
No one but you

Letting Reese in on what was going on and being in the clear to leave Dalton heads to brookshire. It normaly took two hours but driving faster than normal he makes it there in the time he had promised.

Entering the building and seeing Justin Dalton takes his hand and gives it a quick shake before following him down the long hall. As they walk he plays things over in his own mind. What he would say, how he could get Scott to see how important it was for him to eat.

Getting to the door and entering Dalton stops and just looks at Scott for a moment laying so still in the bed. He looked so small and everything thought he would say was gone and his heart broke more for his friend. Putting the best smile on he could and acting like he always would Dalton comes into the room pulling a chair over to the bed.

"Hey little Buddy, I hope I'm not waking you. I got some new classical music yesterday and I thought maybe you would like to listen to it with me. No one appreciates with me like you do."

Dalton pull the new cd from his pocket and holds it along with his little cd player. He's grabbing it before leaving today knowing maybe it would come in handy. All Scott needed was a friend not another person to lecture him, not yet anyways.

Hearing that Alec was lonely Ryan wonders for a moment if he had been why he had come sooner. Tucking her hands in her pockets she looks down for a moment before up at Alec again searching his eyes. Wondering if he had missed her, and if he was here because he cared.

Thinking about his question for a moment Ryan hated the short silly questions they were throwing back and forth. For them it seemed silly.

"I've been pretty miserable."

Looking away again and leaning against the wall for a moment Ryan closes her eyes. This awkwardness she hated, why wasn't it normal again? Hearing Leo's words in her head again from the night before Ryan looks to Alec and searchs his face. She was hurt, she was sad...but maybe she needed to take the first step? Pushing off the wall Ryan takes a few steps twords Alec and slides her arms around Alec burring her face into his shoulder.

"I've missed you Alec and I thought you didn't care about me anymore."

Not really saying much more Destiny takes a plate and gets one for Jason too. She did like bacon and eggs her mom use to make them too. Bringing the plate back to Jason she holds them as he puts the eggs and bacon on them.

"Were you going to eat with me at the table?"

She voice lacked emotion but she was trying at least. Bringing the plats to the table Destiny goes back and gets some milk for them both before bring that to the table and siting down too.

Looking down at the food Destiny moves it around on her plate for a moment before taking a peace of bacon and taking a small bit. Looking up at Jason Destiny did think it was nice he made this for her.

"Thank you!"


"Thanks, Dalton. When you get here, just go in the first building - I'll be there so I can show you to Scott." Ending the call, Justin paces a little, then leans back against the hallway wall. He knew it would usually take someone two hours to get here from TJY, but he also knew Dalton would push it to get here sooner.

Sighing, he wanders back to Scott's room for now. Finding him asleep, Justin leaves him be again, then ambles back out once more. He didn't like this wing of Brookshire... he didn't like the medical end of it anywhere, period. But if they didn't get Scott help... Justin didn't want to think about it.

Going down a few halls, he comes to the front lobby where he picks a comfy chair to sit in and wait for Dalton.

Sure enough, Dalton arrives when he said he would, and Justin is ready. Standing as soon as he sees him, he approaches and offers a handshake, even though he knew Dalton didn't like him. "Thanks for coming. I'll show you to Scott's room. I don't know if he'll be awake or not."

Leading the way, Justin heads back down the halls and after a couple turns, he comes to a sunny room with a big window. It was a cozy room, but not too small, purposely decorated to feel more like a bedroom than a hospital room. The only difference was the type of bed and the monitors.

Scott lies on his side, curled up under a blanket, though his thin frame was still obvious. Hooked up to an iv, the thin tub runs up over his head to the liquid nourishment they were trying to provide. He was so tired of everyone always telling him to eat. He hated it and he had hated food for ages now. Nothing tasted good and nothing seemed to agree with his stomach anymore either. So he'd wound up fooling others into thinking he was eating more, when in reality, it was less. He had started the road to recovery as far as the Agency data was concerned - at least it was helping him not have bad spells during the day anymore. But right now, he just didn't see value in eating. It felt like too much work, and he was tired of trying.

