

Letting Hope do the talking, Kip continues his quick walking pace, still incredibly nervous. His hands shift from his pockets to fingers fidgeting, arms folded, arms swinging, fiddling with a twig then back to the pockets. But what Hope said did interest his ears. She'd been sick? She gave God the credit for her healing? That was pretty cool. Her explanation of being a "friend" and not a "counselor" kinda sounded like something any counselor would say to try and make a patient feel better, so Kip wasn't so sure he really believed it, but Hope did seem fairly genuine and definitely nice.

As they walk alongside the small pond, Kip doesn't realize that his pace has slowed a little. "I never was too good at listening," he admits. "At least I don't think so. I guess I always talked too much since I was always getting told to shut up." He gives a quiet laugh, though it's more of a scoff. "Maybe it wasn't always that way though. I mean, before my sister died. After that, I guess I just got double the trouble since I was the only one around. Not that it was bad or anything... I mean I didn't mind... it was just the way it was... or... I mean... yeah."

Clamming up again, his eyes go back to the ground. He felt stupid and didn't even know why. His pace speeds up again then slows until he comes to a sudden halt. Spinning to face Hope, his thumbs hook into his belt loops and his eyes squint slightly to study her own. "I don't really know why Kyle thought talking to you would help me. I don't understand how talking about my screwed-up past is gonna help my future any." He wasn't trying to be stubborn, and his confused gaze proved it. His tone was not harsh - it was quiet and lost. "I don't know all that he told you but... I got beat up a lot by my dad. I don't see how that has anything to do with why I'm depressed today though, 'cause I've had a good life lately. I just..."

He sighs and shrugs lamely. "I just don't wanna waste your time."

In the kitchen and rinsing his coffee cup, Eric pauses as Stacy joins him. His eyes lock with hers, and for a moment, he is very curious about that spark deep within her gaze. What was it? What was she thinking? Why was something about that look almost luring? Every time he looked at her, he saw something more... something deeper.

Blinking, he finally turns back to what he was doing, wiping out the coffee cup with a towel. Hearing her thanks, he glances over his shoulder, a little grin returning to his lips. "I think I liked it, too."

Watching her leave, he stands alone for a few minutes before eventually going back out into the night air. He takes his time ambling to his bunkhouse, mulling over many things in his mind...

...Seven-thirty a.m. Most of the ranch was up, and chores were being started as the sun made known it was going to be a beautiful day. As ranch hands went about their morning routines, a lone horse and rider rode slowly up the path from the woods - early for anyone to have been out riding.

Eric steers the mare towards the barn, physically weary from a hard ride, but mentally refreshed. Sweat trickles down the sides of his face from under the brim of his hat. His shirt sleeves were rolled up past his elbows and dust from the trail stuck to his sweaty skin. His mount hangs her head low, and sighs, worn out from the morning exercise. She had started out resisting a workout, but after a jog through the woods and a run across several open fields, she had given in to the bit, following her rider's direction for a several-hour ride.

Coming to a halt outside the barn, Eric slowly dismounts, the saddle's leather creaking with his movement. On the ground again, he lets out a deep sigh of contentment before rubbing his sore leg a little to get it loosened up. It had been a while since he'd been in the saddle - he would probably need a nice hot bath tonight so he didn't regret this ride too much tomorrow. The mare, thankful for the lifted weight, rests her head against his shoulder and starts to rub away the itchiness from her bridle.

Eric chuckles and with gentle hands makes her stop. "Naw, naw... not while you still got that bridle on. You're gonna tear up my shirt."

She sighs again but relents, willing to do whatever asked.

"Little early for a ride, don't ya think?"

Eric turns to see Jeff, and he shrugs before tilting his hat back a bit on his head. "Not when you've been up all night."

Jeff quirks an eyebrow, taking off his gloves from the work he'd been doing. "All night?"

"I guess I got maybe an hour of sleep when I dozed once." Eric loosens the saddle's girth and gives the mare's neck a pat. "Funny though... I ain't all that tired." He glances back to his brother again. "Look, I'm... sorry about yesterday."

Jeff purses his lips, not really sure what had changed, but not unwilling to offer forgiveness. "Forget it. I probably shouldn't have been razzing you like I was anyway." He gestures to the horse, finding an excuse to change the subject. "Need any help? Everything in the barn is under control and I'm just getting in the way."

Eric knew that meant probably Jeff had overexerted himself and just needed a short break, but he doesn't draw attention to it. "Naw... I just wanna finish this up before breakfast. Unless I missed it."

"Nope. I think they're running late in the kitchen anyway."

"Why? Luke tryin' to cook again?"

Jeff laughs, not only finding the comment funny, but also a bit surprised to receive the humor coming from his brother today. "I didn't see smoke, so I don't think so."

Eric grins, turning back to the horse to unbuckle the breast collar. "Alright. I'll see ya in a bit." Left alone again, he slowly leads the mare nearer the water hydrant. Sliding the saddle and blanket off her back, he sets it down a few steps away, then returns, running a hand over her sweaty coat. The damp scent fills his nostrils and the saltiness from the sweat could be tasted on his lips. Leaning on the mare for just a moment or two, he's taken back years, when horses were his life. He'd had a lot of those memories come up this morning... he'd had a lot of different things flow through his mind. At a time when his life felt as though it had spun out of control, there was a stillness now, as if he had been flung like a rag doll to come to an abrupt halt at a fork in the road. One road allowed him to wallow in his misery and stay retreated in his own little world. And one road... well, he wasn't sure what that road held - it was lost in a strange veil of fog. But there was something there that called to him... something that said the unknown wasn't something to be feared. There was a lot of living left to do, no matter the past.

Being nudged by the mare's nose brings Eric back to attention and he shakes his head to get himself back on track. "Yeah, yeah, I'm coming." Stepping up to the water hydrant, he looks down at himself then back at the horse. "I ain't lookin' much better than you, am I?" Rolling his eyes, he takes off his hat and tosses it nearer the barn, then unbuttons his shirt, throwing it in the same direction.

Turning on the water and grabbing the hose, he starts around the mare's head then works down her neck and across her back, spraying off all of the sweat and grime. With a light breeze, it was hard to stay out of the water's way and Eric ends up wet as well, but he didn't mind - the coolness felt good. It felt so good, in fact, that once the mare was completely hosed off, he puts himself under the hose, too. Gasping as the cold water hits him, he drenches his head and upper body before shutting off the water and shaking out his hair. As soon as he does, the mare shakes all over too, making Eric laugh. Getting her scraped off doesn't take long, and within a few minutes, he's finally letting her loose in the pasture where she finds a nice grassy spot to roll before joining the other horses for breakfast. He leans on the fence and watcher her for a few minutes before deciding he better get a move on if he really did want breakfast.

Collecting the discarded tack, Eric looks down at his wet self and smirks. He probably needed a real shower before letting everybody else see him. Grabbing the bridle and hefting up the saddle over his shoulder, he heads into the barn. Once in the tack room, he puts everything away, running a hand through his damp hair as he make sure he's gotten everything. Then he remembers his shirt and hat. Swinging out of the tack room, he aims down the barn aisle again. Coming to the intersection, his eyes were distracted by watching some of the others heading to the mess hall, and he rounds the corner without caution.

Watching Ryan leave, Tal tries not to be nervous about it. Alec's presence really shouldn't bother him this much... but it did. He wasn't sure what he was worried about... maybe he just didn't want to see Ryan caught in the middle of anything. He glances over to Eli, who returns to sit down in his chair again.

Eli catches his eye and shrugs. What could he say? He'd like to tell Alec to take a hike, but this was Ryan's decision. He didn't want anything to do with Alec and was a tad bit angry he'd shown up. But Ryan could handle herself.

Out in the hall, Alec takes a short step back, making room for Ryan to join him. His stomach does a little flipflop, unused to feeling so awkward around her. But the eyes that he'd seen filled with warmth and life were now filled with something else... something harder... something colder... something that warned him not to advance too quickly. He'd broken her trust - he knew that. But surely there was a way to get it back. He'd won her over once - he could do it again.

A little grin forms at her question. "Why else would I come but to see you?" He cocks his head and studies her for several moments. Something was very different, and though he didn't let it show, it made him somewhat nervous.

"Look, um..." He might as well just jump right in. He had a feeling Ryan wasn't in the mood for chit-chat. "I know you know about everything that happened with me and I know I said some mean things to you." He sighs. "But I'm not in prison on account of my reasons for going off with the Agency in the first place."

He pauses and looks into Ryan's eyes again. "If I hadn't gone with them, people would have died... you would have been hurt... and I didn't want to see that happen. I did some stupid things, I'll admit, but I never set out to turn my back on the good guys... or to hurt you." He bites his lower lip. "That's the short version, but the point is, I'm sorry for letting you think I didn't care. I'm trying to get back on my feet and I've got a lot of stupid rules to follow and a lot of dumb things I gotta do, but at least I'm not behind bars." His eyes drift downward to his ankle where his jeans hid the bracelet that was sure to be his demise. He looks up again.

"I guess I just... I guess I just thought maybe you and I could... start over or something."

His hand reaches out to brush her cheek gently. This had to work... this had to. If he could just say the right things and convince her he was sincere. He missed her so much and just wanted her back in his life. "Ever since that first time you picked me up, you were the only thing that ever made sense to me." His tone had grown softer... quieter. "Can I have another chance? Can we start over?"

Scott had known deep down that his sister forgave him, but hearing it again was reassuring. His shoulders drop a little, relieved at her response. He wouldn't have blamed her if she'd turned him away. But it would have hurt. He'd missed his sister... a lot.

