

Clint could only nod before watching Chad leave. He hoped he'd done the right thing. He hoped he hadn't betrayed his sisters trust for nothing. If things didn't work out, he'd have hell to pay. But...he just had a feeling Chad was what could finally bring Rosalyn the happiness she deserved. 

Heaving a sigh, Clint glanced back at the car, but his throbbing hand won out. He couldn't concentrate on anything anyway. After tossing aside his tools, he finally ventured outside and to Angel's office. It was different for him...she wasn't just the ranch doctor, but her being his mother-in-law always made it a little more awkward than need be. Regardless, here he was.

After knocking, he entered and glanced around. "Hey, Angel..." A sheepish look crossed his face as he held up his hand wrapped in the bloody bandana. "I, um...yeah. Stiches, prolly." There was so much more on his mind. So much more pain in his heart than his hand. And maybe it showed in his tired eyes, even though he tried so hard to hide it. But he refused to speak of it. "...and maybe a pain pill or two?"

In the quiet stall in the barn, Jim stood beside a colt, whose mother was busy eating. His hand rubbed the furry neck, his fingers running through the short mane. His other hand cupped under the young horse's mouth as the colt got his first taste of sweet feed. He lipped at the grain then swished it around in his mouth before bobbing his head up and down.

Jim smiled then chuckled as he continued to rub his neck. "Mm...you like that, don't you?"

"I thought maybe I'd never see that smile again."

Jim's head whipped around at the sound of Mick's voice, and his expression immediately changed. "I was just... It was..."

Mick stood at the stall door, arms folded. He'd been here for a few minutes already, just watching his brother interact with the young horse. "Don't let me stop you."

"Naw, I was done. I mean...I wasn't gonna stay long anyway." Jim let the colt finish the small handful of grain before coaxing him back to his mother. He left and shut the stall, turning to leave, but Mick stopped him."

"Jim, wait." Mick sighed, frustrated and confused. "Why do I have to catch you off guard in order to see the brother I used to know?"

Jim stopped and glanced over his shoulder. "I guess maybe the old me doesn't like hanging around much anymore."

"But why? I don't understand. I know things have been rough but...if you'd just see that what you're doing has made things so much worse."

"I know." Jim nodded slowly before resuming his route to the door. "I know." Getting outside, he stopped as the sound of a leaving vehicle caught his attention and he looked to the driveway. He could feel Mick coming up behind him. "Did someone just leave?"

"Uh...looks like it." Mick squinted. "A jeep maybe?"

"Huh." Could it be? Jim shook his head. He hoped not. Without asking more, he aimed for the house.

Garret really hadn't expected much of a response from Sapphire, let alone as nice a one as he got, and his eyebrows rose slightly. He accepted her handshake though, and a grin tugged at the corner of his mouth. "New guy? That sounds more like an addition to the team, not the resident prisoner." 

Despite preparing the smoothies at the counter, Justin listened to the conversation, pleased that Sapphire was willing to interact.

Garret's eyes roamed Sapphire's face. How had she ended up here? What was so appealing about this place? Why did she stay after all the abuse her brother had endured? "From what I hear, you've got a pretty good brain yourself. Just 'cause you're not on the I.T. team doesn't mean looks are the only thing you've got going for you."

Gunner grunted and stood up, crumpling up his sandwich wrapper. "Well, this has been cozy, but I've got an appointment with my shrink."

Jason snickered and waved him off. "Don't stir the pot or it'll boil over on ya." 

"Yeah, yeah." 

Justin finished up his two glasses of what was quite visually unappealing, and slid one across the table to Garret, but was careful not to interrupt the conversation with Sapphire.

Gunner flopped down in Hope's extra chair, and smirked a little. It was the first of the month, and that meant his routine evaluation. Usually it went quickly - he answered a few questions, they exchanged smalltalk, and that was it. At least Reese had reduced the mandatory visits from once a week to once a month, but it still put Gunner on edge.

"Okay, so...Hi, how are you? Oh, me? I'm good, thanks." He bit his lip to try and hide his silly grin as his knee started to bounce. "I keep thinking Reese is gonna lay off one of these days, but I guess not." If he missed just one session, he'd be in big trouble. 

He fell quiet for a moment. Despite him treating this so lightly, there were still deeper issues that needed to be vented, lest they overtake him once again. But even so, he still treated this as just something that was required of him.

"Alright, so first thing first - my whole crazy in the head issue. Well, you know how if you've got a thorn in your shoe, it hurts right? But if you keep walking on it, it sorta goes numb and you eventually forget it's there. But then if you take a break, then start walking again, the pain comes back, and can be even worse." His knee continued to bounce, and his fingers fidgeted in his lap. 

"So I take a break from my whole obsession thing 'cause I'm told to, but then when certain thoughts enter my head, it's worse, ya know?" He shrugged. "Not that I want Reese to get wind of that. He'd prolly suspend me...again. Do you know how many times I've been suspended?" He started to count on his hands, then gave up. "Yeah, a lot. Con could vouch for that. He was always trying to keep me out of trouble - even when we were on the police force together." He smirked. "I miss him around here. Just isn't the same, but as far as I know, he's being stubborn. Not that I blame him. I'd be scared to come back too. Not that he's said he's scared, mind you, but I think that's what it is. But then, I'm not the professional in that department... That would be you."

Another grin surfaced, and he got to his feet. "So yeah. We good? I gotta go help close a case downtown."

Anything Less

Taking the paper from Clint, Chad was thankful at how willing he had been to give him the address. He never had an issue with Clint but that didn't mean He'd betray his sisters wishes and give it to him. There were so many reasons why he didn't have to, but he did and for that he was thankful. Giving a small nod he new what Clint spoke was the truth. He really didn't want to run into there dad. Things were hard enough he didn't want to make them any harder.

    "Thank you Clint, this means a lot."

Turning around and grabbing his jacket Chad slips it on before turning to look at Clint again and giving a small smile. He was happy Rosalyn had such an amazing brother to take care of her. It made him feel good.

   "I wouldn't expect anything less. Thanks again."

I think I can do that. I'll see you soon, I'm starving.

Katie sent her message and than put her phone away. She needed to get a little more work done before Hunter got there. She was happy she was still going to see him though and the whole day wouldn't be a total lost cause.

Silently sitting Sapphire just watched everything that was going on between all the men. She often just found it funny to watch and not really do anything. Seeing out they acted with each other, being an observer was fun.

As Garret talks to her Sapphire brings her attached back to him. She'd know he had sat down next to her but it really didn't bother her. He was just another person trying to take one day at a time. Continuing to study him for a long moment everyone else kinda just faded away. Finally smile she held out her hand and smiles.

   "Heya, I'm Sapphire, the one and only twin he's got. He got the brains I got the looks. Your the new guy...Garret right?"




Clint squinted at Chad, checking to make sure he was telling the truth, before showing a small smile. "Good. 'Cause she deserves no less." 

He moved from the car and found a piece of scrap paper to scribble down an address, then held it out to Chad. "Rosalyn made me promise not to tell anyone where she is. But I figure you'll end up finding her regardless. So...here. It's a house that's been divided into apartments. She's living with a couple other girls. Not even our parents know the address, so my suggestion is to not stick around and let Dad see you. It's not worth the fight."

He searched Chad's eyes. "Don't let her go, don't let her down...and don't hurt her." His tone was stern. He didn't care if Chad was older or larger. "Any of those happen, you'll be dealing with me instead of Dad." 

A pause gave his eyes time enough to soften. "But I have a feeling I don't have anything to worry about. Just help her keep her dreams alive."

Hunter finished his set of push ups on the living room floor before sitting up and looking at his phone. A very small but bad feeling gnawed at the very pit of his stomach. His fingers hovered over the keyboard. It was okay that they couldn't have a picnic. Stuff happened. But Katie was gonna be Jason's bodyguard? Why her? Wasn't there anyone else? He trusted her...of course. But...he couldn't deny that he didn't like her being with Jason all day every day.

