

Eli quirks an eyebrow at Ryan's response about Alec, but he doesn't comment. He wasn't too sure how she felt about all this - he just thought she should know about the court hearing. Even if Alec was her ex, it only seemed right that she know what happened to him.

Throwing her a smirk he gestures to the television where a DVD sat. "It's right there. Or have you gone blind?"

Tal grins and shakes his head. He could tell Ryan would rather move on from the subject of Alec right now, and he respected that. "Your brother is just lazy," he comments. Getting up from the couch, he puts the DVD in then comes back to his spot, flopping down a little harder than necessary, just to make Ryan bounce into him so he could "help" steady her by putting his arm around her. His grin remains as he retrieves his bowl of ice cream again and settles back with Ryan under his arm. "Ahh, now this is the life."

It was an enjoyable, peaceful evening. The movie was good and so was the company. Tal doesn't really want to leave when it's over - though that feeling wasn't new. He really did like hanging out over here. He liked Eli and he liked Ryan, and he never wanted to take their friendship for granted.

A little while later, he's ambling slowly to his car with Ryan walking him out. As he nears the parking lot, he gradually comes to a stop and slips his arm around her shoulders. "Ya know... I'm kinda growing fond of you."

He smiles down at her as they stand near the parking lot light. "Thanks for allowing me into your life. Getting to know you and Eli, it's... well, it's been a real blessing." Having started out with the intention of helping Ryan, he'd wound up with some unexpected benefits too.

He turns and lets his hand slide down her arm until his fingers reach hers. "I, um... I don't want you to ever feel pressured or that I want more out of this than you do..." He really meant it. He honestly didn't know where their relationship was going at this point, but he didn't want to seem like someone who had pounced as soon as Alec was out of the way. On the contrary, he just really wanted someone to treat Ryan right, so he'd decided to be that someone. "I mean, I know you and Alec are over, but I know it's not just as easy as saying that either." He shrugs. "I guess I just wanted to say that."

Kip glances up at Karla and eyes the pizza as his stomach rumbles. He'd skipped supper... it looked like she knew him too well.

Sitting up a little straighter, he accepts the slices and gives her a half a smile. "Thanks." Hearing everyone missed him, he shrugs and takes a bite of pizza. "I figure one of these days I won't show up and nobody'll notice."

He thumbs inside the house, moving on quickly since he knew Karla would chide him for that comment. "Looking at the paper today. Grocery store down a few blocks from here is hiring. Thought I might go check it out."

It didn't seem possible, how fast time went by. But without warning, a week was gone. The ranch was peaceful. There were ups and downs and daily trials, but nothing anyone could really complain about.

"Hey, Dylan?"

Dylan finishes tossing a shovelful of manure into the wheelbarrow before turning to see Mick in the stall doorway. They hadn't spoken much lately... Dylan really hadn't spoken much to anybody this last week or so. He'd been bored out of his mind while trying to recover from his fall, and finally yesterday Sparky let him back in the saddle - it had been a good ride without incident. That seemed to help his spirits some, and even if he said he hated cleaning stalls, he really didn't mind the job so much anymore, and he'd come to realize that it was better than sitting in his bunkhouse all day like he had been. He'd talked a little with Ashlee the last few days but it was mostly "hi" and "see you later" at mealtimes or in between. Now having Mick address him, Dylan's first thought was that he'd done something wrong. "Yeah?"

"I'm gonna go to a horse auction this afternoon." Mick leans on the doorway and shrugs. Though he was trying to be casual, he really wanted to find some kind of an open door to spend more time with his son. He wanted so badly to fix things between them, and apparently one or two family meals hadn't helped much. Or if they had, Dylan wasn't letting it show. "I... thought maybe since you were getting a little more interested in horses, you might like to tag along."

Dylan's eyebrows rise. His dad was inviting him to go with? Because of an interest in horses? Even after Mick found out he was riding, he'd made Sparky promise not to let Mick watch - he just liked it better that way. And yet Mick was still trying to spend time with him? Knowing his son didn't want him around hadn't thwarted him? Dylan finally shrugs. Actually, since he wasn't so scared anymore, going and seeing a whole bunch of horses was rather appealing. What would have terrified him a few months ago, now was something he thought he might actually like. "Maybe."

Mick gives him a little grin. "There's always a bunch of cute cowgirls," he prompts. "And besides, it'll get you out of here and out of work for half a day."

The first bribe was amusing and had definite appeal, but it was the second one that pushed Dylan over the edge. He hadn't been away from this place in how long? Yes, it would be nice to get away, even if it was with Mick and even if it was only for a few hours. "Okay." He turns back to cleaning the stall. "When are you going?"

