

As Alec comes closer Ryan can feel her heart start to beat fast like so many times before. Feeling his finger on her skin and his words that follow Ryan can feel the shutter that runs though her. How could this be wrong...when it felt so right.

"Social call...no business."

Bringing her own hands to Alec's face Ryan just lets her hand slip to the back of his head. Letting her fingers just move through his hair as she returned the look into his eyes, her breath seemed heavy.

"I just...Just kiss me...please..I just want to see if the addiction is real."

Ryan looks up into Alec's eyes searching looking, wondering.

Your eyes

"Eh..." Alec shrugs. "If it was against the rules, they wouldn't have let you get this far."

Her words make the corner of his mouth twitch and he finishes off his apple before tossing the core into a nearby trash can. Wiping his hands on his jeans, he closes the gap between them, stepping as close as he can to Ryan without touching her.

"The only way to beat an addiction is to kick the habit," he warns. "Unless you like being addicted, that is."

Staring down into her gaze, he reaches up, running a thumb under one of her eyes. "Your eyes don't say you like it today though. Social call or business this time?"


Standing Angel looks down at Eric and shakes her head. There was no way she was leaving him alone.

"You didn't take it easy like you promised, and obviously are not taking care of yourself. Your lucky I don't send you back to the hospital."

Angel's voice wasn't cold or mean she was simply stressing her concern and being stern about it.

"Yes if you wouldn't mind keeping an eye on him for me tonight Jim. That would be appreciated. There is nothing else I can do till morning when I can clean the wound again, and give him more antibiotics. "

Seeing the humor dance in Alec's eyes it makes Ryan's grin grow just a little. Taking a few steps in her eyes seem to give a small twinkle.

"Can't a girl come for a mid day kiss? Or...is that against the rules? Maybe its an addiction I can't go to long without."

On the inside Ryan rolled her eyes at herself. Had she really just said that? Whats was she doing? Trying to make herself feel better about Leo? She come in here planning one telling Alec one thing and not it was completely differnt.


Jim nods and sets to work on the IV, making sure Eric doesn't move while he's doing it. "I knew he'd cut himself yesterday but we thought it was taken care of. I should have told him to come see you sooner."

Finishing with the IV, he sighs and watches Angel work. "I can stay here the night if you want."

"Mm-mm." Eric mumbles. "I'm fine." He waves a little with his hand. "I'll be... be okay."

Alec had been pacing his room, a car magazine in one hand, and apple in the other as he passed the time. He'd been with Reese all morning and was feeling caged again, but he knew that this was the deal he'd made.

Hearing Ryan, he spins around, quirking an eyebrow. Lifting the apple, he nods while swallowing his last bite. "Not really. I bartered info for apple. Seemed to work. Tomorrow maybe I'll ask for a banana instead."

Though he didn't smile, there was actually some humor in his voice. Tossing the magazine on the table, he crunches into his apple again, folding one arm across his chest. He wanders a couple steps closer to Ryan, his eyes drifting up to the clock above the door. "Too late for lunch... what brings you here today?"

Remember, you stired the pot :p

Continuing to dress the would and clean it out Angel new this was probably going to kill, but if the infection was going to stop than she had to do it.

"This is going to sting Eric. Just hold still."

Dumping the liquid onto the wound Angel is quick to cover it and let it soak into the new bandage before removing it once more and placing a cream onto it next, putting the bandage on once again.

Looking up at Jim comes into the bunk Angel gives a nod before wrapping Eric's let with some gause.

"Start an IV for me while I finishing wrapping his leg."

Looking down at Eric's leg as she wrapped it Angel drew in a deep breath. She was worried the infection looked real bad.

"He has a pretty serous infection in his leg and it started spreading. I am only hopping we caught it in time. If we did, its going to be a rough ride, but...he'll be ok."

Leaving the small restraint Ryan makes her way to her own car just sitting for a few moments she watches as Leo leaves. Letting out a long sigh Ryan starts her own car and heads out. Right now she didn't want to go back to the auto shop. She didn't want to be around everyone, so she would just drive and feel free.

Not knowing how long she had been driving Ryan finally looks around. How she had gotten here she didn't know. TJY was the last place on her mind of where to go, but maybe it was best, maybe while she was here she would tell Alec she couldn't see him anymore ether.