He sighed. He had nothing to worry about. Right?

No worries! I'll bring the Chinese, u furnish the good company ;-) See u soon.

Justin eased down at the interrogation room's table and retrieved his notepad from the same backpack he always carried. "Good morning."

On the outside, Garret was sitting lazily in his chair, while on the inside he was battling irritation from being here again. "Is it good because it's morning, or good because you like digging around inside my head?"

Justin grinned. "Somebody's in a fine mood today." He glanced at Garret's knuckles and wondered what on earth had happened. He hadn't received word of any incidents the last few days. "Who'd you beat up?"

"Why does everybody assume I beat someone up?" Garret's tone was less than happy. "There's a reason there's a rec room, right?"

Justin quirked an eyebrow. "You did all that on a punching bag?"

"Look, what do you want? Why are we sitting here again?"

It took Justin a moment to respond as he studied this very complex client. "Protocol. But the door's not locked. You're free to go."

"And the consequence?"

"Further suspicion, a report that notes your lack of cooperation, and a delayed end to this temporary pain in the neck."

Garret sighed. "Nice."

Justin ignored the attitude. "So why didn't you stop beating the punching bag before you hurt yourself?"

That whole scene wasn't something Garret really wanted to think about, and his darting eyes proved it. "Maybe I didn't notice I was hurting myself."

"Interesting word choice."

"Why? Because you think I've spent my life hurting myself?"

"Your words, not mine."

"Why don't you just quit with the games?"

"Why don't you?" Justin shook his head. "How badly do you want to move on? To gain back control of your own life?"

"I never had control to begin with."

"So does the thought of having control now motivate or scare you?"

Garret frowned. "Why would it scare me?"

"The unknown can be a formidable foe."

"The only formidable foe I see right now is you and all your idiotic questions."

Justin shrugged. "So fake it. What's your favorite sport?"

Garret's eyebrows rose in disbelief. "I...don't do sports."

"Favorite music?"

"Depends on my mood. What does this-"


Garret sighed. "Green."

Justin jotted down notes. "Animal?"

"They all suck." Garret's eyes rolled.

"Mm-hmm... What was your favorite toy growing up?"

Garret shifted uncomfortably as his mind immediately pictured that teddy bear he'd lost the night he'd been sold. "Toys aren't allowed in the Agency, genius."

Justin cocked his head, taking notice of every subtle signal Garret's body language emitted. "Right. How about food?"

"Seriously?" Garret scoffed. "Whatever keeps me alive."

"Where were you born?"

Garret's eyes flashed. "And this matters because...?"

Justin smiled. "Because getting to know someone means telling each other about yourself. My favorite color is turquoise, I love Italian food, I'm the proud owner of two beautiful dogs, and I was born here in Nevada."

Garret have him a bored look. "You forgot a few."

"And you aren't as good at pretending as you think you are." Justin stood up and thumbed to the door. "I'm hungry. It's lunchtime. Join me in the the break room for a bite."

"Anything good?"

"Eh...it'll keep you alive..."

...In the break room, only a few were there now eating their lunches - Jason, Sapphire and Gunner. They were chatting and laughing...until Garret and Justin were spotted at the doorway. Jason leaned back in his chair and put his hands behind his head, wondering what this was all about. Gunner leaned back as well, balancing his chair on the back legs and just waiting for an explanation. They'd all been told to give Garret a break but...what was Justin up to?

Entering the room, Justin immediately spotted the two guys and their behavior. He knew they probably didn't even realize what they were doing, but he wasn't going to tolerate it, nor would he risk an altercation started by their territorial body language. Needing to get to the refrigerator anyway, he walked behind them and thumped Jason on the back of the head - hard - causing him to drop his arms. "Knock it off." Continuing his route, he hooked Gunner's chair leg with his ankle and tugged just enough to throw him off balance, forcing him to straighten up. "You, too."

Gunner and Jason exchanged looks of surprise and annoyance before Gunner spoke up. "Hi to you too, Justin."

Justin opened the fridge and glanced over his shoulder at them and quirked a grin. "Greetings. Got room for two more?"

There were actually several empty chairs - no one could say they didn't have room, even though the tense atmosphere suggested they really didn't want this particular company. The silence wasn't surprising, and Justin ignored it, retrieving some fruit from the fridge he'd put there earlier and spreading it out on the counter. "Garret, you like bananas?"

Garret was still standing just inside the doorway, arms crossed as he took in this new scene. He could tell the two men didn't want him there...and for good reason. He'd pummeled them both at least once already. If he were them, he wouldn't want to sit at the same table either. But Justin apparently didn't care.


He snapped his attention back to Justin. "Yeah."

"Good." Justin plugged in the blender and started one of his concoctions of fruit, yogurt and spinach. "Find a seat."

After another glance around the table, Garret finally chose one of the empty chairs next to Sapphire. He couldn't remember a time he'd felt this kind of awkwardness. He'd been a high ranking officer for so long that being this casual...it had only been reserved for the tightest teams. This...was different.

Gunner took a bite out of his sandwich before taking note of Garret's still-skinned knuckles. "Who got your wrath this time?"

Garret flexed his fingers before he cocked his head and looked back at him. "What's it to you?"

Gunner shrugged. "Just wanna know when my number's coming up again is all." Several spinach leaves ended up in his hair and he jumped, then shook them out. "Hey," he chided Justin. "Watch it."

Justin turned around in mock surprise. "What? Oh, I'm sorry. Thought you might want a salad to go along with your bull."

Jason snickered, which earned him a punch to the arm. Gunner's eyes narrowed at Justin. "Careful, counselor."

"What?" Justin turned on the blender. "Can't hear you."

Garret clenched his jaw in an effort not to snicker. He wasn't sure why Justin was going to this effort - he could handle himself, and the guys weren't going to bother, let alone intimidate him. But the scene was still funny.

He sighed and glanced to his left at Sapphire in an attempt to change the atmosphere. He could tolerate anything, but it wasn't worth it just to sit here and take it. "You're... Scott's twin sister, right?"


Catching the wrench Chad starts to go to work while listing to Clint. His face held a look of being deep in thought for a long moment. He could see where Rosalyn was coming from. It was a lot of stuff going on for anyone to really handle and his heart went out to her.

   "I know its hard to understand but I love her. I'm already in the middle and if I didn't want to be I wouldn't have kept contact with her. Everyone has there family issues and you can't have the good without the bad."

Bending down Chad tinkers with a few things just silently thinking. He felt bad for Rosalyn, how she must hurt, how she must be confused. He just wanted to hold her, to kiss away all her tears. He new that he couldn't make everything better, but he wanted to try. Till she herself told him to leave her be he wanted to do all he could to bring a smile to her face.

Looking up at Clint Chad smiled. He new exactly what he wanted to do. There was no doubt, no wonder, he didn't need to work through his feelings. He new what to do already.

   "I'd walk to the end of the earth to see your sister smile. Nothing is to great for me to stay away and I have no doubt. I love your sister will all my heart, and I just want her to be happy and to smile."

Once Jason walked away Katie pulled out her phone and pulled up the text message to Hunter. Since she had to stay here she still wanted to see him for lunch, they would just have a spread a blanket here and have there lunch.

Heya, change of plans. I can't take a half day today. Some people are after Jason and I was picked to be his body guard till everything is safe. I still would like to have lunch though if you dont mind just having it here.

Listening to Reese Nate started to understand what was going on a little more. He felt bad for more than one reason now and wish he'd known sooner. But it became just a little bit cleared why Reese had been so up tight. He was surprised and worried too about some of the changed Reese talked about. How would things pan out he didn't know.

   "Now that I know a little bit more of all that is going on. I'm sorry to that I didn't tell you what I was doing. I should have so at least if something went wrong you wouldn't be in the dark."

Taking a sip of his own coffee Nate gives a small nod. He didn't like the tension and he just wanted it to be gone. He'd work on stuff, and his communication a little more.

