

Justin gets up from the table, glad for something to keep his hands busy for a few minutes. He always felt awkward just sitting back and watching someone else work, regardless of whether or not he was a guest.

Coming up beside Beth at the stove, he does as told, putting the meatballs into the sauce and stirring them without any question as to what he was doing - he'd helped his mother in her kitchen one too many times to be unfamiliar with cooking.

He chuckles at Beth's questions and shrugs. "Things are alright. Same old crazies, I guess. Ma's good. She was complaining about where her newspaper landed in the yard this morning, so that means she's feeling well." He grins a little. "She never does slow down. If she drove, I'd never be able to keep up with her."

Turning a little to glance over his shoulder at the dogs who were obediently staying out of the way, he nods again. "They're doing real well. I've been smelling a skunk around my place, so I'm just hoping they don't discover where he is. Danitza already found out the hard way a couple years ago that they're not fun critters to play with."

Justin shifts back around to the stove again, accidentally whacking Beth with his elbow on the way. "Oh, sorry." His hand goes to her shoulder to make sure he hadn't knocked her off balance. As soon as he did though, he was hit with the strange sensation that he shouldn't have, and he retreats quickly, his eyes going back to the meatballs and sauce. Why he felt awkward again all of a sudden, he didn't know. Nor did he know why he was suddenly aware of how closely together he and Beth were standing. It wasn't like him to not have a handle on his own thoughts and feelings, and it made him uncomfortable. He clears his throat and continues to focus on the stove. "So... how have you been?" If she took the question to mean how was she after the last time he'd been over, he would gladly listen. Or if she took it to mean how was she doing as in a casual question of her daily tasks, he wouldn't mind that either.

Jason wasn't so sure he agreed with Katie. Trey seemed like a jerk to him, bad circumstances or not. But really, that wasn't the point. And just because he'd found a brother didn't mean he'd have to interact with him.

Keeping Katie tucked close to him, Jason's body continued to tremble as the shock from his emotions began to wear off. Another tear escaped, though he ignored it. Giving the top of Katie's head a little kiss, it's the best he can offer right now.

Thanks, Katie... you mean the world to me.

"I was born ready." Alec returns Ryan's kiss, wrapping an arm around her to hold her tightly until she withdraws. Grinning, he just takes a moment to study her eyes. "It should be illegal to be as pretty as you," he teases.

Hopping down off the bench, he wanders to the door. "To my apartment we go. Be thinking about what you want for supper."

Susanne's heart skips a beat at Chuck's words. She was special? He really saw her that way? But why? How? It just didn't make any sense - none of this did. And yet...

She opens her mouth to argue, but the words seem to escape her completely. Unless she wanted to call him a liar right to his face, there was nothing she could say. She either had to believe that he actually did like her for some bizarre reason, or understand that he was just toying with her for kicks. She didn't like the second choice, but found the first still too hard to believe. Once again, she was stuck not knowing what to think, just like yesterday.

Clamping her mouth shut, she accepts the helmet dumbly and just looks at it for a moment before turning her eyes back up to Chuck. He wanted to make her feel special and he wanted to get to know her better... it just couldn't be the truth.

Deep down though, Susanne's heart longed for the tender care she'd never received from anyone else. Beyond her doubts and disbeliefs there was a woman that yearned for the attention Chuck was offering freely. Would it be so wrong to step back into the fairytale for a little while longer?

Biting her lip, she dons the helmet, tucking her hair up underneath. "Okay," she agrees. "How about that nice Mexican restaurant over on fifth? But don't take the long way there...."

She hands him her purse to put in the saddlebag and waits for him to get on the motorcycle before sliding on behind him. "...I'm way too hungry to enjoy the night scenery." Slipping her arms around him, she hangs on in anticipation of the ride that maybe she wouldn't want to admit she was looking forward to.

Twisted Arm

Continuing to just move about the kitchen Beth had to back track a few times looking for her own pans and what not. Cooking was still new to her though she new how. So many nights meal were tv dinners or take out. So she was still getting use to where everything was.

