

Letting out a long sign Adison searches Kirk's face. Would she join him? Would this be it for there team? She wasn't sure but she had to trust him. He'd never lead her astray before.

   "I do trust you."

Looking away from him Adison looks across the street at the people passing. So much was going through her mind. This was going to be hard, but maybe like Kirk said in the end it would work out in the end.

    "So, when do you transfer? Effective immediately?"

As Hunter drifted off to sleep Katie leaned her head against the back of the couch. She was going to miss spending time with Hunter. She really did enjoy it. Maybe one day they could be friends but Katie new it wouldn't be for a long while. She'd always be there if he needed her...but it hurt so much. She wish could of said more, she wished she would of made him feel better but if she spoke anymore than she already had she would of lost it herself and crying was not an option right now. 

Katie wasn't sure how long she had been sitting there but hearing Hunter snoring softly she new he needed this. To sleep off the booze was the best option. Shifting slightly she slid out from under him and rested his head on the pillow that was on the couch. Taking the blanket she put it over and leaned down kissing his for head.

   "I'm so sorry."

Finally not being able to help it the tears spilled out of Katie's eyes. Standing up she swiped them away and grabed her things from the small table. As her fingers brush against the bottles of liquor she grabs them and takes them to the kitchen dumping them out and throwing the bottles away. Home was her own destination. She just wanted to sleep the night away now. 


"Hey," Kirk assured. "It's gonna be okay. Remember, that's what you told me last night?" He leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees.

"I know it's not fair. But I was so close to losing everything today that I can't risk any more...and I can't risk dragging you into this either." Glancing at her, he cocked his head. Was that fear in her eye? "What you'll do without me is survive...like you've always done. But right now you need to be patient. A new story is being written, and even though I can't talk about it yet...just remember, stories can include more than one main character." 

That's all he could say. That was the only hint he could drop. Many things were uncertain at this point...but he knew that just over the horizon was something new...and quite possibly not just for him. 

"Soon...very soon, I'll be able to tell you everything...okay? Can you trust me?"

Hunter just sighed and sank down a little farther in the couch. "Babble? Me?" He snorted. "As if." Unfortunately he knew good and well he talked a lot when intoxicated.

"I'ma hafta find a new pillow," he mumbled. "But you were always the best." He sighed....and was then asleep, still tucked under her arm.


Walking outside Adison was happy to hear that Kirk still had his badge but hearing he was being transpired her hair bristled. They had worked together since they got out of the academy, they were partners and now...he'd be gone.


Following Kirk outside Adison sad down on the bench with him. She had such a mix of emotions right now she was angry, happy, sad. She new Kirk would see all that in her eyes and she didn't care. What was she going to do at work without him. For the first time in a long time Adison felt a wave of panic wash over her. Not scared of her job, but scared of where this would leave them now.

   "You can't tell me...you've always been able to tell me everything. What am I going to do without you Kirk. I'm happy you still have your job but....this just...isn't fair."

Keeping her arm around Hunter Katie's heart broke a little more. She could never describe how bad she felt.

   "You will never be alone Hunter. You will always have people who care. I still care."

Sitting back a little on the couch with him she'd sit there till he was ok. She couldn't leave till he was. Even if it wasn't smart she just couldn't do it.

   "I'll sit with you for a while. Even if you dont want to talk, even if you just want to babble. I'll stay."


Hunter had just enough sense left to know he was being emotional, even if he couldn't shut it off right now. Sighing, he didn't answer her right away.

"I don't wanna be alone... But you shouldn't stay. Not...not like this." He left his head on her shoulder though, just not ready yet to move. "I.... I don't want to be lonely again."

Kirk pursed his lips in thought. "Well...I still have my badge." He nodded. "But... I'm...being transferred."

He started walking, the look on his face a strange mix of happiness, worry, sadness, relief and tension. Once outside, he found a bench and invites Adison to sit with him. "I'm not allowed to talk about it." He gave her a look that warned her this time he couldn't cross that line. "But...there's good and bad and...hopefully sooner than later, I'll be able to tell you where I'm going to be. But it won't be downtown with you anymore."

As long as you need

As Hunter kiss Katie's hand her heart breaks a little more. She new this was not Hunter's fault it was her own, and now the pain she felt was her own. Worse than that though was the pain she could see on Hunter's face.

   "You are not stupid. We all fall sometimes, but we just have to pick yourself back up and keep going."

