
Kiss her

Getting Hunter's text Katie gives a little shake of her head even though he couldn't see her. Her heart would always be at the ranch but it would be here working in the field. There was a balance for both.
To: Hunter
From: Katie

No, no bug bit me. It's always been this way...
I love both places, the ranch and being here in
the field. There is a balance somewhere for
both I just haven't found it yet.  Maybe I never
will but I love both places just as much and 
always will.

Standing and bring her phone with her Katie wonders to the kitchen grabbing a glass for water. Feeling her phone vibrate again with a low beep she could guess who the message was from again without even looking. Taking a sip of her water and going back to the living room to sit down she finally pulls out her phone again reading the message.

Katie was happy her dad was doing well. It was kind of nice having Hunter there a little extra so she could make sure her dad was doing ok. She really didn't want anything to happen to him or for him to go back to his old ways while she was gone.

To: Hunter
From: Katie

Everyone there is good like that. Good to know
he is being looked after.

To: Hunter 
From: Katie

Ya know I was just thinking about something...
You have never met my cousin Jasmine, or 
as she likes to be called Thirteen. She looks 
just like me and was even passed off once as 
being me..(long story with the Agency, I'll
tell ya about it sometime.) I should probley 
Introduce you before you come over to see
me and kiss her on mistake. lol

Misty gives a nod to Justin. She didn't mind one bit if he gave her number to Ken. She'd probley give it to him anyways if Mackenzie start coming over just so he had it if he needed it. If it help him fele more comfortable about her being here as well than she really had no problem. At this point she'd probley do anything to get the girl to be able to come over and spend time with family. 

   "Thanks Justin so much for trying to help. I know in the end things will work out and be ok."


Alec nods immediately in response to Misty's comment. "Yeah... yeah, I'm not planning on going anywhere, and if Mackenzie likes being here then I'm all for helping out." 

Justin runs a finger around the rim of his glass, recalling the several phone calls he'd had with Ken over the last couple days. "Yes... they were - are - hesitant..."

A pause makes Alec shrink back a little. "Because of me right?" 

"I gotta be honest... yes. Mostly. They're a little concerned about Carson being around, even though I told them he wouldn't be, and..." Justin looks to Alec. "Your brother told Ken quite a bit about you, apparently, so neither him or Jeanette were thrilled to know you were here." 

Alec sighs, but he understands and couldn't blame them. "How'd you convince them it was alright?" 

"I told them from what I saw, you weren't the same man you used to be. That you and Mackenzie seemed to have a connection that she responded to well. And that if Misty allowed you here, then you must be doing something right." 

Alec glances down, suddenly not liking the topic being on him. "Oh. Well... I'm glad they relented."

"Me too." Justin's eyes move back to Misty. "I will be in touch with Ken tomorrow and I'll let him know that you and Alec both would like to have Mackenzie visit. I'm sure he'll be willing to set something up soon. I may have him call you directly so you guys can work it out on your own, if that's okay with you."

Lying on his bed after just showering, Hunter holds up his phone, reading Katie's texts. He grins a little and replies.

To: Katie
From: Hunter

Born for the field huh? Not to live
here at the ranch? Sounds like the
Elite bug bit u pretty fast after u
got back eh?

To: Katie
From: Hunter
Your dad seems to be doing ok.
Looks tired but far as i can tell
not overdoing it. I see him visit 
with Angel a few times - figure 
she's looking out for him good
like usual. ;)


Listing to Justin a lot of what he said she already new. Her and Carson had talked lots about it and gone over things over and over again yet somethings still surprised her and made her gut twist. She'd had a pretty rough life herself so in a way she understood where Mackenzie was coming from in a way. And maybe thats why she was so strong in helping her. She wanted the young girl to have a better life that she could be happy with.

   "I really do feel bad for her and thought all the stuff you explained you can see how hurt she is. She's such a special girl she deserves so much more."

Picking up her water and taking a sip Misty looks down in her glass for a second. Was she prepared to handle a grown child while she hadn't even had her own yet to learn from. She wasn't sure but she was going to do the best she could. This was important and she refused to let her go to a trouble girls home.

   "I'm ready to give it a shot as long as Alec is will to help too. I'd still like her to spend the night too but we can work up to that after we see how everything else goes."

Misty couldn't help but be a little bit excited. She really did think she would enjoy having Mackenzie around and she was sure it would even help her. Love would always find a way of that she was sure.

   "So how was Ken and Jeanette? Did they seem hesitant at all about her coming here?"

To: Hunter
From: Katie

Wow, what timing...I was just about to text you.
Sounds like you had a pretty great day. At least
everyone is keeping you busy but not harassing
you quiet as much.

Katie sends the text with a smile as she leans back on the couch. No one was home right now but thats how most nights were. Most nights since she had been back were like that though. Thirteen worked late or just hung out with Ryder at work. Katie guess she liked walking around the zoo for hours looking at everything. Maybe because when she was younger she never had that chance, she never had much of a childhood at all. In a way it kind of mad Katie sad.

To: Hunter
From: Katie

Ha..I got to answer some calls today while
Susanne was out with Chuck. That was a 
change up. Other than that I was still doing
paper work.

