
Fond of You

Hunter's lips curl into a smile as he tilts his head up to see Katie's eyes staring back at him. "Well, I don't see any prince charming around here, but I'll kiss ya, whether you're awake or not." 

Lifting up his good leg, it forces Katie closer to his head and he wraps his arms around her. "I'd ask if you minded but... I have this funny feeling you don't." 

Chuckling, he brings his lips to hers in a tender kiss. "We better get up.... or else I'm liable just to start all over again and we'll end up later for supper." 

Lydia's mouth opens slightly in surprise as tears flood her eyes. Jared remembered. As much as that was a good thing from a medical perspective, she almost wished he had just been able to live a new life. Though not talking about it to anyone, she knew the kind of lifestyle her son had had, and she knew that lately, he was a completely different person. She couldn't help it that she enjoyed this new Jared so much more. Now what would happen? Would he still be the loving, kind man she'd come to know lately? Or would he turn back into the cold-hearted, money hungry man? That was her worst fear. But if he thought he didn't deserve love, then he must feel remorse, right? Which would mean he didn't want to be that other person... right? 

Nodding at the simple instructions, Lydia pats Grace's hand with appreciation. "Thank you... for everything. I will keep praying... and I do hope you come back." She forces a smile to the surface. "I have become fond of you, Grace. I do not think God brought you here for no reason." 

After Grace had gone, Lydia busies herself with housework, despite her motherly desire to go check on Jared. She did call Justin though, and let him know what had happened, before she prepares a small bowl of soup for Jared's supper - whether he'd eat it or not. 

Knocking lightly on the bedroom door, Lydia pushes it open, carrying the soup, a few crackers and some apple juice. "Jared?" She comes to the nightstand, setting down the food. "I... I brought you some supper if you want some." 

Jared was awake. His eyes were open and staring up at the ceiling. But he did not look to his mother. Her kindness sent a pang to his heart like no other. After all he'd done... all the wrongs he'd committed... pitting her own son against her... she still came and cared for him. He just didn't understand, and it made him feel lower than the floor. 

Lydia holds back her tears as her son doesn't even respond to her. Reaching down, she brushes a lock of hair from his forehead. "I love you, Jared. I always have, and always will, no matter what you've done. You're my son, and that cannot ever change either." Still receiving no acknowledgment, she finally turns and leaves him alone for the night. 


Be ok

Grace gives a nod to Lydia and s soft smile too. She new how much she must be worried about Jared and she didn't blame her. In a way Grace was worried too but she tried to gave faith Jared would pull through this and that God would wrap his arms around Jared.

   "He remembers his past and who he use to be. He think he can't change, and he doesn't deserve anyone love or friendship because of the bad things he's done."

Searching Lydia's worried face she didn't know Jared's past but she didn't ask for any explanation either. If it really had been as bad she he said she wouldn't hold it against him but she didn't want to know till he told her.

   "What he needs right now it someone to love him no matter what. Continue to bring him food even if he doesn't want it. If you leave it for him he'll get hungry enough to eat."

Laying her hand on Lydia's arm again Grace felt bad for this woman in front of her about as much as she felt bad for Jared. This was hard on everyone and to see someone you loved so much being torched it was no fun at all. The hardest part would be looking past Jared's words and continuing to help and love him. 

   "Things will work out..we just have to keep trusting God and praying. You haven't seen the last of be either...I'll be back...ok?"

Feeling Hunter's hand rub her skin followed by his words Katie's eyes flutter a little bit. She hadn't been exhausted but she'd been so comfortable that sleep was hard not to find. Letting a small smile form on her lips but her eyes closed Katie replys.

   "If I don't will prince charming kiss me?"

Finally opening her eyes and lifting her head slightly to look at Hunter Katie gives a smile leaning her chin on her hand that was now under her. Just letting her eyes twinkle in the sun light Katie felt refreshed after the little nap and good.


Despite his anger, Jared couldn't help but soak in Grace's comfort, letting her hug him and talk to him. He was out of words at this point anyway, not knowing what to do or where to go next. Still crying, he leans into her, barely hearing what she had to say. 

When she rises to leave, a part of him wanted to tell her to stay. To tell her he didn't want to be alone. But even more so was his fear of being the man he now remembered. And if he was, he wouldn't deserve Grace's company, nor would he want her around him. 

Left alone again in the quiet room, Jared's tears continue for a short while until he's exhausted. Lying down, all he wants now is sleep. But his head was throbbing and his stomach was in knots. He'd told his mom to tell Grace not to come. He'd told her. And now she had anyway, and he'd yelled at her and she'd left, and she'd been his only friend. Yet if he was a horrible person anyway... no matter what she said, she'd be better off not being around him. 

Closing his eyes, another tear escapes. He deserved no friends... yet the aching hole in his heart longed to be filled. Never had he felt so utterly lost and alone.

