

Susanne was sure making this hard on him wasn't she? Not that she meant to but Chuck just found it humorous and even better for him. This ment he could show Susanne some new things and not have to worry about it being the same old same old for her.

"Thats ok, least I know I wont pick something you don't like to eat, and as for the experiencing things we will just have to change that. I think it will be fun to be able to show you some new stuff."

Taking a sip of his drink Chuck takes the moment to think about the question Susanne threw back at him. He new what he liked to eat, and as far as a dream of his...well he had a few even if he new they were far out of reach.

"Well, as far as food goes I like anything. Put it in front of me and I'll eat it but if I had to pick one I'd say Greek. And dream...I'd like to go to Disney World one day."

Chuck couldn't help but let his cheeks get red for a moment. It was kind of embarrassing saying that out loud but its always been something he wanted to do with Ana and never got a chance too.

"I'd always wanted to be able to gather the money to go with Ana, even since she was little. I'm still saving but other things keep coming up and so the dream gets pushed back more and more. It's nice to have something to work twords though."

Being close to Justin with his arm over her shoulders Beth could feel the safety in his touch. It was something new for her. To look for safety in someone else arm, but the feeling was warm, and it made her feel good. She could relax a little but know she was safe all the same.

Continuing to watch the movie and using Justin's side every now and than to bury her face from something on tv Beth was enjoying this time with Justin. It was different it was nice.

As the movie is over Beth lets out a sigh and gives a stretch. The movie, pie, and dinner was good. Beth couldn't help but feel a little sad too that Justin was going to be leaving now though she new he had too.

"Don't worry, I think if I had bad dreams I'd be calling you in the middle of the night and asking you to come over."

Beth gives a smile as her eyes twinkle a little. She new Justin was a good enough friend that if she did have nightmares he would at least say on the phone with her till she was ok again. That alone made for a nice feeling friendship.

"Thanks Justin for coming over tonight. It's really nice having someone to fill in the cracks of my time. Not to mention your a good friend to hang around with on top of it. We will have to do it again soon."