   "You got a deal."  



Seeing Chad was going to stay, Clint leaned on the open engine hood after tossing him a different wrench. "Yeah...she's fine." He turned his attention to the engine but winced when he tried to use his freshly wounded hand. "As fine as she can be after her own father made her miserable enough to walk away from the place she loves most."

Bitterness laced his tone and even though he was staring at the engine, his mind was far from his task now. He finally sighed and glanced back to Chad. "She did want to cut contact with you. But only for two reasons. One, because of all the flack from our dad, she got so screwed up, I think she started to forget who she really is. She couldn't handle the conflict anymore. And...two...because she didn't want you caught in the middle."

He paused and straightened up. "Look...my sister is in love with you. If you don't want to deal with all this family crap or her mixed signals, I get it. I won't blame you if you walk away, and I won't tell her you were here. But...if you can handle it...and if you care as much as I think you do... I'll tell you where she is. Despite her pulling away...you're what she wants most right now."

"Okay." Jason smirked a little. "You haven't lost your stubbornness, that's apparent." He grinned before turning to leave. "I'll touch base with ya later, Hero."

"I know. And I'm sorry too." Reese nodded slowly.

"Look, I, um... I know we haven't seen eye to eye lately...on a lot of things. And I can't lie...It really bothers me." He pursed his lips in thought. "Not because I'm upset we disagree but because I just hate the tension and distrust...on both sides."

He shrugged and took a sip of coffee. "Not sure how we got to this point, but I wanna fix it. Somehow. The Elite can't afford to have us at odds."

A long pause followed, and he finally took a seat in the extra chair. "There are...changes...that are coming. They have to do with coordinating efforts with the FBI. That's the easy way of putting it, but we're getting pressure from the board, and the bottom line is they're too uncomfortable with our continued free rein. They want us more accountable and less vigilante-ish."

A light chuckle surfaced. "Not quite what I envisioned when I joined TJY under Austin's lead. But it is what it is, and I believe in our work too much to let it end."

He searched Nate's eyes. "No one else knows about any upcoming changes yet, so I'd appreciate it if you kept that tidbit under your hat. But, um...back to us..." He sighed deeply. "I trust you, Nate. I always have. We may not agree. But I trust you. So I want you to know...if you do anything or know anything you think I'd disagree with...just tell me. You're right that I probably wouldn't have wanted you to stay in touch with Victoria. But all I'd expect is to have been informed anyway. I trust your snap judgments and I don't require that you get my permission on everything. I just need to stay in the loop. Especially being under as much scrutiny as we are right now. We need to be a well-oiled machine...always, but especially now."

Another pause allowed for another sip of coffee. "So. I guess the bottom line here is I'm sorry things have been rough. And I need you as my top agent now more than ever. If I get cranky, it's only because I'm trying to make the best decisions for our team as a whole. I'll be open with you, if you're open with me."

Something Worse

Knowing Clint did need the help Chad didn't hesitate to take off his jacket and throw it over on of the tool boxes. He really didn't mind helping, and he didn't mind getting dirty either. Even if thats not why he was there he could still help, and talk at the same time. Clint was his friend too not just Rosalyn's brother. 

   "She moved?"

Chad couldn't help the shock that laced his voice as he moved closer to the car. He hadn't known she was moving, or that she was even considering it. He did know she was tired of being here, and things had gotten pretty rough with there dad but he never would of guessed that she would leave.

   "Is she alright? I haven't heard from her in weeks. I know she was probley trying to drop contact with me, but I'd never forgive myself if I just assumed that and there really was something more wrong."

Katie searches Jason's face for a long moment. She didn't want him to feel like he was a burden because he wasn't, and being a bodyguard was just part of her job title. She never thought badly of it, or regretted it. She did just wish the Agency would leave them alone. She didn't like when someones life was on the line.

    "I'll think about it but more than likely I'll just stay here now. Last thing we need right now is I go off, and Reese gets upset. He's been in quite the mood lately and now I dont want to make it worse. Thank you though J for being so willing, and trying not to hold me down. You're not though so no need to worry."

Smiling at Jason she gives a nod. Her mind was made up. He's just have to call Hunter and let him know what was going on. Maybe he'd like to do lunch there with her. It was much different from a bike ride and a picnic but at least they would still be spending time together.

 Looking up at Reese as he handed him the coffee Nate took a sip. The warm liquid felt good, and he had been running late this morning himself. The coffee tasted extra good because of the lack of it this morning. Putting it down on his desk and giving a small smile Nate nods a little to Reese.


He new all the pressure Reese was under and he could only imgen how blindsided he was with all this stuff that kept going on. So though Nate didn't agree always he could never be to upset at Reese for to long.

   "And I'm sorry it felt like I was keeping you in the dark. That was not my intention at all. I'll try to keep you more informed next time."



Not having been paying a bit of attention to the door, Chad caught Clint off guard, and he whipped his head around in surprise at the new voice. "Chad...Hi." He toyed with the bandana around his hand, and a faint smile surfaced. "I wondered when you'd show up."

He ambled back to the pickup, lifting an eyebrow at Chad's offer to help. "Well... I shouldn't turn you down since I'm running on a tight schedule and can't seem to..." He picked up a wrench as he left his grouchy sentence unfinished. Complaining about Wes' absence wouldn't do any good. "So you can stick around if you want, but... I know you're not here to work on cars."

His fingers fiddled with the wrench as he studied Chad's face. "Rosalyn's not here. She moved to town a few weeks ago."

Jason chuckled at Katie, appreciating her humor and her attempt to make the best of the situation. He shook his head when she mentioned her plans though. "Go. Take the afternoon off. I won't be anywhere but here anyway." Actually, the truth of the matter was since Misty, he had no real life other than home and work. He hung out at Con and Jamie's a bit, but didn't want to be a nuisance, not to mention Con was busy at the factory six days a week. Jason still had friends, for sure, but with the band slowing down lately too, his social life had taken a nosedive. Most of his lunch breaks were spent here. But he smiled at Katie anyway.

"I'll be here, then I'll just make one of the guys shadow me this evening. No big deal." He really didn't want to put her out, no matter how willing she was. This whole thing was stupid to begin with - he just wished he could quit being a target and that the Agency would stop picking on them. 

"I don't know what cases Reese will want to assign us so we're working together anyway, but I doubt he'll have a plan until at least tomorrow." He shrugged and stood up, turning the chair back around. "I, um...thanks." His eyes landed on hers for a moment, and for just a split second, his heart ached. But he forced it to pass quickly. "...For being a good sport, I mean."

Reese wandered in to work, later than normal, with two cups of coffee in hand from the nearby shop. He looked tired this morning, and just a little unkempt, but not disheveled. His button-down shirt was tucked into his jeans, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. It was a contrast to the dress pants and tie he normally wore, but today...today he'd been to weary to concern himself with being formal. 

Stopping at Nate's cubicle, he handed him one of the cups of coffee. "Truce?"


Getting to the ranch Chad drove up the driveway slowly. It liked like a normal day from the other times he'd been there. Though he was slightly feel a bit worried. He didn't know what would happen if he saw Jim. The last time they met it was not so good.

Parking and scanning the ranch Chad didn't even know where to start about Rosalyn. Letting his eyes falling Clint's shop though Chad made his way there. He seemed like one of the best people to talk to and he really had no issue with him. Knocking on the door Chad enters and looks around. 

   "Clint are you here?"

Walking farther in Chad caches a glimpse of Clint. He looked in rought shape like it had been a long day. Giving a wave he walked a little closer.

   "Hey, sorry to bother you...."

Seeing the car that was being worked on and than Clint's hand Chad gave a little nod. He was a little mechanically inclined. 

   "Looks like you could us an extra set of hands. Want some help?"

That's not why he came but he didn't mind helping at all. He could talk to Clint about Rosalyn while he was working if Clint would let him.