In the living room, Lydia waits until she sees Grace emerge. Rising from the couch, she comes to her quickly, worry still coursing through her eyes. She'd heard Jared yelling and it had scared her. 

"Is he okay? Did you find out what is wrong?"

Hunter's eyes fly open and he finds himself staring up at a blue sky as a bird flew overhead. His body hadn't felt this relaxed in a long time, and he felt as though he'd just had the most peaceful rest. 

Sighing deeply, he suddenly realizes there's a weight on his chest... oh yes... it was Katie's head, her arm still draped around him. Smiling a little, he combs a gentle finger through her soft hair. Checking his watch, he's stunned to realize how long he'd been asleep. Combined with making out, they both had been out here for several hours. Pretty soon somebody was going to come looking for them. 

"Pssst...." He runs his hand along Katie's arm, just remaining lying in the grass. "Sleeping Beauty," he whispers. "You alive?" 


Seeing Jared break down into tears breaks Graces heart more than his words did. To see how much emotional pain he was in it cut her like a knife. She wished she could just whip the memories away for Jared and just let him not remember again. In a way she wondered if he was just better off that way. 

Sitting down on the edge of her bed while he was bent over Grace lays a gentile hand on his back just rubbing it gently before putting her arms around him and giving him a big hug. Her heart hurt and she just couldn't want away not yet.

   "I don't care what you did, or what kind of person you were I know what kind of person you are now as long as you choose not talk walk away from him."

Just continuing to hug Jared Grace lets the moment linger even longer not saying anything letting the silence linger till finally she lets go and stands. Today was going to be short, tomorrow, and the next she didn't know. Now it was uncertain if Jared would ever want her around again and all she could do was wait. If he walked out today would she ever be back again?

   "I wouldn't be better off without you. I happen to like being around you even if I did know your past and you can't get rid of me that easily as a friend. So...you have my number giving me a call and I'll come when you need me too."

Picking up her bag Grace lets out a small sigh before making her way to the door. Stopping she turns to look at Jared again giving a little smile. It's all she really could do without crying at this point right alone with Jared.

I Can't

Each of Grace's words brings Jared's gaze down a little lower. Though he wanted to interrupt, he refrained. He was tired, upset, hurt, and he felt sick. This whole thing was just a nightmare. He felt sick. He wanted to scream but didn't have the words. He wanted to force Grace to leave, but he didn't want to be alone. He wanted to get up and run, but he couldn't even walk.

"Yes, everybody would be better off without me!" He raises his voice but refuses to look at her. "And don't talk to me about God! I walked away from Him a long time ago and there's no going back. There's no reason for me to live! Don't you understand?" 

He scrunches his eyes shut tightly. "You don't know.... you don't know what I've done. The person I am... I can't forget, I just.... I can't... I... what I've..."

Suddenly too overcome to maintain control, a barrage of tears surface. Covering his face with his hands, Jared bends forward, his shoulders shaking. "Go away..." His words are broken and muffled as he cries. "I don't... I don't want to hurt you.... please.... just go away."

The Right

   "You wernt met to die Jared or else you would have. There is no escaping death there is only continuing to live for another reason so dont you get all poor me on me now because thats all saying that crap is doing."

Coming even closer to the bed Grace leans forward on it looking at Jared in a stern manor but still with much respect and friendship in her eyes. She felt bad for Jared and could only imagine how he must be feeling. It had to be hard to not remember anything and than remember everything only to find out it was not so good.

   "As for the gun no matter how bad my past was I wouldn't revert to killing myself because thats the cowards way out you hear me. Do you really think your mom would be better off if you killed yourself? I don't think so because than she would have to live with that guilt along with a song who wasn't willing to change and take someone else help when it was looking him right in the face now."

Grace's own emotions seemed to bubble not with anger though but with hurt, hurt for Jared and what he was going through. There was nothing she could do to make this better, she could only continue to prompt him, talk to him and reassure him he could change.

   "Everyone deserves a second chance at life because God gave us that right when he died for us. Weather you believe it or not it's the truth and like me, and you mom he wont abandon you either. So I'll tell you whatever I have to tell you to get it through you thick skull that you can be a better man, you can be the man I became friends with. You were that way once, and just because you have memories doesn't mean you can't be again."

Don't tell me

Jared's emotions churn within him and he doesn't even realize that he's unfolded his arms, his fingers gripping his bedspread in a fist. His jaw muscles tighten and loosen over and over as his inner tension continues to rise. He wanted to believe Grace. He wanted to accept what she said. He wanted to feel good instead of bad. But he'd been knocked down too far. And at Grace's final statement, he erupts.

"I wasn't a jerk!" he snaps. "I was worse than a jerk! You have no idea what kind of person I was, so don't tell me what I can be or what doesn't have to mold me!"