Katie new her next words were going to be some of the dumbest she had ever asked anyone. But she had to say them anyways. This was her fault and she new it. In all reality she had been the one who was dumb. Katie put her arm around Hunter as he rested his head on her shoulder. Tears continued to roll down her own cheeks.

    "Everything is going to be ok. I'll sit here with you as long as you need me too, because I do care about you."

Sitting outside on the bench is where Adison stayed. Only to get up and pace or use the restroom. She'd be here when Kirk came out. As the minutes ticked Adison didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing but her nerves grew. 

As the doors opened she stood and waited for Kirk to come out. Her heart pounded in her chest she feared it might just beat right out. Seeing Kirk she gave him a once over. He looked tired, and she couldn't tell by the look on his face if he was happy, or upset.

   "Well...good news?"

Worn out

If Hunter hadn't been drinking, he would have more control over his emotions. But as it was, tears filled his own eyes. He lifted her hand to kiss it, then just held it to his cheek. "I know... I was stupid... I fell off the wag'n an' I j'st started thinking about me and...and Alice and Kyle and you and Jas'n."

He sighed and put her hand down to lean over and rest his head on her shoulder. "I always knew," he admitted. "I just...didn't know when you'd see it too."

Looking down at Adison, Kirk smiled before nudging her back. "Thanks, partner." He gave her a once over and just shook his head, still smiling. She was a good friend.

Heading inside, within a few minutes he had disappeared behind a door which would remain shut for a full two hours. Finally it opened again. Out filed the judge, DA, Barnes and all the others. Only after they'd cleared the hall, did Kirk finally emerge, hands in pockets, looking completely worn out. And his eyes swept the hall for Adison.


Hearing Hunter's words Katie drops her head as a tear rolled down her cheek. She new it was true, he didn't have to tell her twice. Even if she didn't mean to, even if she didn't want to she new she looked at Jason differently. He'd been such a big part of her life, her subconscious did it on its own.

   "I'm so sorry."

Her words seemed so stupid, they seemed so dumb. Why did she continue to do this to people. She new how it always ended, in heartache and pain. But yet she kept trying to do it anyways.

   "..I didn't mean to hurt you, I wasn't trying to fool you or anything."

Katie falls quiet again. Maybe they shouldn't be talking about this while he was drunk. She didn't know. She felt like her heart was being cut with a knife, and if she didn't talk about it...what would happen. Running her fingers over Hunters she just sat there for how long she wasn't sure.

   "I only get mad when you drink because you are destroying yourself and you really are an amazing guy, who has a lot to offer when he is sober. I just dont want you to end up dying young because your have liver failure or something.:


Hunter threw up his hands, almost hitting her in the head. "I'm a guy. Take'it fr'm me. That look in Jason's eye..." He shook his head. "He isn't over you. Accept it."

His eyes dropped, and he put his hands in his lap like a little kid who was being reprimanded. "I.... I didn't mean to drink. I just... I thought we were good and...and when I saw you look at him too..." He looked over at her. "You don't look at me like that," he almost whispered.

He reached over to take her hand in his. "I'm s'rry I got drunk. I...d'nt have an excuse."



Katie couldn't believe what she was hearing from Hunter right now. He saw them? She was protecting Jason, love...that had been long gone. She'd always have a place in her heart for Jason, but to hear him say he thought Jason still loved her. 

   "There is nothing wrong with you...other than being incredibly drunk at the moment. "

Sitting down next to him Katie thought for a long moment. Was Hunter really this insecure about there relationship? Should she not have tried to be friends with Jason at all? So many questions floated in her head.

     "Hunter...Jason and I haven't been a thing for a long time. I dont know what you think you saw tonight from him but...I highly doubt it was love."

She didn't know what to say, she didn't know how to say it. As she though her mind started to winder to the other people that had been in her life. Everyone of them had there hear broken because of her and Jason. She really did have a pattern, and it was a not so good one. '

   "I dont know what else to do, I dont know what to do other than I dont like seeing you do this to yourself. I...."

Katies words trail off. She really didn't know what to say. She felt lost...all over agian when she had been so sure of so many things.


"I dunno!" Hunter grabbed for the bottle as Katie took it away, but missed. "I's there to see you and...and..."

He sighed and flopped down on the couch. "I got mad. And so....so... I d'nt wanna stay and watch you two..." Though drunk, he knew what was on the tip of his tongue wasn't good. But his senses were too numb to shut off his mouth.

"I been here before. Always. Me. W'ts wrong with me an'way?" He looked up at her with glazed eyes that showed pain. "He still loves you," he blurted out. "An' you still love him too."


