
Kiss her

Getting Hunter's text Katie gives a little shake of her head even though he couldn't see her. Her heart would always be at the ranch but it would be here working in the field. There was a balance for both.
To: Hunter
From: Katie

No, no bug bit me. It's always been this way...
I love both places, the ranch and being here in
the field. There is a balance somewhere for
both I just haven't found it yet.  Maybe I never
will but I love both places just as much and 
always will.

Standing and bring her phone with her Katie wonders to the kitchen grabbing a glass for water. Feeling her phone vibrate again with a low beep she could guess who the message was from again without even looking. Taking a sip of her water and going back to the living room to sit down she finally pulls out her phone again reading the message.

Katie was happy her dad was doing well. It was kind of nice having Hunter there a little extra so she could make sure her dad was doing ok. She really didn't want anything to happen to him or for him to go back to his old ways while she was gone.

To: Hunter
From: Katie

Everyone there is good like that. Good to know
he is being looked after.

To: Hunter 
From: Katie

Ya know I was just thinking about something...
You have never met my cousin Jasmine, or 
as she likes to be called Thirteen. She looks 
just like me and was even passed off once as 
being me..(long story with the Agency, I'll
tell ya about it sometime.) I should probley 
Introduce you before you come over to see
me and kiss her on mistake. lol

Misty gives a nod to Justin. She didn't mind one bit if he gave her number to Ken. She'd probley give it to him anyways if Mackenzie start coming over just so he had it if he needed it. If it help him fele more comfortable about her being here as well than she really had no problem. At this point she'd probley do anything to get the girl to be able to come over and spend time with family. 

   "Thanks Justin so much for trying to help. I know in the end things will work out and be ok."

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