
Familure faces!

Hearing the bell to the shop jingle Anastasia doesn't look up right away as she continues to put stickers on some plastic sheets and than slipping the records inside. Today had been a busy on, or what they considered busy anyways. Between a few people coming in and there two shipments there was little time to stop till break.

Catching some movement out of the counter of her eye Anastasia looks up. Seeing Quinn back again she can't help the smile that forms on her lips just seeing him. After heading home last night she stayed awake a while longer just laying in bed and thinking of all that happened.

Taking him in for a moment before saying anything Anastasia takes not to the new look in his eye that had not been there yesterday. His heart was heavy, like a ten pound weight was on his shoulder. Anastasia couldn't help but be a little concerned. Did something happen with his brother?

Grabbing the Elvis cd from the counter next to her Anastasia moves from behind the counter and over to him giving a smile.

"Elvis kept me company last night while I tried to fall asleep. I though maybe you had done it on purpose as a reminder of our fairy tail."

Cocking her head a little Anastasia study's Quinn for a moment. Just watching him and his body language. Standing next to him she reaches her hand out and bumps his fingers for a moment letting them link with his before dropping away.

"You ok? You look like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders."

Looking up as Leo talks about Axel Ryan glances out into the parking lot. It was odd that Axel had called in sick, but left than came again. She couldn't help but worry a little.

Glancing over at Leo again Ryan gives a laugh and a shake of her head. Now that her and Leo were getting along and it seemed the air was clear they were hanging out again at work. The pressure seemed to be slowly leaving them both and normal was becoming more achieving.

"Maybe he's just having a rough day nosey."

Giving another laugh Ryan playful elbows Leo. She wasn't sure what was going on with Axel but she couldn't help her worry for her friend. Putting her rage down Ryan gives a small nod.

"I'm gonna take an early lunch. If Alec shows up let him know I'll be out shortly."

Heading into the back and punching out for lunch Ryan comes back out and heads out the side door. Axel often didn't like company but maybe today he did need a friend. Going up the step and standing at the door Ryan gives a soft knock before giving a little call.

"Axel, it's Ryan. I know you called into work today I just wanted to make sure everything was ok."


Receiving Jess' reassurance, he manages to give her a small smile and he squeezes her hand. "Thanks, Jess."

Pulling her close, he envelopes her in a hug, resting his head against hers. She thought he was so strong. And sometimes he was. But today he didn't feel like it. "Sometimes a rainbow needs a little extra help to shine brightly."

Kissing the top of her head, he lets her go and moves to the toaster again, trying to get past this topic for a while. He had a couple hours to clear his head and he didn't want to spend his time worrying - at least not while Jess was still here.

Quinn sinks down on his bed again and stares at the phone in his hand. What on earth was he doing? This was all so bizarre. So unexpected. So... like God.

Sighing, he looks at the clock. He had a while yet. Maybe a walk to clear his mind would be best. Then he'd find his way down to the coffee shop again if he didn't get lost.

A couple hours later, Quinn sits at a table at the Coffee Bean, sipping coffee even though he didn't really feel like it. maybe it would help settle his nerves. He was a little early, but that was okay with him. He'd rather be the first one here to at least have the upper hand to start.

Outside, Axel parks his car and fiddles with his keys. Jess had gone to work, he'd dragged his feet getting ready, and he was finally here. He'd opted to come alone... it was better that way. Was Quinn already here? He had no idea. There was an out-of-state car here, but he didn't even know where Quinn lived now.

It was at least another five minutes before he finally got out of his car and went inside. His stomach was in knots and his pulse racing. He hated this feeling. Hated it with a passion. But it would be over soon. Whether good or bad, this meeting wouldn't last forever.

Seeing the front door open, Quinn sits a little straighter, cocking his head slightly to see if it was just another customer, or someone he knew. There was no mistaking Axel. Older... not the kid he'd seen seven years ago... a little broader in the shoulders but still slim and fit. Different haircut but still unmistakeably red. Quinn's stomach lurches as he stands up from the table.

