
Sort of Thing

   "Were you even going to tell me? Or was it going to be last minute?"

Stacy looks up from her coffee at Eric and just searches his face for a long moment. She hated feeling disappointed and let down, it was one reason she had stayed away from relationship because they all ended in just that. She'd hoped Eric was different, and now...she wanted more reason for what was going on.

   "I know you don't report to me Eric, and I am not you mom so I don't need to know where you are at all times, but why didn't you tell me? It would have been nice to know and not a suprise."

Looking away again and watching the liquid in her glass Stacy swirls it around for a moment before bringing the cup to her lips. Letting the warm liquid slide down her throat. Worry about herself there was another person that Eric needed to tell and she new that maybe she might take it a little harder.

   "You need to tell Ash too. If you don't...it would just crush her."

As Rosalyn moves down closer into Chad's lap his arms wrap tighter around her. Just keeping her close to him, even here in the dirt it was a nice feeling and she enjoyed it. Just knowing she was close really mad any situation feel better.

   "You might be crazy but its the kind of crazy I like. As long as you don't mind that I am too."

Leaning down and pressing his lips to hers again to continue the kiss Chad just lets his feelings flow as he his one hand cradles her face and the other still holds her close. The pile of weeds they were sitting in forgotten. Time seemed to be forgotten as well and it just stood still as the continues this peaceful moment together!

Having Clay start talking to her Misty stops and turns around again giving him a smile. Just listing to him she didn't want he started up a conversation or told her about himself. If it helped him to get stuff off his chest than she was willing to keep letting him talk. 

   "There are always people out there who wont turn there back on you. This is a good place to start looking. We have many different people who come here and we always try to help till we can't anymore. I think you made the right choose seeking out Rick and finding your way here."

Misty gives a soft sort of smile as she continues to study Clay's face as he worked on his food. In his eyes there was much hardship and Misty always found it intrusting how people like Clay, Alec and even herself had found themselves here. TJY had a program for helping those people who were in The Agency, but at the same time without even knowing it maybe they had a program to help others as well and it was amazing.

   "And...so I am told and starting to see myself too. God will never turn his back on your either. It's kind of a hard thing to grasp at first but I think...I am starting to get the hang of it. Do you believe in that sort of thing?"

Short End

Seeing the hurt on Stacy's face, Eric inwardly cringes. Staring down at his coffee again, he sighs. "Yeah..." 

Sensing the sudden awkwardness in the air, Sparky clears his throat and stands. "I, um... I gotta go see Mick about that auction tomorrow." 

Eric remains silent until Sparky had left, when he finally looks over at Stacy again. Biting his lip, he nods. "There's a couple runs I signed on to do since my truck's ready again. I... leave on Monday and... the first run will probably take me 'bout two weeks. The other one's not quite as long though." He knew he should have told her sooner... not because she needed to know, but out of simple courtesy and respect. But... he'd put it off...

Being pulled down into Chad's lap, Rosalyn shrieks in surprise. Grabbing on to him though, a giggle escapes as she's kissed. "You turkey..." She gives his shoulder a teasing whack. "It may be better, but we're not going to get any work done this way." 

She wriggles down further into his lap. "Not that I care..." Grinning, she snakes an arm up around his neck and pulls him down again, this time initiating a passionate kiss. Drawing back just a little, her eyes sparkle. "I feel like even a pile of weeds is a mountain of treasure when you're here... Am I crazy?" 

With food being offered, Clay sits up and slides off the table to sit in a chair instead, setting the icepack aside for now. Eying the food, his stomach insists that no matter how simple it was, the food looked fantastic. 

"Thanks..." He slouches in his seat and very carefully unwraps the sandwich. His tone had quieted some. "I like most anything." He manages a wry grin. "And anything I don't like, I've learned to eat anyway, if it's what I can afford." 

As he takes a bite of the sandwich his stomach automatically growls with anticipation. Looking up at Misty again, he squints a little, his sore eye not wanting to focus. But what he did see was that he was quite fortunate to be here with people willing to be nice, like she was. 

"I appreciate all you've done for me... Things haven't exactly been easy lately. Seems like at every turn, I find the short end of the stick." He takes another bite of the sandwich, trying not to eat as fast he was tempted to. "Rick's 'bout the only person I'd trust to care enough to help me." He shrugs. "Guess I've accepted the fact that the world's turned its back on me, including the rest of my family. Getting beat up is just icing on the cake." 

Suprise and Hurt

Misty gives a smile to Clay. She might not have said anything about it but any good dr could tell when looking Clay over food was not something he really was use too. She wasn't sure the story behind everything and she didn't want to pry or embarrass him more than he already was.

   "Alright, I will see what they have. I will be right back."

Giving a smile and turning Misty makes her way to the breakroom. Taking a glance at the vending masheen and letting it spin a few times Misty finally spots, and turkey sub, an orange, and a bottle of water. It wasn't much but at least it was something and light so that if Clay hadn't had something to eat in a long time it wouldn't be to bad on his stomach.

Coming back into the infirmary a smile still on her lips Misty uses a near by try and sets the items down on it before bringing it back over to Clay so he would have something to eat on. 

   "Here you go. I wasn't sure what you liked or didn't like but I figured I was pretty safe with this stuff. If you need anything else just let me know ok?"

Having Sparky sit down with the Stacy didn't mind one bit. Hearing them banter back and forth never bothered her either. She always got a kick out of how everyone always teased the other and at the end of they day they still had a great deal of respect for each other.

   "Hey getting out of a little bit of work never hurt anyone right?"

Giving a laugh and lifting her glass to take a sip of her coffee Stacy stops at Sparky starts to speak but comes to a quick halt. Giving a few blinks she looks at Sparky and than turns to look at Eric for a long moment trying to search and read his face. Did she really think Sparky was going to say what she thought? Was Eric hitting the road again?

   "So...your going to start driving again? I didn't even know you were considering that."

A look of hurt was clear in her eyes. Not for the fact that Eric would be gone, that didn't bother her at all. It was his job, and he had to make money some how. It was the fact that others had known and she had been left in the dark. She wondered why Eric hadn't told her and now she had to find out on accident. It hurt to think she had been the last one to know, and now looked silly as the look of surprise crossed her face.

Hearing Rosalyn coming up behind him Chad did all he could not to bust out in laughter again. Not even a look was thrown her way because the smile was clear across his lips. Not expecting the foot to his back though Chad is thrown off balance going head first into the pile of weeds. 

Finally not being able to help it anymore a laugh finally makes its way out as he rolls over and looks up at Rosalyn the smile wide on his lips and the twinkle in his eye. Even rolling around in dirt, and weeds seemed like a treat with Rosalyn was so close.

   "Hey now, I am down here all alone, and your up there thats hardly fair."

Moving quickly Chad sits forward and grabs Rosalyn's write pulling her twords him. Swinging her around and letting her fall into his lap Chad moves his head down a little bit and brushes his lips of her own before pulling away again. Letting his eyes dance with her the smile never leaves his lips.

   "Now this is better!"