Jason chuckled at Katie, appreciating her humor and her attempt to make the best of the situation. He shook his head when she mentioned her plans though. "Go. Take the afternoon off. I won't be anywhere but here anyway." Actually, the truth of the matter was since Misty, he had no real life other than home and work. He hung out at Con and Jamie's a bit, but didn't want to be a nuisance, not to mention Con was busy at the factory six days a week. Jason still had friends, for sure, but with the band slowing down lately too, his social life had taken a nosedive. Most of his lunch breaks were spent here. But he smiled at Katie anyway.

"I'll be here, then I'll just make one of the guys shadow me this evening. No big deal." He really didn't want to put her out, no matter how willing she was. This whole thing was stupid to begin with - he just wished he could quit being a target and that the Agency would stop picking on them. 

"I don't know what cases Reese will want to assign us so we're working together anyway, but I doubt he'll have a plan until at least tomorrow." He shrugged and stood up, turning the chair back around. "I, um...thanks." His eyes landed on hers for a moment, and for just a split second, his heart ached. But he forced it to pass quickly. "...For being a good sport, I mean."

Reese wandered in to work, later than normal, with two cups of coffee in hand from the nearby shop. He looked tired this morning, and just a little unkempt, but not disheveled. His button-down shirt was tucked into his jeans, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. It was a contrast to the dress pants and tie he normally wore, but today...today he'd been to weary to concern himself with being formal. 

Stopping at Nate's cubicle, he handed him one of the cups of coffee. "Truce?"

On the outside, the ranch looked so peaceful and happy. And for the most part, it was true. Horses grazed in the west pasture, Mick was exercising horses while giving a riding lesson, several men were working on Eric's bunkhouse, women were busy with housework, and the sun was shining down on it all. Underneath though, there was still a strange tension hanging in the air. Though having a plan in place, Eric's situation was still a stressful one. Happy, but stressful. Along with that, the issue with Jim was not getting better. If anything, it was growing worse. He was becoming more and more withdrawn, sticking to barn tasks, then disappearing home for hours, and sometimes he didn't even join in the evening meal. Becky had vented to Angel multiple times about his moodiness, and his weight loss, but it seemed there was nothing anyone could do but pray it would pass. 

Out in the garage, Clint lay under a pickup, half-covered head to toe in grease as he worked. Reaching up with a wrench, he paused once, noticing the grime under his fingernails and on his palms. Most of it would come off, but some of it never did. Not when he worked in here every day. Wendy didn't mind, and she'd told him so...but he minded. Was this all that was left for him in life? Was this his lot? Would he be stuck here forever? 

He sighed and focused on the truck again. He'd told the owner he'd have it done by tomorrow and...so far it wasn't looking good. Not that he had any help. And that thought sent a new pang of resentment through his veins. 

As he worked, his wrench slipped, sending his hand skidding across a part of the truck, and tearing into his flesh. Growling in pain, he slid out from under the pickup and looked at the top of his hand which was now producing a good flow of blood. Great. Just great. He got up and went to the first aid kit on the wall and grabbed a couple packages of gauze, tearing into them with his teeth before pressing the pads to his wound. It didn't look like it was going to help much though. He didn't have time to go have Angel use stitches though. So instead, he used the pads and tied a bandanna around his hand to hold them in place to at least keep the bleeding to a minimum. As soon as he was finished here, he'd go get cleaned up. But he had to get this done. Work was slow, and they needed all these jobs they could get. 


Never a Pain

Nate couldn't help but shake his head and let out his own exasperated sign. Everything had gotten out of hand again, and he didn't like being threatened, or compared to someone else. Nate didn't think they were pulling in different directions at all. In fact he had thought there ware walking the same line. Just because He hadn't mentioned something didn't mean he was pulling a different way. 

He didn't even want to say anything else. Nate was to upset and more than likely would just say something he didn't mean. So when Reese dismissed him he was happy in a way. 

Heading out of the office and closing the door behind him Nate didn't bother to stop and he anyone. He just made his way to the door and head home. Maybe some family time is what he needed. After having such a good afternoon he didn't want to end it on a bad note.

Hearing Jason's voice Katie looked up at him and gave a smile. She was happy they were on talking terms again and were starting to build there friendship back. It was important to Katie, and it made things around the office better too.

As Jason's tone changed though and he says they need to talk Katie can't help the small sinking feeling. Something didn't feel right and she didn't like that one bit. Hearing the run down about the hit and everything else that went with it Katie couldn't help the small look of shock on her face. If it wasn't one thing it was always another. They never really did get a break did them. 

   "It's never a pain to keep you safe Jason. Plus we are just starting to gain our friendship back, I don't need someone offing you."

Katie smiles a little as she leaned back in her chair. She tried to find humor in the situation though there was very little. She didn't know if this was going to feel awkward, or strange, but she was going to try and keep it from getting in the way of her friendship and her job.

   "No problem. I had a date with Hunter this afternoon. I was going to play hookie, but I guess I should stay now. I dont need to make Reese one war path anymore than he already is. Just let me know whenever you need to go somewhere, I got your back."

Chad woke with a jolt as the plane landed on the ground. Looking out the window Chad gives a tired yawn and a little stretch. It had been a long flight and he'd been only able to get a little sleep on the plane between stops, but now that he was here he was wide away as the sun peeked through clouds in the sky.

It didn't take long for Chad to get off the plane, get his bags and head to the car rental shop. Sitting in the car he pulled out his phone and dialed the ranch one more time. Still getting no answer he new what he had to do now. The ranch was his destination and hoping he would see Rosalyn was his goal. He just wanted to make sure everything was ok.



Reese frowned at Nate's reasoning, but didn't argue. He was too tired. The fact alone that Nate didn't tell him something because he knew he'd disagree was irritating though. Had he chosen the wrong man for this job? Should he have made someone else Garret's handler? Garret seemed to respond well to him though, so surely it had been the right choice. But why did Reese feel like he was losing his grip on what was really going on? Why did he feel like Nate wasn't telling him enough about what was happening? It didn't feel good, and after trying to move on from their previous disagreements, this just made it all the harder.

He was ready to just let Nate go, when he was hit with the last bit of information. "Excuse me? And when did you find this out?" He cocked his head, knowing that it hadn't just been today, and simply stared at Nate for several long, tense moments. Finally, he threw up his hands before starting to sift through yet another mountain of paperwork. "You know what? Just...go home for the day, and feel lucky you're not somebody like Gunner, who I'd probably suspend for not having told me something like this the moment you found out." There were so many things he would have handled differently, had he known Victoria was a Medridge.

He took a moment to take a deep breath before glancing up at him one last time. "I'm sure it did just slip your mind, and I'm sure you're acting on everything you feel is right. And I can appreciate that - really. I just thought we were over this little thing of pulling in opposite directions, but I guess I was wrong." He returned to his paperwork. "I'll see you tomorrow. Shut the door on your way out, if you would, please. Thank you." This conversation was over for now. He had too many other things to worry about.

Hunter grinned and leaned down to give Katie's neck a soft kiss. "Well, I wouldn't want you to wind up dead...that would be so tragic." He started to laugh though, and gave her another squeeze. "I think I can be satisfied with just part of the day. So a date it is then. And bring your jacket...we'll take my bike."

That evening, it was Wyatt who went home with Jason to keep an eye on things. They didn't know what to look for or when someone might strike, but Reese was taking no chances. Most likely, the evening shifts would vary between several of the guys, but Reese was putting his foot down about using Katie during the day, whether Jason liked it or not...

"Mornin', Katie." Jason had just gotten to work the next morning after juggling a new routine with Wyatt around, and his hair was still wet from his rushed shower. Trooper was also by his side - an addition he himself had decided couldn't hurt, and at least Reese was allowing that as long as the huge canine behaved.

Jason slipped into the cubicle and straddled an extra chair backward before sighing. "I...need to talk to you."