Axel's eyes sweep the room and land on the man who had just stood. His own feet come to a halt and he just stares. Quinn... He looked different with a beard, but Axel still recognized him. His brother seemed a little rougher, at least in appearance. His eyes had a weary glint to them but they were still bright - he was healthy... and just as nervous as Axel was.

Swallowing hard, Axel finally walks closer until he was face-to-face with Quinn. Locking eyes, he slowly extends his hand, willing his fingers not to tremble.

Quinn glances down to his brother's hand, then back up again to meet eyes that matched his own. This man was a convicted rapist. Did he dare shake his hand? Moved by more than his own will, Quinn's hand extends and clasps Axel's. "You look good."

Axel feels the connection only a brother can feel and it makes his pulse race faster. "You too."

Still sizing each other up, they back apart and sit down across from one another at the table. Axel grabs a sugar packet to play with and finally looks back to Quinn. "So... what do you want?"

Quinn's fingers fiddle with his coffee cup. He didn't even know the answer to that. But that wouldn't sound very good, would it? "I have no idea."

Axel blinks. If Quinn was here to cause trouble, he would have already said something to imply as much, right? "Well..." His confusion shows on his face. "Why... why did you want me to call?"

Quinn takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly, his eyes finally lowering. "I... I don't know. I just... I saw your dogtags and... I was shocked. It was the first thing I thought of." He looks back up again. "I thought you were still in prison."

Now it's Axel's turn to sigh. "I was only there for about two years."


"Good behavior." Axel swallows hard. The one thing he'd never talked about, even with Jess, was the time he'd spent behind bars. Perhaps because it has been worse than he'd ever wanted to admit. Perhaps because leaving it at good behavior implied that he'd been fine, even if it wasn't the truth.

Quinn quirks an eyebrow. "That's it?"

"Probation... rehabilitation program... for a year. Look, I really don't know why we need to rehash this." Axel's discomfort shows through. These weren't good memories.

"Maybe because I need to hear it," Quinn counters. "You're loose on the streets, I think I have a right to know."

Axel's eyes shoot up in a fiery glare he hadn't used in years. "What do you really want, Quinn? Was I suckered into you wanting to stir up trouble? You're too late - the community has already tried and I'm staying here."

"So the truth got out, huh?"

An all-too familiar anger surged through Axel's veins, brought on by memories of a similar conversation seven years ago. He was tired of defending himself. "Dang it, Quinn." Standing from the table, he looks down at his brother. "You still can't see past the end of your nose. Even after all these years. Please... if you're just passing through, go quietly and quickly. My nightmare ended when I was released."

Quinn's sights jerk up as Axel rises and he can feel his own irritation building. He hadn't intended on starting an argument... the words had just slipped out. His conversation with Anastasia nagged the back of his mind, reminding him that he may have lacked all of the facts. "I wasn't planning on staying," he retorts. "Especially not with this reception."

Axel shakes his head and shrugs lamely. "I really don't know what you want, and if you're not willing to tell me, then there's nothing keeping me here, and there's no reason for me to welcome you with open arms."

"I'm sorry I'm harsh," Quinn replies quickly. "But it's kinda hard not to be with someone like you."

"Someone like me?" Axel scoffs. "You mean a rapist?"


Quinn stares up into his brother's eyes, reliving all the mixed emotions that had haunted him for the last seven years. "You said it."

"No." Axel was tired of being the victim. Setting his palms on the table, he leans over Quinn. "You said it. And so did everyone else. You... our mother... our father... our friends. For some reason, no one cared to actually believe the truth. And I am not responsible for your unwillingness to have faith - you'll have to answer for that yourself." Spinning on his heel, he aims for the door.

"Axel!" Quinn stands up, feeling more torn than he ever had before.

Stopping, Axel throws up his arms before turning back around. "I'll ask you again... what do you want?"

"I want... I want the truth."

Axel shakes his head, a wry grin forming on his lips. "No... you just want to feel good."

Quinn watches helplessly as his brother turns back once more and walks out the door...