Having Sapphire offer to skip a date with Gage to have lunch with him instead, Scott eyes her with a bit of surprise. He wasn't surprised to know the two were still dating, but he was surprised that his sister would choose lunch with him over her boyfriend. "Um... yeah... yeah, sure." He wasn't hungry - he'd forgotten it was lunchtime. But he was never hungry, so that was nothing new.

"We can go out somewhere... that's okay. It, um..." He bites his lip. "I mean..." His face reddens slightly. "I still sorta get nervous around people, but it's not as bad as it was. Kinda figured out how not to freak out when I remember stuff." He forces a small smile. "Justin said I should get out and try to... um... just get out more." A soft little laugh surfaces. "But I guess that's nothing new."

...A while later, Scott sat across from Sapphire in a booth at the little fast food restaurant. It wasn't a busy day - a fact he appreciated. He did feel a bit awkward though. It had been a long time since he'd been out in public, and Justin had been right - it wasn't easy. But at least he was with his sister. That made it a little better.

Running a french fry through some ketchup, he looks at the barely-half-eaten burger and the rest of his fries. He was trying... he really was. Meals were just... hard. He takes another bite of his french fry and looks over at Sapphire again. "So yeah... Justin will see me once a week or so for a while and I'll hafta go back to Brookshire every so often for some psych evaluations. But... but I'm a lot better than I was." He nods, feeling more confident in that fact than he had in a very long time.

"So... how are things with you?" The question seemed so trite and he offers a sheepish sort of grin. "Some days it feels like I saw you yesterday... but I know it's been a lifetime ago."

After JT gets changed into his casual clothes, he makes a beeline for Gunner, insisting that he help finish setting up the tents, gathering firewood or anything he could think of... mainly to keep himself busy enough that he didn't embarrass himself with Amanda again.

It was surprising that there was no further argument from the two doctors that they had been kidnapped. But perhaps they were silently glad that someone had finally forced them to take some time off. The afternoon turns into early evening, which turns into sunset. The short time was almost entirely filled with setting up camp, making sure all the provisions were where they were supposed to be, and scouting out a few trails in case anyone wanted to hike the next day. At one point, neither Gunner or JT could be found, but soon they reappeared, just in time to help with a supper of hotdogs and baked beans over an open fire.

The fire was glowing warm, the stars were out, and conversation was light. JT was settled on a log with a cup of coffee in hand, leaning his elbows on his knees as he listened to Gunner, who had volunteered a story in answer to JT's question about why he'd had a scar on his bottom... No one really knew how the subject had come up, but once Gunner had said it, it was free game and he wasn't going to be allowed to go to bed without telling them about it.

"So here we were, Conrad and me patrolling the street. We were mad enough the way it was being put on patrol anyway, then we hear a call about some hotshot burglar who ripped off this gas station only a few blocks from where we were. Not to be outdone, we decided we'd be first on the scene."

Gunner smirks a little at the memory. He sits on the ground, using a log as a backrest and Bree's legs as armrests as she sat behind him on the log. His eyes flitted back and forth between JT and Amanda who was - unfortunately, as Gunner and Bree would have it - sitting several feet from him. "Neither one of us were being too smart that day, and we wound up in a car chase. Mind you, it was rush hour traffic. Here Con was behind the wheel and I was shouting, 'Left! Right! Left!' He was missing cars by inches - horn honking, siren blaring... I thought I was gonna have to change my shorts - if I could pry my fingers from the dashboard first."

By now, JT was starting to laugh, and Gunner was getting a twinkle in his eye, intensified by the glowing fire. "So we chased down this maniac to the far side of town where he ran up over the curb, hit a fire hydrant and created our own personal Old Faithful right there on the street. We woulda charged onlookers if we woulda had time. Anyway, Con was so close behind him that we got the cruiser washed for free. Would have been a bonus when reporting to the chief except for the dent in the bumper we got for rearending the guy. At the same time, I discovered I really could fit on top of the dashboard, squished between vinyl and the windshield. If I'd been a contortionist, it wouldn't have been so bad, but Con just left me there, waving my hands like some upturned turtle, calling, 'Help! Help!'

Gunner tries not to laugh as he demonstrates his cries for help, his hands flailing and his arms bumping Bree's legs. It was a good thing his mug was empty of hot cocoa - otherwise it would have gone everywhere. JT tries not to interrupt with laughing as Gunner continues. "We finally ended up on foot, running after this guy pellmell down the sidewalk. So there's Con, the giant, and me in toe, two uniformed bafoons sweating like you wouldn't believe. Anybody coulda followed us just by tracking our trail of sweat. Well, the guy took off inside a building, apparently deciding that a good escape would be the stairs. Now why anyone ever thinks that going up is a good escape route, I'll never know, but that's what this guy did. Con and I were already winded, but instead of calling for backup or actually using our heads and just waiting at the bottom for the guy to come out, we go huffing and puffing up three flights of stairs. By the time we reached the third level, Con was ready to blow the guy's brains out just for the trouble, but thankfully there hadn't been any good angles."

Gunner pauses, swallowing a chuckle as his eyes start to glaze over from the effort it took not to laugh. It was bad enough remembering the hilarity of the story, but seeing JT about ready to burst made it even harder. "So we get up to that third floor and I'm ready for anything. I barge in there without even looking, and dive. My hands wrapped around that guy's ankles and brought him down on the floor, his face smacking so hard he broke his nose. I don't know who he was, but somehow he had the nerve to fight me off and here we were rolling around on the floor having a great time, and would you believe I look over and there's Con, watching the whole thing with his hands on his hips and a stupid grin on his face. He was enjoying watching me take a beating! So I yell at him, I say, 'Conrad, get your lazy behind over here and help me!' That was a mistake."

JT puts a hand over his mouth as he tries not to interrupt the story. He dares not look at Bree, or Amanda, lest he burst out laughing.

"So yeah, here's Con," Gunner continues, "ten feet tall and he comes and instead of just subduing the guy, he yanks him up from the floor and puts him in a bearhug. Thing was, the guy had one good kick left in him, and he decides to use it right when I got to my feet. His feet nailed me in the gut. I go reeling backward, and would you know, there's a window right behind me."

He gestures with his arms. "Yeah, you know what happened. I went back, went right through the dang thing, and down." He whistles like a dropped bomb. "I never thought it could take so long to get to the ground, but I swear it was a lifetime. Fortunately, there was this crappy little wooden shack some hobo had put together in the alley. It served to break my fall, but I still got the wind knocked out of me. I don't know what happened the next ten minutes, but when I looked up again, there was Con looking down on me saying, 'Hey, you alive?' 'Of course I'm not!' I shouted, 'I just fell from a window!' All he did was grin and get me to my feet. That's when I started jumping around like a madman, yelling at Con to get that thing off of me."

Finally, a chuckle slips out and Gunner has to take a moment to regain his composure. "Con said, 'What are you talking about?' I yelled at him, still hopping around, tripping over the debris from my skydiving adventure, 'I got a pitbull on my butt!' Boy howdy, it's what it felt like, too. Con grabbed me, turned me around, and the big clown started laughing at me. I was in pain, and all he could do was laugh!"

That was it. JT was in stitches and he has to set down his coffee mug before wiping tears of suppressed laughter from his eyes. "What was it?"

Gunner leans forward, his face red with silly sheepishness, made even redder by the firelight. "I had splinters this long sticking out of my backside!" He demonstrates several inches. "What do you say when the paramedics arrive? 'No, no one got shot, I jut got a load of wood in my butt'? 'Leave your scalpel but bring your chainsaw'?"

JT holds his sides as he laughs. "What did you do?"

"I had to have them dang splinters surgically removed. Couldn't sit for a week and carried around one of them ridiculous doughnut pillow things. When people asked me why I was always standing, I told them I had a rare medical condition called splintitis. Believe it or not, I had some folks fooled." Gunner shakes his head as a laugh slips out. "Yeah... those were the days."

JT settles his laughter and finally glances over to Amanda. He'd been tempted several times to sit closer to her, but didn't dare as the two "youngsters" looked on. "Next time I want to ask Gunner about his past, remind me not to, will you? I think I've just been given too much information."

Gunner laughs. "You shoulda known better before tonight." He scoots further down and leans back, his head resting on Bree's leg now. Craning his neck, he looks up at her. "Didn't you tell him not to ask when I say weird things?"

"You don't need to go anywhere," Rick assures, reaching over to pat Katie's hand. "We're trying to set up a neutral location to trade off the cure for the information. If the Agency agrees, they'll check out the data while we're together and I'll check out the cure before we part. Then I'll come back and we'll start whatever it is we need to start. I think it will be a series of shots."

Standing up, Rick nods to the door. "I do need to go and get this rolling. I... know even though the answer seemed obvious that this isn't easy for you. And I know that after it's all said and done, if everything goes as planned, things will be different. Most people won't realize the sacrifice you've made by letting the connection with Jason go, but... I think I have an idea, and I'm proud of you."

And while Rick goes to make more phone calls to the Agency and inform Cindy and Derek of what was going on, Jason lies still and quiet in the infirmary. His breathing was slow and quiet - giving the false impression that all was well. Inside, his body fought its toughest battle yet, unaware that when rallied, he would awaken to a much different world.

Wyatt purses his lips and leans back in his chair thoughtfully as Nate talks. His last comment though, makes him look up and smirk. "I guess I can sacrifice brawn for brain." He rolls his eyes. "Well... the only thing I can really think of to get the drop on anybody is a sniper. I'm thinking tranqu darts though - no blood and we don't get taken in for murder."

He pauses, the wheels turning in his mind. "They probably won't have more than three or four people, I'd figure. Once you've got a hand on Destiny and head back for the car, bam - one, two, three, four - they won't know what hit them. Chance will be left standing and obviously he'll come with us rather than stick around for the bums to wake up and take him to be tortured."

