
Don't be a loser

Dinner had been enjoyable and it was nice to get to know another member of the ranch just a little bit more. It made her feel more welcome, and know just where the people here were coming from with their day-to-day life.

Asking if Jeff needed any help cleaning up and getting clear he was okay, Stacy gives a smile, a thanks, and a small wave before she heads out of the kitchen and into the night air. It looked like it was going to be a good night, and the sky was so clean and so the night moved on...

"...You know, sitting alone is a sign of depression. Or so Ash tells me when I do the same thing." Stacy gives a warm smile as she walks up to where Eric was sitting. Just watching the dance of the fire, she hoped Eric didn't mind too much she had interrupted him. She had seen the dim light on her last round of the ranch and just wanted to stop, making sure everything was okay. Normally, she would have checked, seen Eric and slipped out again without being noticed. But after what had happened on the way back from town and then just seeing him sitting here, something told her to just... talk to him.

"It's funny, most people think when it's hot out a fire would be silly, but they forget at night there sometimes is a cold chill in the air, and a simple fire can be calming."

Taking a sip from her own warm coffee she had been bringing back to the bunk with her, Stacy glances over at Eric for a long moment, just studying him. He was a hard one to read, yet so easy all at the same time. A longing, a hurt, a yearning to get back lost time, but a fear to even try. Stacy had seen that all in her own eyes once many years ago and it made her wonder about Eric even more.

"You doing okay tonight, Eric?"

Entering into the lounge, Amanda pours herself a cup of coffee and takes a sip before turning to leave again. Taking a step forward, she runs head first into Bree, who was panting like she had just been running. Amanda's coffee goes all over her. "Oh come on... this once, it had to land on me. Bree...are you okay?"

Leaning on the wall a little bit, trying to catch her breath, Bree finally straightens, taking Amanda's hand in her own and literally pulling her from the room. "Come on, Dr. Fuller, I need your help. There is no time to waste. Hurry, hurry."

Hearing the urgent tone in Bree's voice, Amanda doesn't think twice before tossing her cup into the garbage. The coffee that was down her front was forgotten as Bree drags her around. Passing where she thought a patient might be, Amanda becomes a little confused, but very concerned at the same time. "Bree, where are we going? What's going on?"

"Please hurry outside. We have to go...we need you!"

Still confused, Amanda squints as she bursts out into the hospital parking lot with Bree. Looking around for a moment, she spots JT getting into the car with Gunner. Her confusion grew even more as she still didn't understand what was going on. "Bree, is this a joke? Because it's not very funny. I thought someone was really hurt. I have too much work for games."

Looking over to Gunner and giving a nod with a sly smile on her face, Bree turns back to Amanda. "Dr. Fuller, this is not a joke. We really do need you. You see, a vampire and his mate are going on a camping trip and they need to doctors along who are in love but won't admit it, in case anything happens."

"In... lo... me... and... J...JT... wait a second, who said we were in love?"

"Okay, not in love, but close. It's easy to see it in both your eyes. Now, get into my car and I'll take you to your place to get what you need."

Amanda crosses her arms over her chest as her cheeks were still red from embarrassment. She really didn't have time for this. She had patients, and she couldn't take a vacation now, even if it did sound nice. Going to speak, she's cut off by Bree.

"They are already being taken care of by another doctor, and your vacation time is being applied. Now please, get into my car because the last thing I need is to force you into it."

Taken by surprise, Amanda looks past Bree at JT, who was almost just as helpless, sitting in Gunner's car. What could she do but simply go with them? "Alright, I'll get in."

"Thank you, Dr. Fuller. I wasn't looking forward to forcing you, but I would have. I had the chloroform and t he towel ready."

"Chloroform...towel...I think you've watched one too many movies. Oh, and call me Amanda if you insist on kidnapping me."

"Okay, Amanda, I can do that." Shutting the door and going around to the driver's side, Bree looks over at Gunner and gives a nod, followed by a wink. Their plan had worked, and they would be on their way. Now the next hard thing was to get the cell phone and pagers away from the doctors.

As the day grew longer and the nights seemed just as long, Katie never left Jason's side. Not now, not like this, even if they were at her work one moment away, it could be the last, and she couldn't take the risk.

Many people came and went, bringing coffee or trying to get her to sleep but it seemed her dreams were only filled with nightmares, so what was the point? Somewhere in the back of her mind, Katie couldn't help but wonder if she hadn't fought the antidote, Jason would have lived longer, or would this still be what was to happen?

Hearing the door of the infirmary open, Katie opens her eyes, trying to clear the fog. Seeing Jamie poke her head in, she tries to give her best smile, though she knows it's a weak one.

"Hey, Katie." Jamie steps in a little more. She hadn't seen much of Katie outside of this room since Jason got here, and it worried her just a little. She knew and understood that she wanted to be close with the man she loved in his final hours, but it was so unhealthy for her not to see the light of day herself either. "I wanted to know if you'd like to go get some coffee with me."

"I think I should stay with J and just...make sure he doesn't need anything. Thanks though, Jamie."

Jamie's look was sad. She had expected Katie to say no, but now that she really had, it made her feel even worse. Things had gotten so complicated and everyone knew why. Jamie just didn't want Katie to give up, and slowly...slowly that's what was happening. "I know you want to stay with Jason but it's nice out and only a short walk so it won't take us long. We will just get it to go and then come back. The fresh air will be good for you and the coffee will wake you up a little more."