It wasn't lunchtime. It was later than that. One, maybe two o'clock. Quinn wasn't even sure where he'd been... he'd just been driving. He'd gotten lost a couple of times, but hadn't cared. Somehow he'd found his way back through town again. And this time, his destination wasn't back to the hotel.

Entering the shop just as he had the day before, his eyes glance around the racks and shelves. Today though, his heart was even heavier. He hadn't thought it was possible after yesterday, but today was worse. Maybe because he felt he'd screwed up. He still hadn't learned to control his tongue. Whether he was wrong or right about what he believed, the meeting should have lasted longer.

Wandering back to the classic music again, Quinn runs his hand over the old records, not looking for anything in particular. Or maybe he was. But it wasn't a record.

Clanging around in the auto shop, Leo looks up as he sees Axel's car return to the lot. Watching him park then head around the side to go upstairs, Leo thinks for a moment then shakes his head. Though returning to his work, he looks over his shoulder at Ryan, keeping his voice down so as not to bother the others.

"Darrel said Axel called in sick this morning... but I saw Jess leave his place earlier, then he left, and now he's back and he doesn't look sick at all."

He wasn't trying to accuse Axel of anything, but his actions were definitely peculiar and Leo was fishing, trying to see if Ryan knew anything.


Staying in the kitchen and munching on her bagel Axel had made for her Jess didn't say anything while he talked but just was support to him. She new just being there and giving him nods here and there did him good. She was the support Axel needed and it made her feel good she could help him like he had her.

Taking the last bite of her bagel right as Axel gets off the phone Jess lets the quiet after his comment linger for a long moment. Finally coming over to him Jess takes his hand in her own and brings it to her lips giving it a soft kiss.

"I'm so proud of you Axel for calling. I think this is all scary but...I know you can do it. Your a strong guy and this is out a tiny step to a bigger plan."

Giving a little smile back Sapphire felt a little better Gage has said sorry but still she felt kinda stunned that he had snapped at all. Gage was always so calm and easy going it was just..strange.

"Ok, I'll see you at five. Have a good rest."

Giving Gage a returned kiss Sapphire gives a wave and heads out of the parking lot heading back to work. Her mind seemed heavy as Gage's words still seemed so alive.


Gage keeps his eyes out the window for most of the ride to his apartment, engaging only in some surface smalltalk. By the time they are parked and Sapphire is asking him about tonight though, he was feeling even more badly for being grouchy with her.

"Yeah... five o'clock will work." He nods and unbuckles his seatbelt, ready to exit but he pauses.

Turning back to her, he gives her a look of apology. "Sorry I snapped at you. Guess it was just a long night at work." Leaning over, he gives her cheek a tender kiss. "See you tonight and... I promise to be in a better mood." He muster up a smile for her and gives her cheek another quick kiss before getting out of the car.

Waving as she backs out of the lot, he finally turns and heads inside, his walk a little heavier today.

The prospect of hanging up on Quinn brings a wry grin to Axel's face. Sighing, he turns and reaches around Jess to take the bagels out of the toaster. "Here... at least you can go ahead and eat. I'll toast mine next."

Fingering the number again, his stomach churns. But finally his thumb begins to hit the buttons on the phone. Pacing in a small circle, he hears the ringing and waits. His eyes drift to Jess again. He was sorry that he was distracted and not giving her his full attention like usual, but he was glad she was here too.

Quinn jumps as his cell phone goes off. He'd just started to doze. Grabbing the phone from the nightstand, he looks at the screen. Unknown. His heart skips a beat. It could be anybody... it could be a wrong number... But somehow he knew it was not.

Sitting up on the bed, he waits for a couple more rings before finally answering. "Hello?"

Axel stops his pacing dead in his tracks. It had been seven years, but the voice hadn't changed much. His mouth goes dry and his pulse quickens as he tries to find his own voice. "Quinn?"

Quinn blinks. It was Axel. He'd actually called. "Yeah..." His response wasn't quite as strong as he'd intended. "Axel?"

"Yeah." Axel throws Jess a quick glance. He'd never felt so vulnerable around her before. "You... wanted me to call?"