He knew it was easier said than done, but that was the gist of his thinking. The next question would be who the sniper would be, and it was a question that didn't need to be voiced. "I'm thinking Con. He hasn't been in the field much lately, but he's the best we got and I know he'd help and keep his mouth shut. And Dalton... we'll need him here as planned, with his eyes on the satellite with some heat sensors so he can tell Con where his targets are. We'll also need to smuggle out some night gear for Con so he can see what's going on and shoots the bad guys and not you. I wouldn't want to lug your heavy carcass back to base."

A new little grin surfaces. TJY had been busy lately, but most of their work had been small cases surrounded by more paperwork than anything. Planning something like this, whether approved by Reese or not, got the blood pumping again. Wyatt shrugs. "That's just one idea."

The brawn

Hope walks happily with Kip, not minding at all that he set his own pace. It was a little faster than she would set herself, but for at least a little bit, she would be able to keep up before she became tired. She can tell Kip was nervous and not sure what to say, so letting him go how he wanted to was alright and she hoped it would make him more comfortable.

"Well let's see... you're one of the first people I have talked to in depth with since I have returned to work. I'd been out for a while because I was sick, but God healed me. I guess he decided he wasn't ready for me."

Giving a smile and looking at the sky for a moment, Hope gives a smile. She was at peace with what happened to her and though going to her eternal home was something she looked forward to, seeing why God wasn't ready made her even more excited. "I don't really like calling myself a counselor. I like saying I am more of a friend that's easy to talk to. Listening is something that's always come easy to me and my own personal experiences help me help others."

As Hope talked, her eyes sparkled, not that she was talking about herself, but she was being able to talk and share her faith with someone else. A lot had been going on, and she was still missing one important piece in her life, but she still did her best to move on through the day, trusting God would let everything turn out how it should.

Looking up at Eric as he stops, Stacy gives a genuine smile as the lights dance across his face and his eyes for a moment. The first smile she had seen from him, and it put him well over a ten or eleven even, but saving him from embarrassment, she wouldn't say it. "I'd have to say you aren't either. We're just a little wiser now."

Standing and giving a small yawn, Stacy knew she should continue her rounds as well, to make sure all was well before heading to bed. Tomorrow would be an early one, going out and putting in some of the new security fences where she thought there could be a breach. "Well, I guess I should probably head out myself..."

She moves towards the kitchen and stands next to Eric at the sink, rinsing out her cup before setting it down. Turning a little to look at him, she studies him for a moment. A strange pull seemed to be in his eyes. They were deep and almost called to her, beckoning her to come closer.

Breaking her gaze though, she knew she would be treading on dangerous ground if she continued to look into his eyes that night as the moon played its dance of light. She couldn't slip - she was here for a job, not to make a love connection. Love...ha...she hardly even knew Eric. What was she thinking? Giving a laugh, she moves away from the sink but stops in the doorway, turning to look over her shoulder at Eric.

"Thanks for the talk, Eric. It was nice opening up to someone. That's something I haven't done...ever, I think. I think I liked it though."

And with that, Stacy turned again to continue her night before heading to bed. The image of Eric that night though, erased her previous one - it was a picture often played in her mind as she moved slowly through the night air, nature singing in her ear.

Pulling away from her brother a little bit and just studying him for a moment, taking in his apology, Sapphire really wondered if Scott would think she was still mad at him or hadn't forgiven him already. He was her best friend and he always would be - of course she did.

"I already forgave you, Scott. You're my brother - nothing could keep me from loving you." She really meant it, too. Maybe things had changed and both of them had grown apart a little bit, but still no matter what, she knew they were closer than anyone else. If there was a problem, he would know, and if he needed her, she would always be there.

"I was going to meet Gage for lunch but I think I'd rather have lunch with you today. I can always see him for dinner. That is, if you're feeling up to it? I don't mind if we go out, bring it back here, or go back to my place. You pick...I'd like to do what you want to do."

Knowing her brother was comfortable in whatever the did was Sapphire's top priority. This afternoon would be special wherever they went and she would call Gage and meet him for dinner instead of lunch. She knew he would understand.

Glancing at Bree and Gunner as they start to put up the tents with ease, Amanda can only shake her head, finding JT's statement rather funny. "I think they are going to have no problems staying alive. Us, however, might be another story. I haven't been camping since I was a little girl. I'm not even sure I remember what it's like."

Hearing JT's comment, Amanda can't help but let her own eyes get big for a moment. Though JT was absolutely right, it still made color come to her cheeks and she lost her train of thought. Maybe it was just the simple idea that JT wasn't a patient.

"Yeah, I am gonna... uhhh...go change over there...in the car... I'll see ya later."

Seeing her brother jump from the corner of her eye, Ryan couldn't help but snicker as she leaned against Tal, not making any attempt to move. She was comfortable and warm on the couch. Moving was the last thing on her mind.

"You're such a good brother, not making me get up. You know if Scarlet were here and you guys were cuddled all comfortably, I would get up for you, too."

Once Eli was out of sight, Ryan can't help the grin that moves to her lips as she sat up only enough to turn a little and press her lips against Tal's. "I thought he would never leave."

Giving him another kiss, she doesn't let it linger long as Eli comes back into the room, the look on his face a completely different one now. Hearing who was at the door makes Ryan tense herself just a little. She hadn't expected Alec to show up, let alone have the guts to do so. Now he was here, and he wanted to talk to her?

She didn't owe him anything and she knew it, but the curiosity of wanting to know why he had shown up was what made her move to sit up. Looking down at Tal for a moment, she gives him a look of apology for having to move. "Yeah, okay, give me a second. Don't you move a muscle. This won't take long."

Getting up from the couch and walking towards the door, Ryan shakes her head slightly and lets out a sigh as she passes her brother. Though she wondered why Alec was there, somewhere inside, she knew why, and she knew her answer even if emotions tried to tell her differently.

Stepping outside, Ryan lets the door close slightly behind her, but enough was still open to let the glow from inside cast its light on the front steps. "What are you doing here, Alec?"

Hearing that Rick needed to talk to her, Katie's heart raced as a million questions ran through her mind. Did something happen to Jason? Was he okay? Katie couldn't help but think the worst as she sat down in the chair across from Rick. If she hadn't been here and something happened, she would never live it down.

Just listening, she soaks in everything Rick says and her heart pounds even faster for a whole other reason. Jason could be saved - at the cost of their connection, but J living was more important and knowing her love would be with her longer was worth every moment.

"Of course I am okay with it, Rick. It's to save Jason's life. How could I say no? That would make me a cold, heartless person." Though Rick was trying to make this her choice, Katie knew somewhere in the back of her mind she didn't have a choice. But it was okay, right? She loved Jason and keeping him around with her a while longer was so very important.

"So when are we going to do this and there is no way Jason is going alone. I want to go, too."

Normal people... Katie lets that linger in her mind for a long moment, thinking about it as she waited for Rick's reply. This was normal to her, so what would life really be like? Would anything change or would things be the same without the connection?

Nate taps his pen absentmindedly on the desk as he looks across at Wyatt. He knew their reasons would be different, but the goal was still the same and really that's what Nate was aiming for.

"Well, I think if we were to just feed him to the Underground, that would be letting him off easy. So, we can do this two ways - go in guns blazing or one of us gets Destiny out of harm's way because I certainly don't want her getting any more hurt than she has been already, while the other keeps an eye on the building."

This was dangerous and Nate knew it. They knew nothing about the building, how it was set up or even about the people in the Underground. But maybe if they could get a little more information about it, that would help. "What do you think? You've always been the brains. I'm just the brawn."


Sapphire's response catches Scott completely off guard. Almost knocked off balance he teeters a little, his baseball cap getting pushed to the side. It felt so good to have a hug from his sister. And... she'd really missed him that much? After all the things he'd said? After how he'd acted? After how he'd not wanted to see her at all? Her embrace proved her words were true.

Slowly, slowly, Scott's arms return the hug. Tears hide behind his closed eyes as he rests his head against his sister's. Drawing in a shaky breath, he gives her a squeeze. "I've missed you, too," he whispers.

Eventually pulling away, he catches his hat before it slides off his head. His eyes drop for a moment before looking back up again. Though one eye was dull and lifeless, the other held such depth... too many emotions to decipher. "Um, I..." He swallows hard, his hands playing with his cap. His face was so thin, but more color was in his cheeks than in a long time. "I... I just wanted to say hi. I've... well, I was released from Brookshire today. I..."

He clears his throat and cocks his head a little, just studying Sapphire for a moment. "I'm sorry, Sapphire... for everything."

"Yeah... hi.... yeah, I'm Kip." He stands up awkwardly, hooking his hands in his jeans pockets and shifting his weight from one foot to the other and back again. "Um... yeah, a walk sounds good." Very good. Great, in fact. He didn't know if it showed or not that he was relieved to be up from the table and able to move.

Aiming for the path that led around the park's little pond, he isn't sure what pace Hope liked, so he sets his own, maybe not realizing that the quickness in his step only amplified his obvious nervousness. "Kyle said he... well you... I'm not sure I... I mean..." He scratches the back of his head and focuses on the path. "Yeah, you better go first."

Sitting back and turning his head to look at Stacy, curiosity fills Eric's eyes. He'd known she was divorced but didn't know the circumstances surrounding it. He couldn't imagine a man leaving his wife because she was going to have their child. It was unbelievable... terrible, actually. Enough so, that a strange anger burned deep down beneath everything else Eric felt. Stacy seemed so kind... gentle, in a way - a contrast to their first meeting when she'd dished out a ticket. And Ashley... it was the poor fool's loss for leaving his family, that was for sure. Ashley was a bright spot on a rainy day... and on the sunny days too... a girl any man should be proud of to have as a daughter.