His head was sunken down in the thick pillow, though he hears footsteps and the quiet creek of the door. Opening just one eye halfway, he scans half the blurry room, thinking it was probably just the doctor again.

Catching sight of Destiny, Jason turns and offers her a smile. "Good morning," he greets, trying to be at least halfway cheerful. "You're just in time. Grab a plate if you want." He shuts off the stove burners and retrieves some utensils.

"Hope you like eggs and bacon." He looks at her out of the corner of his eye. "When I was a kid, my mom always made sure I had a good breakfast. I always did like eggs and bacon, even when all the other kids I knew loved their cold cereals."

Looking up in time to catch Ryan's eye, Leo's eyebrows raise a little bit, and he gives her a little crooked smile before concentrating on his car again. He didn't care if Alec told her he'd been over to his place or not... he was glad to see the scoundrel here at least.

Alec wasn't sure what kind of a greeting he'd expected from Ryan, but regardless, her simple words just didn't feel right. "Lonely," he answers.

Searching Ryan's eyes for several long, silent moments, his gaze digs deeper for the meaning of Leo's words to him earlier. Was Ryan really that hurt? Was she really ready to leave him? Her eyes looked tired today... more tired than normal.



The morning was turning into a busy one for Ryan leaving little room to think about anything else. Some how though there was still room for joking around and just having a good time with everyone else. The day was a race like it normally was seeing who could finish there mound of cars first. Ryan was glad in more way than one that she had stayed late last night. It gave her a little edge, and she talk with Leo had been a good one. Crying had helped a little and though she didn't feel one hundred percent Ryan sure did feel better than she had.

"Yo Ron you look like your falling behind there. You better pic up the pace or your going to be out of the race simply because."

Giving a laugh and going back to what she was working on Ryan leans in looking a little closer. Her eyes were slightly cloudy today from lack of sleep she got last night, but she was plugging along and there was no way she would of stayed him today. To much work, and it would of let her mind think to much along with it.

Hearing a whistle she instantly looks up to see who it was. Catching sight of Alec standing in one of the bay doors Ryan can't help but be a little surprised to see him. She really hadn't expected it and was going to call him tonight.

Looking at what she was doing again Ryan tightens something so nothing will fall off for now and stands up straight. Scanning the words area Ryan's eyes meet Leo for a moment before looking back to Alec again.

"I'm be right back guys. Don't sabotage my car so you all win."

Taking the rag from her back pocket and whipping her hands on it Ryan steps out of the bay area and squints a little in the sun light as it hurt her tired eyes. Looking up at Alec she was happy to see him. She really had missed him these last few days.

"Hey, how ya been?"

Picking up the phone and hearing Justin's voice on the other other end Dalton raises his eyebrow. He hadnt been at work long and already getting a phone call was odd least of all Justin.

Not being able to stay anything though as Justin goes right into his explanation. Hearing that his little buddy was in trouble and not doing well at all Dalton sinks into his chair and his irritation seems to subside for a moment. He hated hearing Scott was not doing well and it made his heart heavy.

"All right, I'll head down in a few moments after I tell the boss whats up. I should be there in about an hour and a half."

He didn't like Justin but he was ok with putting his differences aside for Scott's sake at the moment. He was who was important here, and if he could help his friend, he would.

Smelling the food cooking again it churned Destiny's stomach. She'd been showered and awake for a while now but had yet to show her face. She just didn't feel like talking, or eating. Her head was heavy, her eyes were tired and she just wanted to sleep. But she should probably get up and try to eat something before someone made her and it did smell good.

Exiting her room and moving slowly to the kitchen Destiny come to the fridge and pulls out a bottle of water and leaning against the counter. She didn't know what to say thought, nothing seemed right and all she could think of was Chance. She hated him so much for why he did, why did she care about him still, and miss him.


Leo laughs and helps Ryan wipe away a few more tears. "You have my word - no one else will ever hear of this."