Quinn swallows hard and stands up to start pacing the hotel room. "I... ran across a girl... your girlfriend? Saw the dogtags and, um..." Well, what did he really want? Why had he wanted Axel to call him in the first place? Now he felt stupid.

Axel waits as the pause drags on and he starts walking in a circle again, tucking his free hand in his jeans pocket. "She said you'd be in town a couple days."

"Right. Just... passing through."


Quinn cringes a little. This was not going well. He couldn't remember a time he'd felt so awkward. Still pacing, he tucks one hand in his pocket. "So you... live around here?"

"Yeah." Axel wasn't sure how much information he wanted to give out. The tone of Quinn's voice didn't sound threatening but who knew what his motives were? He stops pacing and looks to Jess again as if begging for help, but knowing she could do nothing. "Do you... want to get together?" He shrugs lamely, not having thought of asking that and he waits for Quinn's response while still looking at Jess.

Quinn stops at his window and looks out again, surprised by the question. The last time they'd spoken, they'd disowned each other. Quinn had walked away - turned his back on his brother. And now that brother wanted to see him? A pang in the bottom of Quinn's heart warned him that perhaps it was him all along that had had the biggest problem with the relationship. "Um..." He stalls. He wanted to say no. And then he thinks of Anastasia. He recalls her words about reasons, and he recalls his agreeing that God had His hand in this. If Quinn said no now, he'd never find out what the plan had been. "Sure."

Axel blinks. His brother wanted to see him? After believing the charges against him? After turning his back? After rejecting him and cutting all ties? Now he wasn't so sure this was a good idea. But he'd already asked. He had to follow through. "Okay..." He racks his brain for a location.

Quinn seems to read his mind. "I was at a coffee shop last night... the Coffee Bean?"

"Yeah I know where it is." Axel figures it was as good a place as any. Public but quiet. "When?"

"Um..." Now it was Quinn's turn to think. Now? Later? Tomorrow? "Lunch?"

Axel hesitates. His stomach was already off the way it was. "I... that might not-"

"-be a good idea," Quinn finishes for him, nodding. His stomach didn't feel so hot right now and if anything went wrong, it would just be a waste of money and effort. A faint, wry grin creases his lips as he remembers when they'd used to finish each other's sentences all the time. "Ten o'clock?"

"Sure." Axel didn't even know why he was agreeing.



The pause was so awkward someone could see it with their eyes. Quinn makes the first move to end the call. "See you later then."

"Yeah, okay."


"Bye." Axel hits the end button on the phone and just stares at it for a moment before looking back at Jess. "Ten o'clock..." He swallows hard. "I don't know if I can do this."

Right here with you

Sapphire gives a blink totally stunned as Gage snaps back at her. She hadn't though she was nagging, or sounding like she didn't want to spend time with him. In fact if that was the case than why would she be here now? Maybe she had been and didn't relize it. He was old enough to take care of himself...right?

Letting out a sigh and heading out the door Sapphire locks it behind her and heads down the steps and to the cars were Gage was waiting. Trying to give him the best smile she could Sapphire gets into the car waiting for him.

"Ok...I'll bring you home and than after work I'll come back to pick you up. We can go pick a movie, and get something for dinner."

Pulling the car out of the parking lot Sapphire starts down the road a little more quiet than normal. She really didn't know what to say right now. Finally getting to Gage's apartment Sapphire pulls in and puts the car in park.

"So, I'll....see you at five?"

"Mmmm...I'd take you over the coffee any day."

Giving another smile and another kiss to Axel's cheek Jess stands and gives a stretch before making her way down the hall. Getting to the bathroom and finding the towels along with the toothbrush Jess just smiles. It was different waking up at Axel's today. It was not something that happened but she though maybe...she liked it.

Not taking long Jess comes out of the bathroom her hair still damn from the shower. Heading into the kitchen Jess sees Axel standing at the counter. Studying him for a moment she could tell he was lost in though. The phone and paper in his hand just confirmed it.

Coming over and leaning her back against the counter Jess gives a smile before laying her hand on Axel's arm.

"Just call him. It can't hurt right? And if you want you can hang up on him. I'll be here with you too."