Exiting her car Ryan makes her way inside TJY. Giving a small wave to some people who looked at her almost astonished she was back Ryan made her way to the room she had visited so many times.

Getting to Alec's door that was open she leans on the frame just watching him for a long moment. She tears had been dyed up. Giving a small grin finally makes her presence known.

"So, they let you have apples now and not just Hal's horrible cook huh?"


Leo's stare grows just a little colder as Ryan gets up to leave. Her answer had not been the one he was looking for. He was a person who liked facts... facts he could understand and put together. But Ryan wasn't giving him any real reasons. Just unconnected pieces. But whether she admitted to anything going on or not, she had mentioned Alec and Leo knew he had something to do with this.

Having Ryan walk away, Leo's hand smacks the table, rattling the silverware. "Dang it." Putting his face in his hands, he gives a growl of frustration. Ryan had just broken up with him... she'd actually just broken up with him. Things had been going so well and -

He stops his thoughts short, getting up from the table and tossing down the rest of what was owed for his part of the meal. Stalking out the door, he goes to his car, getting in and pulling out a little faster than he should, his tires squealing.

Arriving back to the auto shop, Leo just sits in his car for a few minutes, trying to sort through his jumbled thoughts before going inside. He was confused, upset... angry. He'd been some fool. Finally he gets out and heads inside. Not greeting anyone, he tosses his jacket and keys aside, going straight for the car he'd been working on before lunch.

"Yo, Leo, I'm ahead of ya, man!" Jed hollers, teasing him.

"Bug off," Leo growls.

Jed's eyes widen. "Whoa, what did you have for lunch? Lemons?"

Leo gives Jed a look that could kill. "I mean it."

"Alright, alright." Jed holds up his hands, bewildered at Leo who never got mad at anything.

Leo stares into the engine of the car, feeling as though none of the parts made any sense today. His eyes glance over to the bay where the other vehicle was waiting for Ryan. Taking a deep breath, he grabs a rag to stuff in his back pocket, then picks up a wrench.

"Mm-hmm." Eric hears Angel come in and hears her talking to him, but he keeps his eyes closed, too tired now to bother opening them up. His face scrunches up as he feels more pain shooting up his leg but he forces himself not to draw away from Angel.

"It... uh.... it wasn't bad," he mumbles. "It was um...." He tries to stay lucid but it wasn't easy. "I hit a fence... nail or something. Horse tried to-" His hand grips his pillow at another wave of pain. "Uh... run me over."

Shaking a little his eyes are still closed. "Just gimme something for the pain..."

Jim answers his phone, not having yet gone to bed. Hearing Angel needed help, he was right on it. "Yeah yeah... be right over. I'll have the stuff."

True to his word, he comes to Eric's bunk ten minutes later with everything Angel needed and then some, just in case. "Okay, here we go." He looks down at Eric with concern. "He gonna be alright?"

I don't know

Giving a little jump as Leo almost snaps at her Ryan looks up at him. She'd seen him upset, and she had seen him hurt before but this, this was different this was pure anger. Feeling her tears start to fall a little more Ryan's own tension tried to rise but it seemed to stay in the middle thought her voice did go up.

"I don't have anything else going on with anyone Leo. I don't have another boyfriend...I don't even know what I do have right now ok."

Gabbing her jacket Ryan takes her wallet from her pocket getting some money out for the meal and putting it down on the table. Oh how the feelings still raged, pulling her in two different directions suffocating her.

"I'm breaking up with you Leo. Please don't make this any harder."

Moving out of the booth Ryan stops for a moment as her emotions told her to stay but she had to go. She had to before she changed her mind, and ended up hurting Leo even more. Turning Ryan makes her way to the door and out side, aiming for her car.


Leo's jaw tightens and he sets his cup aside to fold his hands while his legs bounce under the table. His expression was confused - almost too confused to be hurt yet. Seeing her tear, all he can do is stare at her.

"Don't tell me I deserve more," he almost snaps. "'Cause that's not true, and that's a stupid reason to break up. Just... if you've got something going with this other guy, then just tell me. I want it straight."


Looking up into Leo's a tear seemed to roll out of her own. Something so rare but it just proved how much at war with herself she was. Searching his gaze she new this would be the last time, and to see the look of such sadness it killed Ryan a little more.

"Yes Leo, I am because its not fair to you when I am so messed up right now. If my heart can't be your completely than you deserve so much better just because of that."