Trooper wandered in as well, even though there really wasn't room for him, and set his chin on the desk, eyeing Katie lazily.

"Get out of here, ya big brute," Jason chided.

The dog glanced over at him and huffed a sigh, then gave Katie a slobbery kiss before turning and leaving to lie down outside the cubicle.

Jason rolled his eyes before turning his attention back to the task at hand. "Um... there's sort of a hit out on me. It's the Agency. So Reese wants me to have a shadow. Again. I'm working nights out with the guys, but...daytime shifts..." He scrunched his nose and grimaced an apology. "Reese wants you back on bodyguard duty." He leaned his arms on the back of the chair. "I'm gonna talk to him about making sure we're at least on the same cases so if we gotta go out, it'll be together anyway, but...yeah."

He paused, just studying Katie's face. Would she find this uncomfortable or awkward? Would she hate it? Would she feel put out? They'd made such a good team before...but they'd been dating. Now she had someone else. Someone else to see after hours. To have lunches with. To have a life with, besides work. And now she'd be tied down to spending much of her day with Jason instead. Would she resent that?

"I, um..." He cleared his throat. "I'm sorry. I guess all I can offer is if you've got plans or something sometime, just tell me, and I can make sure I've got someone else to cover for you those days. I don't want this to be a pain in the neck for you."

It was late. Stars dotted the clear, black sky and a chilly breeze caressed the night air. All was quiet, except for the peaceful sounds of horses in the barns. The last couple weeks had been happy. Stressful. Fun. Upsetting. Inspiring. And tiring. Two new mouths to feed seemed a relatively small thing. But along with them came emotional stress, construction on Eric’s bunkhouse, and a very vague future. Family, though…that’s what counted here, just like it always had. From day one, the two families had been a team, and that’s what they would always be. 

In the back room at Angel’s office, a small lamp provided soft, warm light. For now, this was the babies’ room until Eric’s addition was finished. And most nights it was Eric’s room as well, except for when someone volunteered to take over for him. But most of the time, he insisted he stay.

Leaned back in an easy chair with his feet up, Eric was sound asleep, exhausted from another long day. Curled up down by his hip was one girl, while the other was snuggled up nearer his chest, his arms keeping both of them close under a now-haphazard blanket. For as much stress as all this had caused…right here and now there was peace. Peace in this little family. With Eric, Harmony and Melody.

Three weeks. Three weeks and two days to be exact. And though more settled now, it really didn’t feel all that much better. 

Rosalyn picked up another vase to dust, careful to clean around all the little knick knacks on the bookcase. Mrs. Jargen liked her things to be dusted just so, as Rosalyn had learned early on. It was one of five different houses she was cleaning now, which provided enough money to get by. There were no luxuries, but without her own car, and being able to split rent three ways, things seemed to work themselves out.  

She saw Clint at least twice a week when he’d come to town for supplies, for which she was grateful. He was the only one who had the landline number to call and keep in touch, so getting together for lunch was easy. She wondered if he really needed supplies that often though, but she never asked – it felt good that he at least cared enough to keep an eye on her. He never badgered her about her lack of communication with anyone else, and only gave her messages when she asked. And at least she was able to hear all about how his and Wendy’s baby was doing – she just wished she were there to spend time with her new niece. 

Then there was Chad. Rosalyn hadn’t contacted him since the day before she’d left the ranch – and she had not told him of her move. She’d left her broken phone with Clint, saying goodbye to all communication with the man who caused her heart so much turmoil. The stress and the emotions were too much to handle. Being on her own for the first time, thrown into a completely foreign part of life, sharing a house with two friends, unable to really communicate with her family anymore…it was all so overwhelming that handling any additional emotions seemed an impossible feat. And Chad certainly created additional emotions. She couldn’t handle it all. She just couldn’t. It was better to just make a clean break and move on, rather than trying to figure it all out. 

It was just one big mess, and Rosalyn felt so badly, but she didn’t know how else to handle it. Even if she wanted to communicate again, she couldn’t tell Chad she’d left behind all she loved. She couldn’t tell him she cried herself to sleep most nights. She couldn’t tell him that even though there was part of her that enjoyed this new life, there was also a part of her that was miserable. She couldn’t tell him because he didn’t deserve to share in this grief. He didn’t deserve to have to deal with all her problems or feel responsible. He deserved more - plain and simple…

“…Oh, this came for you today.” Lizzie tossed a box to Rosalyn in the kitchen. “Hannah’s been dying to see it.”

“Have not!” Hannah defended as she took a pizza out of the oven. “I’ve just been…curious.”

Rosalyn laughed as she opened up the box that her new cell phone had come in. “I have to admit, getting a new phone is always rather exciting.”

“A great excuse to celebrate.” Hannah licked some pizza sauce off her finger. “Mmm…perfect.” 

“So…” Lizzie leaned on the counter to get a closer look at the new phone. “Who’s getting your new number?”

Rosalyn smirked to accompany her sigh. “You guys, of course. And…my brother. And…maybe my mom…if I think my dad won’t interfere, which is still up for debate.” 

“And….your boyfriend?” 

“He’s not my boyfriend.” Rosalyn unwound her phone’s cord so she could charge it. “You know I haven’t talked to him in over three weeks.”

“Which I still don’t understand!” Hannah retrieved some paper plates from the cupboard. “From your description, he seems like a dream.”

“Mmm…yes. But I need more than a dream right now. I’m too involved in stark reality to try and figure out whether or not he’s part of my future or just part of a distracting fairytale.” 

Lizzie rolled her eyes. “I could do with a handsome, distracting fairytale right about now.”

Rosalyn grinned, but shook her head. “I’ve spent all this time trying to figure out my own reality, and the fact is, I am too wrapped up in trying to figure out me to try and figure out if Chad an I have anything more than a fairytale going. I need something solid. Something…real.” 

“So why on earth don’t you tell him that instead of leaving the poor guy hanging?” Hannah scolded.

“Because…it’s all bigger than just that. It’s…it’s… complicated.”

Lizzie grabbed a can of coke from the fridge. “It’s ‘cause she can’t bring herself to out-and-out break up with him, ‘cause she’s really in love with him but would rather not admit it.”

Rosalyn’s jaw dropped. “You’ve got some nerve tonight!”

Lizzie laughed. “As if that’s an oddity.” 

“Yeah, well…maybe I do have feelings for him. But he doesn’t deserve my current mess. I’m an emotional basket case, he’s too far away to do anything about it, and I don’t want him dragged into the middle of it.” Rosalyn plugged in her phone before flipping open the user manual to scan all the features. “He’s the kind of guy who needs someone stronger than that…someone with more guts…more experience…more confidence in who they are. He…deserves more than what I have to offer..” 

“So…you’re doing this for him?” Hannah had come up beside her at the counter. “Wouldn’t it still better to tell him rather than just making him think you’re dead or something?”

“Yeah. It would be,” Rosalyn admitted. “But he won’t think I’m dead because my brother would have told him, and he knows that, and even if he didn’t, he’d call the ranch and find out I simply left. And…Lizzie’s right. I just can’t bring myself to actually  tell him to lay off. Besides, the last time I did, it didn’t work anyway. If he thinks I’m mean for just shutting him out, then maybe he’ll get the message. He…probably already has, and already has another girl on his arm that actually has her act together.” The only thing she could do was get used to this. Chad would figure out that she no longer wanted to communicate, and he’d move on. And it would be better all around. Except…for the deep ache in her heart that kept reminding her how much she was still in love with him.


As Jason enters Nate just mulled over Reese's words. He couldn't help but let Reese words hit him wrong. It felt like he was almost blowing things out of proportion, and giving Nate hardly any room at all. It sat with him wrong, and really did bother him.

Staying quit while Jason was there Nate threw him a look to say he was sorry. This wasn't his fault but he was the bringer of the bad news. Things couldn't be different. They were what they were. Once Jason was gone Nate turned his attachen back to Reese to pick up the conversation from before.

