
Would you come?

The next couple days at TJY were a nightmare. Chance sat behind a desk all day, filling out paperwork, writing reports and hacking into systems to glean information from the Underground. He was working for the other side now, and breaking in wasn't easy. But with some help from Dalton, Chance was able to get enough information to get the ball rolling with Reese... and prove he meant business.

Names, dates, locations, plans... Chance knew much of it. He'd been a top double-agent for the Underground, giving him access and knowledge that not everyone had. And now, it was vital to remember. But pouring over paperwork and being boxed in by four walls wasn't the worst part... the worst part was the torture of knowing that Destiny was somewhere, being held. Was she hurt? Was she okay? Did she think it was something he'd done? Did she know the truth? How long would the Underground wait? Without any calls from them, Chance knew they were simply waiting for him to contact them. They were, most likely, still betting on him calling them... and they'd be right. But negotiations had been delayed. Though he and Reese were going to call the Underground immediately, they had decided to wait. If the Underground wanted to meet right away, Chance wouldn't have the opportunity to share the information he had, and right now, he was being held to his promises...

…Reese leans back in his desk chair, reading over reports Chance had put together. Lots of names... the Underground was bigger than he'd imagined. Lots of past dates and events... crimes that the Elite had investigated and either blamed on the Agency or never found the culprits. Lots of plans - though few had names and all seemed to have one purpose: to eliminate anyone connected to the Agency. They preyed on those who were straddling the fence or who had begun to turn on the Agency... those who were weak and made vulnerable away from the rest of the Agency team. While Reese agreed with ridding the world of the Agency, the Underground's methods were not pleasant...

"...and why don't you know more about future plans?"

"Hardly anyone knows what comes next." Chance keeps a steady gaze on Reese in the interrogation room. His eyes were bloodshot and tired, his posture slouched. He hadn't slept in days and it was beginning to wear on him. "The only ones not flying by the seat of their pants are the top dogs. But they don't share intel easily, just because things change and they keep a pretty tight rein on the system so there aren't any leaks."

"What about you? How did they trust you?"

"They just gave me one job at a time and I got paid. They knew I was benefiting from both sides, but they also knew they paid me more than the Elite, so they knew I wouldn't turn on them. That, and they knew I knew they'd kill me if I tried to cross them."

"And you believed in their cause."

"I did." Chance's eyes fall for a moment as he hesitates. "Until Destiny."

Reese studies him carefully. "Why did that change anything?"

"Because before her, I never saw the aftermath. I didn't kill her parents, but I knew about it, and I helped find them. Before knowing Destiny, all those other people - they were just things to be rid of. I never saw the feelings... or the families that were hurt. I was doing a job... getting paid... and it was easy to turn a blind eye."

Reese shakes his head, unable to imagine living such a heartless life. "Yet you were also a very good Elite agent."

Chance shrugs. "I knew how to do my job. I could get out of scrapes no one else could and it got me in on the action. Playing both sides kept me busy and... gave me a comfortable lifestyle."

"You've never said yet who the leader is."

"That's because I don't have a name."

"You were near the top, you were with them for several years... you killed for them.. and you don't have a name?"

"No. All I know is it's a man and he goes by Shadow."

Reese quirks an eyebrow. "Shadow."

Chance nods in total seriousness. "Yes."

Reese sighs deeply and fingers some papers on the table. "You've given us a lot, Chance, and I'm grateful. I had Dalton do some checking and it looks like your intel is good. With what you gave us, we can start investigating new leads and try to stop unnecessary murders from happening."

Chance senses there's more. "But...?"

"Something came up." Reese purses his lips, unsure how to say it. "I've been discussing the current situation with Chief Brown and overseers of the Elite are also aware. However, I have been... given direct orders not to work with you."

"What?" Chance's eyes widen. "Why? I don't understand."

"They view you as a risk. You were set free because we wanted to trace you and see if you'd lead us to the Underground or Agency. When you didn't, we figured you had gone into hiding. And what happens the minute you show up? We have another victim on our hands. Another bad situation as soon as you surfaced. The Elite board doesn't run on personal feelings or a person's intentions - they look at the evidence and cold hard facts. And what they see right now is someone who should be behind bars so that no one else gets hurt."

