
When You're Around

Susanne giggled at Chuck's humor before nuzzling into his hug. She sighed deeply and wrapped her arms around his waist, glad that he was so flexible and willing to go with the flow, even when she'd ruined dinner. 

"Yeah don't gnaw off your arm, please...I like both of them to hold me." 

After a moment of just enjoying his embrace, she finally pulled away and grinned up at him. "If we have to go downtown anyway...can we take your bike?"

Gunner had been lost in his own little world, so when he heard Bree's voice, he jumped, startled. "Huh? Oh..." He glanced in the backseat and shrugged. "Naw...I mean...it's not much." 

He hadn't talked to her all day, which was not his norm, but he knew that by now Bree would know everything either from Hope or JT. And it wasn't fun. He didn't like being in this position. He didn't like needing them to take care of him. He didn't like not understanding why he felt the way he did. Nothing made sense. 

Realizing he was still just sitting there, he finally forced himself to unbuckle his seatbelt and exit the car. Walking around to Bree, he gave her a small hug and kiss, but it was quite obvious he was either very distracted or very tired...maybe both. 

"Deja vu," he mumbled as he reached in the backseat to grab his two bags. "First time I was getting out of a mental hospital. This time I'm just going mental in general." 

He shut the door and sighed before he looked back at Bree. As quickly as the irritation had come, it was gone, leaving his eyes faraway and hollow. "I don't know what's happening to me," he admitted softly. "And I'm sorry you have to put up with me 'til I get it figured out. I wouldn't be here if Hope hadn't insisted." 

Though not as much on guard as he should be, Garret was unsurprised by Victoria's sudden presence. Still ignoring the rain, he returned her embrace, feeling almost a sense of relief that his arms could finally hold her again. Four weeks was an eternity. 

Instead of answering her question, he pulled back slightly, his palm finding the side of her face. Leaning in, he kissed her with passion, letting the depth speak for his emotions. He'd missed her. He cared for her. She was his sanity in  this chaos. Lightning created a silhouette of their embrace before thunder again shook the sky. It did little to Garret's concentration on Victoria though. 

Eventually drawing away, his hand remained on her face, his thumb caressing her cheek. Despite the rain streaming down his own face though, it could not hide the darkness in his gaze.

"I'm only okay when you're around," he finally answered. "When you're not, the world doesn't exist, and nothing else matters."



   "Well, we can always just do lagana in a couple of days again. It gives me a good reason to come back over. Not that your not a good enough reason."

Hearing Susanne's laugh was catchy and it made Chad laugh even more himself. It made him feel good and just seeing her smile made him feel so good on the inside. It was a feeling he new he would never tire of not many times he heard it.

   "Alright...why don't we head over to the pizza box tonight. I am starving and I don't know how much longer I can hold out. Last thing I want to do it bite my arm off and scare you away."

Grinning Chad pulls Susanne into a big bear hug holding her close for a long moment. He didn't care what they had to eat as long as he was with her. That really was the only thing he cared about and the only thing he wanted. To just be with Susanne and enjoy her company.

Going to the front door and stepping outside Bree smiles and gives a wave to Gunner. She new this had to be hard for Gunner and she wanted to make it as easy as she could for him. Maybe knowing she would help him through this and she didn't think any differently of him would help a little bit.

Walking to the car and holding her smile Bree's eyes twinkled. She was excited in a way to see Gunner more. She enjoyed her time with him and getting more time with him would be great.

  "Hey you, I wanted to see if you needed help with your bags."

Looking out the window as the rain hit the window pains Victoria could feel a stiffness in the air and it was not just the weather causing it. She wasn't sure why but it bothered her, and almost worried her as well. It had been a long time since she had seen Garret and she wasn't sure if maybe she felt the way she did.

As a light flashes again Victoria catches sight of a figure moving to the secret garden area. Her heart beated a little faster and she new who it was. The rain wouldn't stop her from seeing the one person she missed the most. Even if she would rune her dress she could buy a new one.

It didn't take long to move through the house and get to the secret garden. She was drenched but she didn't notice it much and the weather was slightly warm. Seeing Garret only made her heart race even more.

   "Garret...your a sight for sore eyes. I missed you so much."

Stepping closer and putting her arms around him Victoria embraces him. She could tell he had lost some weight and it worried her slightly. Garret mostly stayed the same with it came to his weight.

   "Are you ok?"