   "I was honest with you and I always have been. I didn't think Victoria was going to call at all, and if I had told you what I was doing you never would have let me. But I never lied, and I've never held information from you either when you've asked."

Letting out a long sigh and running a hand over his face Nate's eyes had become tired. There never seemed to be a day of rest, and things always seemed to get harder and harder. Someones life was always on the line.

   "Other than my sister took a liking to Garret, and he was a completely different person with her...in a good way. No I don't have anything else. If Victoria calls with any other information I'll let you know."

Standing Nate walks to the door before a through comes to him and he stops. He did know more and with everything going on it completely slipped his mind.

   "Oh yeah, it honestly slipped my mind but Victoria is Medridg's granddaughter. Scott confirmed it. She didn't have to call me, and she didn't have to give us the tip. She could be as cold as her grandfather but she's not, and thats saying a lot for that bloodline. But The Agency is all she's know since she was born. Doesn't make it right but it makes me want to help her that much more because its sad she's had to live a life like that."

Looking up at Hunter Katie smiles. She loves these nights with him when it was quiet, with a move just playing for sound and enjoying each others company. The sounds of a motorcycle ride and a picnic sounded amazing. A little bit of relaxation she needed. 

   "That sounds amazing, but Reese would kill me if I skipped a whole day. Maybe I can take a half day though and around lunch time you can pick we up and we can go. At least than I can spend time with you, and not get killed by my boss."

Scarlett couldn't help but laugh at Eli. He sure did always have a way with words and making her smile. He was so caring too and that was important to her. Family was everything and seeing that he was the same way was nice. There was not enough people like that in the world.

   "Of course you can. I'm not going away that easy. "



Hearing about Scarlet's cousin, Eli frowned and shook his head. "I'm sorry to hear about that. That's rough." For a moment, he thought about his own life, prior to coming here. Living with his girlfriend had gone south as well...he could relate to being in an unhealthy situation. Although at the time, he was probably most of the problem.

"I think that's great that you can help her out. That's what family is for." He gave her shoulders a squeeze. "As long as I still get you to myself from time to time," he teased.

Sitting on the floor in front of his couch, Hunter's arms were draped around Katie as she sat between his legs, leaned back against his chest as they watched the movie. It was one they'd both seen, so it was more about spending the evening together than catching every line. 

"I was thinking about taking my bike up to the lake tomorrow," he tempted her as he rested his head on top of hers. "Wanna play hooky and take a long lunch to have a picnic with me?" He tightened his arms around her. "It would be so much more exciting than work..."

Reese blinked again, and just stared at Nate for a moment. "You...have had contact...with Victoria." He frowned, pursing his lips in thought. "Well...I think you're playing with fire, and I have no reason to trust what that woman says, let alone her intentions." He paused. "But...I've no idea how this could be a setup. There would seem to be no reason to tip us off about this if there was mal-intent." 

His brow furrowed as he continued to think. "I can't lie... I am... disappointed that you didn't tell me about giving Victoria a way to contact you. I guess I consider that fairly important and... I trusted you to be completely honest with me. Now I wonder if there's anything else you haven't -"

"Yeah, what do you need?" Jason came into the office and looked between Reese and Nate. "What's going on?"

Reese let his conversation with Nate go for now and shifted his focus to Jason. "We just got a tip... There's a new threat on your life."

Jason's shoulders dropped. "You're kidding me. Is this some disgruntled guy I helped put away, or the Agency?" 

"It's the Agency. Victoria apparently shared that Garret was killed, so she could protect him. But now they want revenge."

"Well, why me?" Jason crossed his arms in frustration. "I don't get it."

"Does the Agency ever make sense?" Reese shook his head. "You're not to go anywhere without a bodyguard, effective immediately."

Jason rolled his eyes. "Just what I wanted."

"I'm serious, Hotshot. This is a direct order."

"Great. Just great. So what now? I get a shadow that some sniper is just gonna shoot around anyway?"

"It'll be a second set of eyes," Reese reasoned. "Katie was invaluable the last time there was a hit out on you."

"Yeah and that never did get solved."

"Well maybe this time it will, and your skin will be saved in the process. This is not up for debate!"

Jason scowled before looking at Nate. "So your role in this is what?"

"He got the tip," Reese informed. "Now. About a bodyguard. I want Katie -" 

"Oh come on!" Jason threw up his arms. "You know that she and I -"

"Are the best dang team I've got," Reese finished sternly. "She is your shadow until this is over, and you and her will set aside any of your screwed-up personal issues in order to get along as the duo I know you can be. End of discussion." 

Jason gritted his teeth. Already he was imagining the dreaded awkwardness. He and Katie were getting along fine now. They talked at work, and were finally starting to share at least a small kind of friendship again. But to be forced to spend all day every day together... It didn't feel cool at all. "Fine. But what about nights?" There had been a time when he and Katie would have been fine with that too...but not now.

"I'll see who's free, but it will probably end up being Wyatt or Pete, or both. Well see how it all works out. But Katie's your primary bodyguard. I'll inform her in the morning."

Though still upset, Jason shook his head. "No... I'll tell her myself." He sighed. "Is that all?"

"Yeah...for now. But don't go home until you've got one of the guys with you."

"And what if I've got a date?"

Reese quirked an eyebrow. "Do you?"

"Well no..."

A grin toyed at Reese's mouth. "Then do as I ask before I suspend you."

"Right." Jason smirked and threw Nate a look before he left the office.

Reese sighed and turned his attention back to Nate. "Thank you. For the intel, I mean. And I'm sure if Jason were in a better mood, he'd thank you too. Now...any other tidbits of news I should know about?"


Looking at Reese still Nate played in his head if he should tell Reese Victoria had helped him or is he should keep that to himself. He wondered what Reese's reaction might be but there was really no telling and Nate new Reese pretty well. If he didn't just tell him from the get go he'd probley be more upset with him than if he would be telling him now.

    "Well...when Victoria left I gave her a burner phone and my number. I told her if she even needed anything to let me know. Garret trusts her, and I trust Garret. I honestly dont think she would do anything to harm him."

Nate new it was risky to do what he did, but he did it anyways. There was was a missing link and Nate felt like that link was Victoria. What was done was done now, and she had called. All he could do was hope that her intel was truth.

   "She called today and filled me in. She also asked not to tell Garret she called. She is going to try and get anything else for us and than call me back. She cared about Garret and would do anything to keep him safe. I just think...she doesn't know how to show it."

Oh yes if Eli hadn't reminded her with everything else going on she would of completely forgot to even mention her excitement to him. Rubbing her nose aganst his and than sitting back a little she lets out a small sigh holding her cup and watching it for a second before looking up again.

   "Work went pretty good, and than I got a call from my younger cousin. Her mom passed away about a year ago and shes never met her dad. Well she's been having some health issues, and she caught her boyfriend cheating on her in there own apartment and its just...not good."

Scarlett's heart really went out to her cousin. She was one of the closest family member she had and to see her in pain hurt Scarlett so much.

   "She thought she could deal with it but than the guy wouldn't leave her alone, he wouldn't move out, and he was just being really bad to her. So she called me and asked me to help her. So needless to say my bike came back on a hitch, as I drove with her in a moving truck and she is staying with me for a while till she can get on her feet. I just feel so bad for her. She really has no one and is dealing with so much."



Back to the Elite, Garret felt a little bit of a letdown. He'd finally gotten some fresh air, and he was grateful, but now it was worse, coming back here to his mini prison. Would he get out again? Had this been just a fleeting glimpse at what he didn't have, or had it been an actual step in the right direction? He wasn't sure. 

Despite there being fewer people around now, Garret headed downstairs to take up residence on his cot once again.

Reese blinked at Nate's information, trying to wrap his head around it. He'd just about been ready to call it a day, his head was pounding, the whole Garret thing just blew his mind, and now Jason was a target?