   "You are an idiot, you know that?"

Taking her hands off her hips and goes over to Hunter grabbing the bottle before he can take another sip. Setting it down she shook her head. She could understand what he was saying, but it didnt make any sense.

   "What are you talking about? Since when did you not like the band and have an issue with Jason? You've never complained. Before on too of that why get drunk about it?"


Hunter flinched as Katie smacked him, and put a hand to the back of his head. "I...s'pose I deserved that."

He followed her into the living room where he had to lean on the couch for support. "I d'nt... It wasn't like..." He huffed a sigh and grabbed a beer that wasn't quite gone to take another swig.

"I j'st happened, 'kay? I d'nt wanna be hangin' round with no band and, and, and..." He waved in the air as he tried to think. "Wass his name. Jason." He scowled. "I know I'm on the losing end a that'n."

Did you even..

Hearing a bunch of commotion inside Katie new Hunter was home but what on earth was going on. Just continuing to wait finally as the door opened the smile that was on her face faded. He was drunk...what on earth was going on. She couldn't help the scowl on her face at the small of booze that came from his breath as he talked.

   "What on earth...you smell like a whole bar."

Pushing on the door to open it and enter Hunter's apartment Katie also waked him over the back of the head. She could feel how upset she was, that was. She thought Hunter was smart than this now. She new he still had a drink here and there but to get this drunk. Hadn't he learned his lesson when they first met?

   "So you ditched going to pizza with me and the band...to get drunk? Did you even go with you friend to the race tonight?"

Tad bit

Hearing the knock at the door, it took Hunter a moment to pull his mind out of the fog enough to realize exactly what it was. Mumbling, he pulled himself up from the couch, wobbling a bit and bumping the corner of the coffee table - which in turn, knocked over three empty beer bottles. Only then did he realize his shot glass was still in his hand. Where had he put the whiskey? Wait...why had he gotten up? The door. Right. Why on earth was someone here anyway? He tossed the shot glass onto the couch and wandered to the door in his bare feet.

Opening it up just far enough to see Katie, he stopped. "Aw boy..." He reached up to lean his forearm on the door's edge and gave her a rather dim look. He knew good and well she'd be able to see the glaze in his eyes...and probably smell the alcohol, too. She was good that way.

"Don't s'pose you're here for a drink..." He sighed and rubbed his chin that was showing a five o'clock shadow. "Maybe you should just...turn 'round and pretend ya didn't come." He closed his eyes for a moment, not thinking straight enough to be completely intelligent, but still having sense to speak clearly enough to understand. He opened one eye. "'Cause I'm just a tad bit drunk and... you weren't s'posed to know 'bout it."


Sitting in the driveway Katie thought about Jason's words for a second. It really had been nice, a lot nicer than she thought it would be. Even if she had felt a few things she wish she didn't it was still nice. She just needed to get herself back in check and remember she had a different boyfriend now, Jason and her were just friends, thats the way he wanted it and thats the way it had to be.

   "I had a great time J...I always do. Thank you so much for inviting me alone, even if I was on duty."

Looking at Jason she just studys him for a long moment. Since they didn't see each other every day like before she noticed the slight changes that had happened. Jason looked older, his features more pronounced than before. Other than being tired, he was looking good.

Realizing she was maybe studying him longer than she should have Katie opens the door and steps out. Leaning down and smiling again she nods to Jason.

   "Have a good night."

Walking to her own car Katie throws a wave at Wyatt before getting in. Pulling out of the drive way she pulls out her phone at the same time dialing Hunter. She said she would call and she was going to keep that promise. Having her call sent straight to voice mail Katie was surprised. He always left his phone on when he new she'd be calling him. Even if he didnt answer she could leave a message. This was just odd.

Not being to far away Katie does a U-turn and heads for Hunters house. She hoped everything was ok and nothing happened with him and his friend tonight at the race. It didn't take long and she was finally pulling into the drive way. Seeing his car he was home. That was even odder. Getting out she went to the door and knocked waiting for him to answer, hoping she wasn't waking him up.

Getting to the court house Adison hoped she wasn't late. Grabbing her suit jacked from the back she put it over he blouse and unwrinkled her dress pants getting out of the car. Her hair was in a nice neat bun. She wasn't on trial but she wanted to still be a good representation of Kirk's friend. She hid it well but she had to admit she was scared.

Coming up to the steps and seeing Kirk Adison steps next to him putting her sunglasses on the top of her head. Giving his arm a light tap with her elbow.