Eric almost didn't hear Stacy's last words. He was too busy studying her eyes. Though it had been many years since her husband had left, he had left a scar, that was for sure. And yet... she had come through it with a better attitude than most people had with good circumstances, let alone bad ones. Rich was one stupid man.

A grin plays with Eric's lips and he leans his head to the side, drawing in a deep breath to let it out slowly. "I guess maybe good is coming out of it already." His grin turns into a soft smile. "I ain't learned this much about life in a long time." He takes a sip of coffee, but only before a quiet chuckle. "Just don't tell the others. They might like to rub it in."

Shaking his head, he finishes his coffee, staring at the empty cup for a moment or two before sighing again. "I suppose I should go back to bed and turn out these lights so you won't think there's some prowler on the loose."

Gathering the gumption to stand, Eric gets to his feet, rubbing his sore leg for a moment before stretching a little. Walking past Stacy on the way to take his coffee mug to the kitchen, he stops, pausing to glance down at her. "Thanks, Stacy," he mentions quietly. "I'd hardly call you damaged goods."

JT smirks as Amanda approaches. "Kidnapping. Definitely kidnapping. Those two are in big trouble once we get back to civilization... if they stay alive that long."

Still fooling with the clothes he'd found, Amanda's comment makes his eyebrows shoot up. Just staring ahead at the trees, he finally gives her a sidelong glance, feeling a little bit of heat come to his face. "Right. But since we're both doctors, I doubt we'd be shocked. I guess we wouldn't want to give the local bears a show though."

Realizing he'd probably just made things worse, he cringes and just starts for the trees. "Excuse me while I go change and surgically remove my foot from my mouth."

Hearing Beth's apology, Justin gives her a small smile. "I suppose we both need to be forgiven, eh?" He raises his coffee cup to tap hers for a toast. "To a truce between two friends that have just become a little bit wiser."

Sipping his coffee, it felt as though a little weight had been lifted. He hadn't enjoyed the past week and didn't wish to repeat it. Hearing a doctor's call over the intercom, he gives a start, but then realizes it has nothing to do with why he was there. Sighing, he leans his head back again. "You know the saddest part of this whole thing?"

He turns his gaze to Beth once more. "I'm sitting here, not knowing if my own brother is gonna live or die, and instead of pacing the halls, I'm craving one of your cherry pies."

"Mmm.... yeah, you were right. You make good pancakes." Tal chews a bite of breakfast, turning his head to grin at Ryan. This morning had already been so enjoyable and there was still much of the day remaining. "I ought to have you by for breakfast more often," he muses. "I could handle more of this."

Taking another bite, his grin remains as he gives her shoulder a teasing little bump with his own. Yes... he could definitely handle more of this...

...The day goes by faster than Tal would have liked. Tending to the puppies, running a few errands and spending more time with Ryan, the hours flew by. Not going in to work, it felt almost like a mini vacation. Come evening, Tal didn't think twice about Ryan seeing his apartment anymore. He'd realized that she didn't care if it was in bad shape or not - she was there to be with him, and that's what made him feel good.

Once suppertime rolls around though, it's her apartment they go to, joined by Eli, who convinces them to order out pizza and chicken wings. Scarlet was out of town again, and he wanted to get in on the company, too. He might never admit it, but watching a movie by himself just wasn't much fun. Time spent with Ryan and Tal was much more enjoyable, even if he did pretend to be annoyed at them cuddling on the couch and kissing every now and then.

And not so far away, someone else's day had gone much slower...

Alec stares at the window, letting out a long sigh. He hated the days, but hated the evenings even more, because they brought on the nights, which were way too long and...

He folds his arms and scowls at his own reflection in the grimy glass. And the nights were lonely. Six days a week, he'd been working on the roadside, digging ditches, picking up trash, painting fences and chopping down trees. Twelve-hour shifts sent him home every day tired and sore. Too sore to want to do anything, but not tired enough to sleep when he wanted to. He hated it. He hated every minute. He knew he could have wound up in prison, but even there, he wouldn't have to be working this hard, and he'd probably have someone to talk to. As it was, he saw new faces almost every day, and those he did see more than once wanted nothing to do with him. He was the only murderer on the crew and the other guys knew it. He was the one they avoided like the plague. Coming home to his apartment every day was better than the physical labor he didn't even get paid for, but it was quiet... and empty.

Alec had seen none of his old friends since coming here. He wasn't sure what he'd expected - it wasn't like anyone was going to welcome him back with open arms. But no one had even dropped by. Not even Susanne. Gage - though just a couple doors down - avoided him at all cost. Alec hadn't seen hide nor hair of Carson, let alone anyone from the Elite. The only one there he had any contact with was Reese, who checked up on him at random moments as if trying to catch him in the act of violating their agreement. So far, Alec had followed the rules. But tonight....

Moving from the window, he glances around the dingy apartment. He hated it here. Truly hated it. His eyes move down to his ankle bracelet. As soon as he exited the apartment building, Reese would know. Violating that rule would put Alec's future in jeopardy, and he'd risk finally getting thrown in prison. And yet... sitting here, wallowing in his own misery seemed worse. Tonight, it was worth the risk. And if he were going to risk getting caught, he'd make it worthwhile. There was only one person he wanted to see that actually would make it worthwhile....

Alec wanders into the parking lot and glances around. He saw Eli's motorcycle... and Ryan's car. Both were home. He'd rather just Ryan be here, but this was probably as good as he was going to get it. It had taken him over an hour to walk here, and he wasn't going to turn around now. So far, no Elite car had come to run him down either - something that he was glad for, but it also made him just a little leery.

Ambling forward, he heads up the walk and to the apartment door. Sighing, he knocks. If he could just get this straightened out and have one thing going right, then maybe life wouldn't look so bad. If he could just get Ryan back... then maybe the days of work and his stupid situation with the Elite wouldn't seem so bad...

Inside, the knock at the door makes Eli jump. It was a tense scene in the movie and he smirks at the interruption. He glances to Ty and Ryan, who were curled up together on the couch, neither moving. "Yeah, okay, I'll get up and answer the door."

Tal nods. "Mm-hmm." His arm around Ryan grows a little tighter with no intention of letting her up yet. She was too warm and comfortable.

Eli rolls his eyes, though he really doesn't mind, and gets up, wandering to the door. Opening it though, his expression changes from light annoyance and humor to that of question and quickly to anger. "Alec."

Alec holds Eli's gaze and nods. "Yeah." He swallows hard. The look in Eli's eye was not a pleasant one. Alec hadn't known what to expect, but he hadn't been prepared for the friendliness to be entirely gone. "Ryan home? I'd like to talk with her."

Eli had half a mind to slam the door in his face, but he knows this was Ryan's call, not his. "Hang on." He leaves the door only cracked open, not inviting Alec in. "Ryan... Alec's here to see you."

Tal can feel himself tensing, though he tries not to, forcing himself to loosen his arm around Ryan so she could get up. Alec was back? He'd actually dared to come back here after getting let off the hook? A bazillion questions flood Tal's mind at once, but he holds his tongue.

Alec's eyes have just enough clearance to see partway into the living room. And when he sees two figures sit up from the couch instead of just one, his stomach gives a little lurch. Who was the guy? Had Ryan just been cuddled on the couch with him? Did she have a new boyfriend? He shifts his weight from one foot to the other, nervously waiting for her. He hadn't been here three minutes, and already things weren't going as planned.

Somewhat confused, Rick hesitates to take the paper from Trey. Pegged for murder? What was he talking about? Finally accepting the note, he unfolds it and reads:
You want Jason alive, and we want your medical records. We have the cure. You have the records. If you try to manipulate, erase or move your medical records, people will die. Want the deal? Call 555-7803. We're watching you.

Rick's eyes widen. He didn't need to ask - he knew good and well that this was from the Agency. And... they had a cure? His gaze comes back up to Trey. How had this young man received this note? Was he involved? Or was he just the messenger? What was really going on? Was the cure real? Why did the Agency want the Elite's medical records?

Though his mouth opens slightly, no words come out. There were a million and one questions, but only one of them mattered to him - was there really a cure? Agency or not, if Rick could save Jason's life, he would do everything in his power to make that happen. But this was bigger than he was.

Snapping to attention, he bolts for the door. Skidding to a stop, he whirls back around to Trey. "I have questions for you. But for now, just stick around and don't go too far." He spins to face the hallway again and takes off for Reese's office...

...Notified that Katie and Jamie had returned to the office, Rick meets them at the door. Locking eyes with Katie, he nods towards the hall, his expression one of seriousness. "Katie... glad you're back. I need to see you a minute." Without explanation, he leads the way to the meeting room and shuts the door so they're alone. "Have a seat."

Sitting across from her, he rubs a hand over his face, worry outlining every curve. He'd talked with Reese. He'd made a phone call. He'd talked to Cindy. Now it was Katie's turn. "Katie, I... Trey was given a note... from the Agency."

He goes on to explain what it said, and that Reese had told him to call the phone number. "I talked to a guy who explained that they have developed a cure that would save Jason's life. What they want in return is all of our medical records. We know that's a risk - apparently the Agency wants to know what we've learned - wants to see the staff's physical records and stuff like that. The risk is that they could develop something stronger or targeted to certain persons based on what they'd know. Unfortunately, time is of the essence, and we don't have enough time to botch our own database and give them incorrect information. Even if we did... they'd figure it out and we'd be in even more danger."

Taking a deep breath, Rick stares at Katie. "Reese... has agreed that if I believe there's no other way, that it's worth the risk to save Jason's life. There's just one thing..."

