
What about you?

Hearing someone come into the room and speak, Pete looks over his shoulder, a grin forming. It grows just a little more and he shakes his head. "I haven't run away. You just haven't looked in the right spots. As for the girl, well... that's what time away from here is for, right?"

Hanging up the earmuffs and wiping off the gun, making sure everything was back where it was supposed to be, Pete still listens. "Good." He was answering for both the fact of Trey being clean, and for him being given a little more freedom. "Things around here aren't so bad if there are a few compromises."

Concentrating on the handgun, Pete finally turns around to face Trey, studying him for a moment. Glancing back to the targets, his eyes then return to Trey. Turning the gun around in his hand so he's holding the barrel, he offers it to him. "Wanna try a few rounds?"

Though Axel hears Jess, he doesn't respond to her presence. He didn't want her to see him like this. As a matter of fact, he hated it. But he didn't have the strength this time to fight it.

Being pulled into a hug, the tears still come as he hides his face in Jess' shoulder. His arms slide around her and hold her tightly as the only thing he had right now to keep him going. This whole thing was just a mess and he didn't understand why he was being forced to live through it. It was bad enough the first time around - why did he have to relive it now, digging up all those memories and everything that had happened? Prison was the nightmare of his life, and something he had successfully shoved into a back closet. Abandonment from his family was a close second, and he'd also pushed that one far enough back that he didn't have to think about it anymore... until now. He just didn't understand.

Unsure how long he stood with Jess, he tries to slow the tears enough he can at least attempt to compose himself again. He knew she didn't care about seeing him in this state - he knew she didn't love him less or think any less of him. But he still didn't like it. He felt weak... vulnerable.

Drawing in a shaky breath, he finally lets Jess go, turning back to the sink to splash some cold water on his face. His eye burned and felt sore. Drying with a towel, he just stops and looks in the mirror at both himself and Jess for several long moments. Sniffing and throwing the towel back on the rack, he puts his arms around Jess again in a new hug, kissing the top of her head. It was the only way he knew how to say thank you.

Sighing deeply, he retreats, feeling at least somewhat composed now. "I hear dessert calling us," he suggests quietly. He was totally avoiding talk of what had just happened, but right now, he didn't even know what he could say about it. Moving on was the most comfortable thing to do.

Leading back through the short hallway, his arm stays around Jess' shoulder until they reach the kitchen and he finds a couple small plates for the pie. He really didn't feel like eating, but he would anyway - it wouldn't be fair to Jess to have the evening end on a rotten note.

Erik grins and nods, turning a little to see Jackie better. "Yeah... we have fun. We're all pretty close, and even Kyle by now - it's all kinda like family, ya know?"

Fingering a napkin his eyes roam the room for a few minutes, watching everyone else interacting in some way, shape or form. No one was being left out, and that's the way it should be.

"I'm sure we look a bit strange." He chuckles. "Us having picked up Kyle to give him a band instead of the other way around... then we all sorta share the workload. I know Kyle sometimes doesn't like thinking of us as "his" band, but... I think it fits and we like following him. It just seemed the right thing to do." He remembered when his brother had left the band to begin with and they'd been without a leader and lead singer. Erik had already been familiar with Kyle and JetStream, then he'd been right there at the same time things ended with Break Out. It had just seemed to fit. None of them wanted to be leaders - they all liked being support and backup - they all felt that's where their talents were. They probably would have chosen someone to be their lead eventually, but with Kyle they didn't need to. Giving the band his name seemed natural - Kyle was much better than he thought he was, and it only seemed fair that he finally get his chance.

Bringing his mind back on target, Erik smiles again at Jackie. "Kinda like voting on a president I guess." He chuckles. "Everybody needs a leader and even if Kyle doesn't think he's the right material, we all think he's perfect. He doesn't look down on us, he lets us decide things as a group, and he's never arrogant. I just hope the rest of us don't hold him back now, because he could really go far with his talents."

This all was probably boring, and he shakes his head, setting the now-frayed napkin aside. "What about you? What do you do when you're not at the recording studio?"


Entering the diner with Wayne and seeing the band Jackie smiles giving a little wave. Not sure who the other people were she could only guess they were friends of Kyle and the others. Standing there for a moment with Wayne by her side Jackie's eyes roam the area and all the people. Taking them all in and remembering what they saw here today.

Finally though as Kyle calls to them Jackie gives a wave and makes her way over to the table. Finding to seats together with Wayne and opts to sit closer to where Erik was. They'd been the ones that really talked the most so if she felt comfortable talking to anyone else here it would be him.

"Wayne I think I can see where most of Kip's energy gets burned away."

Giving a little chuckle and a shake of her head Jackie's eyes roam the table once again watching all the others interacting and getting along. It was different seeing them in there own zones totally relaxed.

Looking over at Erik and giving a soft smile she gives a little nod before leaning a little closer to the table so she didn't have to yell across it.