Ryan gives a shake of her head before looking out the window. It was a dark dreary day out one that seemed to match the mood. Her stomach was doing flip flops and she felt so sick. Was this right? Was this wrong? Ryan didnt know.


Leo stares at Ryan, his gaze only broken by a blink. Sinking back in his seat, his shoulders drop a little, the humor and enjoyment fading from his face. What... what was Ryan saying? She had a thing with Alec?

He swallows hard and lifts his eyebrows a little, trying to process it. "Did... did you guys kiss or what, I mean..." He shakes his head. "No, don't answer that, um..." His fingers play with his coke cup and he looks at Ryan, dreading what he seemed to know already. "Ryan are you... are you breaking up with me?"


Twirling her fork in noodles on her plate Ryan new she had been quiet. The tired look in her eyes, and the heavy bags under them could tell anyone that maybe lack of sleep was her reason for being quiet. Ryan hadn't found much of it last night just like she new she wouldn't. Her mind had to many things running though it and now...now she still didn't even know her answer.

Hearing Leo's words Ryan looks up from her plate. Giving only a half smile Ryan nods a little. What was she going to do? What was she going to say?

"I am pretty tired. Didn't get much sleep last night. I've had a lot on my mind the last few days."

Seting her fork down on the plate Ryan takes her glass of pop and takes a sip. Falling silent again for a moment. She had to do this, she had to say something.

"I've been thinking a lot the last few weeks. About the past and whats to come. I've been doubting myself a lot to and...I don't want to hurt you Leo. I care about you to much, and I have grown attached to you. Your my best friend...and I just I don't want to lose that. Our relationship I just...I don't think my heart is all there right now and thats not fair to you. If I continue on this way I might lose everything you mean to me, even our friendship."

Taking in a deep breath and looking up at Leo again Ryan's eyes were sad, filled with so much conflict. The emotions ragged deep inside of her, crashing on ever side, and the light at the end was covered up.

"You deserve better, and I don't want to lose you completely as a friend. My visits with Alec they...turned out as nothing more than wanting to help someone..but the more time I spend getting to know him. The more..I had these unwanted feelings growing. I can't stop them, I can't understand them, and I don't know what to do. All I know is you deserve better than me, than...this. I'm so sorry Leo."

Katie can't help but laugh and she new Jason was embarrassed, he at least had let a little slip through while shutting it off. Tugging at the closed door, she gives him a smile.

It's ok J. I understand now, and I'm not in a hurry anymore. It will happen when it happens. I can deal with that now.

Looking back to Clint Katie slowly shakes her head as she lets out a snicker.

"Did you ever think Clint maybe you get beat up because you deserve it?"

Katie cant help but laugh again looking to Jade once more her eyes sparkling before around the room.

Finally drawing even closer to the table Dan pulls out the one empty chair and sits down. Felling a bit more relaxed than when the first go back. Looking to Clint and removing his own hat Dan eyes show a lint of humor, as his more silly side kicks in.

"You know Clint, be lucky it was Jason and not that wild cat of yours. Its been told through story's...she might of wracked you harder...or worse made you sleep on the couch."

Laying with her back aganst Ryder's chest some would think she had to be dreadfuly uncomfortable her bottom half in her chair and her top half on Ryder. But Thirteen was comfortable. She slept in worse positions than this before.

Helping Ryder position the camera and point it in different place Thirteen cant help the laughs the escaped her lips as she took different pictures of the group of them not even knowing. There most vulnerable moments locked in time forever, memories, to always look back and never forget. Thirteen never wanted to forget again.

Hearing the phone Angel has it in a few moments answer. And than as quick as she answered she was off again with the blankets on the bed thrown back. Looking over to Luke was was laying next to her she leans back and gives him a gentile kiss on the head.

"Eric's not doing well I have to go check on him. I'll be back."

Grabbing one of her sweatshirts and throwing it on Angel also grabs her medical bag before leaving the house bunk and heading over to Eric's in almost a sprint. Letting herself in and turning the lights on Angel is over to Eric's side.

Checking his vittles first and noting he had a fever she gold a cold pack from her bag. Placing it on her his she talks as she works making sure he stayed with her.

"Have you been taking it easy liked I asked? Nothing rough or over the edge?"