He rubbed a hand over his face before sighing deeply. "Great. That's all Jason needs. Guess I shouldn't be surprised though. Garret said Victoria wouldnt betray him - he must have been right if they're on the warpath now."

He leaned over to his phone and picked up the receiver. "Hey, Hotshot, you still here? Yeah... I need to see you." He hung up and looked back to Nate. "I'll figure out what needs to happen to keep him safe until this dies down. I gotta ask though... Where did you get this intel?"

Eli grinned as he leaned in even closer. "Well now...I can't have you withering away, now can I?" Pressing his lips to hers, his hand slipped around to cradle the back of her head. He didn't care if they were in a public place or not - he'd missed her, and the depth of his kiss proved it.

Though he would have liked to continue the passionate exchange for much longer, he pried himself away, knowing they could enjoy each other later in a more appropriate setting. His grin returned and he ran a gentle finger over her cheek. "Have I said lately how beautiful you are?" 

Another brief kiss was placed on her lips. "So I never got to ask...what was your family emergency? Is everything okay?"

Tal leaned his elbows on the bar, his fingers lazily shifting the empty shot glass in uneven circles. It had been a long time since he'd sulked here, and he hadn't really wanted to come...but his sour mood had gotten the best of him. It felt as if perhaps no time had passed at all. He was right back where he'd been...and just as miserable...maybe even more so.

"Want another?"

He looked up lazily at the bartender and shrugged. "Why not? Give me another shot. And a beer."

He wasn't sure he remembered the last time he'd gotten drunk. It had been years, it had been stupid, and it had been regretted. And here he was now, setting himself up for the same fall. And he didn't care.

After downing the new whiskey, he took a long swig of beer, wondering how long it would take to feel the buzz. It was a tap to his shoulder that he felt, though, and he turned to see a young woman dressed to kill.

"Hey, handsome." She smiled sweetly. "I couldn't help but notice you were alone and...I can't stand to see a lonely man."

Tal smirked and turned back to his drink. "Then don't watch."

She frowned and moved in closer. "Aw, come on. At least give me a chance."

"To do what?" Tal threw her a disgusted glance. "Go find yourself someone with less self respect." He ignored her glare and didn't watch as she walked away. He just wanted to be left alone. He always ended up alone anyway.

He took another long swallow of beer, and thought about the fact that he had no designated driver. And he didn't care.

Wither Away

Maggie smiles big again following both Nate and Garret half way out. Giving a nod to Garrets comment and a wave as both of them disappeared. For her today, had been a great day.

Running inside quick to just let Laura know they were leaving again, and a that it might be a long night but he'd be home as soon as he could Nate made his way outside again and got into the car with Garret. It was a quiet ride back to the office as Nate thought about many things. 

Getting to the office and inside he let Garret go and told him they would do something again soon. He also told him to make himself at home anywhere. Most people would be gone by now so he wouldn't feel strange. Heading to Reese office he gives a knock on the door before entering and sitting down.

   "So I've got some good news and some bad news. The good news is that Garret came with me and everything went great. I think Maggie took a liking with him and he was a true gentlemen."

Nate beamed without even knowing it. He was really proud of how things went today and new this was a step in the right direction. It was hard not to smile without thankful he was.

Coming back to the more important topic Nate's face changed to one with more consern. This was a sensitive matter and he didn't have all the details. He could only hope that Victoria would call back soon with more information.

   "Now the bad news. I got a heads up that The Angency is on a rampage for revenge for the "death" of Garret. There target is Jason."

Nate is silent for a moment searching his boss face. A lot had been going on and it was piling up. Things always seemed to work that way and Nate new it was hard.

   "I don't have all the details, but I'm hoping to hear more soon. I just think we should be ready for whatever comes out way, and keep Jason safe."

Scarlett can't help the smile that spreads across her face as Eli comes close. She really had missed him too. For him to be so close now felt warm and fuzzy, and just right. Every moment spent with him was more amazing than the last. 

    "Mmm....I could never get enough of yours either. You know...it's been pretty lonely these last few weeks without you. I thought I was going to wither away to nothing."



Garret certainly didn't expect Maggie to take his hand, but he didn't pull away, and instead, let her lead him to the shed. She had such an innocence about her... Anyone who knew anything about him wouldn't trust him at the very least, if not be downright scared of him. But not this young woman. It felt...different. It felt...nice. 

Another smile creased his lips as he headed for the toolbox. "I...think you're right." He set the tools inside, then took the rest from Maggie to put them away as well.

He gave her a sidelong glance and just studied her for a moment. "I bet you help out your brother a lot around here don't you?"

A shadow caught his eye and he straightened as he realized it was Nate. "Yeah...yeah, you left me in good hands, alright." He tossed Maggie another wink. Something was off though. Something in Nate's eye put Garret on edge. Who had called? What was so urgent that he had to go back to work right now? But his was not to question.

"No reason to be sorry. I got the allowed time outside my cell, right?" He didn't mean to sound ungrateful. He just wasn't looking forward to going back. It had been so nice outside today, and for just a little while, he'd been able to imagine real freedom. But now, reality was back.

He came back outside before turning and giving Maggie a wave. "Remember where those tools are...your brother might need them again if he didn't do a good enough job today."

Back at the office, Reese was at his desk, and tossed a handful of papers over his shoulder, accompanied by a frustrated growl. This day was not turning out to be one he'd like to repeat.

He picked up his phone. "Susa...." Another growl surfaced as he hung up. She wasn't back to work yet. He wasn't mad at her - just the situation. To top it all off, he was concerned about Nate. It had been a couple hours since he'd left with Garret. And though Reese wasn't going to restrict Nate, he wasn't totally comfortable with that whole thing. What if this project blew up? What if keeping Garret around failed? The Elite's future was hanging in the balance as it was.

Eli gave Scarlet's hand a squeeze. "You don't have anything to apologize for. If it had been me, I'd have been upset too. I hate secrets, I just... I'd given my word. Otherwise, I would have told you from day one." 

Pausing, he got up from his seat and moved around to Scarlet's side of the table to slide into the booth next to her. He put his arm around her shoulders and gave her a loving squeeze. "And...from day one...I haven't been able to get enough of your kisses... So this has been really, really, really hard..." He leaned in close. "...to wait this long."


Digging her toe into the dirt for a second Maggie finally looked up bring a finger to her lips as she was deep in thought. Garret wanted her to help him..how honored she felt and her beaming face proved it. Walking up closer Maggie takes his hand into hers and smiles even bigger.

   "I think...they go in here...come one lets see."

Leading Garret into the shed Maggie looks around for a long second before seeing the big red tool box that was over against one of the walls. Pointing and smiling Maggies takes some of the tools she had, had in her other hands and walks over to it.

   "They go here...I think."

   "You are sure of what you heard? Can't you get anymore info than that?"

Nate leaned aganst the wall and ran a hand over his face. They should of known this would happen. Of course the Agency would want someone to pay for there "loss" of Garret. No matter how you looked at it though this would have happened. At least they had someone on the inside.

   "Yes, I know what I heard. I don't have any more information right now, but I'll see what I can kind out and let you know. I gotta go Nate or I am going to get caught and hanged myself. Please don't tell Garret I called. I hope he's doing ok. Bye."

Hanging up the phone Victoria quickly puts it into one of her drawers along with the number. This was a dangerous game she was playing. Doing this in her own house was completely different than doing it else were. So many eye and ears lingered here.

Getting her emotions in check though she stood. It was almost lunch time and if she wasn't there someone would start to wonder. She had to keep her cool, this was a normal day just like any other.

Slipping his phone back into his pocket Nate lets out a long sigh. With this new information his half day was not going to turn into a full day. He had to get back and tell Reese. 

Going back around to the back Nate looks around not Garret or Maggie. Seeing the door to the shed open Nate walks over and just stands in the door watching Garret and Maggie for a moment. It was cute really, and Garret seemed to be so soft with her. It warmed Garret's heart and just proved to him more that Garret was a good guy.

