

Sapphire's response catches Scott completely off guard. Almost knocked off balance he teeters a little, his baseball cap getting pushed to the side. It felt so good to have a hug from his sister. And... she'd really missed him that much? After all the things he'd said? After how he'd acted? After how he'd not wanted to see her at all? Her embrace proved her words were true.

Slowly, slowly, Scott's arms return the hug. Tears hide behind his closed eyes as he rests his head against his sister's. Drawing in a shaky breath, he gives her a squeeze. "I've missed you, too," he whispers.

Eventually pulling away, he catches his hat before it slides off his head. His eyes drop for a moment before looking back up again. Though one eye was dull and lifeless, the other held such depth... too many emotions to decipher. "Um, I..." He swallows hard, his hands playing with his cap. His face was so thin, but more color was in his cheeks than in a long time. "I... I just wanted to say hi. I've... well, I was released from Brookshire today. I..."

He clears his throat and cocks his head a little, just studying Sapphire for a moment. "I'm sorry, Sapphire... for everything."

"Yeah... hi.... yeah, I'm Kip." He stands up awkwardly, hooking his hands in his jeans pockets and shifting his weight from one foot to the other and back again. "Um... yeah, a walk sounds good." Very good. Great, in fact. He didn't know if it showed or not that he was relieved to be up from the table and able to move.

Aiming for the path that led around the park's little pond, he isn't sure what pace Hope liked, so he sets his own, maybe not realizing that the quickness in his step only amplified his obvious nervousness. "Kyle said he... well you... I'm not sure I... I mean..." He scratches the back of his head and focuses on the path. "Yeah, you better go first."

Sitting back and turning his head to look at Stacy, curiosity fills Eric's eyes. He'd known she was divorced but didn't know the circumstances surrounding it. He couldn't imagine a man leaving his wife because she was going to have their child. It was unbelievable... terrible, actually. Enough so, that a strange anger burned deep down beneath everything else Eric felt. Stacy seemed so kind... gentle, in a way - a contrast to their first meeting when she'd dished out a ticket. And Ashley... it was the poor fool's loss for leaving his family, that was for sure. Ashley was a bright spot on a rainy day... and on the sunny days too... a girl any man should be proud of to have as a daughter.

Eric almost didn't hear Stacy's last words. He was too busy studying her eyes. Though it had been many years since her husband had left, he had left a scar, that was for sure. And yet... she had come through it with a better attitude than most people had with good circumstances, let alone bad ones. Rich was one stupid man.

A grin plays with Eric's lips and he leans his head to the side, drawing in a deep breath to let it out slowly. "I guess maybe good is coming out of it already." His grin turns into a soft smile. "I ain't learned this much about life in a long time." He takes a sip of coffee, but only before a quiet chuckle. "Just don't tell the others. They might like to rub it in."

Shaking his head, he finishes his coffee, staring at the empty cup for a moment or two before sighing again. "I suppose I should go back to bed and turn out these lights so you won't think there's some prowler on the loose."

Gathering the gumption to stand, Eric gets to his feet, rubbing his sore leg for a moment before stretching a little. Walking past Stacy on the way to take his coffee mug to the kitchen, he stops, pausing to glance down at her. "Thanks, Stacy," he mentions quietly. "I'd hardly call you damaged goods."

JT smirks as Amanda approaches. "Kidnapping. Definitely kidnapping. Those two are in big trouble once we get back to civilization... if they stay alive that long."

Still fooling with the clothes he'd found, Amanda's comment makes his eyebrows shoot up. Just staring ahead at the trees, he finally gives her a sidelong glance, feeling a little bit of heat come to his face. "Right. But since we're both doctors, I doubt we'd be shocked. I guess we wouldn't want to give the local bears a show though."

Realizing he'd probably just made things worse, he cringes and just starts for the trees. "Excuse me while I go change and surgically remove my foot from my mouth."

Hearing Beth's apology, Justin gives her a small smile. "I suppose we both need to be forgiven, eh?" He raises his coffee cup to tap hers for a toast. "To a truce between two friends that have just become a little bit wiser."

Sipping his coffee, it felt as though a little weight had been lifted. He hadn't enjoyed the past week and didn't wish to repeat it. Hearing a doctor's call over the intercom, he gives a start, but then realizes it has nothing to do with why he was there. Sighing, he leans his head back again. "You know the saddest part of this whole thing?"

He turns his gaze to Beth once more. "I'm sitting here, not knowing if my own brother is gonna live or die, and instead of pacing the halls, I'm craving one of your cherry pies."