Moving her way down to his leg gently Angel rolls up his pant leg. Seeing the small bandage and the blood that was seeping through it Angel looks up at Eric again and shakes her head.

"I am going to take this as a no. Eric what happened?"

Reaching into her bag and pulling out some gloves Angel puts them on before going to removes the bandage. Not being able to cringe as she looked at it was apparent there was a pretty bad infection, and it was spreading.

"Oh Eric..you should have told me."

Going back to her bag and taking out some small viles of antibiotic and some pain killed getting the needles ready.

"I am going to give u something for the infection to at least stopping it from spreading and something as well for the pain. An IV drop to keep you nourished, and than clean and dress the wound with something to help kill the infection."

Grabbing Eric's phone Angel dials number waiting for Jim's number. He'd helped her a few times before and new what she needed if she asked.

"Jim, its Angel sorry to call you so later but I need you to do a favor for me. I need you to go to my office and get some stuff to set up an IV along with a few other things to fight a saver infection. I'm at Eric's bunk...please hurry."


"Alright... so...." Leo wipes his mouth with a napkin after finishing off his chicken sandwich at the little diner.

The morning at the auto shop had been crazy with more customers than they could handle and cars were backed up, waiting to be worked on. There had hardly been any time to talk or banter, but come lunch time, the crew had been ready for a break. Heading out in separate vehicles since Leo had to make a stop before hand, he and Ryan had met for lunch as planned without hardly seeing each other that morning at all. Now that he was done eating though, he wanted to take advantage of the time that was left.

"...You're quiet today," he muses. He takes a sip of his pop, leaning forward on the table a little bit. Though not having had time to talk to her earlier, throughout the meal, he'd felt something just a little peculiar in the air. Ryan was good at hiding her feelings sometimes though, so he wasn't sure if it was his imagination, if it was still just leftover stress from the day before, or if it was something else. "You look tired."

Jade laughs at Katie, her face flushed. "I'll work on that," she teases, throwing Dan a sidelong glance.

Jason's eyes are still a little wide from Dan's comment, and try as he might, color still seeped up the back of his neck. He immediately shuts off any embarrassment so Katie doesn't feel it, even though he knows that she'll feel that much and figure out just what it was that he shut off from her.

"Exactly!" he agrees with Dan. "Woman's a menace, look at her!" He scoots his chair a couple inches from Katie, anticipating a slap to the arm at the very least.

Clint is grinning from ear to ear and he shakes his head at Katie. "No ants. Felt like a sledgehammer." He leans down to rub his shin. "Your boyfriend kicks like a mule."

Ryder can't help but love it every time Thirteen nuzzled into him, and tonight was no different. Smiling, he reaches into his jacket that was hung on his chair and pulls out the camera. "I did, actually. Let's take a few without them knowing it."

He turns on the camera and lets Thirteen see the screen too. "When we get back and get all the pictures printed, you can put your favorites in your rainbow album that your dad gave you, then we can get another album for all the others too." He had a feeling she was going to take more than what the little album would hold, but he didn't want her to have to choose only a small number. He wanted her to have as many as she wanted no matter how many albums it took.

Mick exits the kitchen and looks again to the small group as they laughed. They were having so much fun. He really didn't want to spoil it for them. He needed to see both Jade and Dan, and he really had missed his daughter... but tonight... maybe he should just leave them be. They were enjoying themselves and it wouldn't be fair to him to step in and ruin it. So instead, he slips out the back door and heads for the house.

Eric pries his eyes open, staring into a very dark and blurry room. The pain was almost unbearable. Yesterday when he'd almost been run over by a horse and had cut his injured leg on a fence, he thought he'd done a pretty good job of doctoring it himself. It had bled a lot around the severe bruises and had hurt like the dickens, but he'd cleaned it and bandaged it himself and gone on with the day. By last night though, he'd laid out ice packs down his leg and all day today it had throbbed. Figuring it was just normal though, he hadn't done anything differently.

But tonight, he knew something was wrong. His whole body felt hot and where he'd cut his leg yesterday, it was swollen and red even around what was already bruised so badly. He didn't want to think he'd gotten an infection, but he knew that's what it had to be. And if he already had a fever, it was a whole lot worse than he would want to admit.