   "I'll be right here, just like I promised...no matter what."


Jason gave Katie a sheepish look before dropping his gaze to sip his drink. "That obvious, huh?" He shook his head. "Nah... I'm okay." In reality, he was feeling a lot more tired than he thought he should. Maybe he was coming down with something. But he wasn't going to let it mess up the evening after such a great concert. "I might wanna take off here soon though, and I'm sure Wyatt would appreciate not waiting for me all night."

Raising his eyes again, he couldn't help catching her gaze once more. Had she noticed him looking at her during that last song? If she had, had it bothered her? He hadn't meant to make it weird. He'd just...

He was doing it again wasn't he? Forcing his eyes away, he concentrated on his pizza. And he wished Hunter was here.

Though many were still having a good time, Jason decided to leave not much longer after that, and made sure he felt well enough to drive. It was a quiet ride back to Mike's to meet Wyatt and pick up Katie's car. Once there, Jason saw Wyatt waiting, and parked to let Katie out, leaving the engine running.

Glancing over at her, he smiled. "Thanks, Katie... It was... Nice...having you back with the gang like this. I hope you had a good time too."

Sitting slouched on the couch in his apartment, Hunter only half-watched the car race on television. The rest of his focus was spent on making sure he didn't spill the beer in his hand, while also trying to ignore why he was drinking in the first place. A whiskey bottle sat open on the table, and he'd already started on it even though he really didn't even know why. Or maybe he did, and he just didn't want to think about it.

He glanced down at his phone, picked it up and shut it off completely, before stuffing it down in the couch. And he didn't want to talk to anybody else about it either.

Kirk tried to keep his spirits up as he nodded to Adison. "Thanks. I'll take care of myself. Dont worry."

He did as promised, and made sure he was up and going on time in the morning. Getting to the courthouse at ten til eight, he got out of his car and scanned the area for Adison. If she didn't show, he knew it would just be because she wouldn't be able to get away from work.

He was dressed more nicely than normal today in dress pants, a tie, and his good blazer. His hair was pulled back to the nape of his neck then braided to stay neat. Today was not the day to be a rebel.

Pausing at the bottom of the tall steps, he looked up at the building. He'd been here a million times, but today...today it felt different. Today it felt like his future was about to change.

Travis gave Angel a little smile and nod. "Thank you. I really appreciate it. I um... If I keep feeling better, prolly in a few days we can go." He was already worried about it. But he really felt it was what he needed to do.

Ground Us

   "Because if things stayed the same all the time it would get boring. It's gonna be ok though."

Adison really believed it would be. Even if things changed they would be ok, and she wouldnt allow there friendship to fall apart. Maybe it wouldn't be quiet what it is now, or time would be more limited but they would still be friends. She wouldn't let go of Kirk that easy.

Getting up Adison helps Kirk as well clean everything up. Even if she wouldn't she new she always work. Not to mention even if she was going with him tomorrow he needed more sleep than her and she couldn't deprive him of that. This was important, and not something to go into with the lack of sleep.

   "Well that didn't take to long to clean up. However, there is a smashed gummy worm over there on the carpet and I tried to pick him out but...he's just stuck there for now."

Gathering up her own stuff and letting the movie finish Adison finally new it was her time to go. Standing and stretching she smiles at Kirk making her way to the door. 

   "Get some good sleep, eat a good breakfest in the morning and I'l see you there. Just remember...everything is going to be ok. No matter what."

This had been a good night and Katie hadn't been this happy in a long time. It was just great to be with the bands again. She had missed it a whole lot more than she admitted to anyone. As things get thrown around and she hears Jason's comment she cant help but laugh.

   "No somethings dont. I guess that is what helps ground us."

Taking a bite of her pizza Katie looks around the table at all the smiling faces, all the laughing, and all light that lit up the room. It was amazing really how after years, fights, and tears this was still one of the best groups around and all the love they had for each other. 

Looking at Jason again Katie studied his face for a long moment. Something seemed different, maybe even a little off. It worried her slightly. Maybe he was just tried, it had been a busy night.

   "I can drive us home if your not feeling all that up to it. You look exhausted."

Giving a smile at Travis voice it had almost become normal for her not to hear him. Angel didn't mind on bit. It was nice having him there, and it made her feel good he was confiding in her.

Hearing that Mick had agreed his could work she nodded. She'd never known Mick to turn anyways away even if they were on hard times, and she new Rosetta would agree too. Even if it was only a few days Travis stayed at least that was a few more days to get to know him.

