

Sitting in the driveway Katie thought about Jason's words for a second. It really had been nice, a lot nicer than she thought it would be. Even if she had felt a few things she wish she didn't it was still nice. She just needed to get herself back in check and remember she had a different boyfriend now, Jason and her were just friends, thats the way he wanted it and thats the way it had to be.

   "I had a great time J...I always do. Thank you so much for inviting me alone, even if I was on duty."

Looking at Jason she just studys him for a long moment. Since they didn't see each other every day like before she noticed the slight changes that had happened. Jason looked older, his features more pronounced than before. Other than being tired, he was looking good.

Realizing she was maybe studying him longer than she should have Katie opens the door and steps out. Leaning down and smiling again she nods to Jason.

   "Have a good night."

Walking to her own car Katie throws a wave at Wyatt before getting in. Pulling out of the drive way she pulls out her phone at the same time dialing Hunter. She said she would call and she was going to keep that promise. Having her call sent straight to voice mail Katie was surprised. He always left his phone on when he new she'd be calling him. Even if he didnt answer she could leave a message. This was just odd.

Not being to far away Katie does a U-turn and heads for Hunters house. She hoped everything was ok and nothing happened with him and his friend tonight at the race. It didn't take long and she was finally pulling into the drive way. Seeing his car he was home. That was even odder. Getting out she went to the door and knocked waiting for him to answer, hoping she wasn't waking him up.

Getting to the court house Adison hoped she wasn't late. Grabbing her suit jacked from the back she put it over he blouse and unwrinkled her dress pants getting out of the car. Her hair was in a nice neat bun. She wasn't on trial but she wanted to still be a good representation of Kirk's friend. She hid it well but she had to admit she was scared.

Coming up to the steps and seeing Kirk Adison steps next to him putting her sunglasses on the top of her head. Giving his arm a light tap with her elbow.

   "I'll be right here, just like I promised...no matter what."

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