Reaching for his glass of water, his hand fumbles and the glass falls to the floor with a thud on the braided rug, spilling the water everywhere. Eric groans and lets his aching head fall back into his pillow. With his eyes still closed, he gropes for the phone and feels the buttons without having to look. "Angel?" he mumbles groggily. "I promised... if it got worse I'd tell you."

He bites his lip thinking he might pass out from the oncoming wave of pain. "I think you better.... better come take a look while I can...." He swallows the want to cry out as the next wave came. "...still think at all."

Plastic Cup

Ryan can't help but laugh as Leo insinuates she need to do lunch to make up for today. He was a good guy, he was a silly guy and it was easy to grow attached to him. And yes she was having doubts what was wrong with her?

"Oh...I...I am a little stressed. Just having a hard time with a few things. I'll be ok though. Lunch tomorrow sounds great. I'll even let you pick where we eat ok?"

Hanging up the phone after saying goodbye to Leo Ryan lets out a sigh leaning her head back on the couch once again. Now it would start the long process of thinking what she was going to do. She didn't even know where to start though.

Katie can't help but get even more gitty as Jade explained everything to her that happened, and how Dan proposed.

"Oh wow, that was so sweet....I can't imagine I would probably be so shocked I'd fall over right there."

Continuing to look at Jade's hand Katie was in aw at how pretty the ring looked on her finger.

Giving a nod and the smile still being pasted on his face Dan can't help but shake his head a little.

"Thank you. And yes I know I am going to love it. One thing I am not sure about if Getting mixed up with your family...I might die from laughing to much. But than again at least I would go happy."

Hearing Clint's next comment about Katie and Jason Dan's eyes widen just a little as his lips turn into a smile.

"You mean...you havnt asked this pretty little thing yet? Whats wrong with you man?"

Dan ducks as a empty plastic cup goes flying at his head. Looking over at Katie he new it was her the smile one her face giving it away.

"Ok, I see why you haven't...she could kill someone.."

Katie can't help the laugh the escapes her lips.

"You better watch it buddy or next time I wont miss."

Looking back to Jade Katie smiles at her.

"Your going to have to train him better now."

Turning her head to look at Clint a little better she laughs.

"Whats wrong ants in your pants?"

Leaning into Ryder a little more Thirteen lets her head rest on his chest as she just watches the other. Observing, taking everything in.

"They sure are. It's fun watching them though. You didn't happen to bring the camera did you?"

Some of the best pictures that could be taken were when people didn't know they were under the lens.


"You kidding me?" Leo laughs, sitting up a little straighter in his overstuffed living room chair. "You better go out with me after slighting me for your brother's party," he teases. "How about lunch? I got some dance stuff going on tomorrow night after work."

He pauses, seeming to think a little harder about it. "Everything okay? You sound a little stressed."

One would think Jade's smile couldn't get any bigger, but it did. "Christmas morning," she answers Katie. "He called me on his cell phone and met me at the door, down on one knee, it was sooooo sweet!"

Glancing up at Dan and seeing the color in his cheeks, she giggles, enjoying every moment of this. "Surprised the tar out of me."

Jason nods to Dan, still grinning. "Well, congratulations. That's awesome."

"Sure is!" Clint nods with enthusiasm, looking to Dan. "That will make you my... cousin... in law?" Laughing, he shakes his head. "You're gonna love married life, I guarantee it. Now all we gotta do is get Jason and Katie hitched and we'll all be set. I was- Ow!" Clint jumps so hard in his chair, he almost falls over. No one would have been able to see Jason's swift kick to his shin under the table.

Ryder gives Thirteen a crooked grin. "They're a silly bunch, aren't they?"


Once alone in the living room Ryan just continuing to sit. What was she going to do? What kind of mess did she get herself into? Now she had to choose...

Looking over at the phone Ryan reaches for it. Holding it in her hand for a moment she dials Leo's number but hands up on the first ring leaning her head back against the couch. She had to do this, she had to call him. Dialing his number again Ryan waits this time till she hears Leo's voice on the other her.

"Hey there! Sorry to be calling so late, I was just wondering if tomorrow you'd like to set up lunch or dinner together?"

Picking at her jeans once again Ryan's heart seemed to thump. Leo was such a good guy she didn't want to hurt him, and some how she new ether she stayed or went, she'd end up hurting him anyways. He deserved better than this, than her.

Seeing the look in Jade's eyes Katie wanted to question it. What was this look she saw in her friend, it was something far more than happiness. Glancing down to see her finger Katie looks up at Jade again quickly her eyes wide, a smile making its way to her face.