   "Yeah thats no problem at all. I can take you to your moms to get stuff. I'll barrow Luke's pickup. That should make things a little easier. Just let me know when you want to go and we can work it out."


As Adison takes his hand, Kirk just lets his thumb run over her fingers thoughtfully. "Thank you..." She was incredibly important to him, too. Through the years, he'd caught on to the subtle hints that all she wanted from their relationship was to be the best of friends, so he'd never pushed for anything more. Not to mention it was a no-no in the department. But whenever she found the lucky man to spend the rest of her life with...Kirk's own life would become awfully lonely. He'd tried dating other women, but no one made him smile like Adison did. Life would move forward though, whether he liked it or not.

"Why do things have to change, hmm?" He finally let her hand go and sat up to see where the movie was at before his mind ran away with itself. It was almost over. "I guess I need to clean up and call it an early night. I can't be late tomorrow." 

He glanced down at her again and smiled, despite all his apprehensions. Daring one last tickle to her ribs, he got to his feet and went to pick up the popcorn bowl to start cleaning the floor.

Hearing Katie was going to join them without Hunter, Jason glanced in her direction. He was a bit surprised. One, that Hunter wasn't coming, and two, that she was going to stay anyway. Maybe she really did miss this crazy bunch. 

Once Kyle was finished onstage, all three bands worked together to pack things up and load the pickups and trailers. It was getting late, but everyone was starving, and time really didn't seem to matter at that point. Carson was ready for them when they all filed into Mom and Pop's - the scent of fresh pizzas was mouth-watering. 

It was a noisy group, no doubt. There was more than just the band members, which helped fill the room, no no one cared if it was crowded. Carson had managed to get Aerith to come back in to work just a little earlier to help manage things until the bands left, and between the two of them, things in the kitchen ran smoothly. 

Background music, chatter, laughter, and an occasional outburst from Kyle's table filled the restaurant. As everyone at their pizza, Carson just stood back behind the counter and watched, a wry grin on his face. It had been a long time since this whole gang had been together here...and he had to admit, it was kind of nice. He'd lost a lot of friends through his own stupidity...but seeing at least Katie and Axel here helped. And the others...seemed halfway okay, so maybe that was an improvement. At least no one was complaining about his pizza. 

Sitting across from Katie, Jason took another bite of pizza before ducking to miss someone's crumpled napkin. The table on the end erupted once again, with Kyle screaming something about scarecrows, and flailing his arms to accidentally knock his drink over into Phil's lap. Jason just smiled and shook his head. He dared to look across at Katie - his eyes were so tired - he was exhausted, but at least it had turned into a fun evening. "Some things never change," he mused.

Travis enjoyed his day at the ranch. Helping Ashlee and Eric with feeding was fun, and even though he couldn't ride yet, he did watch Eric and Ashlee for a while as they partially just rode for fun and partially had a lesson a Eric guided her through a light workout. It was obvious the two got along great, which made total sense since Eric was dating Ashlee's mom. 

The rest of the day, things were fairly light. There was still a slight tension in the air, but it was easing off. Chance was gone. Xander and his family were trying to get settled. Lane was... Travis wasn't sure. He hadn't talked to his dad much all day, still wanting to just work things out for himself. He wasn't as mad now, but it would take a while for him to get back to a good spot with his dad. There was just so much wrapped up in all of this. 

That night before bed, Travis again found himself hesitating before going into his room. And once again, he paused in the doorway, watching Angel finish up her work for the night. 

"Hey...Angel?" He hadn't talked to her much since yesterday, other than having her give him a once-over to make sure he was still recovering. "Um... I've been thinking a lot today... about what you said... and, um..." He tucked his hands in his pockets and studied the floor. "Well...I think I want to stay here a while. I mentioned something to Mick today and he seemed to think I could at least work for my room and board and was gonna discuss it with Rosetta. But, um..." He looked back up at her. "I do need to go to my mom's to get my stuff. And... I don't have my own car and I don't want dad going with me 'cause it'll just be a mess. So... I...I was wondering if you might take me?" 

He knew she'd offered to help, but he still didn't know if it was asking too much of her. After all, they really had just met this week. "I shouldn't have more than just a car load, really. Like, I don't need to bring any furniture or anything, obviously. I can't imagine it would be more than filling up a car, or the back of a pickup." He searched her face, hoping to find a clue as to whether or not she'd be willing. "It would prolly take about an hour and a half to get there....so... it shouldn't take too long..."