Chance swallows hard. Behind bars? After all this time? After letting him go in the first place? He finds himself getting to his feet. "No. You can't let them do that to me. I came to help someone, not get thrown into prison!"

Reese remains calmly seated. "I know this must be difficult for you. You've given us a lot of information, and for that, everyone is grateful. But as long as you're free, the Underground will want you. And as long as they want you, they'll find more ways to get to you, and more innocent lives might be lost."

"Fine." Chance's anger boiled in his veins. He leans on the table, glaring into Reese's eyes. "Throw me in prison. Go ahead. But if you do, Destiny's blood is on your hands, not mine. I came here knowing the risks. But I did it because there's a woman out there behind held by the Underground and the only way in is through me. You want to play games, go right ahead. But if I'm not going to have your help, I will leave... I will find a way out... and you will never see me again."

Reese's eyes don't wave from Chance's, nor does he express any heightened emotions. "Please sit down, Chance."

Unsure why Reese wasn't yelling back at him, Chance slides back down into his chair.

Reese takes a deep breath. "I said I'd been given orders... I didn't say I would follow them..."

"...So, they've agreed to meet out at the old abandoned mill. The exchange will take place in the north parking lot at eleven PM tomorrow night. One of their men will bring out Destiny and meet Chance and our escort halfway. Nate, I'd like you to be the escort." Reese looks across the conference table at Nate, Wyatt, Chance and Dalton as he explained how everything would work.

Wyatt rocks back in his chair, quirking a slight grin. "I think someone over there has been watching too much television."

Reese smirks. "Unfortunately, as corny as it may seem, they have the upper hand and there's not much we can do about that. We've been informed that if we try anything from scouting out the area beforehand to having more than two agents there, that Destiny will be immediately executed. And Chance believes they mean it."

Chance's eyes study the table instead of the men's eyes. This was all his fault. First to have gotten involved with Destiny in the first place, then to have come back here to seek her out. All it had done was make her vulnerable and make her a prime target.

After a pause, Reese resumes. "Wyatt, I'd like you as the second man behind the wheel. You're to park and wait for Nate to get back to the car with Destiny. I want you in contact with Dalton at all times so we know what's happening. As soon as Nate and Destiny are in the car, you're to drive away and come straight here. With any luck, we'll pull off the exchange without anyone getting hurt."

Wyatt exchanges a glance with Dalton before looking back to Reese. "So who do you have on standby to get Chance back out before they take him anywhere?" Not receiving a response, he blinks. "We do have a plan for that, right?"

Chance finally looks up. "We don't. The Underground means business and this entire thing wouldn't have happened if it hadn't been for me. The only purpose of this is to get Destiny back."

"And you?"

"I'll see if I can cause some damage when they take me back. I won't be working for them like they think I might, so you won't have to worry about me turning on the Elite and giving up information."

"But they'll kill you."

Chance's eyes fall again. "Destiny's life is worth more than mine." He had been a little surprised that Reese had agreed to all of this... but it really was what he deserved. It wasn't like the Elite to trade lives or not have a plan to rescue everyone. But Chance had made far too many mistakes to be begging for protection. This was the way it should be. This was his payment.

Reese eyes the men once more. "May I remind you that information about this operation is to be kept within the walls of the Elite. If this leaks out, we might get into a lot of trouble for going against orders. Does anyone have any questions?"

Jason slips his arm around Katie the best he can, and holds her close as she buries her face into his chest. Kissing the top of her head, he just lets her cry, his hand gently rubbing her back. Though his own eyes remain dry, his heart was breaking - not because he knew he was going to die, but from seeing Katie in such anguish.

"Shhh," he tries to soothe in a whisper. "It's gonna be okay." He kisses her head again. "You don't have anything to be sorry about so don't take the blame for anything, ya hear?"

It takes effort to stay alert, but he tries, for Katie's sake. He didn't want to leave her... he hated seeing her like this. And though he knew it was wrong, a part of him wished they hadn't been so close so she wouldn't have such a hard time now. "You're gonna be okay," he whispers. "Shhh."

In the other room, the three at the table had grown quiet. They could hear Katie crying and all knew that it was breaking the young woman's heart. Cindy feels a tear of her own trickle down her cheek. Everything hurt so badly... why did someone like Katie have to suffer on top of it all?