"In about..." Mick looks at his watch. "Half an hour..."

...Dylan leans against the rail, watching another horse being brought into the ring and bid on. He and Mick had arrived about an hour ago and since then, Dylan had seen more horses than he had in his entire life. People were everywhere, horses were everywhere and the atmosphere was noisy and chaotic, yet almost exciting at the same time. He hadn't said a whole lot, but had simply tagged behind Mick, looking at horses and shrugging when asked his opinion. He had spotted a couple good looking horses, but hadn't said so - he'd rather just stand back and watch. Now looking around the milling crowd, he elbows Mick. "I'm gonna go get something to drink."

"Yeah, sure." Mick's eyes take a quick sweep of the indoor arena. "I'll either be here or up in that second row."

Dylan nods and heads through the mass of people towards the food stand he'd seen outside earlier. Once there, it seems to take forever to get through the line but he finally gets the Pepsi he really wanted. Taking a short swig, he aims back to the crowded entrance. Without warning, a big man seems to appear out of nowhere and Dylan runs right into him. His newly bought drink goes flying and spills out onto the ground.

Quickly getting over his surprise, he looks up with a glare, irritated that he'd wasted all that time and money and now he'd have to go right back again. But instead of just one man now, there are two. He's about to ask them what their problem is but is cut short as one of the men takes him by the shoulder.

"It's your dad," the man directs gruffly and steers Dylan towards the corner of the large barn. "He told us to come get you."

"Dad? But..." Dylan realizes now he's been pushed by both of them. Who were they? What was the hurry? Why would his dad send them anyway? He'd only been gone ten minutes. "He's inside," he argues. He tries to plant his feet, but continues to be pushed.

"No, no, he came out back. Something about a horse," the second man explains. "Just around this corner here."

Turning the corner of the barn, it's much quieter as there was no auction activity at this end right now. One could think no event was happening at all if it weren't for the grassy lot full of parked pickups and horse trailers. But it wasn't the trailers that Dylan saw. It was a van parked up by the road with the side door wide open. And immediately, fear courses through his veins.

Spinning around, he tries to bolt, but the men are too fast and grab him harder, becoming rougher with him. "Let me go!" he yells. Dragging his feet, he tries to kick or hit, but they are far stronger than he. A big hand is clamped over his mouth as he starts to scream and he winds up being dragged backward towards the road. In one last effort, he manages to rip himself loose, only to be tripped and wind up on the ground with a heavy boot pinning him down. Still fighting as he's yanked to his feet, the knuckles that slam into his face are enough to disorient him and the taste of blood enters his mouth. A blow to his eye would have sent him to the ground again had he not been caught and pulled again towards the van.

Back inside the barn, Mick takes his eyes off the arena to glance at his watch. He knew there'd been a line outside, but shouldn't Dylan have been back by now? If he left to look for him and Dylan came back, they could miss each other in this crowd. But then... Mick had a funny feeling that leaving his post would be the best option. He didn't think Dylan would run off from here but... maybe it would be better to be safe than sorry. Stacy hadn't wanted him to come with Dylan without anyone else, but he'd insisted on some alone time with his son. That didn't mean he wouldn't be cautions now though.

Making his way outside, he looks at the line to the food stand but doesn't find Dylan. Had he gone to the truck for something? Wandering around the corner of the barn to head for the pickup, Mick glances down the rows of vehicles, planning on going to the far side of the barn and then through the back to return to the arena. But halfway there, he stops dead in his tracks. Black van. Open door. Two thugs. And Dylan. Without even thinking, Mick breaks into a sprint. "Dylan!"

The two men look over their shoulders and pause, almost at the van. "Crap. It's Henson."

"What do we do?"

"Get the kid in the van. Finish the job."

Though they try to close the gap between them and the van, Dylan knew Mick was coming and he tries all the harder to break loose. Giving all he has, he kicks and yells and tries to rip his arms loose. Suddenly he's let go and he stumbles to his knees, realizing that Mick had just plowed into the larger of the two men. He really isn't sure what happens next, but looking up and squinting, he sees Mick giving the thugs a run for their money. Too weak to assist, all he can do is wait for the opportunity to trip one of the men and send him to the ground. It was enough to convince the men that this wasn't worth it anymore - they were creating a scene to which there were now many witnesses.

"Let's get out of here, come on!"

Holding himself on his hands and knees and trying just to breathe, Dylan sees the men make it to the van and speed off down the road.