Stepping back and giving her space, Leo bites his lip, not sure if he should say more or not, but it seemed to be settled at least for now. "I... better let you get back to work. Maybe... it was a good thing I forgot this note earlier."

Giving her a smile, he backs away, then turns to head out of the garage. Once he's in his car with the engine running, he takes out his cell phone, debating for a moment, then finally dialing. "Hey, Cass, it's me... I know it's late, but... how does some ice cream sound?"

Though the evening had been long, the sun insists on rising, just like it did every other day. It's golden rays spring out from the horizon, giving hope of a better day ahead...

"Not here anymore?" Leo raises an eyebrow at Reese's information as he stood on the main floor of TJY early the next morning.

"Nope - he moved into his apartment yesterday," Reese explains, telling him where it is. "Anything wrong?"

"No... no, just wanted to talk to him." Leo nods. "Thanks. Sorry for the time."

"No problem." Reese watches the young man leave, wondering at Leo's appearance. Though healing, one could still see he'd been in a fight. Had he been the other party in Alec's brawl? Maybe he shouldn't have given out the address. At the same time though, it was time for Alec to be on his own, free from Reese's thumb. If he got himself into trouble, he'd have to get himself out. And on top of that, Reese knew that Leo had a clean record.

Leo pauses outside the apartment door, wondering if this really was a good idea. He'd called in to work saying he'd be late... but was this something he should be doing? Normally it was not wise to involve oneself in the middle of someone else's affairs but... if it would help... And even though he hadn't expressed this to Ryan, he felt to blame for much of this. He'd thrown the first punch. If he hadn't, there would have been no brawl and Alec and Ryan would not be on the outs right now.

He knocks. "Alec? You up?" Stumbling footsteps could be heard, along with the locks on the door being unlatched.

Alec had been woken up and his clothes were matted and wrinkled. He opens the door a crack and squints into the hall. "Leo... what are you doing here? What time is it?"

"Time for you to get your head out of your hind end," Leo retorts, pushing the door open further to allow him access inside.

Though annoyed and confused, Alec lets him, then shuts the door again. "What is this?"

"Look..." Leo paces a small circle. "I know that the fight between us was mostly my fault because I swung first. But I've done all I can to make it right and now you're this close to losing Ryan." He measures with his first finger and thumb.

Now fully awake, Alec blinks, taken completely off guard. "What? Why?"

"Because you haven't seen or called her, you dope."

"Well she hasn't come to me either!"

"She said she wouldn't," Leo retorts. "Besides, that's not the point. Do you even realize that you're hurting her feelings?"

Alec folds his arms, confused. "Why? Just because I haven't seen her for a few days?"

"That hurts people's feelings, Alec! Are you feeling good about this whole thing?"

"Well I... wait..." Alec's eyes narrow. "This whole thing? What do you know, and how do you know it?"

Leo isn't sure how to answer that one. If he said the wrong thing, it could be fatal.

The pause is too long, and Alec bristles. "You and her-"

"No," Leo states flatly. "But it was a close call, and I'm not kidding around here. You be glad I've got someone else now, or you'd be out on the street again."

Something passes in Alec's eyes... something he had never felt before, nor would he want to again. Panic. "But..." Ryan had almost gone back to Leo? It was that serious? "But just... just because I didn't call?"

"Not calling is just a symptom, Alec. You're not respecting her the way she needs you to, and in turn, she's got some hefty assumptions about what you want and why you're acting this way. But I don't believe you really want to be a jerk."

"Of course not," Alec snaps. "But I don't understand."

"Then figure it out." Leo couldn't tell him any more than that. He couldn't get any more involved than this, and he couldn't stand here and list all what he thought was wrong. There was miscommunication, assumptions on both parts, and probably lack of respect to a certain degree on both parts too. But they would have to sort through those things themselves. "Just take my advice and swallow your pride," he warns. "I'm only doing this because I know Ryan is happy with you and I like seeing her happy."