Suddenly feeling a warm hand on top of hers, her gaze snaps up to Derek. At first, she wants to draw away - she didn't trust this man. Yet as she lets his hand linger, she feels that he means no harm. He only means comfort. And right now, she had no one else. Taking in a ragged breath, she nods to him, another few tears escaping.

He gives her hand a squeeze. "How about letting Liz and I go get some food to bring back in for supper? I don't think Katie will want to cook, and I think you could use a break, too."

Cindy forces a smile and sniffs, composing herself. "Okay. Thank you, Derek... for coming."

He nods and lets her go, standing up and looking to his daughter. "How about we go do that, huh?"

"Yeah. " Liz isn't going to argue. While part of her wanted to stay near her brother, she knew that getting out for a little while would be good....

"...Jason... Jason, Hon... want to wake up for a while?" Cindy sits on the edge of Jason's bed and runs her fingers through his hair. It was late morning and he still hadn't stirred. He'd been awake for part of the evening before, but had drifted in and out, carrying on only bits and pieces of conversation until Derek had helped him get into his own bed. "Come on... I'll fix you a little breakfast if you want." He still didn't move. "Jason?" Cindy's voice turns scared and hopeful. She rubs his shoulder gently. "Jase?"

Biting her lip so she didn't cry, she tries a few more times to rouse her son, but fails. Making sure he still had a pulse, she finally picks up his bedside phone and dials. "Rick?" She sniffs and takes a deep breath. "Yeah, it's me. I can't wake up Jason. He seems to be sleeping peacefully but he just won't wake up... Okay... yeah, I'll be ready... Thank you."

The inevitable was finally happening. And even though they'd all known it, it didn't make it any easier. Rick and Con come to transport Jason back to the TJY infirmary, and he's made as comfortable as possible, in bed and with medications to help with any pain. But his eyes remain closed. Cindy comes to stay with Jason and a conversation with Rick lets her know that he believes Jason had a few days left at the most.

Others come and go... Derek and Liz... Phil... Mike... the church pastor... even Carson stops by for a brief time. It was quiet in the infirmary, despite Rick and Misty's continual work to find a cure, even though time was almost up. Cindy meets new faces and sees many old ones from TJY but later it would all be a blur. She takes up residence in the spare room, lying down part of the time, but unable to rest. Even with all the visitors, she still felt so very alone. Her thoughts continuously bounced between Jason, Derek, Trey, Wes and Kaylee... what she would do when Jason was gone... how she would cope... if she'd ever get to know Trey... what Wes might say if he were here... what she'd tell Kaylee about her brothers when she was older. As the day drags on, her tears fade as her emotions simply grow numb.

Derek and Liz opt to spend most of the day out to visit a few of their own friends from Cryptic, knowing they would be called if anything happened. Cindy had had a long conversation with Derek the night before and he now knew about Trey. Though incredibly shocked and wanting to meet the son he didn't even know he had, he refrains from staying around TJY... This was a time for Jason, not a time to stir up anything else, and Cindy had told him how negatively Trey had responded to her - who knew how he'd respond to meeting his real father? Leaving and trying not to think about Trey for the day, though, was very difficult.

Left alone for a few minutes, Tal starts making some coffee then goes to at least throw on a clean shirt. Back in the kitchen in his bare feet, he makes a couple phone calls, checks on the puppies - thrilled to see the runt of the litter was doing as well as the other pups - then stands at the counter, collecting a few things for pancakes.

As Ryan comes up behind him and slips her arms around him, a grin surfaces, her kiss to his cheek only making the grin wider. He takes a deep breath, smelling the sweet scent of shampoo in her hair. Setting a few more things closer to the stove, one hand moves to hold hers on his waist. "You don't need to thank me," he responds. "I liked having you here."

Turning his head to look over his shoulder, he looks at her with one eye for several moments. "I still like having you here." Smiling, he turns around so he can face her and drape his arms over her shoulders. "You make one awfully pretty midwife," he muses. Laughing a little, he bends down, giving her lips a tender, slow kiss. Drawing back, he rests his forehead on hers. "I'll never know what I did to deserve having you in my life..." Goodness knows he hadn't ever thought he'd be able to do more for her than just help her get over Alec. Even then, it had been hard to accept his own actions weren't wrong, then to believe she actually had return feelings for him. Now though... looking in her eyes... he knew he'd done no wrong. She was his, and he couldn't be happier. "...but I'll never take it for granted." Cocking his head, he gives her another kiss, one hand crawling up to the back of her head, his fingers combing through her damp hair.

