard. "Jade? Where are you? Are you holding the front door open?"

Jade gives a startled jump and looks up at Dan again. "Uh-oh...." A giggle gets caught in her throat. "Who's gonna tell her?"

Did you mean

Giving his own smile Dan walks a little and gives a nod knowing Jade couldn't see him. He always thought it was interesting the different traditions people had.

"Ah, your family opens gifts at night huh? Thats a different way of doing it."

It was so good talking to Jade. He always liked there conversations.

"Ohh...I haven't gotten anything yet. I'm working on it though."

Falling quiet for a moment Dan processed something through his mind that had been bothering him. Maybe now wasn't the right time to ask but after the time away had to think about things he had to know for sure.

"Jade, I kind of had a serous question to ask you. I know this might not be the time but it was kind of bothing me."

Dan lets out a long sigh why did he feel so nervous.

"The other day you said you wish our moment could last forever and well I guess I was wondering if you really meant that?"

A little silence rained again as Dan's heart thumped in his ears.

"If you did, than go to your front door and open it, I can make it possible."

On the other side of the door down on one knee Dan stood a tiny black velvet box in his hand, opened to a silver band with three diamonds on it that same as the necklace and earring he had given her. They matched perfect twinkling in the sun light. The words resting on his life so when Jade opened the door he could finally say them. They might only come out as a whisper but he didn't care as long as he said " Jade will you marry me!"
"Oh, he's alright." Jade giggles. She knew her stepdad had just been playing around and they really did get alone pretty well.

"No, I didn't get everything I wanted," she replies. Flopping down into an easy chair in the living room, her voice had a new happy tone to it, being able to talk to Dan.

"For one, we won't open gifts 'til tonight, but two, you're not here." She pauses, still smiling a little. "Otherwise, my Christmas has been okay. Yours?"