

Jason gave Katie a sheepish look before dropping his gaze to sip his drink. "That obvious, huh?" He shook his head. "Nah... I'm okay." In reality, he was feeling a lot more tired than he thought he should. Maybe he was coming down with something. But he wasn't going to let it mess up the evening after such a great concert. "I might wanna take off here soon though, and I'm sure Wyatt would appreciate not waiting for me all night."

Raising his eyes again, he couldn't help catching her gaze once more. Had she noticed him looking at her during that last song? If she had, had it bothered her? He hadn't meant to make it weird. He'd just...

He was doing it again wasn't he? Forcing his eyes away, he concentrated on his pizza. And he wished Hunter was here.

Though many were still having a good time, Jason decided to leave not much longer after that, and made sure he felt well enough to drive. It was a quiet ride back to Mike's to meet Wyatt and pick up Katie's car. Once there, Jason saw Wyatt waiting, and parked to let Katie out, leaving the engine running.

Glancing over at her, he smiled. "Thanks, Katie... It was... Nice...having you back with the gang like this. I hope you had a good time too."

Sitting slouched on the couch in his apartment, Hunter only half-watched the car race on television. The rest of his focus was spent on making sure he didn't spill the beer in his hand, while also trying to ignore why he was drinking in the first place. A whiskey bottle sat open on the table, and he'd already started on it even though he really didn't even know why. Or maybe he did, and he just didn't want to think about it.

He glanced down at his phone, picked it up and shut it off completely, before stuffing it down in the couch. And he didn't want to talk to anybody else about it either.

Kirk tried to keep his spirits up as he nodded to Adison. "Thanks. I'll take care of myself. Dont worry."

He did as promised, and made sure he was up and going on time in the morning. Getting to the courthouse at ten til eight, he got out of his car and scanned the area for Adison. If she didn't show, he knew it would just be because she wouldn't be able to get away from work.

He was dressed more nicely than normal today in dress pants, a tie, and his good blazer. His hair was pulled back to the nape of his neck then braided to stay neat. Today was not the day to be a rebel.

Pausing at the bottom of the tall steps, he looked up at the building. He'd been here a million times, but today...today it felt different. Today it felt like his future was about to change.

Travis gave Angel a little smile and nod. "Thank you. I really appreciate it. I um... If I keep feeling better, prolly in a few days we can go." He was already worried about it. But he really felt it was what he needed to do.

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