Pulling back only slightly, humor dances in his eyes as the laughter threatened to bubble over. "You really think I'm cute?"

"Yes... Yes? Really?" Kyle's eyes had turned wide, full of hope, wonder and relief. Flopping onto his back, he puts a hand to his forehead. "Oh man, that's a relief." Though lying perfectly still for a moment, he suddenly springs back to life, rolling onto his side again and putting his forehead against Alice's staring her right in the eye, his wide again. "Do you have any idea how long I've been planning to ask you? I have been going completely insane!"

Forming a smile from ear to ear, he sits up quickly, bits of grass going every whichway. Digging in his pocket, he pulls out the little velvet box and makes Alice sit up too, facing him. Taking out the elegantly simple diamond ring, he holds her hand and slips it onto her finger. Staring at it for a long while and turning her hand so the stone sparkles in the sun, Kyle's face starts to hurt from the smile he couldn't wipe away.

Turning his gaze back up to Alice's eyes, he gives a little laugh. "Thank you, Alice... for making me absolutely, positively, without a doubt the happiest, hyperest, man alive." Leaning in, he gives her an enthusiastic kiss, drawing back only to stand and pull her up with him. Grabbing her hand, he starts back across the yard at a run. "Now let's go look at the house again since it's gonna be ours!"

Sitting alone in his living room, Justin stares at a blank television. He hadn't been in the mood for any movie tonight. And supper had been a mere salad. But he wasn't hungry anyway. Things were just... blah. That's about the only way he could describe it. The last time he'd seen Beth was several days ago, and he'd avoided her since then. He didn't want to talk about the other night. He didn't want to talk about his family or how she'd overstepped her bounds. He didn't want to admit it had upset him. He knew Beth hadn't meant any harm... he knew she had innocently been trying to help. But he was still having a hard time getting over it. He felt betrayed and wasn't sure how to trust her again - if he even wanted to. And yet...

He sets aside his water glass and pulls his legs up on the couch to sit in a nearly impossible position. His mind wanders to all the time he'd spent with Beth as of late. He'd gotten pretty used to her being around. After she came out of her shell, doing so many things with her was just... nice. He didn't hang out with anyone else. She never judged him. She was fun, quiet, thoughtful, kind. Though only a few days had passed, those days just didn't seem right without seeing her. Something was just... missing.

His mind continues to wander until he again thinks on the things Beth had said about his mom. Was it true? Did his mom really not blame him for what had happened with him and Jared? Did she really still love him? Want to talk to him?

His eyes roam to the telephone by the couch. He sighs. His good sense told him that it was time he swallowed some of his pride and just see what would happen. After all, it couldn't get much worse than this, right? He finally picks up the phone and dials. Hearing his mom answer gave him a reassurance that he hadn't even known he needed - that his mom was still well. "Hey, Ma."


Her voice sounded hopeful. Was it really? "Yeah. Can you talk?"

"Yes, yes, of course... I'm so glad to hear from you. Are you okay? How are you doing? Are you eating right?"

Justin can't help his wry grin. "I'm fine, Ma. Yes, I'm eating right."

"I've been so worried about you."

"Yeah that's... what I heard."

"You... talked to Beth?"

"I did. I thought you were still scared of me though. I mean, the last time we talked..." Justin pauses. He usually didn't feel this awkward talking to his own mother.

"I am sorry, Justin. I was not thinking. I was convinced you were violent but I still knew you were not. I doubted you and I am sorry. But it was soon I knew it was not your fault. Your brother, he is not like you. I had forgotten. But it did not take long. I did not mean to upset you. Jared has a hard heart and I hoped I could change him. But I could not, if you were here. So... I let him stay and prayed for you that you would be okay and forgive me."

Justin leans his head back, closing his eyes. While he did feel badly that his mother had chosen to cater to Jared while he sat here thinking she hated him, he did understand her reasoning. He didn't agree with how she handled it, but she didn't deserve to be yelled at. She was doing the best she could. "Of course I forgive you. This whole thing wouldn't have started if I hadn't belted Jared to begin with. For that, I'm sorry."

"It is okay. I still love you and so does God - He understands. And I have a feeling Jared would have found another way to make you look bad anyway."