    "Thank you for putting the tools back. Looks like I left you in good hands Garret."

Looking back to Garret Nate's expression says he was sorry. He new Garret was going to hate going to go back but it was time.

   "We have to get going back to the office. Something came up and I have to talk with Reese. Sorry Garret."

Hearing that Ryan was ok for the most part Scarlett was very thankful. But hearing everything that was going along with what she was going through hurt her heart. Ryan was a good person and to just have this crap happy to her was terrible. 

   "Lets hope in no time she will be better with Justin's help. I'm just happy she is able to get the help she needs and it wasn't to late. I can't imagen what she is going though."

Taking another sip of her coffee that had been brought to her Scarlett leans back in the booth just continuing to listen to Eli. As Eli takes her had Scarlett can't help but smile a little. She really had missed Eli, and hated she left on such bad terms. But as he continues to talk, and explain even more of what was going on Scarlett felt a little worse. She got why Eli hadn't told her, and yet she had given him such a hard time.

   "Oh course I forgive you and...I'm sorry too that I wasn't more understanding. I guess maybe thats something I need to work on. I just didn't like how it felt to have something being kept from me, and I do still have my issues with trust. So I am sorry as well and I hope you can forgive me."


Forgive me?

Maggie's sudden and enthusiastic appearance caused Garret's eyebrows to rise. He'd known Nate had a sister but hadn't known anything about her. Now though, it only took a couple seconds for him to catch her childlike behavior and realize that she wasn't the typical sibling.

The apparent conversation about his good looks forced a completely unintentional smile to the surface, as a genuine look of laughter entered his eyes. He swallowed a chuckle and cocked his head at Maggie as she hid her face against Nate. "Hey, Maggie, it's nice to meet you." He threw her a wink. "I think I know who got the good looks in your family, too."

Interrupted by Nate's phone, Garret wondered at the strange look on his face, or why he'd made eye contact. He just nodded though. It was none of his business, and he wasn't going anywhere. Funny thought, that...here he was, a virtual prisoner, with no desire to take advantage of being left alone. Or at least...with Maggie. 

He glanced at her again, and his smile returned. "I'm not sure where to put all these tools back...you wouldn't know where they go, would you?"

Seeing Scarlet, Eli's heart skipped a beat. The way things had been lately, a part of him feared she might not come. All he wanted now was to pull her into his arms, hug and kiss her. But he knew he had talking to do first. So he settled on reaching across the table to take her hands instead. 

"Things are...alright. And Ryan is...okay." He gave her a half smile, trying to sound positive. Cutting right to the chase, he explained the whole thing, about Ryan's separation from reality, to the accident, to now. "She's seeing a counselor - it's a guy who's been involved in the Elite, and actually worked with Alec before too. I...think there's been some improvement. She's just so...listless." It even hurt to say it. His fingers ran over her hand absentmindedly, the emotions showing in his eyes. "I'm just worried about her and miss the old Ryan." 

He paused. "Oh yeah. And Tal broke up with her too, 'cause he found out she still loved Alec and got his feelings hurt. So...yeah. That doesn't help things, and...he and I are kinda tense right now too."

A little grin surfaced. "Welcome home, babe." And...he still had yet to come clean about his secret. He sighed deeply, tired and worn out. But he couldn't stop now, and he wasn't going to wait any longer, even if it meant throwing everything at Scarlet at once. 

"So on top of all that, I've been working for the Elite. Just contract labor as a set of eyes." He paused. "I've...been watching certain targets on and off now for quite a while. It started with Alec. The chief - Reese - wanted me to keep and eye on him and I turned in reports every week. Since then, I've had a few other targets too - mostly people thought to be with the Agency crime system, so I could confirm or lay to rest any suspicions."

He gave her a look of apology. "I signed a contract that included ultimate secrecy. I gave my word not to tell anyone - it was the only way to assure my safety and keep my cover. And then...I made a few mistakes and got caught being secretive." A wry grin emerged. "I just couldn't tell you everything until I'd cleared it with Reese. I couldn't break my word or my contract. But while you were gone, I got clearance to come clean. To you. And only you. No one else can know at this point. I'll probably end up getting Ryan approved for the information, but for now, you're the only one."

He searched Scarlet's eyes. "Forgive me?"

Phone Call

Nate can't help but laugh as he shakes his head. They actually did it. He was surprised thinking it was really a lost cause but they had gotten it done. Turning to Laura in the window he gives a thumbs up before turning back to Garret.

   "You are very welcome. I enjoyed having you help me, and it seems like you were the right man for the job. I guess next time...."

  "Nate....You fixed it!"

Having his words cut off Nate turns and smiles big as his sister comes down the steps and wraps her arms around him. Returning the hug Nate just soaked it up while he could. It had been a few days since he had seen Maggie. He'd worked late and she had been in bed before him, and than he was up before her. It was rough not seeing her, but it made days like this even better.

   "Hey Hey...can you believe it? We actually did get it working right. I'm pretty surprised."

Giving a laugh Maggie nods before glancing at Nate and than back to Nate. Pulling him down closer she leans in and whispers in his ear. 

Nate can't help the shocked look on his face before his cheeks turned a little red.

   "Well...I'm not into judging guys but...he's not really that bad looking is he?!"

Standing again Nate lays his arm over his sister shoulder and turns to Garret. His eyes twinkled with pride proving the love he had for her. She meant everything to him.  She was one the best thing in his life.

   "Garret, I'd like you to meet my older sister Maggie. Maggie, this is Garret."

Maggie gives a wave as her cheeks turn red a little bit. Turning slightly she burys her face into Nate and than peeks one eye out at him.

 Leaning against the wall Victoria was very careful to make sure no one saw her as she listened into her Grandfathers meeting. She'd been walking by after getting back from her latest mission when she had noticed something was going on and being slightly irratated that she was not in on it she couldn't help but stop and listen.

Jason...Jason...Victoria tried hard to put faces to names she had seen with her brief time with the Elite. She couldn't remember Jason interrogating her, but she remembered passing an office that had his name on it and glancing inside before being pushed along. He wasn't bad looking, seemed nice, and he seemed pretty chatty with the red head that had come with them to the botched exchange of Susanne. If she remembered right her name was Katie.

Not wanting to stay an longer for fear of getting  caught Victoria makes her way to her room quickly. Sitting down she just sits there for a moment. Something inside her twisted as she played over and over again what was going to happen to Jason. Why did it bother her so? It really shouldn't and yet it did.

Pulling out the burner phone that Nate had given her and his number Victoria just looked at the numbers for a long moment. Standing and going into the bathroom She new inside that would be one safe place she could talk. She had to warn them...if for nothing else than for Garret.

Laughing again and shaking his head Nate couldn't help but laugh at his sister. He thought it was cute she had a mini crush on Garret. Feeling the phone on his hip vibrate Nate grabs it and takes a look at the number. Not knowing it Nate was hesitant but answered it anyways. It could be anyone and he just didn't know the number.


   "Nate...its Victoria...do you have a second to talk? I have some information."

Nate couldn't help his look of surprise as he looked up at Garret. He hadn't expected Victoria to call so soon if at all. He wondered what kind of information she had for him.

   "Yeah I can give me a second."

Putting the phone down he looks to his sister and smiles, and than looks to Garret.

   "I have to take this. I'll be right back. Make yourself comfortable."

Disappearing around the side of the house out of ear shot Nate continues his call knowing if anything it wouldn't last to long.

   "Ok, what do you got for me?"

Pulling up to the dinner Scarlet parked her bike and took her helmet off. Scanning the parking lot she smiles a little when seeing Eli's bike. She might had been upset with him, but she sure had missed him while she was away. The limited texting only added to that.

Entering the dinner it didn't take her long to see Eli and give a wave coming over to the table and sitting down. He was a sight for sore eyes for sure. She also wanted to know how Ryan was. She'd been pretty worried about her.

  "Hey! Hows it going? How is everything with Ryan?"