Susanne smirked as Chuck poked at the lasagna... or what was left of it, anyway. She appreciated his efforts to be kind, but it did little to fix the problem here - the fact that she'd just ruined their supper. 

Looking up at him, she sighed before giving him a wry grin. "I'm fine. Just irked with myself, that's all. I don't know what happened, and I was looking forward to you trying my lasagna." 

She reached up and set her hands on his, leaving them on her shoulders. "I suppose if I wanted a little extra attention, I could always act like this was a devastating experience, but...it's hardly the most traumatic thing I've been through." She finally smiled as a little snicker came out. It became a giggle, which evolved into a fit of laughter. "I'm sorry," she gasped, bending over to catch her breath. "I really wanted to cook for you... You decide where we go tonight. I'm too discombobulated now." 

Gunner sat in his car, parked by the curb. He'd been sitting in front of JT's house for at least fifteen minutes now, but hadn't yet gathered enough gumption to go inside. He saw JT's car. He saw Bree's car. Yet he didn't want to see them. He'd been here countless times. He'd even stayed here after his time at Northside. Yet tonight...tonight he wished he'd told Hope no. He was ashamed. Embarrassed. He was a grown man who couldn't even control his own mind, and he was putting the burden on someone he loved, and a good friend. 

His car's backseat held a duffel bag, a backpack and his pillow. He'd had enough nerve to pack, at least. And now he just wished there was an easier solution. 

Inside the house, JT pulled aside the curtain and furrowed his brow. He took another sip of his iced tea before turning around and wandering back to the kitchen where supper was in the oven. "Gunner's sitting outside," he mentioned to Bree. "Has been for at least ten minutes. I...have a feeling he might need an extra prompt to get him inside this time." 

Thunder shook the ground and lighting streaked across the sky. Rain came down in torrents as the wind blew. It mattered little though. Garret cared not that he was soaked through to the bone. Standing in the near-flooded rose garden, he held his face to the sky and sought not for shelter. 

It was near midnight, and power had been lost on the estate. A lightning strike had seen to that. Not everybody knew about it though - only those with high security clearance, or those with good ears to know what was happening. Regardless Garret was one who knew, and as such, he knew that no security cameras had seen him walk across the property to find himself in the secluded garden. He'd been back two days from his last mission, and had slept a total of three hours since. He'd been gone for four weeks, and had returned with less weight, and dark circles under his eyes. He'd completed his task as requested and had done everything Medridge wanted. And he felt just as empty now as he did after every mission. 

Another flash of lightning revealed his dark outline against the rain. He still did not move. He wanted the rain to wash away the pain. The guilt. The madness. But nothing could remove it. Victoria's love always numbed it for him - he hadn't even seen her since he'd first left four weeks ago. But could her limited affection really solve anything? He knew it was a feeble attempt to dull his other senses. He had to get out. Somehow. Before he went mad.


Chuck can't help but chuckle as he looks over Susanne shoulder. She was always a good cook but mishaps happened and he wouldn't hold it against her.  But he new she was going to feel horrible about this because that was her.

   "Well...we could always...try and eat this still..."

Poking at it with his finger the burnt peaces under it just crumble and turn into dust. Cringing a little bit Chuck couldn't help the smile that spread across his lips. He did find this slightly funny and hopefully his laughter would help Susanne not be to upset about the whole thing.

   "Mmmm...We can get some pizza from the pizza box, or I could always treat us to something a little nicer, than we can come back here and continue with our plans."

Taking the pan from Susanne and putting it down at the counter Chuck comes back over to her and places his hands on her shoulders looking down into her eyes. His own dances and smiled as he shook his head just a little bit.

   "I have never know you to burn anything? Before I make anymore jokes out of this...is everything ok? I want to make you feel better if I have to not worse."

Answering her phone Bree greets her Uncle and listens to what he had to say about Gunner. She new something wasn't right and just by everything he had told her the other night she could tell too and it had worried her. Knowing Gunner would be around people he new made Bree feel a little better. She wasn't worried he would hurt himself again but if it happened on mistake she would feel horrible.

   "Ok, Thank you for letting him stay there. I will be over tonight to spend time with you guys."

She really was thinkful to her Uncle. Not that she ever would of thought he would say no. He was way to kind for that and since Gunner was connected to her she new that made him extra special.

   "Thanks again. I better get back to work. I will see you guys tonight."