"Why? I just don't understand."

"I don't either. I have nothing - you know that. I do not know what he wants. But he does not want you here - that much I know. I wonder if he is jealous or.. or... something. I don't know. But please, Justin... I love you. You are still my son and if it's your fault or my fault or whoever's fault... I want to forget about what happened and just move on."

Justin bites his lip. "Kinda hard to do that when Jared's still living with you."

"I am not sure what to do about that, yet. I was hoping I could help him somehow but it seems I cannot. Maybe I just need a little more time."

"Why not tell him to find his own place?"

"Would I do that to you?"

Another sigh comes from Justin. He didn't know what it was like to love a wayward son. "No. But it's stupid that he's dictating you. I bet he's not even there right now, is he? And that's why you can talk about all this?"

"Well I..." Lydia sighs now. "Yes, you are right. He will not hurt me. And he will not hurt you. I believe that. It will just make him more mad if you come and I do not like seeing you fight. I just need a little more time. I want to see what he really wants, then see if I can help. If I cannot, I will tell him to leave."

Justin didn't know if that was the best solution or not, but it was all they had at this point. "Is he helping take care of you? Are you getting along okay?"

"Oh yes. You do not have to worry about anything. He makes sure I have groceries - otherwise how would I cook for him?"

Hearing his mother chuckle makes Justin laugh, too. At least she could find some humor in it all. "Alright. I'll try not to worry. I know I just happened to catch you at a good time... Next time, you call me, okay? When he's gone again and you can talk freely. I won't call again in case he's there - I don't want him getting mad at you."

"That will be fine... oh... I think... yes, he just got back. I should go. Thank you for calling me, Justin. I love you. I will talk to you soon."

"Love you, too, Ma. Talk to you later." Hanging up, Justin just holds the phone for several moments. A part of him felt as though a great burden had just been lifted... while a part of him remained angry that his brother had such a hold over them. Though Jared hadn't "done" anything, their mother was still afraid of him - afraid to make him mad. Was she fearful that he would do something to her, or just fearful that she'd lose him as a son altogether? Probably the latter, but still, Justin wished she could just stand up for herself and give Jared a piece of her mind. But... she was the mother, not him.

Continuing to sit alone, Justin wondered if that bridge would have been mended, had it not been for Beth. He still didn't agree with her method but... it still had brought him and his mother back together again. At least a start anyway. But... Beth had still spoken to his family without his knowledge... involved herself in something very personal... it still didn't set right with him.

During the next few days, nothing much changes...

"So you gonna come back over tonight or what?" The blonde woman gives Jared a devilish sort of look as she leans on the open doorway, her skimpy nightgown blowing in the afternoon breeze.

Jared pauses on the porch, cocking his head and giving her a once-over. "Maybe. When did you say your boyfriend gets back?"

She shrugs. "In a day or two. He always calls when he gets close to town though."

"So I come tonight and then what? Goodbye Jared once your man is back or what?"

The woman steps closer and slings an arm over his shoulder, leaning in to give his lips a kiss, then his cheek and on down his neck. "You wouldn't have it any other way, would you?" she whispers in his ear.

Jared grins and pulls her closer, forcing his lips to find hers in a strong kiss. "You know me way too well to just be a stranger," he muses.

She laughs and lets him go. "Call it womanly intuition. I have to admit though... I think I'm gonna miss you when this is over, Mr. Hawks."

He studies her with a sly glint in his eyes. "Then we better make tonight worth remembering." Backing away, he finally leaves after having spent the last two hours here rather than the "trip to the mall for a business meeting" like he'd told his mother. Now to pick up his mother some trinket somewhere to make her happy and so she'd believe where he'd been.

Walking out into the street where his car was parked, he goes around to the driver's side and pulls his eyes from his pocket. As he does, loose change goes everywhere. Hearing the woman's voice, he looks up to the house to find her laughing at him. He grins and throws his arms in the air before wandering into the middle of the street to pick up the runaway coins.

The nearby public bus had not been seen. Nor had the impatient car, taking the risk of speeding around the slower vehicle. And as they travel, another car turns from a driveway, creating oncoming traffic that the hurried driver had not anticipated. Witnesses would later give testimony that all three vehicles had swerved to avoid a collision. The innocent car spins out into someone else's driveway, taking with them two trash cans. The speeding car bounces up onto the opposite curb then overcompensates to nick the front corner of the bus. Like a domino affect, the bus takes its turn to swerve. But as the bus driver battles with the car at fault, his eyes are taken off the road in front of him. And when his sights return to his lane, all he can do is slam on his brakes.