Finally lifting his eyes, he looks to Grace with a glare. But even in his angry stare, underneath there was at tremendous amount of pain. "I don't deserve a second chance," he hisses. "If you remembered what I do, you would have already gone out and gotten a shotgun to blow your brains out and be done with it. Me, I can't, 'cause I'm stuck with two legs that don't even work. So I gotta be more creative than using a gun."

A tear makes its way to the surface to trickle slowly down his cheek and his voice wavers. "I should have died in that accident. I'd rather go to hell than live here with the memories I've got now." His knuckles had turned white from gripping his blanket as he starts to shake.

"So no... don't tell me I can just change and live for today, 'cause I don't believe it. I don't want your help or anybody else's help. I just want to die like I was supposed to."

New Man

   "You deserve a second change at life again weather you think so or not."

Grace folds her arms across her chest as she looks down at Jared. As he talked things became a little more clean on what was going on. Jared must have remembered his past and it wasn't anything good. Now he was slipping away because of it.

   "So your going to sit here, wallow in misery and be a complete jerk making the people who care about your worry just because you found out you use to be a jerk? Remember I told you, your past can't mold you but what you do from here on out does? You have a chance a second chance to do things right, don't throw it away because you think its what you deserve Jared."

Her eyes continued to search his face before turning a little and going over to the window. Opening the shades she lets the sun shine in to see what a nice day it was outside.

   "Over the last few weeks I have gotten to know you, and that person doesn't have to go away just because you remember how bad you were in your past. You can change that and live for today and be that new man."

Don't Care

With each passing moment, Jared grows more rigid. Apparently what he wanted simply didn't matter anymore. 

"What happened is I found out the truth," he mutters. "And I don't care if I never walk again." Though he pauses to swallow hard, his tone remains cold, masking pain and desperation. "Just leave. Nothing you do will help. I just want to be left alone. I deserve to be alone." 

Never Again

Not even flinching at his words Grace holds herself high but not with a cocky air only one that said she would not back off that easy. Jared's words seemed to hurt more than she thought they would but she wouldn't back down not yet. Coming a little closer to Jared she still holds the smile on her face. 

   "Even if your mom had called I more than likely would of come anyways. I am pretty stubborn when it comes to being turned away with no reason as to why. What happened between when I talked to you on the phone and now?"

Cocking her head a little bit she just studys Jared for a long moment with his cold hard stair. This man sitting in front of her now was completely different than the one she talked to over the phone just a few days ago. There was no hope, no friendship, no part it was just a look comforted by the cold.

   "You're legs are starting to get better Jared. If you stop now than you might never walk again. If you never want to see me again thats fine, but lets at first get you to walking again so you can go where ever you want."

Still laying on Hunter Katie hears his words and can't help the smile that spreads even bigger on her lips. His words they touched her heart and made her feel special again. There were emotions there that were new, and they felt nice. In a way Katie felt like Hunter understood her, and when she talked to him her words didn't get jumbled in the mess. Though she still had a hard time expressing herself sometimes it seemed that they had gotten down the communication and were able to work through those moments. 

No more words were said but Katie gentile ran her fingers up and down Hunter's arm as her eyes closed just letting the soft rythem of his breathing lull her. Soon though the soft rubbing soft as Katie's own breathing becomes a little bit softer and being so comfortable with Hunter just puts her into a soft sleep.

Giving a big smile and just wrapping his arms around Susanne Chuck gives a small laugh. Chuck felt young with Susanne much younger than he was. In a way it almost reminded him of high school again and finding out the person you had a crush on had a crush on you the whole time too. It was a good feeling, it was a fun feeling and Chuck couldn't think of anyone else to share it with.

Hearing Susanne's comment about the apple pie and the long way home Chuck gives a small nod. Getting his footing and still holding Susanne he stands up cradling her in his arms. Letting his eyes twinkle even more as he looked down at her He couldn't help the the emotions he let out in his eyes while he looked back into her own.

   "The long way sounds great to me. That means I just get your arms around me for longer."

Letting Susanne slip to the ground Chuck's hand fingers hers as they walk back along the pier. It seemed like the walk went all to quick though. Getting to the bike and undoing the helmets Chuck hands Susanne's her before putting his own half way on and turning a little to make sure she got on ok as well. 

   "Alright, ready to roll out?"


Jared looks up quickly to the door, only to drop his gaze again when he sees Grace. He had asked his mother specifically to call her and tell her not to come. What had she not understood about that? 

Refusing to look over at Grace, his arms remain folded, his face rigid with tension."I don't want to play cards and I don't feel like therapy," he respond gruffly. "My mother was supposed to call you and cancel today." 