"This is a different atmosphere from when you guys are in the studio. Its nice to see ya all layed back. It's good to see that."

Going into the kitchen to get some dessert Jess could see all the emotion in Axel's eyes as she leaves. Standing in the kitchen as Axel calls Jess slowly turns around letting the silence linger. Her heart broke a little more. He was trying to be so strong but maybe all he really needed to do was let it out.

Jess new Axel likes to keep to himself but still maybe he just needed those arms, her arms around him right now even if he didn't ask. Should she dare going for it? Leaving everything on the counter for now Slowly walking to the bathroom Jess gives a little knock on the door as to not startle Axel.


Opening the door a little more she heart just seemed to break even more for him. Seeing him like this was so different she new everything inside of his must have been breaking too. Entering the bathroom she reaches her arm out and wraps them around him. Pulling Axel close to her she rubs his back gently and rests her head on top oh his.


No more words were spoke as Jess just held Axel. Just being there holding him would say all the words that needed to be. She didn't mind seeing Axel cry everyone had a bubbling point.

Looking up at Rick and taking the two vials Misty raises an eyebrow for a moment wondering about both samples and what was written on them. Hearing Rick's reason though she looks up quickly at him again. Was he really saying what she thought?

"Yeah, ok I can do that. Carson is busy tonight so I can work on a bunch of it than though I wont get it all done for a few days and than I'll call you."

Looking down at the samples in her hand again Misty twists them around for a moment just thinking. What would happen with Jason and Trey if they were related?

"Yeah, no one will know till I tell you first on this one."

Wondering bored down the hall Trey was bored and wondered how long it would take for Rick to do what he was doing. He was bored and....stopping in his tracks and lifting his head up he thought he herd a gun shot...there was another.

Moving twords what looked like an elevator he pushes the button and steps in. Hitting the button and going down. As it opens and he steps out into a whole new area Trey's eyes widen a little. There was a reck room a place to spent time and no one old him. That figures.

Hearing some moving around in the other area Trey moves forward and looking in the small window he see Pete. So thats where he was hiding out. Opening the door and stepping in Trey sticks his hands in his pockets.

"So there was a secret area and no one told me. I thought for sure you ran away or something with the pretty looking girl you got now."

Coming in a little closer Trey was serous to look at what Pete had been doing and how good he was. If he had to pick one person he didn't mind here he would say Pete. Just something about him didn't push Trey.

"I might be free soon. Well between cretin times I might be free. Reese wanted Rick to check my blood first to make sure I'm not on anything. It will come up clean."

Too much

Rick's eyebrows rise as Trey comments to Misty, bristling at the cockiness in the young man. He keeps his mouth shut though and waits until Trey is gone to speak to Misty. "If you ask me, letting him loose around here is just asking for trouble."

Going to one of the small computer stations, he sits on a stool and begins to process the blood sample. He almost wished he'd find something so they could keep a leash on Trey, but he had a feeling that the bloodwork would come back clean.

While Rick waits, his mind wanders to where he would be tomorrow. He, Ty and Libby would be driving to Las Vegas tonight to check into their hotel. Tomorrow they would go to their appointment at the Irlen test center at St. Catherine's hospital complex. They were scheduled to stay several days, and hopefully within that time, they would be able to find a solution for Ty. Rick just hoped and prayed that it was indeed what was wrong so that Ty would be able to get help - the young man was too intelligent to let this difficulty get in the way of his future.

Still halfway lost in thought, Rick looks back at the computer analysis, scanning the data. They had some new software that was really helping in the area of bloodwork and he knew they'd only tapped in to a small portion of the capabilities. He and Misty were both having fun learning and analyzing data, even on small cases.

Still scanning, Rick furrows his brow. Some of this information... seemed familiar. But that couldn't be - he'd never analyzed Trey's blood before. Maybe just some patters were similar to someone else's. Shrugging it off, he leaves the analysis be, and goes back over to the other computer where he'd been working on Jason's report. Then it dawns on him.

Straightening, Rick stares off at the wall for a moment, the wheels in his mind turning. No... that was a silly notion. He recalls Trey's face, body structure, personality and date of birth. Surely not... that idea was so far out there that he felt crazy for even thinking it. It was impossible.

Returning to his work, the thought continues to nag at his conscience. Sighing, he glances over to the other monitor, then back at the one he was at. It only takes a few minutes for him to glance through some data and come up with enough information to increase the nagging in the back of his mind. This really was crazy though. But... he looks at two printouts in his hands. Stranger things had happened, right?

He looks at the clock. He had to go soon and had no more time to spare, but he'd be thinking about this the entire time he was gone now. Glancing down to the vials on the counter, he picks two up - one was Jason's blood and one was Trey's. Considering his options, he finally takes both vials to Misty's desk.