Oblivious to what was happening around him, Jared picks up the last quarter and straightens. The corner of his eye catches movement, but there's simply no time. The last thing he sees is the front of the bus coming towards him…

"…Whoa, whoa, Ma, slow down." Jared had almost not answered his phone as he drove from Brookshire back to his place. It had been a crappy morning, but not because of his session with Scott. That had gone very well. Everything else had gone to pot. His morning had started out badly when he hadn't heard his alarm. Finding he was out of dog food hadn't helped, nor had slipping in the shower and whacking his shin on the faucet. And leaving Brookshire without having seen Beth... again... just seemed to add to his irritation. It was stupid since it was his choice. It had now been a week since the night she'd left his place. And even though he'd called his mom and started working things out with her, the whole thing with Beth still bothered him and now it had been long enough that he wasn't quite sure how to approach her again even if he wanted to. One thing was for certain though... as much as he didn't want to feel it... as much as he didn't want to admit it... he was getting lonely, and he did miss her company.

Now hearing his mother's frantic voice on the other end of the phone, he tenses. "Start over. What about Jared?"

...It was several hours later. The medics from the hospital in Truman had just taken Jared, who was in critical condition, to the Franklin Hospital in North Springs for more extensive surgeries. It wasn't looking good. Lydia was trying to stay strong, but it wasn't easy - with the help of a couple ladies from church though, her tears had lessened. They would take her to North Springs while Justin went to the house to get a few things for her then meet her there and stay with her until they knew what was happening.

But now, as Justin sits on his mother's bed, back at the house to pack a few things in her little travel bag, it's the first time since getting the call that he took the time to just sit. His mind had been going a hundred miles and hour, and now, in the quiet of the house, his emotions had a chance to surface.

His brother was close to death... and part of him didn't care, while the other part was stunned and not wanting it to happen. He was trying to take care of his mother the best he could but he knew this was even more a nightmare for her than him. After today... after her friends left... would he be able to do enough for her? Could he give her the support she needed? On his own? What if Jared did die? What did that mean? He felt guilty for not feeling worse about the whole thing. Would he feel a hole? Could they have worked things out? Would he always wonder what could have happened, had they had more time together? Would his mother come out of this well? Would she be able to move on, with only one son left as she mourned the loss of her other son and still lived with the loss of her husband?

Justin puts his head in his hands and continues to just sit. Fifteen minutes... that's all he needed. But he needed to regroup before heading to the hospital. He needed to think. He needed... a shoulder. He didn't know how to feel. He was frustrated, upset, angry for some reason, scared... he didn't know what to do with all of it. His mother had friends she'd been talking to all afternoon. He had... himself. But sometimes he hated his own analytical mind and just wanted someone else to carry the burden. Not all the time. Not even often. Just... once in a while. He just needed... someone. This was bigger than he could handle and he knew it. This was more than he could think through with logic.

Taking a deep breath, he straightens and pulls his phone from his pocket. Thinking for a few minutes, he finally dials. Hearing Beth's voice answer the other end was like the breath of fresh air he'd been missing. And yet... what to say?

"Hi, Beth. It's me." He sighs deeply, closing his eyes. He didn't even know where to start. "Um..." Here he was, calling her out of the blue after a week's silence. And it was because he wanted something from her. How must that look? How would that make her feel to think he only called her when he needed something, rather than to try and fix whatever had happened between them?

Trying to push aside the doubts, he swallows hard. "Something... something happened today. My brother was in an accident and... he might not make it. I'm in Truman - at Ma's house, but I gotta go to North Springs where they took Jared. Ma's there already with some of her friends. I just... um... I know it's about a two hour drive for you but..."

But what? He was asking an awful lot of her. Yet he had no one else. He didn't want any of his other friends right now. None of them would understand, if they even came at all. In the back of his mind, he remembered waking up when he'd been so sick, and finding that Beth had cared for him. The comfort she'd offered... the peace she'd shared... Perhaps that's what he was seeking now, and just didn't know how to ask.