Letting out a squeal Katie grabs her friend in a big bear hug holding her. This was such exciting new Katie could explain how happy she was for Jade, and Dan. Pulling away a little pit Katie takes Jade's hand in her own looking at the ring more closely.

"Oh wow...thats so pretty Jade. What did this happen?"

Watching Katie and Jade some more he can't help the feeling he had inside. He was so happy that they were happy it really was something hard to explain. But knowing her friends were excited made him feel good.

Glancing at Clint and Jason seeing the look on there faces, Dan's own lips turn into a grin. Giving a nod and feeling a little heat come to her face Dan rolls his eyes and thumbs to the girls humor laced in his voice.



Eli chuckles a little and nods. "Anytime. Just... let me know what you decide so I know what's going on, alright?"

Sighing, he gets up from the couch and stretches. "If you wanna figure it out so you know by tomorrow though, I'd call Leo and set up lunch or dinner with him right now. If you decide to stick with him, then it's just a meal like usual. If you don't, then there's your opportunity to talk to him."

He gestures to the phone. "If I didn't call tonight, I'd lose my nerve tomorrow, but that's me. He's probably still up." He shrugs. "I'm gonna go to bed though... need anything, holler. I gotta be at the shop tomorrow at eight."

Wandering down the hall, soon his bedroom door is heard shutting and all is quiet.

Jade beams and bites her lip, looking back at Katie, her eyes dancing with excitement to share the news. Not saying anything, she slides her left hand up to show Katie the ring. Combined with the look on her face, no one could assume it was anything but an engagement ring.

Clint had happened to glance her way, and his eyes widen. He gets Jason's attention who then looks as well, equally surprised. Both look up to Dan and start to grin.


Having her brother removes her hands from her face Ryan looks up at him. She could see the humor dancing in his eyes but says nothing about it. Just continuing to look up at him Ryan listens hoping there would be some answer in his words.

"He's got a bad past but that...doesn't make him a bad person. Everyone can change and deserves a chance...thats what Pop taught us...right?"

Sitting up again Ryan was still on edge her mind seeming to roam ever corner trying to find the answer to her current question. Trying to understand why this was going on, but the answers just didn't seem like they wanted to come.

"I know I gotta do this fast, and know no matter what I do its going to hurt someone. Don't know who is the thats gonna be hurt though. I just there wont be much sleep for me tonight, I'd like to figure it all out before tomorrow and that means no sleep."

Looking to her brother again Ryan trys to give a small smile and a nod of her head. She was happy her brother was there. Even if he wasn't much help on what she should do, it was nice talking to him anyways.

"Thanks Bro, for talking to me. I...."

Ryan lets out a long sigh.


Looking up from the table as a draft of cold air enters the dinning hall Katie smiles seeing Jade. She'd already been gone when they first got there, so it was nice to see her nod.

As Jade comes over to give her a hug Katie wraps her own arms around her friend. Jade looks as though she was doing well and that please Katie. Though things she new were a little rough around here with everything, it was good to see heads were held high.

Staying close to Ryder Thirteen lets out a little laugh at Clint's comment about him winning. She'd grown to know this group that always sat to play cards and though she didn't play hands herself she often helped Ryder to lean how to play.

Dan stands a little ways away just watching as Jade interacted with everyone. It was nice to see her smile and happy. To interact with so many of her friends Dan truly liked seeing that smile on her face.

As Jade looks at him he can see the question in her eyes about what she wanted to tell them all. Dan's smile grew even more looking back into her eyes with suck love he. Giving a small nod he replied to her without saying anything. He was glad she was excited to tell people and it didn't bother him one bit. Sooner of later the would find out anyways why no sooner rather than later.


Eli's eyes continue to widen as he listens to his sister. "Alec? The prisoner guy?" He blinks, hearing about the kiss. "Heavy?" His eyebrows rise a little higher.

Clearing his throat, he tries not to think that part was funny, though being caught on camera... it did have an amusing ring to it. He swallows the laugh that wants to come out and just listens until Ryan is quiet again.

"Well... looks like Speedy went a little too fast, eh?" He grins and reaches over to pull down Ryan's hands from her face. "I hate to break it to ya, little sis, but you're as human as anyone else, stone wall or not."