...Mid morning. J&J Auto was bustling with activity, noise and the scents of the garage. Leo was back to work with the other guys and Ryan as they all tossed around their laughter but remained hard at work with a long lineup for the day.

A shadow appears in one of the open bays, but no one seems to notice. Alec stands, hands hooked in his jeans pockets, just watching Ryan work. His shoulders were a little lower than normal... the usual spark in his eyes was a little dim today. There was worry in his gaze. Whether he'd admit it or not, Leo had scared him.

Not venturing into the busy garage, but wanting to see Ryan, he gives a little whistle to try and get her attention and draw her outside.

Justin paces the floor, cell phone to his ear as he's put on hold, awaiting transfer to Dalton. It had been a long week. Days were spent at Brookshire like normal, working with Scott and seeing Beth. He and her had gone fishing one more time, but otherwise, it was still just brief meet and greets on the sidewalk, but he wasn't going to push it. He was still waiting for her invitation to her home to look through pictures, but he would say nothing until she did. As for Scott... things had been going fine up until last night.

Justin comes to attention as he hears Dalton's voice. "Dalton, hi, this is Justin Hawks. It's Scott. He's in the medical wing here at Brookshire after he collapsed yesterday. Apparently he wasn't eating and drinking as much as he'd made the nurse believe." Everything else had been going well - even their sessions working with Agency data. But Scott's body had had enough neglect. "They're forcing nutrients and liquids into him, but I cannot get him to understand he needs to take better care of himself. If he doesn't, he'll never leave."

He really was at his wit's end. It was the one thing, he was unable to convince Scott of. Or even if Scott understood, he had simply lost his will to fight. He seemed motivated now to overcome the Agency data in his mind, but as far as anything else went... he had simply quit fighting.

"I didn't want to alert Sapphire... not yet. And... you were the only one I could think of that might be able to help him. I'm asking you to come... if you can... for Scott's sake."

Jason keeps the scrambled eggs moving in the pan, watching the bacon too. He was making a good breakfast that filled the house with a delicious aroma. He didn't know if Destiny was a breakfast person or not, but if she was, the scents would wake her.

So far, the morning had been quiet. Reese had given him the go-ahead to stay here as the main bodyguard at least for now, so Jason was staying put. He wanted to go see Laura and Nate at some point, but they'd figure that out later. For now, it was breakfast and he only hoped Destiny would pull herself from bed and start a new day.

World of Hurt

Being pulled into Leo's arms Ryan gives a small little jump not expecting it but once she felt his arms warm around her and the warmth soak in Ryan can't help but just melt a little. Letting her own arms wrap around him she just feels the comfort and soaks it up while she can. Leo was being so sweet, and it was nice.

"I'm happy you found someone else Leo, she sounds really nice."

Ryan meant what she said, she was happy for him. Cassy sounded like a great woman just right for Leo. Him being happy was important and if they couldn't be more than friends, at least she had that right?

"...maybe sometime we will have to double date or something."

Looking up into Leo's eyes Ryan trys to give a smile as she swipes the tears from her eyes. It was to late, and she had found more worth in Leo, but now it was to late and all that was left was a friendship. She had to accept that, and work out her own problems, not try and drag someone else down with her too.

"I'm happy we can still be friends Leo, thanks. But if you tell any of the guys I was crying, your gonna be in for a world of hurt more than Alec gave you."

Ryan gives a little chuckle trying to release some of the tension as she whips her eyes again giving a laugh. She'd never hurt Leo like that even if he did tell someone, but it was the only way she could express she didn't want anyone else to know she had cried.

Punching bag

Listening to Ryan and seeing her inner battle, Leo's shoulders drop just a little. If only he'd heard those words from her before... if only they'd been able to meld better before. Why did they both have to understand each other when it was too late?

"Aw, Ryan..." He sighs and looks down, not sure what to do. But glancing back up again and realizing that she was crying, he felt the edges of his heart cracking. He didn't think he'd ever seen her cry before. She was so strong and never let anybody see her weaknesses. But right now, she was truly letting him see who she really was. And right now, she was simply a woman who needed love.