"...would you come? To the hospital? I... I know there's things we should talk about, but right now, I just..." His voice grows a little quieter, his shoulders dropping. "I'd like your company."

JT wanders into the doctor's lounge and pours a cup of water from the cooler, sipping it slowly. Pacing the room, he rubs a tired hand over his face. It had been a long day full of one emergency after the other. He was supposed to have had the day off... but again, he'd been called in. Though he cared a great deal for his patients, he knew that several other doctors took advantage of his willingness and often shoved their work off onto him. But who else would do it if JT didn't? He sighs and downs the rest of his water. He'd take a short walk down the halls to loosen up then get back to the patients he needed to check.

Just as he's tossing his paper cup into the trashcan though, someone grabs him from behind. He goes to cry out but a strong hand is clamped over his mouth while both of his own hands were held tightly behind his back. His eyes widen and he struggles against his captor, fear racing through his veins. Backing up, he slams his assailant into the wall in an attempt to get him off, but it does no good.

"Cut it out," a whisper is hissed into his ear. "You wanna alert the whole flippin' floor?"

JT stops struggling for a moment. Who was this? Whose voice was that? He tries to speak but it only comes out as a muffled mumble. All at once, he's being dragged through the rear door in the room and into a back hall. Turned around and pushed forward, he stumbles the long trek to the stairwell, down one flight, then to the back parking lot of the hospital. Finally released, he whirls around, hands up in defense only to find Gunner standing right behind him. "Gunner!" He throws his arms in the air. "What do you think you're doing?! Are you nuts?!"

"Yes." Gunner gives him a shove towards his car. "But you're coming with me."

"Now hang on just one minute." JT stops in his tracks and straightens. "I don't know what you're trying to do but-"

"I'm kidnapping you."


"Kidnapping you. It's the only way."

"Only way for what?!"

Gunner sets his hands on his hips. "It's the only way to get a vacation while you're still young enough to go on one. So come on." He takes JT's arm, pulling him towards the car. "We're all packed."

"Whoa whoa whoa! Vacation? We? Who is we?"

Gunner sighs. "A vampire and a lovely maiden who only want to spend a little time with the people we care about. Is that too much to ask?"

JT blinks. "You are a very talented man to be able to lose me within two sentences." He grabs Gunner's shirt collar and yanks him closer. "You just scared the wits out of me in there! For a vacation?! What are you talking about?!"

"Look, just because we're at a hospital doesn't give you the right to have a heart attack." Gunner pries loose JT's fingers form his shirt. "And I'm sorry I scared you but if you need a clean pair of shorts, Bree made sure to pack those for you."

"Bree. You and Bree. Vacation. Kidnapping. This is great. Just great. I have a job, Gunner! Patients! You can't just come in here and drag me away!"

Gunner grins. "I just did. And..." He looks at his watch. "That fine niece of yours will be coming out any moment with your lovely girlfriend."

"Girlfr... what?"

"Oh come on now... don't pretend we haven't noticed. It's time you two had a date. And a vacation."

"Dr. Fuller? Bree is bringing Dr. Fuller?"

"I think that's Amanda to you. And yes. Yes she is. And yes, we're going on vacation. The four of us. Today. Right now."


"We've taken care of everything. Your patients are fine, Amanda's patients are fine and your work will be done for you while you're gone. Now come on... please? Get in the car, will you?"

JT's mouth hangs open and he just stares at the car. "Well what-"

"Bree's got her car too. We have everything we need. We'll just need to stop by Amanda's to get her stuff and then we'll take off."


"Get in the car!" Gunner yells, yanking open the passenger side door.

JT blinks and numbly goes to sit in the car.

"Thank you!" Gunner lets the door fall shut and looks to the hospital's back door again, waiting for the other two to complete the foursome in this surprise camping trip.

Jeff smiles and takes a sip of his water, too. "You're welcome. While the idea of supper with Stacy had been a bit haphazard, Jeff really does enjoy the time with her. It had been so long since he'd really socialized apart from the others at the ranch, that her company was a breath of fresh air. Most everything was small talk, but he didn't mind. Cracking jokes and talking about the ranch was what he was good at, and he even talked a little bit about his own past and what had transpired with Katie being his daughter. When the meal is over, something inside of him wishes it wouldn't end, but he knew that Stacy needed to make her rounds before bed and he didn't want to hold her up. There were no promises to have dinner again, but Jeff left it open in case she ever did want the company another time. Tonight, instead of card games, he spent time in the kitchen cleaning up, then heading to his bunk, leaving the night life to the younger group...