"Mmm.... yeah, you were right. You make good pancakes." Tal chews a bite of breakfast, turning his head to grin at Ryan. This morning had already been so enjoyable and there was still much of the day remaining. "I ought to have you by for breakfast more often," he muses. "I could handle more of this."

Taking another bite, his grin remains as he gives her shoulder a teasing little bump with his own. Yes... he could definitely handle more of this...

...The day goes by faster than Tal would have liked. Tending to the puppies, running a few errands and spending more time with Ryan, the hours flew by. Not going in to work, it felt almost like a mini vacation. Come evening, Tal didn't think twice about Ryan seeing his apartment anymore. He'd realized that she didn't care if it was in bad shape or not - she was there to be with him, and that's what made him feel good.

Once suppertime rolls around though, it's her apartment they go to, joined by Eli, who convinces them to order out pizza and chicken wings. Scarlet was out of town again, and he wanted to get in on the company, too. He might never admit it, but watching a movie by himself just wasn't much fun. Time spent with Ryan and Tal was much more enjoyable, even if he did pretend to be annoyed at them cuddling on the couch and kissing every now and then.

And not so far away, someone else's day had gone much slower...

Alec stares at the window, letting out a long sigh. He hated the days, but hated the evenings even more, because they brought on the nights, which were way too long and...

He folds his arms and scowls at his own reflection in the grimy glass. And the nights were lonely. Six days a week, he'd been working on the roadside, digging ditches, picking up trash, painting fences and chopping down trees. Twelve-hour shifts sent him home every day tired and sore. Too sore to want to do anything, but not tired enough to sleep when he wanted to. He hated it. He hated every minute. He knew he could have wound up in prison, but even there, he wouldn't have to be working this hard, and he'd probably have someone to talk to. As it was, he saw new faces almost every day, and those he did see more than once wanted nothing to do with him. He was the only murderer on the crew and the other guys knew it. He was the one they avoided like the plague. Coming home to his apartment every day was better than the physical labor he didn't even get paid for, but it was quiet... and empty.

Alec had seen none of his old friends since coming here. He wasn't sure what he'd expected - it wasn't like anyone was going to welcome him back with open arms. But no one had even dropped by. Not even Susanne. Gage - though just a couple doors down - avoided him at all cost. Alec hadn't seen hide nor hair of Carson, let alone anyone from the Elite. The only one there he had any contact with was Reese, who checked up on him at random moments as if trying to catch him in the act of violating their agreement. So far, Alec had followed the rules. But tonight....

Moving from the window, he glances around the dingy apartment. He hated it here. Truly hated it. His eyes move down to his ankle bracelet. As soon as he exited the apartment building, Reese would know. Violating that rule would put Alec's future in jeopardy, and he'd risk finally getting thrown in prison. And yet... sitting here, wallowing in his own misery seemed worse. Tonight, it was worth the risk. And if he were going to risk getting caught, he'd make it worthwhile. There was only one person he wanted to see that actually would make it worthwhile....

Alec wanders into the parking lot and glances around. He saw Eli's motorcycle... and Ryan's car. Both were home. He'd rather just Ryan be here, but this was probably as good as he was going to get it. It had taken him over an hour to walk here, and he wasn't going to turn around now. So far, no Elite car had come to run him down either - something that he was glad for, but it also made him just a little leery.

Ambling forward, he heads up the walk and to the apartment door. Sighing, he knocks. If he could just get this straightened out and have one thing going right, then maybe life wouldn't look so bad. If he could just get Ryan back... then maybe the days of work and his stupid situation with the Elite wouldn't seem so bad...

Inside, the knock at the door makes Eli jump. It was a tense scene in the movie and he smirks at the interruption. He glances to Ty and Ryan, who were curled up together on the couch, neither moving. "Yeah, okay, I'll get up and answer the door."

Tal nods. "Mm-hmm." His arm around Ryan grows a little tighter with no intention of letting her up yet. She was too warm and comfortable.

Eli rolls his eyes, though he really doesn't mind, and gets up, wandering to the door. Opening it though, his expression changes from light annoyance and humor to that of question and quickly to anger. "Alec."

Alec holds Eli's gaze and nods. "Yeah." He swallows hard. The look in Eli's eye was not a pleasant one. Alec hadn't known what to expect, but he hadn't been prepared for the friendliness to be entirely gone. "Ryan home? I'd like to talk with her."