He cocks his head, studying her eyes as his tone grows gentler, knowing she needed consoling not teasing. "It's okay to crack that wall once in a while. Keeping it indestructible won't let anyone in... and that's a lonely life to live. As far as your current dilemma..."

He sighs and shrugs. "I really don't know what to tell ya. I'm not so sure I like the thought of you being involved with a guy like Alec... from what I've heard, he's a pretty bad character with a pretty bad past - they wouldn't have him there if he weren't. But... I trust you too as long as you got your head on straight. I ain't ever met the guy so I can't judge... I just want you to be careful. Guys like that hurt girls like you, and you know how I feel about anybody touching my sister."

Eli tosses Ryan a wink, grinning just a little. He was a protective brother, but he didn't try to run her life. "About Leo though..." He purses his lips, knowing that this was a pretty sensitive situation, whether she wanted it to be or not. "You're right... you're not being fair to either of them. Whether it was just once, twice, or just a couple visits with Alec... if I were on Leo's side, I'd say you're already two-timing him, and that ain't right. You're my sister and I love ya, but that move isn't cool. You just gotta decide if you're gonna stick with dependable, lovable Leo or go with undependable, passionate criminal Alec."

He sighs, knowing this wasn't easy for her, even if he couldn't really empathize. "I've never been in your spot before... but I do know that whatever you do, do it quick before things really get out of hand."

Jade nods, trying to stay calm. It was such a strange feeling... having missed her father so much, yet having been so upset with him at the same time. Would things be okay?

Accepting Dan's hand, her palm is a little clammy and she grips his fingers tightly. Walking with him, they go inside.

It was evident that supper had been done for a while. Some people had already filtered out, but many still remained. It had been stew for the evening meal and the aroma still lingered, making Jade's stomach growl. She knew it was loud enough Dan surely heard, and she giggles. She'd been the one to convince him not to stop and eat on the way home and it was she who was starving.

"Well, look who the cat gone done and drug in." Clint looks up from one of the tables where he, Jeff, Jason, Katie and Ryder were involved in a card game that had had everyone laughing from the get-go. Even now, Clint's bumbled speech gets the laughter started again.

Jade grins and shakes her head. "Weren't no cat," she counters. "Just a handsome cowboy."

Not seeing her father anywhere near, the nervousness leaves for the time being and she lets Dan's hand go, giving a little squeal at seeing who all was there that she had missed. "Katie!" Trotting around the table to her, she flops down in the empty chair and gives Katie a hug. "Merry Christmas! Well.... a little late." Her eyes were shining brighter than ever before, her face flushed as she held in her secret. She moves her head to see Jason too and gives him a wave. "Hello, sir."

Jason grins with amusement. "Hello, ma'am. And how are we tonight?"

"Wonderful!" Jade bounces a little, totally hyped up, her eyes looking up to Dan again, her smile so wide. "But hungry." Though she didn't know who this other girl was, she had a feeling she knew, and she'd never seen this other man before. But it didn't deter her from being just as giddy as usual.

"Just got done eating," Clint informs. "And you interrupted the card game. So go get your food - I was just winning."

"Oh you were, were you?" Ryder quirks an eyebrow and nudges Thirteen. He'd been sharing a hand of cards with her, and they knew good and well that they were ahead.


Jade giggles. "Clint, you're never winning. And if I thought that me leaving would actually help, I would. But I think you need more than that to win." Still laughing, her eyes find Dan again, question flickering in her gaze. Was it okay with him to tell the others about them? She'd forgotten to ask before they'd come in.

Mick emerges from the play room where BJ was racing his cars around, and heads to the kitchen with his empty coffee mug. Hearing louder chatter than usual, he glances down to the other end. The first person he spots is Dan, and he forces himself not to feel irritated. He'd decided to give the young man a chance... he needed to stick to his word.

Continuing his route, he stops again though when he realizes that Jade was sitting next to Katie. She and Dan got back at the same time? That was... quite a coincidence. Mick shakes his head. There was nothing there. It was a coincidence and there was no point in him letting his mind think up things it shouldn't. He was glad his daughter was back too, even if it did send a feeling of dread through him. There were bridges to be mended both to Jade and Dan. Apologies needed to be made.

Hesitating, Mick finally goes into the kitchen, not knowing how he could approach either one of them, or even knowing when the best time would be.