Stepping forward, Leo doesn't ask permission, but gently slips his arms around her and pulls her close. "Come here," he prompts quietly. Drawing her into a hug, he lets her head rest against his shoulder and he kisses the top of her head.

"The past is the past," he offers tenderly. "You've apologized, I've forgiven, and we can't stay in that spot forever, okay?" He rocks her just a little. "I've got another woman in my life now... her name is Cassy and... I'm not willing to break her heart because... well, because I feel pretty strongly about her."

After a pause, he draws back a little and lifts Ryan's face to see her eyes. Lifting his hand, he wipes away some of her tears. "And I know that you and Alec have strong feelings for each other too. So he might be mad... so what? He'll get over it if he cares, and I know he does. But knowing him, be probably has no idea how much you're hurting. One, because you hide it so well, and two, because..." A wry grin pulls at the corner of his mouth. "....well, he's just not used to seeing those kinds of things. But don't let your stubbornness destroy what you've got going. If you call him first, that doesn't mean he's won - it just means you're bigger than he is to take the first step."

Setting his hands on her shoulders, he tries to give her an encouraging smile. "No matter what... I'll always be your friend, okay? Whether other people think it looks funny or not, I don't care, and Cassy would understand, too. I know we can't have what we did, but if you need to talk or cry or laugh or even hit somebody, I'll be the punching bag, okay?" His chuckle is soft and low. "Don't give up so easily, Ryan," he almost whispers. "Find out why Alec hasn't called, then go from there. But right now, you're running on assumptions and that's never good."

Sitting on a cold park bench, Alec stares out to the little duck pond that was dimly lit with glowing lights beside the walking path. He didn't think he'd ever come here before - other than just passing by on the road.

It was after dark, so there wasn't much activity, if any, but he didn't mind. Glancing up through the trees, he could just make out a few stars in the sky. He knew there were more... but in the city they just couldn't be seen. He wanted to see them. He wanted to run. He wanted to go. He wanted to get away from these miserable chains.

Shifting to sit sideways, he pulls his knees up to his chest and leans against the back of the bench. He hadn't felt this alone since first getting to TJY, and he wasn't even sure why. Dalton was nice... Reese had let him go... things were going well, right? But he was missing something, and that something had a name.

Sighing, he rests his chin on his knees. He'd left his phone back at the apartment. Not that he'd make any calls with it... right? Maybe Ryan didn't even want to hear from him.

Lost Memories

Listing to Leo's words Ryan still leans against her work bench. Hearing what he said about the things she liked Ryan gives a little chuckle. She could remembered when she found out Leo danced and she went to see him. She had been so proud, even if she never told him she would of went and watch him every chance she got. And she would of really enjoyed doing so.

"I liked having you on the sidelines and cheering me on. You didn't have to be in the fight with me to be happy."

Drawing silent again and mulling over Leo's words Ryan wondered about going fast. She liked it, always on the go...but would slowing down really be a bad thing? She been willing to do it for Leo once before because she had been content in him.

Continuing to play things over and over in her head along with Leo's words Ryan's emotions just seemd to build. This and maybe a mixture of everything threatened Ryan's emotions to not be kept hidden any long and the hot wet tears rolled down her cheek. Leo was...an amazing person she could see that now more clearly than ever.

"Leo, why do you have to be so wonderful at a time like this?"

Ryan gives a sniff feeling completely foolish crying like this but she couldn't help it. It almost felt like her own heart was breaking for the mistake she had made. She been foolish she new that now.

"I don't know whats going to happen with Alec and I Leo, but I guess I know how much I hurt you now, and I so very sorry, more than I was before."

Looking up at Leo again Ryan's eyes search his as her heart hurt so much. She new he wouldn't take her back and she didn't blame him. He had someone else now, even if somewhere she wished he would, she new that he just would not. Yet her words she couldn't help but speak.