Continuing to stare at the wall, he cannot bring himself to raise his eyes to Grace. "Come to think of it, I don't think you should come any more at all." He swallows hard, his gaze growing even colder. "I don't want to see you, so you should probably just leave now."

Having Katie settle in next to him, Hunter keeps his arm around her, tucking her in close. He was glad she didn't regret having come after him and asking him to stay. The words she spoke were...deep, in a way. Somehow during the last couple weeks, they had grown very close to each other, forming a bond that was unfamiliar to Hunter, yet it was filling a certain hole he'd been trying to fill for a long time. He couldn't deny the fact that he felt closer to Katie than he had to any other girlfriend he'd ever had. Strange as it might be, it was the truth. 

"Forever is an awfully long time," he responds softly, his fingers gently running over her hand. "But I'd stay in a single moment forever, as long as you were there." 

Only after he'd said it does Hunter realize that it really was true. Right about now, he felt Katie was the only true friend he really had - and more than that. She'd touched a spot way down deep in his heart, and he couldn't pretend it hadn't happened. He might be going through a rough patch right now, but whether or not he was grouchy or wanted time alone, Katie was automatically his beacon of light amidst the darkness. 

He gives her a little squeeze before closing his eyes and letting his head sink down further into the grass. He didn't care what time it was. He didn't want to know or think about where they had to be next. 

Knowing now she'd done okay, Susanne beams. Receiving the next kiss and hug, she wraps her arms around Chuck's neck and buries her face against him, holding him tightly. "You're welcome," comes her muffled answer. "Thank you for being patient with me." 

After a couple moments, she draws back again and smiles. "How about we go get some of that apple pie? And... take the long way home?"


Just continuing the kiss Katie didn't mind at all letting it deepen and not caring how long they kissed. Here it didn't matter because there was no one to see them or really care. It was just them, the tree, maybe some birds. She loved the emotions that seemed to sir, and how deep yet soft it was. Katie couldn't help the murmurs of pleasure.

Finally as the kiss ends Katie looks down at Hunter and gives a smile. Feeling her cheeks turn a little red Katie searches Hunters eyes. Seeing the emotions that laied in them she new this was not just another flirt but it was something he meant. It made her feel even more special.

   "Thank you Hunter! I really am happy you didn't go...I...I would of missed you a lot."

Leaning down Katie presses her lips to Hunters again before pulling away and scooting herself next to him. Laying her head on his shoulder and her arms across his chest Katie lets out a content sigh. She couldn't think of a better place to be right now than here.

   "I could stay in this moment forever, just you and me."

As Susanne returns the soft kiss that Chuck showed He couldn't help the feelings that seemed to overwhelm him. This moment with Susanne was very special and Chuck would not take it for granted. She's allowed herself to open up a little more to him and share this intimate moment. Her new for her this was a big step.

Giving a small chuckle at her comment Chuck closes his eyes for a moment as Susanne continues to play with his hair the lingering emotions still running through his veins, and the chills up and down his spine. Her touch was so soft, passing over the tiny hairs on his neck just made them stand on end sending more emotions through him.

Hearing Susanne's question Chuck opens his eyes again searching her face before bringing a hand to her cheek and just running his fingers over it for a long moment. Looking into her sweet eyes Chuck's own twinkle with so many things that had been left unsaid, but he would continue to wait for now.

   "It's was better than perfect."

Leaning in Chuck presses his lips to hers again letting them just linger for a moment or two before pulling away and pulling her into a hug letting his head rest against hers.

   "Thank you for letting me share that with you."

Seeing Lydia's face as soon as she answered the door Grace new something was wrong. This woman was always so happy and her eyes always seemed to twinkle with life. Not today though, today they were dark and filled with worry and confutation. That alone made Grace slightly worried too.

Listing to everything Grace shifts her weight for a second. If she had not formed a friendship with Jared she might of just walked away but with him being her friend now she was worried and wanted to get to the bottom of this whole thing and what was happening to her friend.

Laying a hand on Lydia's arm Grace gives a soft smile. She new there was worry in her eyes and rightfully so. It was her fun after all and she couldn't blame her for that.

   "Try not to worry youself to much, I'll see what I can find out ok?"

 Moving past her Grace enters the house and makes her way down the long hall like she had so many times before. This time though when she gets to the door she hesitates for a second. Taking in a deep breath she new this was not going to be easy but it had to be done anyways. Giving a knock on the door Grace enters like she always did. 

   "Hey Jared, I hope your rested because I brought with me my deck of cards again. I totally want a rematch after we work on you legs."

Entering all the way in Grace takes a quick glance around the room. It was dark, the shades were drawn and it seemed miserable in there. Than looking to Jared she smiles but she can see the dark circles under his eyes, and the look on his face that was less than happy. She had to try though, she had to get through to him or at least find out what was wrong so maybe ti could be corrected.