Looking up at Jamie, Katie's eyes show she was so tired and bloodshot from crying. Jamie was only trying to help and Katie knew that and she had little energy to try and fight with her to leave her be. Cindy was right down the hall, and it would only be a few moments and they would be back. "Alright, I'll come, but we can't take long." Leaning over Jason, she gives him a kiss to the forehead and runs sa hand down his cheek. It was so hard to face another day while Jason was still lying here. How unfair was it she was living and he was lying there? It was something so hard for Katie to cope with. "I'll be right back, J. Don't get into any trouble while I am gone...okay?"

Watching the two women leave, Trey steps from the shadows and makes his way to the infirmary. Why he was going, he wasn't sure. Stepping inside, it was quiet and held a creepy feeling. And seeing Jason lying there, motionless, sent a strange feeling inside of him.

"So out of anyone, my brother had to be you, huh? Everyone thinks you're perfect, you got a mother's love, and you got a hottie for a girlfriend. Now you're trying to leave that all behind? What I wouldn't give to be in your shoes and have everything you have."

Trey scoffs before taking a few steps closer to Jason, being almost close enough to touch his brother. Just looking down at his still form, he can feel a pain in his heart for this person he didn't even know. "You can't leave her, you know. She'd be so sad and she's had enough of that. Me...she never knew me so it's better she never does. But she's been a mother to you your whole life. You can't go getting out of that now. So don't be a loser and quit. Not yet."

He draws quiet as a small tear forms in his eye. How was he to explain to anyone how he felt over this? Losing a brother he once wished he had, but hated all at the same time. There was love somewhere though, and the twinge of pain in his heart proved that, even if he was unwilling to accept it. And so for the longest moment, he just stood there.

Dalton looks to Reese, around the room and then back to Wyatt. He didn't feel comfortable with just leaving Chance in there, but who was he to say anything else? It just felt wrong, almost like they were leaving a man behind. "I've already got the hardware set up for each of you to wear. It's almost invisible so you won't have to worry about anyone seeing it on mistake. I do have to say this is my best work yet."

"Don't get to big of a head, Hulk. You already have a problem getting through doors as it is." Nate gives a grin to Dalton before looking back between Reese and Chance. Dalton wasn't the only one who felt uneasy about leaving Chance behind. Nate had never had to do that before and though it was chance who made this mess, he was still one of the good guys and it just didn't seem right. But they had no choice - that's how it was going to be. And even if Nate argued, they would just find someone else for the operation.

"So, what if Destiny sees you and puts up a fight because you're not coming with us? That won't cause issues with the Underground changing their mind or anything, will it? Because something tells me she is not going to be happy when she herself sees the exchange." Nate probably already knew the answer to the question he had asked, but it was something that had been on his mind anyway. He'd rather ask it and let it go instead of letting it weigh heavy and become a distraction.

Ryan can't help but give a small laugh at Tal's joke. She'd never be able to describe how this experience had been or how amazing it was to be able to help, but Tal knew already, so it was something they could always share together.

Returning the kiss, she just soaks in the moment. Feeling Tal's hand through her hair and the gentle expression was nice. letting her own hands creep up his back, she returns the emotions she was feeling. How perfect this felt.

Drawing away and hearing his comment, Ryan gives a small laugh again as her own eyes twinkle and a grin forms on her lips. "Nah, I don't think you're cute. I think you're downright sexy."

Alice can't help the laughter that just seemed to bubble over. The excitement, Kyle's reaction - it was all just perfect. Kyle had made her so happy, something she thought would never be possible again, but he had found his way into her heart and now life was grand.

Looking at the ring after Kyle put it on her finger, Alice's smile grew even more. The ring was simple but perfect and it was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen and it was hers. Kyle was hers forever. "Ohhh...let's go. Come on, come on. Let's look at the house again."

Alice couldn't help it. Kyle's excitement was feeding her own and already her mind was running wild with ideas that could be done. Oh how wonderful this would be and how excited she was. They would have their own house, together...forever!

Answering the phone, Beth was a little surprised to hear Justin's voice on the other end. It had been a little over a week since they last talked and she had started to lose hope that he ever wanted to anymore. But now, now he was calling her and she couldn't help but smile. She'd missed his voice, the way he talked - the small things most people wouldn't notice but she did.

"Hey, Justin, it's good to hear from you." Continuing to just listen, Beth could sense something was wrong in Justin's voice. Hearing about his brother, her heart raced. He might lose him. Even if he didn't like him, still it was his brother and who knows what would happen?

Staying silent for a moment, Beth thinks, but not about what Justin was asking from her. Her mind drifted to the last time she was in a hospital and how much she hated them. Just thinking about going made her sick. But her friend needed her. How could she leave him high and dry when he needed her? If it was the other way around, he would have been there in a second for her, right?

"I'll leave now and be there shortly. Don't you worry about what we need to talk about right now. Just worry about yourself, your brother and your mom. I'll be there as soon as I can. Let someone know I am coming so when I ask, they will let me up. I'll see you soon, Justin."

Hanging up the phone and going into the kitchen to grab her purse, Beth looks around the room before heading out. Starting the journey, she makes a quick stop, grabbing three cups of coffee and then making her way again. It would take a little bit to get there, but if she took some of the back roads, it would cut a little time.

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