Eli had half a mind to slam the door in his face, but he knows this was Ryan's call, not his. "Hang on." He leaves the door only cracked open, not inviting Alec in. "Ryan... Alec's here to see you."

Tal can feel himself tensing, though he tries not to, forcing himself to loosen his arm around Ryan so she could get up. Alec was back? He'd actually dared to come back here after getting let off the hook? A bazillion questions flood Tal's mind at once, but he holds his tongue.

Alec's eyes have just enough clearance to see partway into the living room. And when he sees two figures sit up from the couch instead of just one, his stomach gives a little lurch. Who was the guy? Had Ryan just been cuddled on the couch with him? Did she have a new boyfriend? He shifts his weight from one foot to the other, nervously waiting for her. He hadn't been here three minutes, and already things weren't going as planned.

Somewhat confused, Rick hesitates to take the paper from Trey. Pegged for murder? What was he talking about? Finally accepting the note, he unfolds it and reads:
You want Jason alive, and we want your medical records. We have the cure. You have the records. If you try to manipulate, erase or move your medical records, people will die. Want the deal? Call 555-7803. We're watching you.

Rick's eyes widen. He didn't need to ask - he knew good and well that this was from the Agency. And... they had a cure? His gaze comes back up to Trey. How had this young man received this note? Was he involved? Or was he just the messenger? What was really going on? Was the cure real? Why did the Agency want the Elite's medical records?

Though his mouth opens slightly, no words come out. There were a million and one questions, but only one of them mattered to him - was there really a cure? Agency or not, if Rick could save Jason's life, he would do everything in his power to make that happen. But this was bigger than he was.

Snapping to attention, he bolts for the door. Skidding to a stop, he whirls back around to Trey. "I have questions for you. But for now, just stick around and don't go too far." He spins to face the hallway again and takes off for Reese's office...

...Notified that Katie and Jamie had returned to the office, Rick meets them at the door. Locking eyes with Katie, he nods towards the hall, his expression one of seriousness. "Katie... glad you're back. I need to see you a minute." Without explanation, he leads the way to the meeting room and shuts the door so they're alone. "Have a seat."

Sitting across from her, he rubs a hand over his face, worry outlining every curve. He'd talked with Reese. He'd made a phone call. He'd talked to Cindy. Now it was Katie's turn. "Katie, I... Trey was given a note... from the Agency."

He goes on to explain what it said, and that Reese had told him to call the phone number. "I talked to a guy who explained that they have developed a cure that would save Jason's life. What they want in return is all of our medical records. We know that's a risk - apparently the Agency wants to know what we've learned - wants to see the staff's physical records and stuff like that. The risk is that they could develop something stronger or targeted to certain persons based on what they'd know. Unfortunately, time is of the essence, and we don't have enough time to botch our own database and give them incorrect information. Even if we did... they'd figure it out and we'd be in even more danger."

Taking a deep breath, Rick stares at Katie. "Reese... has agreed that if I believe there's no other way, that it's worth the risk to save Jason's life. There's just one thing..."

He pauses, knowing this is a lot all at once, but it was happening fast and he didn't have much of a choice. "We all want Jason to live... but this will affect you too. If what the guy said is true - and honestly, we don't know if it is or not - their vaccine is to be administered to both you and Jason. And... it will save Jason's life... by severing your connection to each other... permanently."

He swallows hard. "It's not the antidote. It's not temporary. According to the Agency, it's an actual cure for what caused the emotional disruption in the first place. Which means you and Jason would experience life as normal people again." But Rick knew that the connection with Jason was what Katie cherished the most. "I can't do this without your consent, Katie. Cindy agreed that we needed to ask you about it before making a decision. So I'm asking you... are you willing to do this in order to save Jason's life?"

Sitting in Nate's office, Wyatt studies him from the other side of the desk. Nate usually didn't buck Reese's decisions, so Wyatt was curious as to what was going through his mind.

Hearing Nate's thoughts, he nods slowly. "Yeah... you're right. I don't think it's right to just leave Chance there either. I thought it was strange Dad did that but... I figured it was his call."

Sighing, he sits back and folds his arms across his chest. "Not sure what you mean by me having different reasons. I figured Chance was trying to do the right thing finally, so he deserved to stick around instead of being held by the Underground. I... get the feeling you don't have the same notion though." He cocks his head, reading Nate's eyes. "Though I suppose leaving him there would get him off the hook, in a way, wouldn't it?"

Wyatt thinks in silence for several moments before he finally shrugs. "I'm game to bring him back with us. Got a plan?"

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