Katie thinks about her day. She'd seen other people coming and going with work. Leaving the office, files in hand and leaving with guns at there side. She couldn't help but wonder if Reese was keeping her back because he didn't think she could handle it or if it was because of her desition to take of leave to clean her head. Whatever the reason she hoped it would pass soon. She loved being out in the field most of all. Her desk was nice but at times it almost felt like a cage.

To: Hunter
From: Katie

Hoping it changes soon. I was born to be
out in the field. I'm trying not to be 
impatient but its hard sometimes. How's
dad doing? Taking care of himself?

Foggy Mind

Turning his head to look at Rosetta, Mick smiles. He loved the way she thought... her big heart... her strong faith. "Yeah... He's let us all on some pretty wild adventures, hasn't He." 

Rolling onto his side, he puts his arm around her and snuggles in close, sighing deeply as he closes his eyes. "I love you," he whispers. "Thanks for all you do." 

The next day, Justin finds himself busy with errands, work, then heading to North Springs for the evening. Arriving to Misty's, he joins her and Alec for a very nice meal, getting to know them both, and quietly observing them and their behavior and reactions. Eventually, as the meal comes to a close, Justin finally brings up Mackenzie in particular, knowing that it was time to get down to the whole purpose of this visit.

"I'm not sure how much you both are aware of Mackenzie's story." He nods to Misty. "You probably know most of it." His eyes glance to Alec. "What about you?"

Alec shrugs. "I know her mom died and she was in an orphanage and was stubborn about meeting her dad - Carson, that is, and he didn't want much to do with her. And now she's with that other family. That's all I know." He'd never dared ask Carson about it, and he and Misty hadn't really discussed the issue, other than wanting to help the girl.

"Okay." Justin nods. "Well, the first part's right. But she was adopted before Ken and Jeanette by another couple. The man abused her... in many different ways."

Alec could feel a strange sort of churning in his gut. Justin needn't say more - he could imagine. And he didn't like it. He'd hurt plenty of people in his life - women included. But a littler girl? It made him sick.

Justin purses his lips grimly. "Once he was found out, Mackenzie was placed back in the system and then adopted by her current family. Since then, she has been just as insistent as ever to see her biological father. Now that..." He clears his throat, trying to remain respectful around Misty. "Now that she's not allowed to see him because of his choice in lifestyle, her rebelliousness has just worsened to the point where Ken and Jeanette are afraid they can't handle her anymore."

"How come they don't want her seeing Carson? Just because he's got another woman?"

"No... it's more than that." Justin tries not to smile. Alec really had no idea why Mackenzie would be kept from that situation. "It's the example Carson's setting and the influence he'd have on her. Her parents aren't comfortable being unsure what kind of man he is right now."

"Oh." Alec still wasn't sure he understood all that but he'd take Justin's word for it. "You think bringing her here will actually help?"

"I do. And the reason is, I saw her here the other day and she obviously trusts you both. She may not say so, but this is where she wanted to come. She knew Carson wasn't here, but she knew you were here, Misty. And she obviously likes her uncle as well."

Alec wasn't sure why that put another strange little feeling into him... but it wasn't in his stomach - it was in his heart.

Justin takes a sip of his iced tea, gathering his thoughts. "After all that Mackenzie has been through, she has a very difficult time trusting people beyond the surface. Her mom was taken from her, she was treated okay but not great at the orphanage, she was adopted by someone she thought she could trust and he just abused her... when she finally got to see her real father, that was taken away from her too. I understand Ken and Jeanette's frustrations, but I understand Mackenzie's side too. She's having a difficult time adjusting to her new family and while some people might say that this is giving in to her rebelliousness, I think it is a wise move to allow her the time to see both of you. This is a safe environment that I believe she should be allowed to be in - within reason of course."

He goes on to explain Mackenzie's mood swings and angry outbursts, advising how to handle her - to be gentle but firm and not give in to her every whim. There were times she'd become physical as well, and restraint might be needed. Hopefully not, but it was a possibility and Justin wanted both Misty and Alec to be aware.

"...so... really, that's about all I can say. She's a very hurt and confused little girl. But I believe love is the answer. Do you think you both are prepared to have her come visit? It'll be up to you if you ever want to have her overnight - that's something you can discuss with Ken and Jeanette, though I would suggest just a couple hours on visits to start out."

"Helloooo." Sandy waves a hand in front of Jason's face as they sit opposite each other at the small table near the snack bar after having just finished one game of bowling. 


Rusty elbows him. "Wake up."

"I'm awake." Jason elbows him back. "Can't a guy think?" 

"No." Will shakes his head from where he sat next to Sandy. "No, that's definitely not a good thing. A guy should not think at all." 

Rusty shrugs. "He's right. Women don't believe we think anyway, so we might as well not try.

Sandy rolls her eyes before sipping from her straw and drinking some more of her lemonade. "You guys are hopeless." 