He pauses, knowing this is a lot all at once, but it was happening fast and he didn't have much of a choice. "We all want Jason to live... but this will affect you too. If what the guy said is true - and honestly, we don't know if it is or not - their vaccine is to be administered to both you and Jason. And... it will save Jason's life... by severing your connection to each other... permanently."

He swallows hard. "It's not the antidote. It's not temporary. According to the Agency, it's an actual cure for what caused the emotional disruption in the first place. Which means you and Jason would experience life as normal people again." But Rick knew that the connection with Jason was what Katie cherished the most. "I can't do this without your consent, Katie. Cindy agreed that we needed to ask you about it before making a decision. So I'm asking you... are you willing to do this in order to save Jason's life?"

Sitting in Nate's office, Wyatt studies him from the other side of the desk. Nate usually didn't buck Reese's decisions, so Wyatt was curious as to what was going through his mind.

Hearing Nate's thoughts, he nods slowly. "Yeah... you're right. I don't think it's right to just leave Chance there either. I thought it was strange Dad did that but... I figured it was his call."

Sighing, he sits back and folds his arms across his chest. "Not sure what you mean by me having different reasons. I figured Chance was trying to do the right thing finally, so he deserved to stick around instead of being held by the Underground. I... get the feeling you don't have the same notion though." He cocks his head, reading Nate's eyes. "Though I suppose leaving him there would get him off the hook, in a way, wouldn't it?"

Wyatt thinks in silence for several moments before he finally shrugs. "I'm game to bring him back with us. Got a plan?"


Coming around to the other side of the couch, Stacy eases down, resting against the arm and turning slightly to look at Eric. Watching the firelight flicker in his eyes, she could make out a deeper pain that was there.

Hearing his apology, she goes to tell him it was okay but falls silent again, seeing there was more he wanted to say. Just continuing to listen, Stacy was surprised to hear about Eric being married, but doesn't let it show. Now knowing a little bit about his background, she understood why he had jumped at Jeff and she couldn't blame him.

"Well, I guess we can be damaged goods together." She tries to give at least half a smile even if the comment even stung her a little bit. "I'm really sorry that happened to you, Eric. I know it can't feel good. At least you found out now though, rather than of years down the road, right?"

Coming across as a question, it was more of a matter of fact statement. Personal experience had taught her that one. "Don't worry too much about earlier. It's already forgotten because I understand where you're coming from." Shifting a little to get comfortable and taking a sip of her coffee, Stacy is quiet for a moment, just staring into the fire.

"I was married once, too. Longer than you by four years. We were pretty happy, young and in love. He was pretty avid about not wanting kids. And though it made me sad, I respected it." Letting her words drift off, Stacy is quiet again. She had never told anyone this before and why she was telling a stranger, she didn't know, but it felt right. "But God had other plans and I ended up getting pregnant. As soon as Rich found out, he was gone. Ash has never seen him, talked to him. Nothing. She was the best thing to happen to me though. I'd never wanna go back and change it. Ash is my world now."

Looking to Eric, she gives a soft smile. Everything happened for a reason, and tonight she had found her reason for the company. "Good will somehow, somewhere come from your situation, even if you can't see it now."

Taking a step back and looking at Tal, Ryan's eyes give a twinkle. She really was amazed by him and how sweet he was. His thoughtfulness and how much of a gentleman he was just made her feel good.

"All right, here comes some pancakes."

Moving around the kitchen, it takes Ryan no time to get comfortable and find everything. Twenty minutes later, she puts the last pancake onto a plate before handing it to Tal. "Alright, eat up. I promise they do taste good."

She plops down next to Tal, crossing her legs. Using her fork to cut off a piece and pop it into her mouth, she savors the taste.

Trying her best to mind her own business, Aerith can't help but take note to the woman who walked in and now was talking to Carson. Something seemed a little off about the whole situation. It was none of her nevermind though, just something she observed.

Getting out of the car and making sure Amanda was close behind, Bree gives a stretch before walking over to Gunner. Hearing his comment, she can't help but giggle as she leans up to give him a lingering kiss.

"Mmmmm...I guess we can save the blood sucking for another time. We at least have to let them enjoy themselves a little. Come on, Vamp, help me with the tents."

Turning, she heads back to the car to grab the tents, giving her uncle a wink as she passes.

Still stunned by the whole thing, Amanda slowly walks over to JT and stands there for a long moment before saying anything. "So do we consider this a kidnapping or a vacation?"

Amanda can't help the smile that spreads across her lips. This might have been a crazy way to get them together, but in a way, it was a little exciting, too. "I guess we should get changed. Not together, of course."

Stepping out of the elevator and seeing Justin, Beth gives a smile. It felt like a long time since the last time she had seen him, but now having him in front of her was nice. "Hey."

Walking with Justin to the waiting room, Beth eases down in the chair next to him. Listening to what happened, she shakes her head. She might not have cared for Jared, but she never would have wanted anything bad to happen.

"I really hope Jared will be okay. Even if he was a ding dong." Letting out a sigh, Beth siths back for a moment. She was happy she was here and Justin had called. It gave her a chance to say what she wanted, too.

"Justin...I'm really sorry. I didn't mean any disrespect to you. I was just trying to help and I guess I just went about it the wrong way. So for that, I am sorry."

Not even hearing Rick at first, Trey stands unmoved. He really had nothing else to say, but he stood there anyway. Finally seeing the movement out of the corner of his eye, he turns his head quickly. Met with Rick's words, he takes a step back from Jason, the look in his eye short-lived as now it was gone.

"No, I don't need to stay a while." Shifting his weight a little, he felt strange. The crinkle of paper in his pocket reminds him why he had come. "Here. Some guy told me to give this to you. I've had it for a few days now and I guessed I better give it to you before I get pegged for murder."

Trey holds the paper out to Rick, waiting for him to take it. He just wanted to be done with this whole thing. What would happen next he didn't know. But he didn't really know if he cared either. Or maybe somewhere tucked away deep in side, he did.

Nate looks across the table at Chance for a long moment. Letting Chance go with the Underground just did not seem right. It just did not set right with him. Looking over at Wyatt, he could see he felt the same, even if it was for a different reason.

Standing, he looks around the table again before looking back at Wyatt. "Wyatt, can you come with me to my office for a moment? I wanted to talk to you about something." Leaving the room, he knew Wyatt would follow. Getting to his office, he shuts the door behind him before going to his desk and sitting down. "It doesn't feel right, Wyatt, letting him go to the Underground. I didn't want to bother arguing with your dad, though."

Nate is silent for a moment as he brings his folded hands to his mouth - something he often did when he was deep in thought. "We can't walk away not even trying to get him out again. I can see you feel the same. Maybe for a different reason, but the same outcome. So, I think we should fill Dalton in and take it into our own hands. Make it a surprise so no one can argue."

Nate just looks at Wyatt, wondering what he was thinking and even if he would go along with the whole thing.

Getting out of her car, Hope scans the parking lot before landing on the lone man at one of the tables. That must be Kip. Giving a friendly smile, she makes her way over to him, taking in his body language but not giving off a threatening air.

She had to admit, having Kip want to meet at the park was a Godsend. Since she had been back to work, most of her time was spent in her office doing paperwork. Getting out and enjoying the fresh air was nice.

"Hello, you must be Kip, I'm Hope Garrison. Would you like to walk while we get to know each other better? I'll even go first if you want."

Working hard on a closed case she had finished, Sapphire didn't even notice anyone walk up. But hearing that voice, her head snaps up and her heart pounds like a drum in her chest.


Her words held much surprise as she could feel the hot tears form in her eyes. Not wasting a moment, she gets up and wraps her arms around Scott. She was so very happy to see him. It had been a long time... too long.

"It's so good to see you. I've missed you so much." Sapphire really meant that, too. From the moment he said not to come, it had been too long.

Surprise arrival

Stacy's voice makes Eric jump. He hadn't heard her come in, and his head now snaps up. Depression? Kidding or not, maybe she was right. It had been a long time since he'd felt this low. He gives her something close to half a smile and turns his attention back to his coffee, figuring she'd leave. He guessed she was just making her rounds.

When she approaches instead though, his eyes crawl back up to watch her. The firelight had a gentle touch as it caressed her facial features and glowed within her gaze. He feels his guard being lowered. Maybe the fire really did have a calming effect. But was it really the flames at all? As Stacy looks at him, his eyes meet hers. What did she want? Why hadn't she turned and left? Surely after the fiasco today in town she didn't want anything to do with him. But.. she looked far from perturbed tonight. Her eyes were... deep... almost soothing in a strange sort of way.

He still hadn't spoken when she breaks the silence once more. Anyone could have asked if he was okay. It was a polite enough question. Nothing odd about it, really. And yet... when Eric cocks his head and squints slightly to see deeper into her eyes, it's a genuine concern he sees. It wasn't fake. For some reason, she really did care.

"Not really." His own response surprises himself. He could just as easily say yes he was fine and leave it at that. But after today's events, he just didn't have the energy to pretend anymore. His gaze finally drops and he takes another sip of his coffee. Maybe one more apology needed to be made tonight. And maybe... he needed to explain a few things. Now was as good a time as any - maybe better since they were alone. He gestures to the empty seat across from him. "Have a seat." If she was brave enough to talk to him, he could be brave enough to do the same.

"I, um..." He fidgets with his fingers around his coffee mug. "I guess I want to apologize. I think Jeff's right that I've... been kinda cranky ever since I got back to the ranch and... I ain't got an excuse." He shrugs lamely. "Just kinda hard for a guy in my position to keep his head up I guess, and it got the best of me."