Adrenaline still races through Mick's veins. He didn't even notice his cuts and bruises that he'd feel later. Heart pounding, he kneels next to Dylan, putting a hand on his back. "Dylan... Dylan, are you okay?"

Dylan isn't even sure. Turning so he could sit on the ground, it's only now that he realizes his hands are shaking. "I... I don't know. Who were those guys?"

Mick grits his teeth. Though he had no proof, he knew that this wasn't just some random kidnapping attempt. He could feel it to his very core. "Agency."

A chill runs down Dylan's spine and all of a sudden he starts to feel pain in his face and knees from where he'd been hit and had fallen. "I guess I'm an easy target," he mutters.

"Come on." Mick helps him to his feet. "Lets get out of here before anybody comes back and tries anything more stupid." There was no point in calling the police - not this time.

Dylan obeys and follows Mick closely until they reach the ranch truck. They'd be pulling home an empty trailer today and amongst everything else he was feeling, Dylan felt guilty. Sliding in the passenger side and buckling up, his eyes are downcast. "I'm sorry," he mumbles.

Mick lifts an eyebrow and starts the engine. "For what?"

"Ruining the day."

"Well it certainly wasn't your fault." Mick shakes his head in disgust. "It's the almighty, arrogant-" He bites his tongue from the names he was about to call the thugs. "You have nothing to be sorry for."

"You didn't get any horses."

"So?" Mick cocks his head and gives Dylan a once-over, noticing the grass-stained jeans, the bruises that were quickly forming on his face, and the split lip that was still bleeding. His tone softens a little. "Dylan..."

Dylan swallows hard but finally glances up. "What?"

"It's not. Your. Fault." Mick nods with emphasis. He wasn't really sure why Dylan was blaming himself for anything - it didn't seem to make much sense, but he didn't want his son to feel that way, no matter how silly it seemed to him. "I'm just glad I came when I did." He pulls a bandanna from his back pocket and gestures to Dylan's lip.

Dylan hadn't realized his lip was still bleeding until now when he licks it and tastes the blood. Accepting the bandanna, he puts it to his mouth before leaning his head against the window and turning his gaze away from Mick. Maybe it wasn't his fault. But there were far worse feelings than that... and he was feeling them now.

The lapse into silence makes Mick sigh but he pulls the pickup from their parking spot. Flexing his fingers, he knows they're going to be sore later, as would the rest of his body, probably. It used to be he could get in three brawls a day and hardly feel it. Not so anymore...

...Getting back to the ranch, Dylan insists he's fine and puts up such an argument that Mick doesn't make him go to Angel. The tension in the air was getting thicker and he really didn't want to make things worse. So he leaves Dylan to himself while he goes to the office to find Rosetta and let her know what happened, then to find Stacy.

Dylan trudges to the dining hall in search of some ice, not intending on seeing anyone, but it looked as though his bad luck was staying around.

"Dylan? Oh my goodness, what happened?" Jade had just come from cleaning one of the back rooms, and her eyes widen ad Dylan's appearance. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Dylan shoulders past her. "It was nothing."

"Nothing? You've got a huge black eye and your lip is all swollen... what happened?"

"What does it look like?"

"It looks like you've been in a fight."

Dylan keeps walking towards the kitchen and he waves a hand in the air. "Three points for the genius sister."

Jade's eyes narrow. "Very funny." She follows him, not yet giving up. "So how did it happen? Are you sure you're okay?"

Dylan stops in his tracks and spins around to glare his sister in the eye. "I said I was fine," he hisses. "Some guys thought they'd use me as a punching bag, alright? It doesn't matter how it happened - just leave me alone!"

Jade blinks as she watches Dylan go to the freezer and find some ice to put in a bag. She hadn't meant to nag... she only asked him questions because she cared. She bites her lip and turns to leave. She'd find out later, she guessed.

Dylan presses the cold pack to his eye and sighs deeply. Wandering into the living room area, he flops down on the couch and leans back, keeping the ice on his eye. He should go to his bunk, but he didn't feel like walking there right now.

A tear trickles down Cindy's face and she brushes it away angrily before setting her hands back on her keyboard. She hated this. She hated all of it.

My dearest Wes,
I'll soon be going to Nevada for a short while. I've received word from Rick at TJY that Jason is not improving - instead, it seems, he is growing worse. Rick and Misty are doing all they can, but it's not looking good. Unless they find a cure, Rick doesn't give Jason much more time to live. That is why I am going... to see my son for perhaps the last time. I will leave Kaylee at the ranch. I don't want to be separated from her, but I think it best for this trip. If you get this, please pray for me.
I love you and think of you every moment of every day.