Jason grins and finishes off his french fries before taking a swig of his pop. "Sorry. My mind's been foggy all day." It had been, too. Ever since yesterday's lunch with Katie. He'd finished off the work day, spent the evening with Misty, and had told her about the strange conversation. She seemed to understand how it might be hard for him and he appreciated that. He was glad that she wasn't upset or taking it the wrong way that he was uneasy being around Katie right now. It was just... hard. Finishing off the evening on the couch with her had gotten his mind off other problems though, and a bit of good kissing and cuddling had sent him off into a good night's sleep. Today though, back at work, seeing Katie around... it had just set his mind thinking again and had made concentrating difficult. Knowing Misty had dinner plans tonight with Alec and Justin though, he'd opted to take his friends up on their offer to go bowling. He knew he could have sat in on the discussion about Mackenzie if he'd wanted to - Misty wouldn't mind. But he wanted to give her and Alec a chance to talk it through with Justin alone - it just seemed right. So bowling it was.

"Oh, so that's why you're such a bad partner tonight." Rusty smirks. "It's the foggy brain's fault."

"Hey don't give him too bad a time," Sandy warns. "Will and I like winning." 

Jason's eyes narrow and he gives Rusty a sidelong glance. "I think the fog is lifting. We are so gonna cream them our next game."

To: Katie
From: Hunter

Hey Sunshine. Missing u today. Ive been
kept busy with all sorts of interesting 
stuff. Cleaning tack, washing horses, more 
work on the shed... Im not sure if I like 
being off crutches or not... hehe jk. 
Hows ur day been? Anything exciting or 
still stuck with paperwork? 

Red, Pink, Yellow

Rosetta gives a soft hum as she layed on Mick's chest. She'd had a nice time tonight and though she was tired right now, there was still a slight bit of steam, and energy remaining for her to be able to chat with Mick. She'd always saved a little extra to be able to talk with him, that was one of those things she never wanted to miss out on.

   "I think you might be right. He's done a bunch of good since being here, while hel[ping himself alone the way."

Sitting up Rosetta leans on her pillow cocking her head to look at Mick and smile. She'd noticed that since Hunter had come here many different people had been acting differently and most of it was in good ways. Had God brought Hunter here for more than one reason? If he did, Rosetta sure was pleased with the outcome so far.

   "There is always a bigger plan out there that we don't know about. God's good like that and I think thats what I look forward to most each day. See how he's going to surprise me and what new things he'll show me that day."

A few days later Chad was was still in Organ and for how much longer he wasn't sure. Walking through shops he'd finally had a little spare things. Rosalyn's letter still in his mind and her question about what they were.

Passing a flower shop Chad stops and goes inside. Looking around at all the flowers he wasn't sure what he wanted to pick. Finally setting on some red roses there was also a yellow, and a pink mixed in with baby's breath.

   "I need to send these please."

Giving the clirk the address of where they needed to go Chad also wrote on the little card. He was excited for Rosalyn to get them and hope she liked them. He wasn't sure what kind of flowers she liked but these looked pretty.

        My letters will not fade, and what do they mean?
For you will always be in my heart, and I will continue
to pursue till you tell me to stop. My words are never
empty because you are the first woman in a long time
who has made me speak like a mad man.
          Forever and Always,


Having BJ tell him that he'd been missed gave Dylan a strange sort of feeling. He didn't despise the boy like he had when he'd first come here. Especially after that time he'd gotten lost. Maybe it had evolved into him actually caring about his "little brother" but it was still from a distance. He didn't know how to act around BJ, not to mention, Mick thought the world of him and Dylan knew his father was glad for another chance at raising a boy that wouldn't be trouble. 

He remains quiet as everybody else gathers to the table, including Hunter. The food really was awfully good - Dylan liked Becky and Rosalyn's cooking, but he did like Rosetta's too.

Perking up at Rosetta's question, Mick glances to Hunter and Dylan who seemed perfectly content to let him do the talking first, and he grins. "It was long, and I got a sore backside from breaking in that gelding Sparky brought home the other day." He rolls his eyes. "Next time, I'm going with him so he quit bringing back these ornery beasts." 

Hunter chuckles. "You mean like Bonzai?"

"Worse." Mick shakes his head. "When I sell this one, he's going to be sold along with a pillow for the rider to sit on when he's through riding." 

Laughter seemed to ease some of the tension, and the evening proceeded as very pleasant. Dylan smiled once or twice, and though that was it, Mick did notice, and he held onto it, hoping that it was the start of his son finally opening up. He hoped that every day... but maybe tonight was different? 

After supper, several games ensued. First a board game that BJ could play too, then once he was in bed and Rosetta was cleaning up the kitchen, Mick brought out the bowl of pennies - which would all return once the game was over - and a deck of cards. As it ended up, all three men were pretty evenly matched when it came to poker, and it wasn't until midnight that they finally decided to call it a night, even though there had been no winner yet. 

It was a while later that Mick was lying on his back in bed, unable to sleep, even though it was late. Though Rosetta was using his chest as a pillow, he knew by the sound of her breathing that she wasn't asleep yet either. 

"I think Hunter had something to do with Dylan coming tonight," he comments quietly. "I'm beginning to get the feeling that there was more than one reason that man was brought here. I thought it was just for his own sake, but now... I'm wondering if God's plan was bigger than that."