A wry sort of grin creases his lips and he shakes his head before looking up at Stacy again. "I... don't know what you've heard around here, but the truth is I was married recently for... about three days before she left, never to be seen again." Even though the grin remains, the pain is still in his eyes... pain from losing love and pain from feeling so stupid. "But I guess that's what I get for falling for a con-artist."

He sighs deeply. "Took everything. My life's savings completely gone, and with it, my reputation." And his heart. "I should've seen it coming - apparently it was pretty obvious, but... I was blind. Now I'm dealing with trying to get the whole thing annulled." He gives a sorry kind of laugh. "After that, I don't know what that makes me. Not married, not divorced... just damaged goods I guess - as if my own stupidity didn't make me undesirable enough." He smirks and taps his temple. "That came from an accident years ago that took a nice chunk of sense out of my brain."

Shaking his head again, Eric takes another sip of his coffee. His eyes fall back to Stacy, knowing that surely he must look like the biggest loser in the world. "At any rate... none of that's a very good excuse and... I'm sorry if I haven't been myself. I'm... sorry about today especially. I shouldn't have acted like I did."

Tal's eyes widen for a moment, his cheeks reddening slightly, but his grin spreads. "Careful," he warns. "You wouldn't want me to get a big head." His laughter finally bubbles over and he pulls Ryan close for a tight hug. "Mmm... you spoil me, you know that?"

Finally letting her go, he gestures to the array of utensils and ingredients on the counter. "Alright, Miss Sexy. Time to put your money where your mouth is. You said pancakes. Have at it. Me - I'm gonna give my dog some of her own breakfast. Oh, and I called into both our works already to let 'em know we wouldn't be in today."

Running back to the house with Alice, Kyle couldn't remember when he'd been this happy. This was bliss. This was joy. This was a gift God had given him that he would never take for granted.

The house itself was a blessing. Never would he have had the money for such a purchase, but when his aunt and uncle had gotten wind of his future plans, they wouldn't let him say no. He'd pay them as he could and they insisted on blessing others with a house with which God had blessed them and their family so much. The only stipulation was to take good care of it, to fill the rooms and halls with joy, and to use the house in any way God might lead - including the Christ-filled band. Kyle had wanted to say no - he'd said that he couldn't accept such a thing, but they had insisted. Finally, Kyle had given in, as long as he could continue to pay them what he could, when he could, until everything was paid off. And they'd agreed.

And now that Alice loved the place too... it made it perfect. And Kyle knew he'd made the right choice. Some might hold it against him - that others had to work for what they had or that some didn't have families like that to just hand things to them. But Kyle knew that it wasn't a gift from family - it was a gift from God, and whether through the band or through raising a family, he would honor God with these walls. And he knew that Alice would do the same.

Watching the door at Mom and Pop's close, Carson sighs. He stands in the kitchen, looking out through the serving window for a few moments, dishtowel in hand. Mackenzie and her family had just left after coming in for lunch. It wasn't the first time. Since they'd moved here, they had gotten together several times, whether for a lunch, an evening of board games, or once they had met at the lake for a picnic. The little get-togethers never lasted too long - just long enough for Mackenzie to get her wish to see her dad, and for Carson to slowly get used to socializing with his young daughter. It was a good arrangement. It was a safe one. But each time, Mackenzie was a little less willing to leave... a little less willing to say goodbye.

Ken and Jeanette were doing all they could. They were trying to compromise, and though it was obvious that Mackenzie loved visiting Carson, she was starting to push the limits again. The family had moved not too long after they had visited Nevada. Now in Lewis City, Ken had settled in with his insurance job and they were all getting used to their new home. Mackenzie had told Carson it was a nice house - a big one out on the edge of town with a big yard and a swimming pool. She seemed to love it, but preferred talking about her time with Carson rather than her adopted family.

Settling into school was another matter. A Christian school was a godsend, and Tina was integrating well. Mackenzie, on the other hand, was not. With low grades and getting lippy with teachers, she had spent more than one day staying late after winding up at the principal's office. The teachers had been informed of Mackenzie's background and they were willing to work with her, but it wasn't going well.

Carson's eyes watch as the family car drives away from the restaurant. Ken had admitted some of their struggles to him today. Carson wished he could help, but he wasn't sure what he could do. They could stop all communication and force Mackenzie to move on, but they all knew she'd just run away and come here anyway. It was good to see her smile... to see her laugh. She had more color in her face now and her eyes were a bit brighter. But there was so much going on in her young mind and heart. It would take time for such deep wounds to heal. And Carson had yet to figure out exactly where he fit in to things. It was still awkward to give his child a hug.

He sighs again and finally turns back to the kitchen. He couldn't let the day get to him. Seeing Mackenzie was only one thing in a very busy day.


He whirls around at the female voice and stares at the woman who stood in the kitchen doorway. He hadn't even seen her enter the restaurant. The rest of his worries vanish and he blinks. "Jaz?"

Spotting Bree emerging from the hospital with Amanda, Gunner grins and waves, heading to the driver's side of his car. It looked like they were going to pull this off after all. He could only imagine which tactic Bree had decided to use on Amanda to get her out here. "Are you ladies ready to roll or what?" he hollers.

Inside the car, with the windows down, JT glances in the rearview mirror in time to see Amanda and his niece. What kind of scheme had been cooked up here anyway? He didn't know whether to be happy or mad at this point.

As Bree's voice carries to the car, her comment about him and Amanda being in love reaches JT's ears. Even though no one could see him, his face goes red and he sinks lower in his seat. If this was some forced romantic getaway, Gunner was dead meat. Putting a hand to his forehead, he just waits. Apparently they were just going to have to ride this one out to see what shenanigans Gunner and Bree would come up with.

Gunner catches Bree's wink and returns one. They'd deal with any resistance as they went. As far as the two doctors wanting to return to work... well, they'd just be out of luck. "Ready to go, Captain?"

The car rocks slightly as Gunner gets in but JT doesn't move, keeping a hand over his eyes. "Just you wait, Gunner... just you wait."

Gunner only grins and looks out the window to Bree, who was, by now, in her car. He waves her to go ahead and he'd follow.

Just as planned, the foursome stops at Amanda's, but only briefly and Gunner forces JT to remain in the car while they wait. A comment is made about not letting the fish get away and it only serves to make JT sink even lower in his seat, folding his arms in defiance. By now, he wouldn't even look out the window... he couldn't face Amanda yet. This was his niece and friend kidnapping them... what would she think? He was on the verge of mortified.

Being mortified, however, has a way of diminishing with the miles. And miles were what the two vehicles put between them and town. Out of town, off the main highway and into the foothills. It was a gorgeous day - sunshine and a light breeze the whole way. JT gave up asking where they were going - Gunner would only engage in small talk and wouldn't reveal their destination.

Soon, they turned off the highway onto a main road, then off of that onto a back road, and eventually off of that onto a narrow, wooded lane that wound up into the foothills. Ruts made for a bumpy ride and the two cars had to take it slowly. Finally though, they emerged into a clearing of grass that waved gently in the breeze. Surrounded by trees and adjoining a large pond, it was the perfect spot for camping. Cattails danced near the calm water's edge and the sun glistened off the tiny ripples. A dock stretched out a short ways into the water, though there wasn't much need for a boat - one could easily swim to the other side and back, and the pond was just big enough for fishing. A tall, old oak tree provided an ideal spot for tents, and a worn place in the ground proved others had camped here, though the location was little-known.

Gunner parks a ways from the pond and kills the engine. He glances over to JT, who was still in his hospital garb. "You'll prolly wanna change," he suggests with a grin and a teasing punch to JT's shoulder. "Come on. The fun is just starting."

Though impressed with the little campsite's atmosphere, JT gives Gunner a dry look in return. "I can hardly wait," he retorts. Getting out of the car, he goes to the trunk to rummage through the things his niece had packed.

Gunner wanders over to Bree's car and waits for her to get out before giving her a quick kiss to the lips. "Well... we got 'em here... when do I get to suck their blood?"

"I heard that!"

Gunner stifles a laugh as he looks over to his car where JT had his back turned. "He's even more of a stick in the mud than I thought." Finding Amanda, he tosses her a wink. "Welcome to the hideaway. You might wanna go get that stick in the mud out of the mud before he gives himself a hernia. Bree and I will start on the tents. Oh, and..." He raises his voice so JT could hear, too. "Don't bother using your cell phones - no service up here. And don't even think about pagers - there's a pond for those."

JT rolls his eyes but doesn't respond. He finally finds a t-shirt and pair of jeans, along with his old tennis shoes. Shutting the trunk, he glances around, finding only trees.

Hanging up the phone, Justin really wasn't sure what to feel. Part of him was a little tense about seeing Beth - though she said talking could wait, it didn't mean that it erased what had happened. But part of him was relieved. He hadn't know how she'd react to his call, and seeing now that she would come... it made him respect her and her growth all the more. He knew that he was asking a lot of her. He knew that this was probably another step out of her comfort zone. But she'd said yes. And somewhere, Justin was proud of her, once again.

Taking a deep breath, he finally gets up to finish gathering his mother's items. Then he left the house and headed to North Springs...

...Walking up and down the halls, Justin grew weary. They were still working on Jared. His mother was faring okay. With her friends to help, it had eased his burden a little, and at least they were keeping her distracted by walking, sitting in the cafeteria or visiting the little gift shop. Now she had fallen asleep in the waiting room. Justin had let her be, but couldn't sit still any more.

He glances at his watch. Not that it mattered. Time really didn't seem to exist anymore. It was as if this was all a dream. Or a nightmare, rather.