"Well if you want to come over here and drop these meatballs into the sauce for me and give it a few stirs while I finish up this pasta that would be great. I've got to keep string this or it will stick."

Turning back and stiring the noodles Beth moves to the side a little making room so if Justin wanted to come over and help her out he could. There wasn't much room but there was enough and they wouldn't be standing there for two long.

"So, outside of work how is everything? You mom she is doing well? I can see both the kids are behaving for you."

Beth gives a glance over her shoulder at both the dogs and smiles. She liked the dogs they were pretty and she always liked dogs. Even if she was comfortable around Justin now having the dogs over too was really nice.

Giving his own grin again seeing Ariel's eyes narrow again he couldn't help but laugh a little on the inside. He was feeling her out seeing if she could take his jokes or comments or not.

"You can always call Pete and I am sure he will give me a message till I can get my own phone number switched to over here."

Taking a bit of his own food and than another sip of his drink Trey looks up to her again and narrows his eyes for a moment as he just study's her for a moment. She had spunk, she spoke her mind, and she had a bossy tone to her, but not one that was irritating. It was strange for Trey to feel as though he wanted to get to know her more.

"Well I guess since your twisting my arm and all we can go for a walk. I don't want you to beat me up or anything."

Just continuing to lay with Jason on the bed Katie lets his feeling flow into her as they boil off. It was a little on the painful side, and she was tired but she was not willing to give up yet till Jason would be ok.

I know you don't like him. But you have to remember Trey has not had the best of life himself. He's who he is because of his life, and he hasn't known the joys you have. Maybe he's not so bad?

Feeling Jason's emotions flex Jason trys to pull on his more comforting emotions to show she supported him, and well...she new how he felt, and no matter what she'd stand behind him.

I'm here Jason, I always will be. No matter what. We will figure this out and I am with you every step of the way.

Shifting just a little so it was more comfortable with Jason's arms around her Katie nuzzles her head into his chest. She could feel his emotions about there ability and new he still felt they were a curse sometimes. She always hated he felt this way but she couldn't stop it to him its just how it was she only wished there was some way they could meet both there needs.

Letting out a small sigh and just moving in closer to Jason Katie new they would figure this out. They would get through this, and be stronger in the end for it. For now Katie would considerate on Jason and helping him recover everything else would come in time.

Continuing to look back at Susanne Chuck's eyes just roam her face taking in everything, every feature, every line, the glitter he could see in her eyes even if no one else could. Since the first day he'd seen Susanne there was just something about her.

"The only way this will be over, is if you tell me its over. When those words come from your mouth than I will stop seeing you. Till than I will make you feel special because you are, and you deserve to be treated that way."

Giving a smile again and turning around Chuck goes to the bike and takes the helmet from the back before handing it to Susanne. He liked being able to share these times with her even if there was only one so far. Just knowing he got to spend it made his heart flutter.

"I was thinking tonight maybe we could do something nice, but quiet. That way we could talk a little more on the privet side and get to know each other. I'd like to know more about you and have you get to know me."

Watching as Alec goes over to her work bench and sits down Ryan didn't mind. She was almost done here and having someone to talk to while finishing up would be nice.

Turning back around to finish the car Ryan catches Alec's comment. Letting a sassy smile slip on her lips she looks over her shoulder and gives her bottom a little shake for Alec's own pleasure.

"As long as you like it thats all that matters to me. Than again you could just be trying to stay on my good side. Than again you did say this was my good side."

Shaking her head and getting back to work Ryan rolls her eyes. Within a few minutes like she said she would be she closed to the hood to the car and signed off on the paper work. It had been a good day today and getting done a head of time was always nice.

"Ok you sexy thing. I'm ready to go if you are."

Coming close to Alec Ryan press her lips to his and lets its linger for a long moment before pulling away her eyes giving there own twinkle.