Eric sits on the edge of his bed, cell phone in hand. He sighs. Again. Today had been a long day. The whole thing in town still bothered him a bit, though the embarrassment had subsided, as had his anger with Jeff. He hadn't meant to get so upset. It had just... happened. He'd been uptight all through his evening meal, but maybe Kaylee's little outburst had had a purpose after all. Sitting with her in the living room and calming her down had somehow calmed him down as well. Maybe because he'd been thinking about someone other than himself.

When he'd walked through the dining room later, he'd seen Jeff and Stacy eating together. It had taken him a little by surprise. He hadn't known of his brother's plans, and he couldn't help but wonder if there was anything more to it than just a meal. After all of Jeff's teasing during the day, he hadn't thought Jeff would be interested in Stacy but... maybe he was. Eric didn't know and though his curiosity wanted to ask, he knew it was none of his business. He did wonder though if Jeff spent more time with Stacy if that would ever mean Ashlee wouldn't be spending quite as much time with him in the barn. It was a silly notion, he knew, and he quickly pushed it aside, but somewhere deep down, that thought was still there.

And now... late evening... sitting on his bed... he felt the letdown after the day was done. He really did feel miserable. Was Jeff right? Had he been moping around? Was he a burden to the others? Was he just making everyone else miserable too? He looks down at his phone. He'd comforted one little girl tonight and it had helped him see a little more clearly. Perhaps telling another two little girls what he should would be an additional step.

Dialing, Eric hears an answering machine with Katie's voice. He wasn't sure if he was glad no one had answered or not. Should he even leave a message or call back later? He finally decides to speak. "Hi, Katie and Thirteen. It's your uncle Eric. Listen, um..." He knew he was talking to the whole household by speaking to the answering machine, but it would have to do. He was past the point of embarrassment now. "I just wanted to call and see how you both were doing. I, um... I also wanted to say I'm sorry. I know it's been a little while since I visited and I probably should have called sooner, but... well, I guess I was too proud. I'm sorry about what happened when Dana and I were there. You've probably heard that she left me right after we got married, so I guess I got what I deserved. I still don't know exactly what happened but I do know that I said things I shouldn't have and I should have listened more to my family. So... I'm sorry. I hope you can forgive me. I love you both and I'd like to see you again soon. ...Bye."

Flipping his phone shut, he feels a little silly but a little bit better, too. He hoped both girls got his message. If not, maybe repeating himself would be easier. At the very least, he'd said he was sorry... as he was. There were so many things that never should have happened... and now he was reaping the consequences.

Knowing that others were probably still up in the dining room, Eric opts not to socialize tonight. He'd rather be alone and just think. But rest didn't come easy. After lying in bed for several hours watching stupid television, he still hadn't fallen asleep. By now it was well after dark and the ranch was quiet. Probably everyone else was in bed. They were probably sleeping. Why couldn't he just get his brain to shut off for a while?

Eventually, he's had enough. If his mind wanted to keep him awake, he might as well help it along. Still dressed, he pulls on is boots and heads out into the night air, forgetting that Stacy might still be up and about. Taking a deep breath, the coolness felt good. It was a little chilly but he didn't care about putting a jacket over his t-shirt. He'd rather feel the air. Walking towards the dining hall, he stops halfway and just stares up at the night sky. Stars... millions of them. The sky was so vast and he was so small. Who was he that his life mattered? Who was he that in such a huge universe anything he would do would matter? He knew God loved him and had a purpose for him but... where? Why? When?

A cool gust of wind pushes ahead of a breeze. Keeping his head back, he closes his eyes and slowly stretches out his arms to feel the full force, drinking in the refreshing air. The chill caressed his fingers, swept around his arms and combed through his hair, giving him goosebumps. And then... stillness again. Letting his arms flop back down, his shoulders drop. And he continues his route to the main building.

Getting inside, there were no lights on. He turns one on in the corner, giving the dining room a soft glow. Then heading for the kitchen, he prepares a pot of coffee. It doesn't take long before he's seated at the little corner couch near the fireplace... alone... thinking while sipping the warm drink.

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