Just ready to turn and go back, he stops as he hears the elevator ding. Glancing in that direction, he stops as Beth comes into view. And for just a split second, he feels how much he's missed her. Approaching her slowly, he realizes she's juggling the coffee, so he offers to take two of the cups. Catching her eye, he offers a sorry sort of smile. "Hi." He nods in the direction of the waiting room. Walking, he's silent, trying to figure out his own jumbled thoughts. Reaching the little room, he pauses, then opts for a couple chairs in the wide hall instead. Maybe it was selfish, but he'd rather have Beth to himself for at least a few minutes.

Easing down, he takes one of the coffees as his own, nodding his thanks to Beth - he really was grateful for something to keep him awake. "Still no news," he explains. "I guess that's good at this point." He sighs heavily, knowing he should at least explain what had happened. "Idiot was in the middle of the street and there was a car wreck and he got mangled in the middle of it." He scoffs. "Leaving a woman's house, no less. A woman who we'll probably not see again, nor will she pay her respects or visit Jared if he lives, because her live-in boyfriend might find out she was cheating on him." He shakes his head. "My brother never changes, you know that? Just when I think he couldn't get any lower, he proves me wrong, yet again."

Justin wanted to say that Jared deserved this, but he holds his tongue. It was difficult, dealing with hating Jared's lifestyle, yet deep down still knowing he had a love for his brother, simply because he was, in fact, his brother.

Leaning back and staring up at the ceiling, Justin's mind bounces from one thing to the next, never staying for long... until he again thinks of Beth and their last parting. He sighs once more. Giving her a sidelong glance, he finally turns his head and just studies her for several moments. Even though he'd given her the silent treatment, she'd come when he needed, and there was a lot to be said for that. Maybe she'd made a mistake... maybe there should have been better communication... but she was here now, and Justin was glad to have her company again.

"I know you said not to worry about this for now, but... I'm sorry," he apologizes, "for giving you a cold shoulder." He rests his head against the wall, still looking at her. "I guess I wasn't sure how to deal with everything so I retreated into my own little world. Funny thing was... I found out that my own little world wasn't very hospitable anymore." He pauses, searching her eyes. "I know you didn't mean to upset me. I guess I wish you would have handled things differently, but I still shouldn't have reacted like I did. I know you were only trying to help and for that, I'm grateful." He purses his lips in a weak smile. "I guess in light of everything happening today, my little lapse in behavioral judgment seems kinda trivial. I..."

He stops, unsure if voicing those particular thoughts was what he really wanted, and rephrases. "Thanks for coming, Beth. It means a lot."

Cindy was glad to see Katie leave with Jamie. It was hard watching the young woman so sad... digressing so as she watched the man she loved slowly die. While Cindy's own pain was great, she knew Katie was suffering so much as well.

Seeing the two women leave, she wanders slowly back down the hallway, her arms folded. She was tired... weary... and in a way, she just wanted all of this to be over. Sighing, she aims for the infirmary. She would see Jason... talk to him... then she would go back to her room.

As she nears the open door though, she hears a man's voice, and she stops. Curious, she looks cautiously around the corner. She puts a hand to her mouth, shocked to see Trey. Her motherly instinct screamed at her to enter and try to talk with him - try to embrace him. But her good sense warned her not to. After their last encounter, she didn't want to risk hurting her heart again.

She's almost ready to simply move on, but then it's Trey's words that stop her. Did he... actually care? As she listens, tears sting her eyes. So badly did she want to embrace this son she didn't know. It wasn't true that it would be better if she never knew him. She did want to know him. She did want to call him her son. She did, so much. Especially now. She was losing Jason... would she be forever without a son, now?

Unable to hold her composure any longer, Cindy slips past the door and to the next room where she closes herself in and lies on the bed.

Rick rubs his tired eyes and throws away his paper cup, empty of coffee. Exiting the break room, he goes back to the infirmary for another check on Jason... and more work. He knew it was hopeless now, but nothing could stop him from continuing to try and find the cure.

Entering the infirmary, he stops short, very surprised to see Trey. The young man hardly ever showed himself on the main level, let alone near Jason. Was the young man... showing emotion? Not wanting to startle or make Trey feel unwanted, Rick simply heads to the counter. Sifting through some paperwork, he clears his throat. "There's a chair there if you want to stay a while," he offers.

Chance looks to Nate, his eyes still holding a dull stare. "She won't put up a fight. I... hurt her too badly. She'll probably be glad to see me go to the Underground."

Reese nods. "I'm sure, Destiny will go with you willingly. But if not, Nate, you mostly likely have more muscle. Don't hurt her, of course, but be sure she gets to the car. Wyatt, you're to stay in the car unless you are absolutely needed. We don't want to jeopardize the exchange or anyone's safety and the Underground was pretty specific about the number of men allowed."

He takes a deep breath and looks around at everyone again. "If that's all... you're dismissed to go about your duties. We will reconvene here tomorrow night before you have to leave. Chance - after a short break, please come to my office."

After he leaves, Chance simply stares at the table, figuring that, within moments, he'd be left alone. Wyatt fidgets a little and glances between Nate and Dalton. He didn't like this. Something about it just seemed... wrong. And he didn't understand his father's perspective on the trade. "Well... I guess that's that."

Kip sits alone at the picnic table, scraping some chipped paint with his thumbnail. The park was quiet today - of that, he was glad. He'd almost left... twice. But something had kept him here. Maybe it was his promise to Kyle that he'd at least try this once. Apparently Kyle had talked to this woman, Hope, and she'd agreed to meet Kip here. Kip had refused to meet her in an office... the thought alone made him squirm. This was better. He could see and move and leave if he wanted. He wasn't so sure that this would help though. He supposed Kyle had given Hope background information about his family... about his abuse. He wasn't sure he was ready yet to even admit it had been abuse but that seemed irrelevant. Kip really didn't know what this would help at all. Talking about his problems? How would that solve anything?

He sighs as his knees start to bounce. He'd had a can of pop earlier and that was only serving to amplify his already-hyper state. Maybe he should go for a walk. Maybe he should just leave. Maybe this Hope counselor woman wouldn't even show-

His thoughts come to a halt as he sees a woman emerge from a car that had just pulled into the park's lot. From Kyle's description, Kip knew that this was Hope. She was younger than he'd thought - not that it really mattered. For a moment, he doesn't know if he should get up or stay where he was, so he just decides to remain seated. Though part of him would rather take off for the other end of the park, he forces himself to make eye contact so she'd know it was him.

He draws in a shaky breath, not even sure why he felt nervous. But he did. And this was way outside of his comfort zone.

Hal's eyes catch movement and he turns to look more closely at the screen that monitored the back door into that went through the garage and lower level. No one ever used it other than an occasional exit, but whoever had just arrived was using it as an entrance, and they had a key card. Put on edge, Hal hits a few keys on the keyboard to focus the indoor cameras on the garage and lower level halls. He's about ready to call Con when the visitor stops and looks directly up at one of the cameras, putting a finger to his lips.

Hal breaks into a smile, even though he's confused. In the back of his mind, he wonders if letting this go was wise. He didn't think he'd ever see this man around here again, and there had been questions as to his loyalty to the Elite. But... something told him that this was safe. Leaning back in his chair, he lets it go.

It was a quiet day at TJY, and the unexpected visitor was glad - it made his walk through the lower level then up the stairs to the hall much easier, while unsuspecting eyes were busy elsewhere. He hoped that Hal had not notified anyone... if Hal was even still in charge of the cameras. It had come to mind that there could be many things different now. A year's time had a way of changing things.

A baseball cap hid most of his face and shadowed his blind eye, and an open flannel shirt hung from his thin shoulders over a white t-shirt. The closer he comes to his destination, the more hesitant his steps grow until he's barely moving. Out of the main walkway, no one seems to notice him, and he likes it that way. This was going to be hard enough without a bunch of unnecessary attention, let alone the questions. It seemed something was going on in the infirmary, but he doesn't stop to investigate.

Finally arriving at the open office door, he stops then hesitates for what seemed an eternity. Eventually, he looks inside, but finds it empty. His stomach gives a little flipflop. The light was off. And the thought occurs to him that Hope might not even be here anymore. But a quick glance up to the nameplate on the door proves otherwise. Maybe she was just not working today.

Mustering up what gumption he has left, Scott slowly heads towards the main floor. His hands tremble slightly and he hopes that no one notices him yet. Peering out into the couple rows of cubicles, he sees it really is a quiet day. He spots a few heads bent over computers and is just as glad for their concentration. But there is one cubicle his eyes remain glued to.

Swallowing hard, Scott moves again. His fingers fiddle with the corner hem of his flannel shirt and his steps are short and quiet. Finally coming to the cubicle, he stands in the narrow doorway and just watches for several moments. Fear of rejection was running rampant through his veins today and it almost made him sick to his stomach.

Eventually, he clears his throat. "Hi, Sapphire," he greets softly.

Don't be a loser

Dinner had been enjoyable and it was nice to get to know another member of the ranch just a little bit more. It made her feel more welcome, and know just where the people here were coming from with their day-to-day life.

Asking if Jeff needed any help cleaning up and getting clear he was okay, Stacy gives a smile, a thanks, and a small wave before she heads out of the kitchen and into the night air. It looked like it was going to be a good night, and the sky was so clean and so the night moved on...

"...You know, sitting alone is a sign of depression. Or so Ash tells me when I do the same thing." Stacy gives a warm smile as she walks up to where Eric was sitting. Just watching the dance of the fire, she hoped Eric didn't mind too much she had interrupted him. She had seen the dim light on her last round of the ranch and just wanted to stop, making sure everything was okay. Normally, she would have checked, seen Eric and slipped out again without being noticed. But after what had happened on the way back from town and then just seeing him sitting here, something told her to just... talk to him.