"Misty... do me a favor while I'm out of town?" He sets the vials down in front of her so she could see whose they were. "Would you run a DNA analysis on these and have the computer run a comparison?" He knew that if at least fifty percent of the data was the same, there would be a lot of unanswered questions. He hoped he was way off base, but there was only one way to find out. It would probably take Misty a couple days, but she should have the results before Rick got back.

Looking her in the eye, he remains serious. "Don't advertise it," he warns. He wanted no one to know about this - one, in case there was nothing and he really was crazy, and two, in case there was a connection between Trey and Jason, which would need some very careful handling.

Rick knew that Misty would realize what he was implying, so he lets it go unsaid. "Call me if you find anything before I get back okay?"

Pete fires off another round at the target, checking to see that he'd hit the bullseye once more. It was a mandatory routine and he had to turn in the paperwork that proved he'd been keeping up with his training, or else Reese would force him to have schooling again.

Checking his ammunition, he sets the gun aside and takes off the earmuffs, prepping to be done for the day. He'd been making himself scarce around the office this past week or so, ensuring he could get out of here on time in the evenings and not have to work late. He didn't used to care... but now that he'd been hanging out with Nikki, there was a reason to have evenings free. Tonight was free though - she was busy, so he didn't mind getting some of this work done before calling it a day.

Wayne quirks one eyebrow at the invite. "Pizza, huh? Well, you know me." He pats his stomach. He wasn't fat, but he certainly wasn't skinny either. He liked to call himself "hefty" though if pressured, he'd admit he was somewhat overweight.

Looking Jackie in the eye for a moment, he knew there was more than one reason he should go, so he nods. He'd never be more than a brother to her, at the most, but that didn't mean he'd leave her high and dry. "Sure, I'll come. My night is free tonight."

As promised, come evening, he was joining Jackie outside Mom and Pop's to walk with her inside where the band already was.

Carson had his hands full tonight, but he didn't mind. He'd convinced Dani and Aerith to stay late and help him - he'd let Thirteen off early already so she could go be with Ryder at the hospital, but with the three of them, it wasn't hard to handle the group that was there. It was more than Kyle's band - JetStream had come too... except for Jason and Katie, and Rocky and Logan had joined in as well. And apparently... Carson looks out from the kitchen... two more had just come that he didn't recognize, but it looked like they belonged with the group.

"Hey, they made it!" Kyle waves Jackie and Wayne over to one of the sets of tables that had been pushed together. "C'mon and have a seat. We were just deciding what kind of pizzas to have."

Some of the others were still on their feet, mingling, chatting and laughing. Theo was chasing Kip around the tables for some reason - it might have been since Kip had swiped Theo's wallet, but no one could quite tell. Logan and Mike were cracking jokes right and left, and someone had already started the first straw wrapper war of the evening.

As Carson is coming back to the table to see if they were ready to order, Kip skirts by in front of Theo, barely missing Carson. Carson skids to a stop, his eyes wide, but he was on his game. Reacting quickly, he grabs Kip around the waist to give him an abrupt stop, then pins both arms behind his back.

Kip wails, having no skills to get out of this one. He'd only met Carson a couple times, so he wasn't quite sure if he was being reprimanded or if Carson was playing along, so he just stands for a moment, feeling dumb.

Carson has a grin on his face though as he pushes Kip back towards the table. Seeing a wallet sticking out of Kip's back pocket, he takes it out and tosses it to Theo. "No pickpockets in my restaurant," he muses.

Kip realizes he's playing along, and he laughs, being directed to an empty chair next to Karla and set down. "Right... I'll remember that."

Carson smiles and shakes his head at the rowdy but not out-of-hand bunch. "Who wants pizza?" he calls loudly.

With all the likable chaos going on, seats are found for Jackie and Wayne, and all the others eventually try to find their own chairs and settle down so they can focus on food. Erik winds up at the end of one table, catty-corner from Jackie, and he offers her a smile, hoping she and Wayne didn't feel too out of place.

Jess' hug comes as a little bit of a surprise - enough so that Axel could feel his wall cracking. As she takes the plates into the kitchen, he barely hears what's for dessert. It really had been a long day, and he was emotionally drained... exhausted. Knowing Jess was here and receiving her kind affection just seemed to increase Axel's inner battle. He wanted to just let it all out, yet he didn't want her to see him like this either.

Rising from the couch, he calls into the kitchen. "I'll be back." He heads down the hall to the bathroom, though the door remains half open. Setting his hands on the counter, he leans over the sink, trying to regain control. But the same tears that had started earlier were back. It was later in the day, he'd seen Quinn again, he was tired... everything combined seemed to make it impossible for him to remain composed.

The first few tears trickle down his face even though he continues to fight. He just needed to breathe... needed to focus. The drain in the sink becomes a blur as his shoulders shake and he silently cries. There was just so much wrapped up in this whole thing... he'd held back these emotions for years, simply battling through, pushing it to the side and trying to forget. And today... today it had finally been too much.