
I don't know

Giving a little jump as Leo almost snaps at her Ryan looks up at him. She'd seen him upset, and she had seen him hurt before but this, this was different this was pure anger. Feeling her tears start to fall a little more Ryan's own tension tried to rise but it seemed to stay in the middle thought her voice did go up.

"I don't have anything else going on with anyone Leo. I don't have another boyfriend...I don't even know what I do have right now ok."

Gabbing her jacket Ryan takes her wallet from her pocket getting some money out for the meal and putting it down on the table. Oh how the feelings still raged, pulling her in two different directions suffocating her.

"I'm breaking up with you Leo. Please don't make this any harder."

Moving out of the booth Ryan stops for a moment as her emotions told her to stay but she had to go. She had to before she changed her mind, and ended up hurting Leo even more. Turning Ryan makes her way to the door and out side, aiming for her car.

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