"It's funny, most people think when it's hot out a fire would be silly, but they forget at night there sometimes is a cold chill in the air, and a simple fire can be calming."

Taking a sip from her own warm coffee she had been bringing back to the bunk with her, Stacy glances over at Eric for a long moment, just studying him. He was a hard one to read, yet so easy all at the same time. A longing, a hurt, a yearning to get back lost time, but a fear to even try. Stacy had seen that all in her own eyes once many years ago and it made her wonder about Eric even more.

"You doing okay tonight, Eric?"

Entering into the lounge, Amanda pours herself a cup of coffee and takes a sip before turning to leave again. Taking a step forward, she runs head first into Bree, who was panting like she had just been running. Amanda's coffee goes all over her. "Oh come on... this once, it had to land on me. Bree...are you okay?"

Leaning on the wall a little bit, trying to catch her breath, Bree finally straightens, taking Amanda's hand in her own and literally pulling her from the room. "Come on, Dr. Fuller, I need your help. There is no time to waste. Hurry, hurry."

Hearing the urgent tone in Bree's voice, Amanda doesn't think twice before tossing her cup into the garbage. The coffee that was down her front was forgotten as Bree drags her around. Passing where she thought a patient might be, Amanda becomes a little confused, but very concerned at the same time. "Bree, where are we going? What's going on?"

"Please hurry outside. We have to go...we need you!"

Still confused, Amanda squints as she bursts out into the hospital parking lot with Bree. Looking around for a moment, she spots JT getting into the car with Gunner. Her confusion grew even more as she still didn't understand what was going on. "Bree, is this a joke? Because it's not very funny. I thought someone was really hurt. I have too much work for games."

Looking over to Gunner and giving a nod with a sly smile on her face, Bree turns back to Amanda. "Dr. Fuller, this is not a joke. We really do need you. You see, a vampire and his mate are going on a camping trip and they need to doctors along who are in love but won't admit it, in case anything happens."

"In... lo... me... and... J...JT... wait a second, who said we were in love?"

"Okay, not in love, but close. It's easy to see it in both your eyes. Now, get into my car and I'll take you to your place to get what you need."

Amanda crosses her arms over her chest as her cheeks were still red from embarrassment. She really didn't have time for this. She had patients, and she couldn't take a vacation now, even if it did sound nice. Going to speak, she's cut off by Bree.

"They are already being taken care of by another doctor, and your vacation time is being applied. Now please, get into my car because the last thing I need is to force you into it."

Taken by surprise, Amanda looks past Bree at JT, who was almost just as helpless, sitting in Gunner's car. What could she do but simply go with them? "Alright, I'll get in."

"Thank you, Dr. Fuller. I wasn't looking forward to forcing you, but I would have. I had the chloroform and t he towel ready."

"Chloroform...towel...I think you've watched one too many movies. Oh, and call me Amanda if you insist on kidnapping me."

"Okay, Amanda, I can do that." Shutting the door and going around to the driver's side, Bree looks over at Gunner and gives a nod, followed by a wink. Their plan had worked, and they would be on their way. Now the next hard thing was to get the cell phone and pagers away from the doctors.

As the day grew longer and the nights seemed just as long, Katie never left Jason's side. Not now, not like this, even if they were at her work one moment away, it could be the last, and she couldn't take the risk.

Many people came and went, bringing coffee or trying to get her to sleep but it seemed her dreams were only filled with nightmares, so what was the point? Somewhere in the back of her mind, Katie couldn't help but wonder if she hadn't fought the antidote, Jason would have lived longer, or would this still be what was to happen?

Hearing the door of the infirmary open, Katie opens her eyes, trying to clear the fog. Seeing Jamie poke her head in, she tries to give her best smile, though she knows it's a weak one.

"Hey, Katie." Jamie steps in a little more. She hadn't seen much of Katie outside of this room since Jason got here, and it worried her just a little. She knew and understood that she wanted to be close with the man she loved in his final hours, but it was so unhealthy for her not to see the light of day herself either. "I wanted to know if you'd like to go get some coffee with me."

"I think I should stay with J and just...make sure he doesn't need anything. Thanks though, Jamie."

Jamie's look was sad. She had expected Katie to say no, but now that she really had, it made her feel even worse. Things had gotten so complicated and everyone knew why. Jamie just didn't want Katie to give up, and slowly...slowly that's what was happening. "I know you want to stay with Jason but it's nice out and only a short walk so it won't take us long. We will just get it to go and then come back. The fresh air will be good for you and the coffee will wake you up a little more."

Looking up at Jamie, Katie's eyes show she was so tired and bloodshot from crying. Jamie was only trying to help and Katie knew that and she had little energy to try and fight with her to leave her be. Cindy was right down the hall, and it would only be a few moments and they would be back. "Alright, I'll come, but we can't take long." Leaning over Jason, she gives him a kiss to the forehead and runs sa hand down his cheek. It was so hard to face another day while Jason was still lying here. How unfair was it she was living and he was lying there? It was something so hard for Katie to cope with. "I'll be right back, J. Don't get into any trouble while I am gone...okay?"

Watching the two women leave, Trey steps from the shadows and makes his way to the infirmary. Why he was going, he wasn't sure. Stepping inside, it was quiet and held a creepy feeling. And seeing Jason lying there, motionless, sent a strange feeling inside of him.

"So out of anyone, my brother had to be you, huh? Everyone thinks you're perfect, you got a mother's love, and you got a hottie for a girlfriend. Now you're trying to leave that all behind? What I wouldn't give to be in your shoes and have everything you have."

Trey scoffs before taking a few steps closer to Jason, being almost close enough to touch his brother. Just looking down at his still form, he can feel a pain in his heart for this person he didn't even know. "You can't leave her, you know. She'd be so sad and she's had enough of that. Me...she never knew me so it's better she never does. But she's been a mother to you your whole life. You can't go getting out of that now. So don't be a loser and quit. Not yet."

He draws quiet as a small tear forms in his eye. How was he to explain to anyone how he felt over this? Losing a brother he once wished he had, but hated all at the same time. There was love somewhere though, and the twinge of pain in his heart proved that, even if he was unwilling to accept it. And so for the longest moment, he just stood there.

Dalton looks to Reese, around the room and then back to Wyatt. He didn't feel comfortable with just leaving Chance in there, but who was he to say anything else? It just felt wrong, almost like they were leaving a man behind. "I've already got the hardware set up for each of you to wear. It's almost invisible so you won't have to worry about anyone seeing it on mistake. I do have to say this is my best work yet."

"Don't get to big of a head, Hulk. You already have a problem getting through doors as it is." Nate gives a grin to Dalton before looking back between Reese and Chance. Dalton wasn't the only one who felt uneasy about leaving Chance behind. Nate had never had to do that before and though it was chance who made this mess, he was still one of the good guys and it just didn't seem right. But they had no choice - that's how it was going to be. And even if Nate argued, they would just find someone else for the operation.

"So, what if Destiny sees you and puts up a fight because you're not coming with us? That won't cause issues with the Underground changing their mind or anything, will it? Because something tells me she is not going to be happy when she herself sees the exchange." Nate probably already knew the answer to the question he had asked, but it was something that had been on his mind anyway. He'd rather ask it and let it go instead of letting it weigh heavy and become a distraction.

Ryan can't help but give a small laugh at Tal's joke. She'd never be able to describe how this experience had been or how amazing it was to be able to help, but Tal knew already, so it was something they could always share together.

Returning the kiss, she just soaks in the moment. Feeling Tal's hand through her hair and the gentle expression was nice. letting her own hands creep up his back, she returns the emotions she was feeling. How perfect this felt.

Drawing away and hearing his comment, Ryan gives a small laugh again as her own eyes twinkle and a grin forms on her lips. "Nah, I don't think you're cute. I think you're downright sexy."

Alice can't help the laughter that just seemed to bubble over. The excitement, Kyle's reaction - it was all just perfect. Kyle had made her so happy, something she thought would never be possible again, but he had found his way into her heart and now life was grand.

Looking at the ring after Kyle put it on her finger, Alice's smile grew even more. The ring was simple but perfect and it was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen and it was hers. Kyle was hers forever. "Ohhh...let's go. Come on, come on. Let's look at the house again."

Alice couldn't help it. Kyle's excitement was feeding her own and already her mind was running wild with ideas that could be done. Oh how wonderful this would be and how excited she was. They would have their own house, together...forever!

Answering the phone, Beth was a little surprised to hear Justin's voice on the other end. It had been a little over a week since they last talked and she had started to lose hope that he ever wanted to anymore. But now, now he was calling her and she couldn't help but smile. She'd missed his voice, the way he talked - the small things most people wouldn't notice but she did.

"Hey, Justin, it's good to hear from you." Continuing to just listen, Beth could sense something was wrong in Justin's voice. Hearing about his brother, her heart raced. He might lose him. Even if he didn't like him, still it was his brother and who knows what would happen?

Staying silent for a moment, Beth thinks, but not about what Justin was asking from her. Her mind drifted to the last time she was in a hospital and how much she hated them. Just thinking about going made her sick. But her friend needed her. How could she leave him high and dry when he needed her? If it was the other way around, he would have been there in a second for her, right?

"I'll leave now and be there shortly. Don't you worry about what we need to talk about right now. Just worry about yourself, your brother and your mom. I'll be there as soon as I can. Let someone know I am coming so when I ask, they will let me up. I'll see you soon, Justin."

Hanging up the phone and going into the kitchen to grab her purse, Beth looks around the room before heading out. Starting the journey, she makes a quick stop, grabbing three cups of coffee and then making her way again. It would take a little bit to get there, but if she took some of the back roads, it would cut a little time.